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  • 8/18/2019 AC 23.1309-1E



    u s epartment

    of Transportation









    PART 23




    Date: 11 17 2011 ·


    by: ACE-100





    This advisory circular AC) sets forth an acceptable means


    showing compliance with Title


    of the Code .ofFederal Regulations 14 CFR), § 23.1309, through Amendment 23-6.  : for

    equipment, systems, and installations


    14 CFR part



    This AC is not mandatory and does not constitute a regulation. It is issued for guidance purposes

    and to outline a method


    compliance with the rules. n applicant


    elect to follow an

    alternate method, provided the FAA finds it to be an acceptable means of complying with the

    applicable requirements of 14 CFR. However,


    the applicant uses the means described in the

    AC, they must follow it in all important respects.

    Earl Lawrence

    Manager, Small Airplane Directorate

    Aircraft Certification Service

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    iii (and iv)


    Paragraph Page

    1. What is the purpose of this AC? ................................................................................................ 1

    2. Who does this AC apply to? ...................................................................................................... 1

    3. Cancellation. .............................................................................................................................. 14. Related regulations and documents. .......................................................................................... 1

    5. Applicability. ............................................................................................................................. 3

    6. Regulations and AC background. .............................................................................................. 4

    7. Acronyms................................................................................................................................... 6

    8. Definitions. ................................................................................................................................ 8

    9. Application of § 23.1309(a), (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3), as adopted by Amendments 23-41 and

    23-49. ............................................................................................................................................ 14

    10. Showing compliance with the requirements of § 23.1309 (a) through Amendment 23-49... 14

    11. Application of § 23.1309(a)(4), as adopted by Amendment 23-49. ...................................... 18

    12. Application of § 23.1309(a)(1) and (a)(2), as adopted by Amendments 23-62..................... 18

    13. Application of § 23.1309(b), as adopted by Amendment 23-62............................................ 2014. Application of § 23.1309(b), as adopted by Amendments 23-41 and 23-49 and § 23.1309(c),

    as adopted by Amendment 23-62. ................................................................................................ 21

    15. Four certification classes of airplanes.................................................................................... 22

    16. Safety assessments................................................................................................................. 25

    17. Failure conditions. ................................................................................................................. 29

    18. Assessment methods. ............................................................................................................. 30

    19. Assessment of failure condition probabilities and analysis considerations........................... 32

    20. Operational and maintenance considerations. ....................................................................... 33

    21. Software and complex hardware DALs for airborne system and applications...................... 34


    AIRPLANES ................................................................................................................................A1




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    1. What is the purpose of this AC?

    a. This AC provides guidance and information for an acceptable means, but not the only

    means, for showing compliance with the requirements of § 23.1309 (Amendment 23-62) for

    equipment, systems, and installations in 14 CFR part 23 airplanes.

    b. This material is neither mandatory nor regulatory in nature and does not constitute a

    regulation. It describes acceptable means, but not the only means, for demonstrating compliance

    with the applicable regulations. We will consider other methods of demonstrating compliance

    that an applicant may elect to present. While these guidelines are not mandatory, they are

    derived from extensive FAA and industry experience in determining compliance with the

    relevant regulations. Whenever an applicant’s proposed method of compliance differs from this

    guidance, the proposal should be coordinated with the Small Airplane Directorate Standards

    Staff, ACE-110. In addition, if an office believes that an applicant’s proposal that meets this

    guidance should not be approved, that office should coordinate its response with the Small

    Airplane Directorate Standards Staff, ACE-110.

    c.  Terms such as “must” are used in this AC only in the sense of ensuring applicability of

    this particular method of compliance when the acceptable method of compliance described

    herein is used . The word “must” is also used in this AC when referring to a specific regulation

    or guidance that is essential when the applicant uses this AC for the means of compliance. In

    this case there is no deviation. The word “should” is used to express a recommendation.

    Deviation from the specified recommendation may require justification.

    2. Who does this AC apply to?

    The guidance provided in this document is directed to airplane manufacturers, modifiers, foreign

    regulatory authorities, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) personnel. This AC isapplicable only to the original applicant seeking issuance of a Type Certificate (TC), an

    Amended Type Certificate (ATC), a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC), or a Parts

    Manufacturer Approval (PMA) for the initial approval of the new type design or a change in the

    approved type design.

    3. Cancellation.

    This AC cancels AC 23.1309-1D, System Safety Analysis and Assessment for Part 23 Airplanes,

    dated January 16, 2009.

    This AC supersedes PS-ACE100-2005-50001, “Applying AC 20-152, ‘RTCA, Inc., DocumentRTCA/DO-254, Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware,’ to Title 14

    Code of Federal Regulations, Part 23 Aircraft”; dated January 26, 2007

    4. Related regulations and documents.

    a.  Regulations.  Sections 23.1301 and 23.1309 of part 23 (through Amendment 23-62).

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    b.  ACs, orders, and policy.  You may access the latest version of ACs, notices, orders, and

     policy on the FAA website:

    AC 20-115B RTCA, Inc., Document RTCA/DO-178B

    AC 20-136A Protection of Aircraft Electrical/Electronic Systems Against theIndirect Effects of Lightning

    AC 20-138B Airworthiness Approval of Positioning and Navigation Systems

    AC 20-152 RTCA, Inc., Document RTCA/DO-254, “Design Assurance

    Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware”

    AC 20-158 The Certification of Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Systems for

    Operation in the High-Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) 


    AC 21-16F RTCA, Document DO-160 version D, E, and F , “Environmental

    Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment”

    AC 21.101-1A Establishing the Certification Basis of Changed Aeronautical


    AC 23-17C Systems and Equipment Guide for Certification of Part 23

    Airplanes and Airships

    AC 23.1311-1C Installation of Electronic Displays in Part 23 Airplanes

    AC 25.1309-1A System Design and Analysis

    AC 33.75-1A Guidance Material for 14 CFR 33.75, Safety Analysis

    Order 8110.4C Type Certification

    Order 8110.105 Simple and Complex Electronic Hardware Approval Guidance

    c. Industry documents. You may obtain copies of current editions of the following

     publications as listed. These documents are excellent resource materials.

    (1) RTCA documents.  The following RTCA documents are available from RTCA,

    Inc., Suite 805, 1828 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20036-4001 or at their website at

    RTCA/DO-160G Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne


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    RTCA/DO-178B Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and

    Equipment Certification

    RTCA/DO-254 Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic


    (2) Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Inc. The following SAE, Inc., Aerospace

    Recommended Practice (ARP) documents are available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive,

    Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 or from their website at

    ARP 4754A Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems

    ARP 4761 Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment

    Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment

    Note: ARPs 4754A and 4761 provide guidelines and methods of performing the safety

    assessment for certification of civil aircraft. The guidelines in ARP 4754A weredeveloped in the context of 14 CFR part 25. It may be applicable to other 14 CFRs, such

    as parts 23, 27, 29, 33, and 35.

    This AC is not intended to constrain the applicant to the use of these documents in the definition

    of their particular methods of satisfying the objectives of this AC. However, these documents

    contain material and methods of performing the System Safety Assessment (SSA) that an

    applicant may choose to use. The guidance in this AC takes precedence over the recommended

     practices in these ARPs if there is a conflict. (See paragraph 21 for more guidance) Contact the

    Small Airplane Directorate if there are conflicts with other guidance or ACs and this AC.

