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Actividades Pedagógicas

Año Lectivo 2019 - 2020


Grado/año: SEXTO Fecha:

Área/Asignatura: MATEMÁTICA


1.- Ordene las cantidades de forma vertical y resuelvas las adiciones.

a) 876.86 + 67.046 + 82 + 231.754

b) 945.86 + 23.975 + 42 + 0.76

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c) 8 723.864 + 986.4 + 45 + 0.723

d) 32.986 + 2.804 + 0.83 + 21

2.- Escriba las cantidades en forma vertical correctamente y resuélvelas.

a) 6239.53 – 9823.722 b) 36276.76 + 8462.1

C) 454.1 - 5843.26

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3.- Determine el resultado de las siguientes expresiones.

4 5 = 12 3 =

√7296 = √196

2 =

4.- Desarrolle las siguientes potenciaciones.

8 4 :____________________ 112 :__________________

2 2:____________________ 9 3 :___________________

5.-Ubique las letras en el plano cartesiano, según corresponda.

6.- Observe la imagen y escriba los pares ordenados de los puntos de la figura.

Pares Ordenados.

A = (0 , 5 )

B= ( )

C= ( )

D= ( )

E= ( )

F= ( )

G= ( )

H= ( )

I= ( )

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7.- Determina el patrón y complete la sucesión.

● 19683 6561 2187 729 __________ El patrón es


● 6 30 150 750 __________ El patrón es


● 8192 4096 2048 1024 __________ El patrón es


● 8 32 128 512 __________ El patrón es


8.- Lea y resuelva los siguientes problemas.

● Una fotocopiadora saca 7 523 copias en una hora. ¿Cuántas copias sacará en 72



● En una granja avícola se producen 64 384 pollitos, los mismos que serán transportados en

cajas con ventilación en las que caben 26 pollitos. ¿Cuántas cajas se necesitan para

transportar a todos los pollitos?


● Una fábrica de botones produce 562 753 botones redondos y 284 913 botones de otras

formas al año. ¿Cuántos botones al año se producen en total?




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● Para el bar de la escuela han encargado 25 botellas de jugo de mora. Cada uno cuesta $

1,25 centavos ¿Cuánto se ha pagado en total?

● El entrenador de fútbol les pregunta la edad a los integrantes del equipo y los datos son

los siguientes: 12, 13, 11, 12, 13, 11, 12, 13, 11, 11 y 13. Halle la media y la mediana.

● Las estaturas de los jugadores de un equipo de Volley son las siguientes.

Zaguero 1 Zaguero 2 Remata 1 Remata 2 Remata 3 Líbero

1.65 m 1.58 m 1.59 m 1.63 m 1.62 1.64 m

¿Cuál es la altura del Líbero? _________________

¿Cuál es la altura media de los Zagueros? ¿Cuál es la altura media de los


¿Cuál es la altura media del equipo?


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9.- Resuelva las operaciones combinadas y halle el resultado.

● 3 x ( 4 x 2 – 3 ) – ( 4 + 6 ÷ 3 ) = 5 – [ 7 + 2 X (1 – 9 ) – 3 + 12] + 4 =

● [ (4 – 8) ÷2 – (9 – 12) ÷ 3 ] = 3 X [ 7 + 10 ÷ ( 2 +3 ) – 6 ] =

10.- Escriba 10, 100 o 1000 para que las multiplicaciones y las divisiones sean correctas.

a) 3.84 X = 38.4

b) 45.67 ÷ = 4.567

c) 69.074 X = 69074

d) 0.95 X = 95

11.- Encuentre el mínimo común múltiplo y el máximo común divisor de las siguientes


28 - 34 - 16 60 - 40 - 30

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36 - 24 - 16 90 - 20 - 50

12.- Simplifique las siguientes fracciones.

a) 280

640 =

b) 363

423 =

c) 40

45 =

d) 26

52 =

e) 36

48 =

f) 30

12 =

13.- Resuelva las siguientes operaciones de fracciones heterogéneas.

● 2

3 +


5 =

● 6

7 -


3 =

● 1

6 +


3 +


4 =

● 5

2 -


4 +


8 =

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14.- Realice las siguientes sumas y restas de fracciones heterogénea.

a) 4

3 +


9 +


6 =

b) 12

15 +


5 +


6 =

c) 7

2 -


8 +


4 =

d) 9

4 +


5 -


2 =

e) 1

4 +


2 =

f) 3

5 -


6 =

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15.- Realice las siguientes multiplicaciones de fracciones.

