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Add-On Development:EE Expects that Every

Developer will do his Duty

Paul Burdick, Lead Developer


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Summary of Talk

• What are Add-Ons?

• The Three Types of Add-Ons in EE

• Overview of Accessories in EE 2.x

• Add-On Development Skills

• Developing Add-Ons in ExpressionEngine

• Writing Code

• Debugging & Improving Performance

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Summary of Talk

• What are Add-Ons?

• The Three Types of Add-Ons in EE

• Overview of Accessories in EE 2.x

• Add-On Development Skills

• Developing Add-Ons in ExpressionEngine

• Writing Code

• Debugging & Improving Performance

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I.What are Add-Ons?

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Three Types of Add-Ons in EE 1.x and 2.x

• Extensions

• Modules

• Plugins

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• Extends the base functionality of ExpressionEngine

• Allows developers to interpose their own code into EE's codebase.

• Restrained by where hooks are placed in the code and what arguments are sent with the extension call

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• More and more Third Party developers are adding hooks to their own code, allowing extensions for Third Party Add-Ons. Pretty darn cool.

• Typically no DB tables, but there are always exceptions

• Settings Form CP

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function settings(){ $settings = array(); $settings['butter'] = "Quite Tasty"; $settings['buttery'] = array('r', array('yes' => "yes", 'no' => "no"), 'no'); // Complex: // [variable_name] => array(type, values, default value) // variable_name => short name for setting and key for language file variable // types: t - textarea // r - radio buttons // s - select // ms - multiselect // f - function calls // values: can be array (r, s, ms), string (t), function name (f) // default: name of array member, string, nothing // // Simple: // [variable_name] => 'Butter' // Text input, with 'Butter' as the default. return $settings;}

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• The Mighty Workhorses of EE

• Complete and expansive Control Panels.

• Database Tables

• Template Tags

• Own extensions possible

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• No settings, no tables, no CP, no install

• Text manipulation either via Template Tags or Custom Fields

• Or, functionality "plugged" into your Templates.

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Add-On Quantities @ devot-ee.com18 October 2009



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Examples of Extensions

• Edit Tab AJAX - AJAX enabled search for Control Panel's Edit area

• FieldFrame - Easily create new custom field types for ExpressionEngine.

• LG Add Sitename - Site Label in upper left of your CP

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Examples of Modules

• Structure - Create Static and Listing pages, editable via a tree sitemap

• Tag - Folksonomy functionality for Weblog and Gallery Entries

• User - EE's Member Functionality in Templates

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Examples of Plugins

• EE Gravatar - Global Avatars for site members

• Image Sizer - Resizes and caches images on the fly

• Markdown - Markdown formatting in EE Custom Weblog Fields

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Accessoriesin EE 2.0

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• Accessories provide tools, references, or abilities at the bottom of your EE Control Panel in ExpressionEngine 2.0

• No CP page for each Accessory

• Can have own DB tables

• View files! Lovely lovely View files!

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Development Skills

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• Duh...

• PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. You really have to love recursive acronyms.

• Server side programming language. Processed at runtime.

• No Compiling! Viewable Source!

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• PHP files contain code, but they can also have HTML, JS, XML, et cetera inside them.

• Extremely widespread on hosting environments.

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PHP Learning References

PHP Docs:

W3C Tutorial:

Zend Tutorial:

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• Required for advanced Add-On development

• Active Record only *helps* build queries

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• Popular, open-source, relational database.

• Simple to setup and administrate.

• Fast for reading, decent for writing

• Dominant on hosted environments

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MySQL Learning References

• MySQL Docs:

• Buy a book. ( O'Reilly Books are well done )

• Learn JOINs



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View Files

• Essentially HTML files with PHP inside for outputting data

• Part of ExpressionEngine 2.0 by default

• Available in ExpressionEngine1.x using Hermes or custom include code

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<?php echo $this->view('header.html');?><h4 class="alertHeadingCenter"><?php echo $LANG->line('error');?></h4>

<div class='defaultCenter' > <div class="box"> <strong><?=$error_message?></strong> <br /><br /> <strong> <a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>&#171; <?=$LANG->line('back')?></a> </strong> </div></div><?php echo $this->view('footer.html'); ?>

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User Interfaces

• Build in static HTML, CSS, JS files before converting to View files.