    5. Applicability.

    a.  In addition to specific part 23 design requirements, § 23.1309 requirements, except as

    identified below, are applicable to any equipment or system installed in the airplane. This

    section addresses general requirements and does not supersede any specific requirements

    contained in other part 23 sections. New advance technology in electrical, electronic, and

    mechanical systems designs that include complex electronics with software, complex hardware,

    HIRF, and/or lightning requires a § 23.1309 analysis. An SSA is required to determine the level

    of certitude for the processes in standard and guidance documents such as RTCA/DO-178B,

    RTCA/DO-254, AC 20-136A, and AC 20-158 or equivalent. Section 23.1309 should be used to

    determine failure condition, probability of failure condition, software Development Assurance

    Level (DAL), and complex hardware DALs shown in Figure 2. The safety assessment process isused to determine the failure condition classification, which determines the HIRF and lightning

     protection levels (reduced DALs in Figure 2 are not used). For simple and conventional

    mechanical or analog electromechanical systems, or both, with well-established design and

    certification processes (where the installation is not complex), safety analysis may be satisfied by

    a qualitative assessment such as the single-failure concept and experience based on service-

     proven designs and engineering judgment. In this case, a FHA, a design appraisal, and an

    installation appraisal addressed in this AC may satisfy § 23.1309 as shown in Figure 3.

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    b.  Section 23.1309 does not apply to the performance, flight characteristics requirements of

    subpart B, and structural loads and strength requirements of subparts C and D. However, except

    as noted below, § 23.1309 does apply to systems that comply with subparts B, C, D, and E

    requirements. The flight structure such as wing, empennage, control surfaces and their simple

    systems; the fuselage, engine mounting, and landing gear and their related primary attachments

    are excluded. For example, § 23.1309 does not apply to an airplane's inherent stallcharacteristics or their evaluation of § 23.201, but does apply to a stick pusher (stall barrier)

    system installed to attain compliance with § 23.201. We will determine additional exceptions in

    the future. Until then, contact the Small Airplane Directorate for determination and approval of

     proposed exceptions not included in this AC.

    c.  Experienced engineering and operational judgment should be applied when determining

    whether or not a system is complex. Comparison with similar, previously approved systems is

    sometimes helpful. All relevant systems attributes should be considered. For example, the

    design may be complex, such as a satellite communication system used only by the passenger,

     but its failure may cause only minor safety effects. 

    6. Regulations and AC background.

    a. Regulation.

    (1) Amendment 23-14 (effective December 20, l973) adopted the original airworthiness

    standards in § 23.1309(a). Before amendment 23-14, neither the Civil Air Regulations (CAR)

     part 3, nor 14 CFR part 23, contained safety requirements in § 23.1309 for equipment, systems,

    and installations in small airplanes. In 1968, the FAA instituted an extensive review of the

    airworthiness standards of part 23. Because of the increased use of part 23 airplanes in all

    weather operations and the pilot’s increased reliance on installed systems and equipment, the

    FAA issued § 23.1309 to provide an acceptable level of safety for such equipment, systems, and

    installations. When the FAA adopted § 23.1309 (Amendment 23-14), it did not envision

    installation of systems that perform critical functions in small airplanes; therefore, before

    Amendment 23-41, this section did not contain safety standards for evaluating critical functions.

    When such equipment, systems, and installations were included in the airplane design, they were

    evaluated under special conditions in accordance with the procedures of 14 CFR part 21.

    (2)  Amendment 23-34 (effective February 17, 1987) expanded § 23.1309 to include

    certification of commuter category airplanes. This expansion added a requirement to ensure

    applicable systems and installations are designed to safeguard against hazards. It also added

    requirements for equipment identified as essential loads and the affected power sources.

    (3)  Amendment 23-41 (effective November 26, 1990) retained in § 23.1309 the existing

    safety requirements adopted by amendment 23-14 for airplane equipment, systems, and

    installations that are not complex and that do not perform critical functions. For those cases

    where the applicant includes complex systems, or systems that perform critical functions,

    Amendment 23-41, § 23.1309, provides additional requirements for certification and identifying

    such equipment, systems, and installations. This amendment permitted the approval of more

    advanced systems having the capability to perform critical functions.

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    (4)  Amendment 23-49 (effective March 11, 1996), amended § 23.1309(a)(4) to correct

    Amendment 23-41, which inadvertently removed the commuter category requirement originally

    added by Amendment 23-34 as § 23.1309(d).

    (5)  Amendment 23-62 consolidated and revised the existing requirements to reduce the

    certification burden. The FAA removed § 23.1301(d) and clarified the requirement in§ 23.1309(a) to improve standardization for systems and equipment certification, particularly for

    non-required equipment and non-essential functions embedded within complex avionic systems.

    Section 23.1309(b) requires minor, major, hazardous, or catastrophic failure condition(s) that

    occur during certification testing have a root cause analysis and corrective action. Section

    23.1309(c) updates the safety assessment process terminology. Amendment 23-62 also made

    § 23.1309(d) compatible with § 23.1322 (Warning, caution, and advisory lights) for the design of

    systems and controls, including indications and annunciations. The power source capacity and

    distribution requirements, which are not directly related to the other safety and analysis

    requirements from § 23.1309, Amendment 23-49, were moved to a new section in § 23.1310

    with clarification.

    (6)  Qualitative and quantitative analyses are often used in assessing the acceptability of

    complex designs that have a high degree of integration, use new technology, are new or different

    applications of conventional technology, or are designs that perform critical functions. These

    assessments lead to the selective use of quantitative analyses to support experienced engineering

    and operational judgment and to supplement qualitative analyses and tests. Numerical

     probability ranges associated with the terms used in § 23.1309 are accepted for evaluating

    quantitative analyses that have a logical and acceptable inverse relationship between the

     probability and severity of each failure condition.

    b. AC.

    (1) AC Revisions.

    (a)  The revision from AC 23.1309-1B to AC 23.1309-1C on March 12, 1999,

     provided the four-tier certification classes with different criteria for probability of failures and

    software levels for systems. The purpose of this certification approach is to increase safety by

    enhancing equipment on General Aviation (GA) airplanes that facilitate new technologies.

    (b) Since the issuance of AC 23.1309-1C, there has been a large number of

    electronic displays and electronic systems installed on part 23 airplanes, especially Primary

    Flight Displays (PFD), Multifunction Flight Displays (MFD), Integrated Flight Systems, and

    Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS). A study of the FAA Alaska Capstone demonstration programfor new avionics systems technology determined that four-tier certification classes demonstrated

    significant operational safety benefit and reduced accident rates. These installations, especially

    on Class I and II airplanes, would have been too costly without the establishment of the four-tier

    certification classes of airplanes as shown in paragraph 15.

    (2) Broad causes of fatal accidents. Accident rate is a function of many factors. These

    factors include human performance, weather, design, operation, training, maintenance, and

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    airspace system infrastructure. For all airplanes, but particularly GA airplanes, pilot decision-

    making causes most accidents. Pilot decision-making accidents are often the result of a lack of

    situational awareness relative to terrain or weather, or to a loss of control due to excess

    workload. Correct pilot interventions and actions have prevented some of these accidents.

    Increases in avionics equipage rates that improve pilot situational awareness or simplify the task

    have a significant positive impact on the GA accident rate. The Aircraft Owners and PilotsAssociation, Air Safety Foundation, conducted a study of safety effects of glass cockpits and

    concluded that technologically advanced aircraft provide added situational awareness tools that

    have dramatically improved aspects of GA safety. Technologically advanced aircraft deliver

    multiple safety benefits to GA pilots, but pilot training tied to experience has to evolve with it.

    (3) Installing affordable systems. 

    (a)  Enhancing the quantity, quality, and presentation of situational data in the cockpit

    can improve pilot situational awareness, efficiency, and safety. Many studies have shown that

    equipping these airplanes with safety devices such as Terrain Awareness Warning Systems

    (TAWS), Graphical Weather Displays, Map Displays, Integrated Flight Systems, SVS, andEnhanced Vision Systems may dramatically reduce a number of accident types. Pilots have

    reported that integrated flight displays help reduce workload, improve situational awareness, and

    increase safety.

