Page 1: Activities January  1st to 19th, 2014

Activities January 1st to 19th, 2014

Iglesia de CristoEn Papalote

Alfonso y Angie Dueñas

Page 2: Activities January  1st to 19th, 2014

ACTIVIDADES DEL 1 AL 19 DE ENERO, 2014 ACTIVITIES JANUARY 1st TO 19th, 2014VISITAS: Visita a familia de Abdón y Leovigilda, y a los niños les llevamos algunos

juguetes, ellos se pusieron muy contentos con los regalos. Visita a hermana Dominga , y oramos y cantamos , después estuvimos

platicando con la familia compartiéndoles el evangelio a Ramón y a Emilia. Ellos se han mostrado muy amables con nosotros. Tambien ellos nos han visitado y hemos platicado con ellos. Seguimos orando por esta familia.

Pasamos a saludar a nuestra hermana María platicamos un rato con ella y se le dejo una ayuda para alimentos.

Pasamos a saludar a la Sra. Chicha mama de Nayeli, pero no tuvo tiempo para atendernos.

Visitamos a nuestra hermana Francisca y le llevamos un regalo , ya que no había asistido a la Iglesia las ultimas semanas.

Visita a nuestra hermana Adela y a su familia e hicimos un devocional , en esta ocasión nos acompañaron varias hermanas a hacer el devocional con nuestra hermana.

Visitamos a Nayhelli y vimos a su bebita que tiene pocos días de nacida, Nayhelli esta muy contenta por su bebe, estuvimos platicando y orando por ella y su familia.

Fuimos a visitar a nuestra hermana Gaby pero ya se cambio de casa , la fuimos a buscar al trabajo de su hija Perla y nos informo que, efectivamente ya se había cambiado de casa y nos dio la nueva dirección.

Atendimos visita de la Sra. Tere y de su hija Lizeth, platicamos un buen tiempo con ellas.

Se atiende visita de nuestra hermana Flor y de su hermana Hermelinda, junto con su niños. Platicamos buen rato con ellas y a Hermelinda se le estuvo hablando acerca de la importancia de dedicarle tiempo a Dios , ya que ella se encuentra agobiada por su trabajo y necesidades en su hogar.

SALIDAS: Llevamos a hermana Luz María a Hospital en Vicente Guerrero ya que

ocupaba un medicamento. Tambien llevamos a nuestra hermana Adela a otro hospital por un pase para ir a un hospital en Tijuana.

Llevamos a Sra. Nayhelli a Vicente Guerrero a entregar unos papeles para registrar a su bebe recién nacida.

VISITS: We visited Abdon and his family to bring them some toys, they were very

happy. Visit to our sister Dominga, we pray and sing with them and shared God’s

word with Ramon and Emilia. They have been very kind with us. They also had coming to our house. We still praying for them.

Went to visit sister Maria and we spend a good time with her talking and she received some money for food.

Went to visit Nayeli’s mom («Chicha») but didn’t had time to received us.

Went to visit our sister Francisca to bring her a blanket as christmas present because she don’t came to church special dinner at the end of the year and there was some days that she didn’t came to church.

Devotional in Adela’s house and some sister joined us to this devotional.

Went to visit and her new born girl Nayeli is happy for the baby girl we were talking her and we prayed for her and her family.

Went to visit our sister Gaby but look like she moved. We went to ask for her with her daughter Perla and she gave us the new address.

We attended the visit of our front door neighbor «doña Tere» and we spend a great time with her and her daughter.

We attended the visit of sister Flor and her sister Hermelinda with their own kids we spend a long time talking about the priority to serve God instead of worry too much about our needs and how to solve it.

TRIPS: We took our sister Luz Maria to the Hospital in Vicente Guerrero because

she needs medication and also we took sister Adela to another Hospital to get an authorization her little daughter Flor for her cardiology checkout in Tijuana.

We took Nayeli to Vicente Guerrero to start paper work to get birth certificate for her new born girl.

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ACTIVIDADES DEL 1 AL 19 DE ENERO, 2014 ACTIVITIES JANUARY 1st TO 19th, 2014SALIDAS: Atendimos Reunión de Confraternidad en El Zorrillo (Cañón Buena Vista,

Ensenada) nos acompañaron varias hermanas y hermanos, estuvimos prácticamente todo el día fuera y muy contentos de volver a ver a nuestros hermanos.

Salimos a llevar a nuestra hermana Adela a la central de camiones para que saliera a Tijuana a llevar a su niña Estrella al hospital. Al siguiente día salimos a recogerlas ya que llegaron muy noche de Tijuana.

Salimos a Vicente Guerrero a atender visita de nuestro hermano Steve de Healing Hands International. Gracias a Dios por la visita de nuestro hermano.

TALLER DE COSTURA: Se continua con el taller de costura y se invita a mas hermanas y otras

interesadas en este curso, tambien mandamos a arreglar dos maquinas de coser mas y en total ya hay cuatro para uso de las hermanas. El propósito de este taller continua siendo que las hermanas aprendan a hacer algunas prendas de vestir y hacer modificaciones de la misma. Estan emocionadas.

OTROS: A partir de este mes iniciamos servicios de devocional cada 15 días en los

hogares de nuestras hermanas en Papalote y continuamos tambien cada 15 días en el poblado de Santa María, alternándose cada semana.

Angie estuvo enferma de gripe y con molestias en su oído por aproximadamente 8 días, tambien Gaby se enfermo y gracias a Dios ya están mejor.

En una de nuestras visitas platicamos con Perla (hija de hermana Gaby) y ella decidió bautizarse ese día (13 de Enero, 2014). Gracias a Dios por ella.

TRIPS we attended the Fellowshipping in Ël Zorrillo¨. Our sisters and brothers

joined us we expend almost all day out but so happy to see our brotherhood again.

We took our sister Adela and her daughter to Bus station because Flor has an appointment in the Tijuana Hospital. At the next day we pickup her late in the Bus station returning from Tijuana

Went to Vicente Guerrero to attend a visit from our brother Steve from HHI. Thanks God for his visit

Workshop: We continue a Sewing Workshop and extended the invitation to our regular

visits too to attend this workshop. There was another two sew machines working and we completed four of them. The main interest is to learn how to do some alterations and how to make clothes. They are really excited!

Others: starting this month we begun with devotionals in Papalote and Santa

Maria, alternated each week

Angie was sick of flu and ear, and stayed at home for 8 days aproximately. Gaby was sick also but both oh them are getting better thanks God.

In one of our visits, we talked with Perla (sister Gaby daughter) and she decided to be baptize that very same day. (January 13th) thanks God for her

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Children from Abdon

and Leovigilda received

their presents in their home. (they wasn’t attended the New Year’s eve dinner)

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Children receiving presents. They showed their happiness.

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Fellowshipping in «El Zorrillo»

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Sewing workshop with sisters and neighbors.

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Baptize of our new sister Perla, the last January 13th of 2014.

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Some fruits and vegetables from Papalote garden.
