
Activity 1Read the paragraphs. Draw your conclusion based from the given choices:1. Rico and Ted were in the forest to hunt for birds. They had already walked a mile when they heard a cry of an animal. Quickly, they hid behind a big tree and waited for the animal to come out in view. They were surprised when a wild bear moved behind them.a. Rico and Ted are professional hunters.b. Rico and Ted never hunt animals.c. They hardly hunt a bird.d. We have many bears in the Philippines.e. Rico and Ted went to forest to hunt birds.

2. Riza was host to her friends. After a dance practice, two of her friends began to quarrel. As a host, Riza did not want to spoil the day she _______a. Listened to the quarrel without interrupting.b. Suggested to the two boys to agree that people may have different opinions.c. Slapped the boy who started the quarrel.

3. A long, long time ago in a deep forest lived seven orphan brothers with their sister. The youngest, called Minudo, was a bright-eyed and brave six-year old who ask the most curious questions. You can conclude that: a. The childrens parents died a long time ago.b. The oldest of them was more ten years old.c. Minudo was a shy and quiet child.

4. Mang Doming was a lumber man. He and his brother handled a huge saw that could cut down a tree in fifteen minutes. But because the forest was flooded by heavy rain, there was no cutting of trees. Mang Doming was out everyday sawing trees and cutting them up into logs.One can conclude that Mang Dominga. Was married to a pretty girl.b. Was older than his brother.c. Had big muscular arms.

Activity 2Draw the correct conclusion for the following situations. Choose the best answer from the given choices.

1. Belen went to see a play at the school auditorium. She arrived late and discovered the performers were already on the stage. Belen was asked to be seated until the scene ended. What should Belen do?a. complain to the ticket agentb. wait in the rear seatc. complain loudly and disturb everyone

2. Larry went to the library to look up some materials on poisonous snakes for school report. He roamed among the racks, inspecting every book that interested him. Wiping the dust off, he started to read the mystery story in it. When he looked at the clock, he saw that he had wasted half of the afternoon. What should Larry have done?a. asked for help in using the card catalogb. wonder aimlessly among the rocksc. continue to read the mystery book

3. It was raining hard. Arturo was glad he was able to get a ride to school in a passing bus. When the bus stopped, another boy came up and sat beside Arturo. His raincoat was dripping. If you were in Arturos place, what would you do?a. keep silent about the whole thingb. tell the boy angrily to move away from youc. request the boy politely to take off his raincoat meantime that he is in the bus

4. Everything looked as gray as smoke. Even though it was daytime, it was hard to see the road, so the men drove slowly. They could see bushes growing at the sides of the road but they could not see the houses at all.a. smoke had piled on the roadb. an array of raindrops entirely fell throughoutc. fog or mist covered the landActivity 3Direction: Read the paragraphs. Write a good conclusion for each one.

1. The library book was due today. Julia couldnt find it anywhere. She was afraid she would have to pay for the book. Then she looked in her little brothers room. There was Celano, pretending to read the book out loud.Conclusion:_____________________________________(What do you think Julia feel? Why?)2. Jazper never liked going to the doctor. This year, Jazpers mother took him to a new doctor. Dr. Cabildo gave Jazper a shot, he said, This will feel just like a little pinch. Later, Jazper told Ciara about Dr. Cabildo Conclusion:_____________________________________(Why do you think Jazper told Ciara about Dr. Cabildo)