    (b)  The aviation industry as a whole is on the threshold of a revolutionary change in

    communication, navigation, and surveillance of aircraft operations. The Next Generation Air

    Transportation System will overhaul the National Airspace System (NAS) to take advantage of

    new technology. It will also likely result in the long-term replacement of many avionics and

    instrument equipment in the existing fleet as well as in new production aircraft. Facilitating

    safety equipment installation should enhance the NAS efficiency and safety. If GA is to operate

    within a revised NAS, new technologies should be available and affordable for GA aircraft.With the four-tier certification class criteria, new technologies are affordable for GA. If GA had

    only one class for certification, due to the cost of equipment for the NAS architecture,

    implementation would be incomplete or exclude large portions of the GA fleet from the NAS

    system. Neither situation is desirable or acceptable.

    7. Acronyms.

    14 CFR Title 14 Code of Federal Regulation

    AC Advisory Circular

    ACO Aircraft Certification Office

    AFM Airplane Flight ManualAFMS Airplane Flight Manual Supplement

    ARP Aerospace Recommended Practice

    ATC Amended Type Certificate

    CAR Civil Air Regulations

    CFR Code of Federal Regulations

    CHT Cylinder Head Temperature

    DAL Development Assurance Level

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    EEC Electronic Engine Control

    EGT Engine Gas Temperature

    EPR Engine Pressure Ratio

    FAA Federal Aviation Administration

    FHA Functional Hazard Assessment

    FMEA Failure Modes and Effects AnalysisFTA Fault Tree Analysis

    GA General Aviation

    GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System

    HW Hardware

    HIRF High Intensity Radiated Fields

    ICA Instructions for Continued Airworthiness

    ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

    IFR Instrument Flight Rules

    ILS Instrument Landing System

    IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions

    MFD Multifunction Flight DisplayMRE Multiple Reciprocating Engine

    MTE Multiple Turbine Engine

    MTBF Mean Time Between Failures

     NAS National Airspace System

    P Primary System

    PFD Primary Flight Display

    PMA Parts Manufacturer Approval

    PSSA Preliminary System Safety Assessment

    R Reserved

    S Secondary System

    SAE Society of Automotive EngineersSRE Single Reciprocating Engine

    SSA System Safety Assessment

    STE Single Turbine Engine

    STC Supplemental Type Certificate

    SVS Synthetic Vision Systems

    SW Software

    TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System

    TIA Type Inspection Authorization

    TAWS Terrain Awareness Warning System

    TC Type Certificate

    TIT Turbine Inlet TemperatureTSO Technical Standard Order

    VFR Visual Flight Rules

    WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System

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    8. Definitions.

    a.  Adverse effect.  A response of a system that results in an undesirable operation of an

    airplane system, or subsystem.

    b. Analysis.  An evaluation based on decomposition into simple elements.

    c.  Adverse operating condition.  A set of environmental or operational circumstances

    applicable to the airplane, combined with a failure or other emergency situation that results in a

    significant increase in normal flight crew workload.

    d. Assessment. An evaluation based upon engineering judgment.

    e.  Attribute.  A feature, characteristic, or aspect of a system or a device, or a condition

    affecting its operation. Some examples would include design, construction, technology,

    installation, functions, applications, operational uses, and environmental and operational

    stresses. It would also include relationships with other systems, functions, and flight or

    structural characteristics.

    f.  Average probability per flight hour.  A representation of the number of times the

    subject failure condition is predicted to occur during the entire operating life of all airplanes of a

    type, divided by the anticipated total operating hours of all airplanes of that type.

    Note:  The average probability per flight hour is normally calculated as the probability of a

    failure condition occurring during a typical flight of mean duration divided by that mean

    duration. See Appendix 3.

    g.  Caution.  A clear and unambiguous indication to the flight crew or pilot of a failure that

    requires subsequent crew action. An inherent characteristic of the airplane or a device that willgive clearly distinguishable indications of malfunction or misleading information may provide

    this caution.

    h. Complex hardware item. All items that are not simple are considered to be complex.

    See definition of simple hardware item. Source: RTCA/DO-254, Appendix C and Order


    i. Complex system.  A system is “complex” when its operation, failure modes, or failure

    effects are difficult to comprehend without the aid of analytical methods or structured assessment

    methods. FMEA and FTA are examples of such structured assessment methods. Increased

    system complexity is often caused by such items as sophisticated components and multipleinterrelationships. For example, for these types of systems, a portion of the compliance may be

    shown by the use of DALs such as by processes in RTCA/DO-178B or RTCA/DO-254 or

    equivalent. See the definitions for “conventional” and “simple” for more information.

     j.  Continued safe flight and landing. This phrase means that the airplane is capable of

    continued controlled flight and landing, possibly using emergency procedures, without requiring

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    exceptional pilot skill or strength. Upon landing, some airplane damage may occur as a result of

    a failure condition.

    k. Conventional system.  A system is considered “conventional” if its function, the

    technological means to implement its function, and its intended usage are all the same as, or

    closely similar to, that of previously approved systems that are commonly used. The systemsthat have established an adequate service history and the means of compliance for approval are

    generally accepted as "conventional." Normally conventional and simple systems may be

    analyzed by qualitative assessments as shown in Figure 3. See the definitions for complex and

    simple systems for more information.

    l.  Critical function.  A function whose loss would prevent the continued safe flight and

    landing of the airplane.

    Note:  The term “critical function” is associated with a catastrophic failure condition. Newer

    documents may not refer specifically to the term “critical function.”

    m.  Design appraisal.  A qualitative appraisal of the integrity and safety of the system

    design. An effective appraisal requires experienced judgment.

    n.  Design assurance level.  All of those planned and systematic actions used to substantiate,

    at an adequate level of confidence, that design errors have been identified and corrected such that

    the items (hardware, software) satisfy the applicable certification basis. This term may be used

    in some SAE and RTCA documents, but in this AC it is intended that design assurance levels

    will correlate to the same levels as the DALs for the safety assessment process. See section 21

    for more information.

    o.  Development Assurance Level (DAL).  All those planned and systematic actions used to

    substantiate, to an adequate level of confidence, that errors in requirements, design, andimplementation have been identified and corrected such that the system satisfies the applicable

    certification basis.

    Note: For this AC, DALs in figure 2 and throughout this AC are also intended to correlate to

    software levels in RTCA/DO-178B and complex hardware design assurance levels in

    RTCA/DO-254 for the system or item. See section 21 for more information.

    p.  Equipment essential to safe operation.  Equipment installed in order to comply with the

    applicable certification requirements of part 23 or operational requirements of parts 91, 121, and


    q.  Error.  An omission or incorrect action by a crewmember or maintenance personnel, or a

    mistake in requirements, design, or implementation.

    r.  Essential function.  A function whose loss would reduce the capability of the airplane or

    the ability of the crew to cope with adverse operating conditions.

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    Note:  The term “essential function” is associated with failure conditions between major and

    hazardous. Newer documents may not refer specifically to the term “essential function.”

    s.  Event.  An internal or external occurrence that has its origin distinct from the airplane,

    such as atmospheric conditions (for example, gusts, temperature variations, icing, and, runway

    conditions, conditions of communication, navigation, and surveillance services, bird-strike, fire,leaking fluids, tire burst, HIRF exposure, lightning, uncontained failure of high energy rotating

    machines, etc.). The term is not intended to cover sabotage.

    t.  Essential load.  Equipment essential to safe operation that requires a power source for

    normal operation.

    u.  Extremely remote failure conditions.  Those failure conditions not anticipated to occur

    to each airplane during its total life but which may occur a few times when considering the total

    operational life of all airplanes of this type. For quantitative assessments, refer to the probability

    values shown for hazardous failure conditions in figure 2.

    v.  Extremely improbable failure condition.  For commuter category airplanes, those

    failure conditions so unlikely that they are not anticipated to occur during the entire operational

    life of all airplanes of one type. For other classes of airplanes, the likelihood of occurrence may

     be greater. For quantitative assessments, refer to the probability values shown for catastrophic

    failure conditions in figure 2.

    w.  Failure.  An occurrence that affects the operation of a component, part, or element such

    that it can no longer function as intended (this includes both loss of function and malfunction).