Elaborado por: Revisado por jefe(a) de

área: Revisado por

Coordinador(a): Aprobado por Vicerrectora

Nombre del Estudiante

Miss Lisbeth Peñaherrera Miss Marisela Becerra

Lcda. Katherine Cortez M.

Msc. Silvia Ruíz de Muñoz

MSc. Ma.

Dolores Villamar

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Actividadad Pedagógica Año Lectivo 2019 – 2020

1. Lea el siguiente texto y conteste las preguntas encerrando la respuesta correcta.


- ¡Mamá, mamá, corre, ven a la ventana! –gritó María.

- ¿Qué pasa?

- Mira. ¡En el jardín hay estrellitas voladoras!

- ¡Qué bonitas son! –contestó la mamá. Pero no son estrellas: son luciérnagas. Se suelen ver en las noches de verano.

- ¿Son peligrosas las luciérnagas!. ¿Pican? –preguntó María.

- No son nada peligrosas –contestó mamá.

María bajó al jardín. Al poco rato volvió a subir gritando:

- ¡Mamá, mamá!. He cogido una luciérnaga y la he metido en este tarro de cristal. La voy a poner en mi cuarto y así me alumbrará toda la noche.

- ¡Oh, pobre luciérnaga!. ¿Crees de verdad que te va a alumbrar?. ¿No ves que ya no tiene luz?

- Porque las luciérnagas tienen luz solamente en la oscuridad –dijo María. Apaguemos la luz y ya verás, mamá.

La mamá apagó la luz. Pero la luciérnaga del tarro no daba ni un rayito de luz.

- ¿Y por qué no alumbra? –preguntó María.

- Porque está triste y se siente prisionera. ¿Qué harías tú si te encerraran?.

María comprendió que debía soltar a la luciérnaga. Se fue a la ventana y abrió el tarro. La luciérnaga salió volando dejando un rastro de luz.

A. - ¿Qué volaba en el jardín realmente?

a) Lucecitas.

b) Estrellitas.

c) Luciérnagas. B. - ¿Cuándo se suelen ver las luciérnagas?

a) En las noches de otoño.

b) En las noches de verano.

c) En las noches de invierno.

C. - ¿Dónde encierra a la luciérnaga?

a) En un tarro de cristal.

b) En una caja.

c) En una bolsa de plástico.

D. - ¿Por qué no alumbra la luciérnaga?

a) Porque sólo alumbra de día.

b) Porque estaba triste y prisionera.

c) Porque sólo alumbraba con la luz encendida.


Grado/año: SEXTO EGB Fecha:



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2. Lea el siguiente diálogo y encierre las palabras agudas. Después clasifíquelas.

3. Escriba la tilde en las palabras que deban llevarla y clasifíquelas.

palabras agudas con tilde

palabras agudas sin tilde

establo trebol azucar lapiz

legumbre cerezas datil

palabras llanas con tilde

palabras llanas sin tilde

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4. Escriba la tilde donde corresponda. Luego, complete las oraciones con estas


• Hay que cuidar la del planeta.

• Mi padre trabaja en una de reciclaje.

• Los regulan el tráfico.

• Con la no respirarás los gases tóxicos.

• En la montaña el es más limpio que en la ciudad.

5. Busque en el diccionario el significado de las siguientes palabras.

a. internacional: __________________________________________________

b. submarino:___________________________________________________

c. antioxidante: __________________________________________________

6. Escriba el punto y coma (;) en las siguientes oraciones según corresponda.

a. El circo era famoso sin embargo no asistió mucha gente a él.

b. Tengo todo preparado para el viaje no obstante revisaré de nuevo el equipo.

c. Hacía frío en la playa, pero se metió en el agua y disfrutó de un chapuzón.

semaforos • mascara • fabrica • atmosfera • oxigeno

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7. Subraye los adjetivos numerales en el siguiente texto.

8. Clasifique los adjetivos numerales que se encontraron en el texto.

9. Subraye los adverbios en las siguientes oraciones. Después, clasifíquelos según


• Ayer Mario cantó estupendamente.

• Nuria tampoco se despidió de mí.

• Deja las maletas ahí.

• Sí, mañana me paso a veros.

• Quizás llueva esta noche.

Lugar Tiempo Modo Afirmación Negación Duda

Nuestra sala favorita es la tercera, en la cuarta planta, que está dedicada a los egipcios. Ha de gatos, animales por los que los egipcios

cerca de cincuenta vasijas y otros objetos muy la entrada es gratuita. ¡Anímate a visitarlo!