• Easier development.

• Easier bug testing.

• No need to create data variables/objects first.

• UI developer does not need to understand PHP.

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• jQuery available in EE 1.x via an extension (not enabled by default)

• jQuery available in EE 2.x with no additional work

• Relatively easy to add other libraries or custom JS if need be.

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global $EXT;

if ( ! isset($EXT->version_numbers['Cp_jquery'])){ return $OUT->show_user_error('general', $LANG->line('cp_jquery_requred')));}

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III.Developing Add-Ons in ExpressionEngine

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Never, Ever Just Start Coding!

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• Previous Approaches

• Required Features

• Alternative Approach in ExpressionEngine?

• Can this be done in EE in any other way?

• Is a Module required? Could an Extension do it?

• Could a Plugin output weblog data in the way you need?


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Tell a Story

• How will Person A do Task 1?

• Question Previous Approaches.

• Is X Really the BEST way to do it?

• What Would Apple Do?

• Eliminate Steps, Make Process Intuitive.

• Follow your instincts.

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Map Out Features

• Major• Functionality required for module to serve

its market/purpose

• Minor• Not Necessarily Required.

• Features are cuttable for a 1.0 release.

• Icing• For specific clients or users

• Think and consider them

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Database Structure

• Tables for your Major and Minor Features

• Normalization: Eliminate Data Duplication


• Indexes!

• Specific, Sensical Field Names

• 'event_title' vs 'event'

• 'event_short_name' vs 'name'

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Tags Structure

• The Naming and Functionality of Template tags

• For Each Tag

• Describe

• Name

• Parameters

• Variable Pairs and Single Variables

• Consider this a precursor to your documentation

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Tags Structure: Describe

• Descriptions for each Tag, Parameter, and Variable.

• Explain what each one does.

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Tags Structure: Tag Name

• Simple and Obvious

• No Abbreviations, No Ambiguity

• {exp:module:g_entries} vs {exp:module:gallery_entries}

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Tags Structure: Parameters

• Prefix?

• form:id="" or form_id=""

• Use prefixes to break up parameters into "groups" of functionality.

• notify:admin_email=""

• notify:user_email=""

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Tags Structure: Variables

• No Ambiguity, No Abbreviations

• {group}{/group} vs {category_group}{/category_group}

• {title} vs {event_title}

• Prevent collisions in nested tags

• Underscores recommended

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Tags Structure:Show to Other People

• Get Feedback

• Revise until the Spec feels solid.

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Building a Control Panel

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Workflow Module’s CP

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Control Panel: Break Up into Sections

• Data Adding, Deleting, and Manipulation

• Create/Modify/Delete Items

• Ex: Calendar, Wiki, Forum

• Build only one main interface

• Preferences/Settings/Permissions

• Per Site, Per Weblog, Per Member Group, Per X

• Actions

• Ex: Recount, Re-Cache, Clear Caches

• Version Number and Documentation Link

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KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid

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Control Panel: Design• Build an HTML/CSS/JS mockup first

• Put into a View file

• PHP into HTML, Not HTML into PHP

• documentDOM in Hermes - Builds HTML in PHP, specifically form fields

• Ignore IE6

• EE 2.x no longer supports it

• Solspace no longer supports it

• Neither should you.

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Making Software Support IE6 Upgrading Users

Time Wasted on IE6


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Making Software Support IE6 Upgrading Users

Time Wasted on IE6


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Have Goals,Even Milestones,Never Deadlines

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IV.Writing Code

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Follow the EllisLab Development Guidelines!

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"Prolific and informative commenting using proper comment style"

• We want to know your thinking! Why this way?

• Expect people to learn from your code.

• Helps you understand your *own* logic

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• Be Paranoid! Nothing is Immune! Constant Vigilance!

• If you DID NOT set or get data yourself, assume it is tainted, even EE variables

• If you DID set or get yourself, but not within ten lines of code, assume it is tainted.

• Sanitize and Escape at the Query

• No Security Exceptions for SuperAdmins

Sanitize and Escape Everything

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• Use Twice, Write Once

• Create Libraries!

• Reduces Work and Mistakes

• Purpose of Hermes

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Simplify, Simplify,Simplify

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Simplify: Reduce Code Work• Do the Least Amount of Effort to produce results

• Bail Out First, Work Second

• Invalid variable type? Bail.