    Note:  Errors may cause failures but are not considered failures.

    x.  Failure conditions.  A condition having an effect on either the airplane or its occupants,or both, either direct or consequential, which is caused or contributed to by one or more failures

    or errors considering flight phase and relevant adverse operational or environmental conditions

    or external events. Failure conditions may be classified according to their severity as follows:

    (1)  No safety effect.  Failure conditions that would have no effect on safety (that is,

    failure conditions that would not affect the operational capability of the airplane or increase crew


    (2)  Minor.  Failure conditions that would not significantly reduce airplane safety and

    involve crew actions that are within their capabilities. Minor failure conditions may include a

    slight reduction in safety margins or functional capabilities, a slight increase in crew workload(such as routine flight plan changes), or some physical discomfort to passengers or cabin crew.

    (3) Major.  Failure conditions that would reduce the capability of the airplane or the

    ability of the crew to cope with adverse operating conditions to the extent that there would be a

    significant reduction in safety margins or functional capabilities. In addition, the failure

    condition has a significant increase in crew workload or in conditions impairing crew efficiency;

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    or a discomfort to the flight crew or physical distress to passengers or cabin crew, possibly

    including injuries.

    (4) Hazardous.  Failure conditions that would reduce the capability of the airplane or

    the ability of the crew to cope with adverse operating conditions to the extent that there would be

    the following:

    (a)  A large reduction in safety margins or functional capabilities;

    (b)  Physical distress or higher workload such that the flight crew cannot be relied

    upon to perform their tasks accurately or completely; or

    (c)  Serious or fatal injury to an occupant other than the flight crew.

    (5)  Catastrophic. Failure conditions that are expected to result in multiple fatalities of

    the occupants, or incapacitation or fatal injury to a flight crewmember normally with the loss of

    the airplane.

    Notes:  (1) The phrase “are expected to result” is not intended to require 100 percent

    certainty that the effects will always be catastrophic. Conversely, just because the effects

    of a given failure, or combination of failures, could conceivably be catastrophic in

    extreme circumstances, it is not intended to imply that the failure condition will

    necessarily be considered catastrophic. (2) The term “catastrophic” was defined in

     previous versions of advisory materials as a failure condition that would prevent

    continued safe flight and landing.

    y.  Function.  The lowest defined level of a specific action of a system, equipment, and flight

    crew performance aboard the airplane that, by itself, provides a completely recognizable

    operational capability (e.g., an airplane heading is a function). One or more systems maycontain a specific function or one system may contain multiple functions.

    z .  Functional hazard assessment.  A systematic, comprehensive examination of airplane

    and system functions to identify potential minor, major, hazardous, and catastrophic failure

    conditions that may arise as a result of a malfunction or a failure to function.

    aa.  Hazard.  A potentially unsafe condition resulting from failures, malfunctions, external

    events, errors, or combinations thereof. This term is intended for single malfunctions or failures

    that are considered probable based on either past service experience or analysis with similar

    components in comparable airplane applications, or both. There is no quantitative analysis

    intended in this application.

    Note:  There is a difference between “hazardous” as used in general policy or regulations

    and “hazardous failure condition” as used in an FHA. When the term "hazard" or

    "hazardous" is used in general policy or regulations, it is generally used as shown in this

    definition. A hazard could be a failure condition that relates to major, hazardous, or


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    bb.  Improbable failure conditions.  Those failure conditions unlikely to occur in each

    airplane during its total life, but that may occur several times when considering the total

    operational life of a number of airplanes of this type. Also, those failure conditions not

    anticipated to occur to each airplane during its total life but that may occur a few times when

    considering the total operational life of all airplanes of this type. For quantitative assessments,

    refer to the probability values shown for major and hazardous failure conditions in figure 2. Formore specific guidance, see definitions of “remote failure conditions” and “extremely remote

    failure conditions”

    cc. Item. One or more hardware and/or software elements treated as a unit. 

    dd.  Installation appraisal.  A qualitative appraisal of the integrity and safety of the

    installation. Any deviations from normal industry-accepted installation practices should be


    ee.  Latent failure.  A failure is latent until it is made known to the flight crew or

    maintenance personnel.

    ff.  Malfunction.  Failure of a system, subsystem, unit, or part to operate in the normal or

    usual manner. The occurrence of a condition whereby the operation is outside specified limits.

    gg.  Minimize.  To reduce, lessen, or diminish a hazard to the least practical amount with

    current technology and materials. The least practical amount is that point at which the effort to

    further reduce a hazard significantly exceeds any benefit in terms of safety derived from that

    reduction. Additional efforts would not result in any significant improvements to safety and

    would inappropriately add to the cost of the product without a commensurate benefit.

    hh.  Power source.  A system that provides power to installed equipment. This system

    would normally include prime mover(s), required power converter(s), energy storage device(s),and required control and interconnection means.

    ii.  Primary function.  A function installed to comply with applicable regulations for the

    required function and provides the most pertinent controls or information instantly and directly

    to the pilot. For example, the PFD is a single physical unit that always provides the primary

    display and complies with the requirements of all the following: altitude, airspeed, aircraft

    heading (direction) and attitude. The PFD is located directly in front of the pilot and used

    instantly and first by the pilot. A standby or another display intended to be used in the event of

    failure of the PFD or as a cross reference is an example of a secondary system. For example, a

     brake control system normally uses the electronic brake system most of the time because of its

     better performance, but it does not comply with all the requirements. In this case, themechanical brakes are used as the backup systems; yet, it is consider the primary with regard to

    meeting the requirements and the electronic brake system is the secondary.

     jj.  Primary system.  A system that provides the primary function.

    kk. Probable.  Probable as defined for § 23.1309(a) through Amendment 23-49, as a

     probable malfunction or failure, is any single malfunction or failure that is considered likely on

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    the basis of either past service experience or analysis with similar components in comparable

    airplane applications, or both.

    Note:  Normally, there is no quantitative analysis intended in this application. This should

    not be confused with a probable failure condition when used for a safety assessment process. 

    ll.  Probable failure conditions.  Those failure conditions anticipated to occur one or more

    times during the entire operational life of each airplane. These failure conditions may be

    determined on the basis of past service experience with similar components in comparable

    airplane applications. For quantitative assessments, refer to the probability values shown for

    minor failure conditions in figure 2.

    mm.  Qualitative.  Those analytical processes that assess system and airplane safety in an

    objective non-numerical manner.

    nn.  Quantitative.  Those analytical processes that apply mathematical methods to assess the

    system and airplane safety.

    oo.  Redundancy.  The presence of more than one independent means for accomplishing a

    given function. Each means of accomplishing the function need not be identical.

    pp.  Reliability .  The determination that a system, subsystem, unit, or part will perform its

    intended function for a specified interval under certain operational and environmental conditions.

    qq.  Remote failure conditions . Those failure conditions that are unlikely to occur to each

    airplane during its total life but that may occur several times when considering the total

    operational life of a number of airplanes of this type. For quantitative assessments, refer to the

     probability values shown for major failure conditions in figure 2.

    rr. Secondary system .  A redundancy system that provides the same function as the primary


    ss.  Similarity.  The process of showing that the equipment type, form, function, design, and

    installation have only minor differences to previously approved equipment. The safety and

    operational characteristics and other qualities of the new proposed installation should have no

    appreciable effects on the airworthiness of the airplane.

    tt. Simple hardware item. An item with a comprehensive combination of deterministic

    tests and analyses appropriate to the design assurance level that ensures correct functional

     performance under all foreseeable operating conditions, with no anomalous behavior.--Source:RTCA/DO-254, paragraph 1.6 and Order 8110.105. 

    uu. Simple system. Usually a system that can be evaluated by only qualitative analysis and

    it is not complex. Functional performance is determined by combination of tests and analyses.

    See the definitions for “conventional” and “complex” systems for more information.