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10. Conjugue el siguiente verbo (RESPONDER) según indique la tabla.











11. Señale el sujeto, el verbo y el predicado en las siguientes oraciones.

a) Nuestro invitado llegará tarde hoy.

b) Luis reconoció que había cometido un grave error.

c) Mañana llegarán los estudiantes de intercambio.

d) Antonio, María y Juan están por salir del partido de béisbol.

12. Subraye el modificador directo (M.D) con azul y el modificador indirecto (M.I) con rojo según corresponda.

a) La madre abnegada del pueblo protegió a sus hijos.

b) El deportista impulsivo gana la competencia.

c) La chica hermosa corrió por la playa asustada.

d) El inteligente profesor fue condecorado por el gobierno.

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13. Reconozca el objeto directo e indirecto en las siguientes oraciones.

a) Hay que comprarle un teléfono a María.

b) Angelina hizo una invitación a Julio.

c) Manuel llevó unas flores a su novia.

d) Diseñé unas imágenes a mi amigo.

14. Complete las oraciones usando conjunciones.

• Es una película en blanco ________ negro.

• Él va lento, ________ seguro.

• ¿Pagará con tarjeta ________ en efectivo?

• No sé si pedir de fresa ________ de chocolate?

• Seguro que uno ________ otro lo sabrá.

15. Complete los espacios vacíos con las siguientes preposiciones.

________ aquella época, los pobladores ________ esa cultura tenía fabulosos trabajos

________ la piedra. Los pobladores de Chavín rendían culto ________ los muertos,

________ ellos construían tumbas ________ forma de pozos. Los sacerdotes eran

indispensables, por que ________ sus conocimientos nada se podía hacer; éstos eran

cambiados ________ maíz, carne o trabajo.

Elaborado por: Revisado por Jefe(a)

de área: Revisado por

Coordinador(a): Aprobado por Vicerrectora

Nombre del Estudiante

Lcda. Ingrid Castro

A. MSc. Silvia Ruíz de

Muñoz MSc. Silvia Ruíz de


MsC .Ma. Dolores Villamar

a, ante bajo con, contra de, desde, durante en, entre hacia, hasta mediante

para, por según, sin, sobre tras

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Pedagogical Activities School Year 2019-2020

LISTENING.- Go to British council for teens Listening A2 and write the name of the active for search it.


GRAMMAR.- Do the worksheets reviewing the following topics:

*Simple Present Tense: Use of Auxiliaries DO AND DOES in positive, negative and interrogative

form. Describe Daily Routine Activities. Make sentences.

*Simple Past: Regular and Irregular Verbs.

*Combining sentences using conjunctions and, but, or.

*Subject and Object Pronouns.

*Plural Nouns.

*Possessive Adjectives.

*Present Perfect.

Student: Score 10

Grade/year: 6th Date:

Area/Subject: Language Arts


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a. get up b. have lunch c. wash d. have lessons e. get on f. play baseball g.go to the cinema h. ride a bicycle

i. brush teeth

k. get dressed l. listen to music m. walk to school n. take a shower o. get shaved p. feed the dog q. go shopping r. cook the dinner s. fight t. work on the computer u. do housework




1. Mr. and Mrs Maddox usually at the weekend.They buy everything they need. 2. Peter the school bus at 8:15 every morning. 3. Jack for the school before breakfast.He wears trousers and a jumper. 4. Jane and Marilyn every Sunday. Jane usually sweeps the floor and dusts the furniture. 5. Joseph in the school canteen every day.He usually eats a hamburger. 6. Thomas for 30 minutes in his bathroom every afternoon. 7. Greg every morning between 8:00 and 9:00.He loves cycling. 8. Mark and Adward sometimes each other at school and their teacher gets angry with them. 9. Mr.Potter before he goes to work every morning.He likes his pet very much. 10. I always early in the morning because I sleep early. 11. Adam every day because he doesn't have a bike. 12. Mr.Hardy in his office all day.He is good at using the internet. 13. Henry goes to school on weekdays.He from 9:00 in the morning to 15:00 in the afternoon.

14. Mr.Turner his teeth three times a day. 15. Harry carefully because he doesn't want to cut his face. 16. Brian and Fanny together after they come home from work in the evening. 17. Claire her face with white soap. 18. On Saturdays Tina and Clark and watch a film together. 19. Larry and Angela and dance in their free time. 20. Michael in the school team.He has a nice blue cap.