• No Permissions? Bail.

• Error? Bail.

• Don’t Do Serious Work Until You Know You Have Work To Do

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Simplify: Reduce DB Work

• Performing Multiple Queries are OK.

• Validate, Check Pagination, Then Retrieve Data

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Simplify: Models

• Abstract common SELECTs into separate methods

• INSERTs/UPDATEs for a DB Table in one method

• Hermes has per Add-On model caching caching built into it.

• Speaking of caching...

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Per Page Load Caching

• Use $SESS->cache

• Suggested:

• $SESS->cache['modules']['module_name']['some_cache'] = array();

• Alternative:

• $SESS->cache['Solspace']['module_name']['some_cache'] = array()

• Try a Reference!

• $this->cache =& $SESS->cache['modules']['module_name'];

• $this->cache[‘some_cache’] = array();

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Weblog Module Class

• Very powerful code, no need to write your own.

• Code was written so that it could be used elsewhere.

• Returns Results based on tag parameters

• You can modify $TMPL->tagparams!

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require_once PATH_CORE.'core.typography'.EXT;require_once PATH_MOD.'/weblog/mod.weblog'.EXT;

$TMPL->tagparams['entry_id'] = '1|2|3|4';$TMPL->tagparams['dynamic'] = 'off';

$TMPL->tagdata = $TMPL->assign_relationship_data( $TMPL->tagdata );$TMPL->var_single = array_merge( $TMPL->var_single, $TMPL->related_markers );

$weblog_object = new Weblog;


if ($weblog_object->sql == '') return $this->return_data = $TMPL->no_results();

$weblog_object->query = $DB->query($weblog_object->sql);

if ($weblog_object->query->num_rows == 0) return $this->return_data = $TMPL->no_results();

$weblog_object->TYPE = new Typography;


return $this->return_data = $weblog_object->return_data;

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Provide Tools for Keeping Things Tidy

• Removal of Old Data.

• Removal of Old Caches

• Optimize Tables - Reduce DB Overhead

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V.Debugging and

Improving Performance

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Consider Performance an Aspect of Add-On


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Turn on PHP Debugging

• Insure Display Errors Setting is On in php.ini

• Error Reporting is E_ALL

• No PHP Errors! Ever!

• Remove All Deprecated PHP Functions.

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Turn on SQL Queries

• Admin => System Preferences => Output and Debugging

• Queries appear on both CP and User side of EE

• Review Queries

• Check the Add-On's CP

• Extensions: Check areas of usage in CP

• Check EVERY single tag in a Template.

• Eliminate Duplicates!

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Turn on SQL Queries• Are Certain Queries Necessary on EVERY load?

• Settings/Preferences

• Caching (Checks, Re-caching, Emptying)

• Statistics

• Evaluate Queries for Performance

• Run in phpMyAdmin or similar

• Try Making the Query More Efficient

• Add a WHERE clause on indexed field

• Remove Extraneous JOINs when possible

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Turn on SQL Queries

• De-Normalization.

• Duplicating Data or Grouping It to Reduce Work


• Best example? Statistics: Hit count.

• Abstract methods for data consistency (i.e. correct values)

• Learn About Optimizing MySQL

• MySQL Performance Blog


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SuperSearch SQL Queries

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Turn on Template Debugging• Admin => System Preferences => Output and Debugging

• Outputs Elapsed Time during Add-On processing

• What Code is Taking the Longest to Process?

• $TMPL->log_item()

• $TMPL->log_item('Freeform Module: Run Query');

• Disable Processing

• Disable Parameter ( disable="feng_shui" )

• Auto-detect Variables and Remove Queries and Processing

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Vanilla Template Log

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SuperSearch Processing

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Knowing is Half the Battle!

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Automated Actions• Example: Caching or Retrieving Remote Data

• Can Seriously Slow Down an Add-On

• Try AJAX

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Deprecated Code• Consider using trigger_error()

• trigger_error('Favorites Module: The Favorites Count tag has been deprecated. Use the Entry Count tag instead');

• Don't Leave It Around Forever, Discontinue Support, Then Remove It

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Ask for Help

• Plenty of EE, PHP, SQL Knowledge out there. Use it.

• Often just discussing a problem will lead to a solution.

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V.Presentation Over, So

Let's Talk