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    vv.  Single failure concept . The objective of this design concept is to permit the airplane to

    continue safe flight and landing after any single failure. Protection from multiple malfunctions

    or failures should be provided when the first malfunction or failure would not be detected during

    normal operations of the airplane, which includes preflight checks, or if the first malfunction or

    failure would inevitably cause other malfunctions or failures.

    ww.  System . A combination of components, parts, and elements that are interconnected to

     perform one or more functions.

    xx.  Warning .  A clear and unambiguous indication to the flight crew or pilot of a failure

    that requires immediate corrective action. An inherent characteristic of the airplane or a device

    that will give clearly distinguishable indications of malfunction or misleading information may

     provide this warning.

    9. Application of § 23.1309(a), (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3), as adopted by Amendments 23-41

    and 23-49.

    If the certification basis for the airplane is Amendment 23-14, § 23.1309(a) (See Note in

     paragraph 10.) is appropriate to use for systems in airplanes approved to fly either VFR or IFR,

    or both. With the certification basis at Amendment 23-14, systems that must meet the single-

    failure concept with the requirements of § 23.1309(a) should comply if the guidance in

     paragraph 10 of this AC is used. Under the certification basis at Amendment 23-14, compliance

    with § 23.1309(b) is not required and a safety assessment is not necessary, but it may be used.

    For complex systems, the requirements of Amendment 23-14 may not provide an adequate level

    of safety. Then, the certification basis should be Amendment 23-41 or 23-49 as appropriate. In

    accordance with AC 21.101-1, in cases where no regulatory standards are defined in the existing

    certification basis for the design change, but applicable regulatory standards exist in a

    subsequent amendment to the regulations, the subsequent amendment will be made part of thecertification basis. Therefore, the change must comply with later appropriate regulations.

    10. Showing compliance with the requirements of § 23.1309 (a) through Amendment 23-


    Note:  The requirements of paragraphs (a), (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of § 23.1309, as

    amended by Amendments 23-41 and 23-49, are the same requirements as paragraphs (a), (b),

    and (c) of § 23.1309, as amended by Amendment 23-14. These same requirements in

     paragraphs (a), (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) (above) were deleted in § 23.1309 by Amendment

    23-62 because there was a significant revision of § 23.1309.

    a.  In order to show compliance with the requirements of § 23.1309(a), (a)(1), (a)(2), and

    (a)(3), it will be necessary to verify that the installed systems and each item of equipment will

    cause no unacceptable adverse effects and to verify that the airplane is adequately protected

    against any hazards that could result from probable malfunctions or failures. Analyze, inspect,

    and test equipment, systems, and installations to ensure compliance with the requirements of

    § 23.1309(a), (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3).

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    b.  A step-by-step diagram to comply with § 23.1309(a), (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) is shown in

    figure 1. These steps are described below.

    (1)  Evaluate all airplane systems and each item of equipment in order to determine

    whether they are the following:

    (a)  Essential to safe operation; or

    (b)  Not essential to safe operation.

    (2)  Determine that operation of installed equipment has no unacceptable adverse effects.

    Verify this by applicable flight or ground checks, as follows:

    (a)  If it can be determined that the operation of the installed equipment will not

    adversely affect equipment essential to safe operation, the requirements of § 23.1309(a)(1)(i)

    have been satisfied; and

    (b)  If it is determined that the operation of the installed equipment has an adverseeffect on equipment not essential to safe operation and a means exists to inform the pilot of the

    effect, the requirements of § 23.1309(a)(1)(ii) have been met. An acceptable means to inform

    the pilot that the affected system is not performing properly would include any visual or aural

    method (flags, lights, horns, loss of display, etc.).

    (3)  Determine that failure or malfunction of the installed equipment could not result in

    unacceptable hazards.

    (a)  Each item of equipment must be evaluated for general installation hazards. These

    types of hazards would normally include those hazards that would directly compromise the

    safety of the airplane or its occupants, such as fire, smoke, explosion, toxic gases,depressurization, etc. A hazard could also result from loss of equipment or systems essential to

    safe operations when the minimum required functions are lost. Individual failure of redundant

    equipment would not necessarily be considered a hazard. For example, the single failure of

    either a communication transceiver or a navigation receiver (but not both) during IFR operation

    is not considered a hazard; however, a single failure of a common power supply to those systems

    would be considered a hazard.

    (b)  Systems and equipment essential to safe operation must also be assessed for

     probability of malfunction or failure. Where the installation is conventional, and where there is a

    high degree of similarity in installations and a significant amount of service history is available

    for review, this determination can be an engineering judgment. Service history should show that past malfunctions or failures have not resulted in hazards and there are no unresolved problems.

    (c)  Hazards identified and found to result from probable failures are not acceptable in

    multiengine airplanes. In these situations, a design change may be required to remove the hazard

    or to reduce the probability of failure, such as increasing redundancy, substitution of more

    reliable equipment, annunciation, etc.

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    (d)  If it has been determined that a probable failure or malfunction could result in a

    hazard to a single-engine airplane, that hazard must be minimized or prevent hazards in a

    multiengine airplane. To minimize is to reduce, lessen, or diminish a hazard to the least practical

    amount with current technology and materials. Design features should be taken into account to

     prevent hazards either by ensuring that the failure condition will not occur or by having

    redundancy or annunciation with the associated flight crew’s corrective action. In either case,the hazards should be addressed to the least practical amount to the point at which the effort to

    further reduce a hazard significantly exceeds any benefit in terms of safety derived from that

    reduction that is practical for this type of airplane. Additional efforts would not result in any

    significant improvements of safety and would inappropriately add to the cost of the product

    without a commensurate benefit. This determination should come from an experienced

    engineering judgment based on the criticality of the hazard and the intended kinds of operation.

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    Start Assessment

     All Airplanes




    Will Operation

    of this Equipment have

     Adverse Effect on Equipment

    Essential to Safe


     Any Adverse

    Effect on Other 


    Is there a means

    to Inform the Pilot

    of Effect?

    Meets Requirementsof § 23.1309(a)(1)

    Will Any

    Probable Failure or Malfunction

    Result in a Hazard?

    Corrective Measures

    Unacceptable Single or Multiengine?

    Has Hazard Been Minimized?Meets Requirements of

    § 23.1309(a)(2) & (3)







    Yes No


    No Yes



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    11. Application of § 23.1309(a)(4), as adopted by Amendment 23-49.

    a.  For those commuter airplanes that include the certification basis of Amendments 23-34,

    23-41, or 23-49, § 23.1309(a)(4) requires all applicable systems and installations to be designed

    to safeguard against hazards to the airplane in the event of their failure. This requirement in§ 23.1309(a)(4) for commuter airplanes was introduced into part 23 airplanes by Amendment 23-

    34 before the safety assessment process was included by Amendment 23-41.

    b.  Design features should be taken into account to safeguard against hazards either by

    ensuring that the failure condition will not occur or by having redundancy or annunciation with

    the associated flight crew’s corrective action. The reliability should be such that independent

    failures of the redundant systems are not probable during the same flight. If a redundant system

    is required, a probable failure in one system should not adversely affect the other system’s

    operation. No probable failure should result in a “safe” indication of an “unsafe” condition so

    that the flight crew would incorrectly assume the system is available or functional. When the

    unsafe condition is annunciated or detected, the AFM should have clear and precise corrective procedures for handling the failure without an excessive increase in workload.

    c.  Service history for similar installations may be utilized to meet part or all of this

    requirement if a system or installation has a significant and favorable service history in

    environments similar to the airplane. The claim of similarity should be based on equipment type,

    function, design and installation similarities, and other relevant attributes. It is the applicant’s

    responsibility to provide accepted/approved data that supports any similarity claims to a previous

    installation. More information is available in Order 8110.4C.