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SUBJECT & OBJECT PRONOUNS Complete the sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of PERSONAL PRONOUNS.

3 3

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Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives.

Exercises. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.

1.Where are (you) ______ friends now?

2.Here is a postcard from (I) ______ friend Dees.

3.She lives in England now with (she) ______ family.

4.(He) ______ wife works in Tilburg.

5.(He) ______ company builds websites.

Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.

1. Joanie is (John and Nancy) ______ daughter.

2. Our names are Kathy and Robin. This is (Kathy and Robin) ______ mother.

3.Jeremy and Valerie are (Tim and Carey) ______ parents.

4.Tony is (Mary) ______ grandson.

5.My name is Annie. This is (Annie) ______ father.

6.(Alex) ______ name is Alex.

7.Peggy and Martin are (Kelly) ______ children.

8.Your name is Greg. They are (Grey) ______ parents.


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Read the passages and choose the correct options according to the readings.

One of my favorite vacation places is Mexico. I really like the weather there because it

never gets cold. The people are very nice too. They never laugh at my bad Spanish. The food is

really good. Mexico City is a very interesting place to visit. It has some great museums and lots of

fascinating old buildings. The hotels are too expensive to stay but there are more affordable

options. For example, you can stay at one of the beach resorts like Acapulco. If you are planning

to visit Mexico, you should definitely see the Mayan temples near Merida.


Sam likes warm weather

Sam doesn't like warm weather at all

Sam hates warm water

Sam likes cold weather


His Spanish is very good

He speaks Spanish very well

He is Spanish

He doesn't speak Spanish very well


There's a lot to see and do in Mexico

There aren't a lof of beautiful places in Mexico

Mexico is a dirty place

Tourists never come to Mexico


Hotels are very cheap in Mexico

The hotels aren't comfortable there

Hotels are all poor in Mexico

The hotels in Mexico are pretty expensive


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Atmosphere of Venus

Data from the Pioneer spacecraft of NASA apparently prove the theory that the high surface

temperature of Venus is due to an atmospheric greenhouse effect caused mainly by a blanket of

carbon dioxide. Such a greenhouse effect is created when energy in the form of sunlight easily

passes through a planet's atmosphere, warms its surface, and is converted to heat radiation that is

then held in by the atmosphere from top to bottom. Venus has a relatively thin atmosphere like the

Earth's, but Venus' atmosphere consists of more than ninety percent carbon dioxide, compared to

less than four percent in that of the Earth. Because of its higher percentage of carbon dioxide,

Venus' atmosphere traps much more heat radiation than does the Earth's. Thus, the Venus

studies are believed to be important to the understanding of possible adverse effects on the

Earth's agriculture that could result from the long-term use of fossil fuels, which add carbon dioxide

to the atmosphere.

1. According to the passage, data from the Venus study can be used to ----.

A) measure the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere accurately

B) increase the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

C) test the efficiency of the spacecraft sent to Venus by NASA

D) predict future agricultural problems on Earth

E) determine the topography and the surface characteristics of the Earth 2. We understand from the passage that the atmosphere of Venus ----.

A) is thinner than the atmosphere of the Earth

B) contains much more carbon dioxide than that of the Earth

C) traps less heat radiation compared to the atmosphere of the Earth

D) blocks out dangerous rays from the sun

E) is far colder than the atmospheres of other planets in our solar system 3. One can infer from the passage that ----.

A) there is no difference between the atmospheres of Venus and the Earth

B) the atmosphere of the Earth consists of mainly carbon dioxide

C) the more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the warmer the world will tend to get

D) lack of atmosphere causes a very high surface temperature on Venus

E) Venus had once enjoyed a climate of the sort hospitable to life


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How Does Brain Work?

Theories about how brain works remain a topic of debate. It is agreed, though, that the

hippocampus, a part of the brain, is undeniably important for memory. When we experience

something, the information is sent via our senses to the hippocampus, where it is processed.

Scientists believe that brain cells called neurons first transform the sensory stimuli we experience

into images in our immediate memory. Then, these images are sent to the hippocampus and

stored temporarily in short term memory. In the hippocampus information is organized, and it is

during this process that parts of the image of our experience fade away. Finally, certain

information is then transferred to long term memory in a section in the frontal lobe of the brain

known as the cerebral cortex. Scientists think this process may happen while we are sleeping, but

exactly how the information is transferred from one area of the brain to another is a mystery.