    12. Application of § 23.1309(a)(1) and (a)(2), as adopted by Amendments 23-62.

    a.  Section 23.1309(a) requires the airplane equipment and systems be designed and installed

    so that:

    (1)  Those required for type certification or by operating rules perform as intended under

    the airplane operating and environmental conditions, including the indirect effects of lightning


    (2)  Any equipment and system does not adversely affect the safety of the airplane or its

    occupants, or the proper functioning of those covered by paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

    b.  Section 23.1309(a) has requirements for different classes of equipment and systemsinstalled in the airplane, that is, those that are required and not required. Section 23.1309(a)(1)

    covers the equipment and systems installed to meet a regulatory requirement. Such systems and

    equipment are required to “perform as intended under the airplane’s operating and environmental


    c.  Section 23.1309(a) gives the conditional qualifiers “under the airplane operating and

    environmental conditions.” This section describes two actions for the applicant. First, the

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    applicant must consider the full normal operating envelope of the airplane, as defined by the

    AFM, with any modification to that envelope associated with abnormal or emergency procedures

    and any anticipated crew action. Second, the applicant must consider the anticipated external

    and internal airplane environmental conditions, as well as any additional conditions where

    equipment and systems are assumed to “perform as intended.” Although certain operating

    conditions are foreseeable, achieving normal performance when they exist is not always possibleand may not need to be considered. For example, you may foresee ash clouds from volcanic

    eruptions; however, airplanes with current technology cannot safely fly in such clouds.

    d.  Other external environmental conditions such as atmospheric turbulence, HIRF, lightning,

    and precipitation, which the airplane is reasonably expected to encounter, must be considered.

    These severities of the external environmental conditions to be considered are limited to those

    established by certification standards and precedence. Also, the environmental effect within the

    airplane must be considered. These effects should include vibration and acceleration loads,

    variations in fluid pressure and electrical power, and fluid or vapor contamination due to either

    the normal environment or accidental leaks or spillage and handling by personnel.

    e.  We accept equipment susceptible to failures if these failures do not contribute

    significantly to the existing risks (e.g., some degradation in functionality and capability is

    routinely allowed during some environmental qualifications, such as HIRF and lightning

    testing). For example, system lightning protection allows momentary lost or upset of specific

    functions of electrical/electronic systems. These functions are for failure conditions that are

    hazardous or major. But, the function must recover in a timely manner after the airplane is

    exposed to lightning. See AC 20-158 and AC 20-136B for more specific guidance. The safety

    assessment process of § 23.1309 does not supersede either the HIRF or lightning specific

    requirements. Environmental effects such as HIRF and lightning should not be considered in

    combination with another single failure or pre-existing latent failure.

    f.  Using § 23.1309(a)(2), we must analyze any installed equipment or system that has

     potential failure condition(s) that are catastrophic, hazardous, major, or minor to determine their

    impact on the safe operation of the airplane. Usually, normal installation practices can be based

    on a relatively simple qualitative installation evaluation. If the possible safety impacts, including

    failure modes or effects, are questionable, or isolation between systems is provided by complex

    means, more formal structured evaluation methods or a design change may be necessary.

    Operational and environmental qualification requirements for those equipment, systems, and

    installations are reduced to the necessary tests that show their normal or abnormal functioning

    does not adversely affect the proper functioning of the equipment, systems, or installations under

    § 23.1309 (a)(1) and does not otherwise adversely influence the safety of the aircraft or its

    occupants. Examples of adverse influences include fire, explosion, exposing passengers to highvoltages, etc.

    g. Section 23.1309(a)(2) requires the applicant to show that all required and non required

    equipment and systems (including approved “amenities,” such as a coffee pot and entertainment

    systems) have no safety effect on the operation of the airplane. Section 23.1309(a)(2) does not

    require non-required equipment and systems to function properly during all airplane operations

    once in service if analysis shows that all potential failure condition(s) have no adverse safety

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    effects on safe operation of the airplane. The equipment or system must function in accordance

    with the manufacturer’s operating manual or specification. An applicant’s statement of intended

    function must be sufficiently specific and detailed so the FAA can evaluate whether the system is

    appropriate for the intended function(s) and the associated flight crew tasks. However, we

    would require equipment or systems to function when they are tested to verify that they do not

    interfere with the operation of other airplane equipment and systems and do not pose a hazardthemselves. The normal operation of non-required systems should not interfere with the proper

    operation of any required systems or present a hazard themselves. Non-required systems are not

    required to perform their intended function throughout the aircraft operating and environmental

    conditions. However, in situations where the non-required system has failed, there can be no

    adverse safety effect to the aircraft, its occupants, or any adverse effect on required equipment

    and systems. Malfunctioning and erroneous behavior of all systems, including non-required,

    should be addressed under § 23.1309(c).

    13. Application of § 23.1309(b), as adopted by Amendment 23-62.

    a.  Section 23.1309 (b) requires for minor, major, hazardous, or catastrophic failurecondition(s) which occur during TIA or FAA flight-certification testing must have root cause

    analysis and corrective action. Testing is an important aspect of the overall compliance

     processes with §§ 23.1301 and 23.1309. The applicant should conduct bench, ground, and/or

    flight testing when necessary to validate hazard classifications, acceptability of crew procedures,

    human factors, and other assumptions made during the root cause analysis processes and

    corrective actions. The applicant must also discuss with the project ACO what aspects of this

    testing will need to be included in the FAA certification testing. Those aspects required for

    formal certification testing must be included in the appropriate FAA approved test plans and

    conducted on an FAA conformed test article in the presence of the FAA or delegated FAA

    witness in accordance with Order 8110.4C. Before receiving TIA, the applicant should be able

    to show qualitatively that the proposed design change will meet the requirements of section23.1309.

    b.  The FAA will typically conduct some level of function and qualitative reliability testing

    during certification to ensure required functions demonstrate an acceptable level. The FAA will

    also conduct other required certification tests and analyses. These tests are meant to verify

    availability, accuracy, and qualitative reliability of the system. The FAA expects the applicant to

    show that the system does not exhibit unintended or undesirable functionality failure conditions

    that are minor, major, hazardous, or catastrophic. The FAA also expects that failures,

    malfunctions, and design errors with potential safety hazards have a full assessment of the

     problem, root cause analysis processes, and corrective action.

    c.  It is not intended for the probability requirements based on random distribution across a

    fleet of aircraft be applied on the beginning phase and to be fully complaint with this

    requirements. It is not appropriate to apply probability values to the typical certification flight

    test because the sample is too small. Failures during TIA and FAA flight-certification testing

    must have root cause analysis and corrective action (include traceability to production within the

    change) with robust corrections and substantiation of the corrections. The regulations do not

    required FAA approval for the root cause analysis.

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    14. Application of § 23.1309(b), as adopted by Amendments 23-41 and 23-49 and

    § 23.1309(c), as adopted by Amendment 23-62.

    a. The installed systems should be evaluated by performing a safety assessment as shown in

    this AC. The depth and scope of the safety assessment depends on the types of functions performed by the systems, the severity of the failure conditions, and whether the system is

    complex. For instance, the safety assessment for a slightly modified single-engine airplane with

    simple systems might consist only of an FHA with a design and installation appraisal. This FHA

    will be much less extensive than the FHA for a commuter category or a multiple turbine-engine

    airplane with more complex systems. The types of analyses selected by an applicant and

    approved by the certification authority should be based on factors such as the system

    architecture, complexity, particular design, etc.

    b.  The safety assessment objective is to ensure an acceptable safety level for equipment and

    systems installed on the airplane. A logical and acceptable inverse relationship should exist

     between the average probability per flight hour and the severity of failure conditions effects (asshown in figure 2). This figure defines the appropriate airplane systems probability standards for

    four certification classes of airplanes designed to part 23 standards. The relationship between

     probability and severity of failure condition effects are as follows:

    (1)  Failure conditions with no safety effect have no probability requirement.

    (2)  Minor failure conditions may be probable.

    (3)  Major failure conditions must be no more frequent than remote.

    (4)  Hazardous failure conditions must be no more frequent than extremely remote.

    (5)  Catastrophic failure conditions must be extremely improbable.

    c.  Compliance with § 23.1309(c) may be shown by analysis and, where necessary, by

    appropriate ground, flight, or simulator test. The analysis should consider—

    (1)  Possible modes of failure, including malfunctions and damage from external sources;

    (2)  The probability of multiple failures and the probability or undetected faults;

    (3)  The resulting effects on the airplane and occupants, considering the stage of flightand operating conditions; and

    (4)  The crew warning cues, corrective action required, and the crew's capability of

    determining faults.

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    15. Four certification classes of airplanes.

    a. The four-certification classes of airplanes for this AC are shown in figure 2 and the

    acronyms are defined in paragraph 7. They are Class I (Typically SRE 6,000 pounds (lbs.) or

    less (Maximum Certificated Gross Takeoff Weight)), Class II (Typically MRE, MTE and STE,

    6,000 pounds or less), Class III (Typically SRE, STE, MRE, and MTE greater than 6,000 pounds), and Class IV (Typically Commuter Category).

    b.  Numerical values are assigned for use in cases where the impact of system failures is

    examined by quantitative methods of analysis. Also, the related software and complex hardware

    DALs for the various failure conditions are part of the matrix in figure 2 for most systems.

    These levels should be used unless there are some unique architecture considerations. For these

    unusual situations there should be specific policy, guidance, or approval by the Small Airplane

    Directorate. (See paragraph 21 for more information) The probability standards are based on

    historical accident data, systems analyses, and engineering judgment for each class of airplane.

    c.  In assessing the acceptability of a design, the FAA recognized the need to establishrational probability values. Historically, failures in GA airplanes that might result in

    catastrophic failure conditions are predominately associated with the primary flight instruments

    in IMC. Historical evidence indicates that the probability of a fatal accident in restricted

    visibility due to operational and airframe-related causes is approximately one per ten thousand

    flight hours or 1 x 10-4  per flight hour for single-engine airplanes under 6,000 pounds.

    Furthermore, from accident databases, it appears that about 10 percent of the total was attributed

    to failure conditions caused by the airplane's systems. It is reasonable to expect that the

     probability of a fatal accident from all such failure conditions would not be greater than one per

    one hundred thousand flight hours or 1 x 10-5  per flight hour for a newly designed airplane. From

     past service history, it is also assumed that there are about ten potential failure conditions in an

    airplane that could be catastrophic. The allowable target average probability per flight hour of 1 x10

    -5 was thus apportioned equally among these failure conditions, which resulted in an allocation

    of not greater than 1 x 10-6 to each. The upper limit for the average probability per flight hour for

    catastrophic failure conditions would be

    1 x 10-6

    , which establishes an approximate probability value for the term "extremely improbable."

    Failure conditions having less severe effects could be relatively more likely to occur. Similarly,

    airplanes over 6,000 pounds have a lower fatal accident rate; therefore, they have a lower

     probability value for catastrophic failure conditions.

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    Classification of

    Failure Conditions

    No Safety Effect < Catastrophic>




    No Probability


    Probable Remote Extremely




    Effect on Airplane No effect on


    capabilities or safety

    Slight reduction in


    capabilities or safety


    Significant reduction

    in functional

    capabilities or safety


    Large reduction in


    capabilities or safety


     Normally with hull


    Effect on Occupants Inconvenience for


    Physical discomfort

    for passengers

    Physical distress to

     passengers, possibly

    including injuries

    Serious or fatal

    injury to an occupant



    Effect on Flight


     No effect on flight


    Slight increase in

    workload or use of



    Physical discomfort

    or a significant

    increase in workload

    Physical distress or

    excessive workload

    impairs ability to

     perform tasks

    Fatal Injury or


    Classes of


    Allowable Quantitative Probabilities and Software (SW) and Complex Hardware (HW) Development Assurance

    Levels (Note 2)

    Class I

    (Typically SRE

    6,000 pounds or less)

     No Probability or

    SW and HW


    Assurance Levels


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    d.  The criteria shown in figure 2 directly reflect the historical accident and equipment

     probability of failure data in the CAR 3 and 14 CFR part 23 airplane fleet. Characteristics of the

    airplane, such as stall speed, handling characteristics, cruise altitude, ease of recognizing system

    failures, recognition of entry into stall, pilot workload, and other factors (which include pilot

    training and experience) affect the pilot’s ability to safely handle various types of system failures

    in small airplanes. The criteria considered for all airplanes’ failure conditions is based onservice experience, operational exposure rates, and total airplane system reliability. The values

    for individual system probability of failure could be higher than probability values shown in

    figure 2 for specific failure conditions because it considers the installed airplane systems, events,

    and factors.

    e.  These classes were defined based on the way accident and safety statistics are currently

    collected. Generally, the classes deal with airplanes of historical equivalent levels of system

    complexity, type of use, system reliability, and historical divisions of airplanes according to

    these characteristics. However, these classes could change because of new technologies. The

     placement of a specific airplane in a class should be done in reference to all of the airplane’s

    missions and performance characteristics. The applicant should have the concurrence of thecertification authority that is knowledgeable about the applicable airplane class early in the

     program. When unusual situations develop, consult the Small Airplane Directorate to obtain

    specific policy guidance or approval.

    f.  For example, airplanes with considerably more than 10 catastrophic failure conditions,

    that have greater performance characteristics and incorporate many complex systems and

    advance technologies may have lower probability values and higher DALs. These airplanes’

     probability values and DALs may fall between the classes of the airplanes. For instance, the

     performance characteristics of a complex airplane including airplane handling qualities and stall

    speed may be similar to existing Class II airplanes. However, this airplane’s mission and other

     performance characteristics including high speed, high altitude, and extended range operationsmay be similar to existing Class III airplanes. The major difference between the DALs for Class

    II and Class III airplanes is for primary systems whose failure would result in a catastrophic

    failure condition for the airplane. Since this complex airplane falls between these two classes, it

    is reasonable to choose the higher DAL and a lower probability level.

    g.  For example, in part 23, turbine-engine airplanes traditionally have been subject to more

    stringent requirements than a single-engine reciprocating airplane. A single-engine reciprocating

    airplane generally has a wider stall-cruise speed ratio than traditional turbine-engine airplanes.

    Such an airplane with a stall speed under 61 knots with simple systems, and with otherwise

    similar characteristics to a traditional single-engine reciprocating airplane (except for a higher

    cruise speed and a more reliable engine that is simpler to operate), can be treated as a Class Iairplane under this analysis. Conversely, if a single-engine reciprocating airplane has the

     performance, mission capability, and system complexity of a higher class (such as cabin

     pressurization, high cruise altitude, and extended range), then that type of airplane design may

    align itself with the safety requirements of a higher class (for example, Class II airplane). These

    determinations should be made during the development of the certification basis.

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    h.  This AC uses terminology similar to AC 25.1309-1A. However, the specific means of

    compliance for § 25.1309 are defined differently due to the higher safety level required for

    transport category airplanes. However, there are some similarities with part 23 commuter

    category airplanes.

    16. Safety assessments.

    a. The applicant is responsible for identifying and classifying each failure condition and

    choosing the methods for safety assessment. The applicant should then obtain early concurrence

    from the cognizant certificating authority on the identification of failure conditions, their

    classifications, and the choice of an acceptable means of compliance. Figure 3 provides an

    overview of the information flow to conduct a safety assessment. This figure is a guide and it

    does not include all information provided in this AC or the documents referenced in section 4 of

    this AC.

    b. Functional hazard assessment (FHA). 

    (1)  Before an applicant proceeds with a detailed safety assessment, an FHA of the

    airplane and system functions to determine the need for and the scope of subsequent analysis

    should be prepared. This assessment may be conducted using service experience, engineering

    and operational judgment, or service experience and a top-down deductive qualitative

    examination of each function. An FHA is a systematic, comprehensive examination of airplane

    and system functions to identify potential no safety effect, minor, major, hazardous, and

    catastrophic failure conditions that may arise, not only as a result of malfunctions or failure to

    function but also as a result of normal responses to unusual or abnormal external factors. The

    FHA concerns the operational vulnerabilities of systems rather than a detailed analysis of the

    actual implementation.