4. This reading is mainly concerned with ----.

A) how to improve our memory

B) why some of the information in short term memory fades away

C) illness that results in severe memory loss

D) how human brain processes and stores information

E) the importance of neurons in transferring sensory stimuli 5. According to the passage scientists ----.

A) know that information is sent from the long term memory to the hippocampus

B) have found out why some of the information is lost in the hippocampus

C) don't know exactly how the information is transferred from one area of the brain to another

D) agree on how the brain works

E) still debate whether the hippocampus is important for memory 6. It is pointed out in the reading that ----.

A) the brain was not considered as a highly complex organ in the past

B) damage to hippocampus doesn't cause memory loss

C) all of the information stored in the short term is transferred to long time memory

D) hippocampus is in the frontal lobe of he brain

E) scientists agree that the hippocampus is important in processing information


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The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle occupies a disturbing and almost unbelievable place in the world's catalog

of unexplained mysteries. More than a hundred planes and ships have vanished in this area into

the air since 1945, and more than a thousand lives have been lost, without a single body or even a

piece wreckage from the vanishing planes or ships having been found. Many of the planes

concerned have vanished while in normal radio contact with their base until the very moment of

their disappearance, while others have radioed the most extraordinary messages, implying that

they could not get their instruments to function, that their compasses were spinning, that the sky

had turned yellow and hazy on a clear day, and the ocean, which was calm nearby, didn't look

right without further clarification of what was wrong.

7. One can infer from the reading that ----.

A) the wreckages of some ships and planes have been found in the Bermuda Triangle

B) the number of incidents involving lost ships is no larger than that of any other heavily

traveled region of the world

C) the ships. and the planes couldn't contact with their base due to the lack of equipment.

D) the weather in Bermuda Triangle is always stormy

E) the first mention of disappearances in the area was made in 1945

8. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.

A) thousands of people lost their lives in the Bermuda Triangle in 1945

B) all of the disappearances happened during the day time

C) the Bermuda Triangle mystery was solved in 1945

D) most of the missing planes could contact with their base by their own special means until

the very moment of disappearing

E) the ocean floor near Bermuda, highly unexplored, is host to many strange phenomena

9. The reading mainly deals with ----.

A) why so many ships and planes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle

B) the mysterious disappearances of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle

C) the location of the Bermuda Triangle

D) the frequency of the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle

E) the unpredictable weather conditions in the Bermuda Triangle


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Listening skills practice: Going to the cinema – exercises 14

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Listening skills practice: Travelling abroad – exercises

Designed by: Revised by coordinator Approved by Vice

Principal Developed by

Teachers: Ms. Paulette Montesdeoca, Ms. Gabriela


MSc. Rache Pinta MSc. Ma. Dolores Villamar Student´s name


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Pedagogical Activities School Year 2019-2020

I. Match the words (1-7) to their definitions (a-g).

II. Look at the pictures and label them

Student: Score


Grade/year: 6th Date:

Area/Subject: Science

Teacher: Ms. Gabriela Salazar




prickly pear cactus


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III. What can you see in the photo? Read the words in the box and label the pictures.

Then, read the descriptions and write the numbers of the each ecosystem.

IV. Write the 6 nutrients, you must include in your food. You can use SB PAGE


rain forest tundra desert grassland wetland


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V. Order the food chain, and describe the steps of how energy flows.

VI. Complete the sentences using the word bank. (0.50 e/o = 0.75 pts.)

a. Energy pyramid 1. Show the transfer of energy from one organism to another.

b. Food chain 2. It is a system of overlapping food chain.

c. Food web 3. It is a diagram that shows the amount of energy from

Producers to consumers.

VII. Compete the sentences

VIII. Write the name of the inner and outer planets.


_______________ _______________

_______________ _______________

_______________ _______________

_______________ _______________

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IX. Read about stars and match with the correct option.

a) Constellation - a star pattern in the sky.

b) Polaris - a ball of hot gas in the sky.

c) Star - the object also known as the North Star.

X. Read and match the sentences and the photos.

XI. Circle the best option in each sentence.

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XII. Look at the pictures and calculate the volume.

XIII. Label the wave.

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XIV. Complete the words according to the pictures.

XV. Read the descriptions below and write the correct number according to the pictures.

Designed by: Revised by coordinator Approved by Vice


Developed by

Teacher: Ms. Gabriela Salazar MSc. Rache Pinta MSc. Ma. Dolores


Student´s name