    (2)  Each system function should be examined regarding the other functions performed

     by the system because the loss or malfunction of all functions performed by the system may

    result in a more severe failure condition than the loss of a single function. In addition, each

    system function should be examined regarding functions performed by other airplane systems

     because the loss or malfunction of different but related functions, provided by separate systems,

    may affect the severity of failure conditions postulated for a particular system.

    (3)  The FHA is an engineering tool that should be performed early in the design and

    updated as necessary. It is used to define the high-level airplane or system safety objectives that

    should be considered in the proposed system architectures. Also, it should be used to assist in

    determining the DALs for the systems. Many systems may need only a simple review of the

    system design by the applicant to determine the hazard classification. An FHA requires

    experienced engineering judgment and early coordination between the applicant and the

    certification authority.

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    Conduct FunctionalHazard Assessment

    Is there a safety


    Is the

    Failure Condition


    Is the


    and installation

    similar to a



    Is the Failure

    Condition Major?

    Is the system

    simple and


    Conduct qualitative

    and quantitative


    Is the system


    Is the system


    Note: FHA may be based ona design and installation

    appraisal for these systems

    Verify by design and

    installation appraisal

    Verify similarity

    Conduct qualitative


    Conduct qualitative and

    quantitative assessments

    Conduct qualitative
















    Note: Numbers in

    parenthesis refer to the

    paragraphs in this AC

    17(a) & (b)

    17(c) & (d)





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    (4)  Depending on the extent of functions to be examined and the relationship between

    functions and systems, different approaches to FHA may be taken. Where there is a clear

    correlation between functions and systems, and where system and function interrelationships are

    relatively simple, it may be feasible to conduct separate FHA’s for each system. However, this

    is conditional providing any interface aspects are properly considered and easily understood.

    However, a top-down approach from an airplane level perspective should be taken in planningand conducting an FHA where system and function interrelationships are more complex.

    (5)  After each failure condition is classified, refer to figure 2 to identify the failure

    condition probability and software and complex hardware DALs. For example, the probability

    requirement for a hazardous failure condition for a Class I airplane should be less than 1 x 10-5


    In addition, the primary system for a Class I airplane should have software and complex

    hardware DALs of C and, if required, the secondary system for a Class I airplane should have

    software and complex hardware DALs of D.

    (6)  The classification of failure conditions does not depend on whether a system or

    function is required by any specific regulation. Some systems required by specific regulations,such as transponders, position lights, and public address systems, may have the potential for only

    minor failure conditions. Conversely, other systems not required by any specific regulation,

    such as flight management systems and automatic landing systems, may have the potential for

    major, hazardous, or catastrophic failure conditions.

    (7)  The classification of failure conditions should consider all relevant factors.

    Examples of factors include the nature of the failure modes, which includes common mode

    faults, system degradation resulting from failures, flight crew actions, flight crew workload,

     performance degradation, reduced operational capability, effects on airframe, etc. It is

     particularly important to consider factors that would alleviate or intensify the severity of a failure

    condition. An example of an alleviating factor would be the continued performance of identical

    or operationally similar functions by other systems not affected by a failure condition. Examples

    of intensifying factors would include unrelated conditions that would reduce the ability of the

    crew to cope with a failure condition, such as weather or other adverse operational or

    environmental conditions. The ability of a system to inform the pilot of potential or real failure

    conditions so that timely corrective action can be taken to reduce the effects of the combination

    of events is desirable. This approach may reduce the severity of the failure condition. 

    (8)  Because of the large number of combinations of failures, various mitigating factors,

    airplane characteristic effects, and similar factors, a specific FHA and the related safety

    assessments may be significantly different for each evaluated airplane type and configuration.

    These factors preclude providing a concrete example of a FHA that applies across the board to

    every installation. However, general examples may be provided that illustrate the concepts

    involved in an FHA. It is critical to understand that significant engineering judgment and

    common sense are necessary to provide a practical and acceptable evaluation of the airplane and

    its systems.

    c. Appendix 1 provides a partial list of FHA for consideration for part 23 IFR Class I

    airplanes with typical functions and, in general, the related failure conditions are at the aircraft

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    level. The criteria at the aircraft level are useful to derive the system FHA. The failure

    conditions for the examples in Appendix 1 cannot be applied indiscriminately to a particular

    airplane installation. This table is primarily for use to reduce the regulatory burden on applicants

    who are not familiar with the various methods and procedures generally used in industry to

    conduct safety assessments. It is only intended to be a guide, not a certification checklist, since

    it does not include all the information necessary for an FHA for a specific airplane with itsvarious functions and its intended use. The functions listed in the partial FHA as a guide for the

    classification of failure conditions when the functions are installed. The list of functions is not

    intended to suggest that the functions are required for Class I airplanes. Even if there is guidance

    information in Appendix 1, the applicable regulations provide the requirements of the functions

    for installations.

    (1)  The applicant should use Appendix 1 and the appropriate certification authority as a

     point of departure for the specific system or airplane assessment. It can be used to arrive at the

    appropriate failure conditions for a specific system by similarity to or by interpolating between

    the example systems. It does not necessarily provide, by itself, an answer for an applicant’s

    system unless that system is exactly as described. Its sole purpose is to assist applicants byillustrating typical functions and the related failure conditions. This appendix addresses general

    applicability, which is valuable for determining software and complex hardware DALs, and it

    should not be utilized to replace any specific guidance intended for individual types of

    equipment, systems, and installations. The FHA results are airplane characteristic and system

    architecture dependent. The examples in this appendix are based on traditional airplanes and

    traditional architectures. Section 23.1309 is a regulation of general requirements and should not

     be used to supersede any specific requirements of part 23.

    (2)  In addition to the general technical guidance provided in Appendix 1, a sample of

    one suggested format is provided in Appendix 2 for documenting the results of an FHA. This

    format illustrates how factors other than those directly illustrated in Appendix 1 are pertinent. Italso illustrates that failure conditions are not limited to only the three general types shown in

    Appendix 1. The actual data shown in Appendix 2 is only used to illustrate the typical approach

    and should not be viewed as technically representative of any particular airplane. A complete

    FHA could be comprised of the layout shown in Appendix 2 by utilizing pertinent technical

    considerations identified in Appendix 1, which are modified and expanded to reflect the specific

     proposed airplane design under consideration.

    d.  Part 23 airplanes cover a wide range of airplane sizes and capabilities. These airplanes

    range from single-engine, single-seat, low-performance airplanes to complex multiengine, high-

    speed, high-performance airplanes. At the bottom end of these part 23 airplane types, there are

    several compensating characteristics that mitigate many of the effects of a failure. Docilehandling characteristics, low stall speeds, spin resistant designs, lower probability of operation in

    extreme weather conditions, and the inherent design philosophies used to design single-engine

    airplanes are specific examples of characteristics to consider in an FHA for systems installed in

    this class of airplane. Usually, air traffic control support is not a mitigating factor.

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    17. Failure conditions.

    a.  Failure conditions with no safety effect.  An FHA with a design and installation

    appraisal to establish independence from other functions is necessary for the safety assessment

    of these failure conditions. In general, common design practice provides physical and functional

    isolation from related components, which are essential to safe operation. If the applicant choosesnot to do a detailed FHA, the safety effects may be derived from the design and installation

    appraisal performed by the applicant.

    b.  Analysis of minor failure conditions.  An analysis should consider the effects of system

    failures on other systems or their functions. An FHA with a design and installation appraisal to

    establish independence from other functions is necessary for the safety assessment of these

    failure conditions. In general, common design practice provides physical and functional

    isolation from components that are essential to safe operation. If the applicant chooses not
