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Videogame as Media PracticeAn Exploration of the Intersections Between Play and Audiovisual Culture

1. Antoni Roig 1 , 2. Gemma San Cornelio 2 , 3. Elisenda Ardèvol 3 , 4. Pau Alsina 4 and 5. Ruth Pagès 5

+ Author Affiliations

1. 1Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, [email protected]. 2Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, [email protected]. 3Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, [email protected]. 4Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, [email protected]. 5Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, [email protected]

AbstractOur aim in this article is to explore videogames as new media practices, not in isolation but as part of broader media transformations related to the development of current digital technologies. Videogames are the product of a hybridization process between audiovisual media forms and game cultures, rapidly gaining popularity among kids and the elderly population. The experience of audiovisual consumption and aesthetic pleasure is enhanced by interactive and game amusement components not found in previous audiovisual genres such as cinema or TV. In fact, videogames situate `play' at the core of the audiovisual experience, introducing innovative changes in audiovisual production and reception patterns. Our proposal is that videogames introduce a new relationship between subject and representation that goes far beyond the `spectatorship' position, pointing to a playful relationship with images that may be useful for understanding new forms of media practices. Videogames, thus, as a new media practice, can be seen as an exponent of greater change not only regarding how media are produced and consumed, but also in the way leisure is organized and in the role of play in our everyday life.

Promises unfulfilled? ‘Journalism 2.0’, user participation and editorial policy on newspaper websites Media, Culture & Society March 2010 32: 323-334,

Good News for the Future? Young People, Internet Use, and Political Participation

1. Tom P. Bakker 1. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, [email protected]

1. Claes H. de Vreese

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1. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam

AbstractThe role of traditional media and the Internet in relation to young people’s political participation has attracted a great deal of scholarly attention. Starting from a notion of differential media use and an encompassing notion of political participation, this article tests the relationships between media use (newspaper, television, and Internet) and offline and online forms of political participation. Findings from a national survey (n = 2,409, age 16 to 24) reveal that a variety of Internet uses are positively related with different forms of political participation, whereas the relationship between most uses of traditional media and participation are weak, albeit positive. The study rejects the predictive power of duration of media use but finds support for the type of media use. Positive relationships between online communication and noninformational uses of the Internet vis-à-vis participation are found. The research demonstrates how a wider and more contemporary conception of political participation, together with more detailed measures of media use, can help to gain better insight in the roles media can play in affecting participatory behavior among the Internet generation.

Coming to Terms with Convergence Journalism: Cross-Media as a Theoretical and Analytical Concept

1. Ivar John Erdal 1. Volda University College, Norway, [email protected]

AbstractAs a result of the emergence of convergent ‘media houses’ at all levels of news journalism, few modern media organizations publish on only one platform. Changing professional practices related to this raise a number of important questions about the relationship between organizational strategies, new technologies, and everyday news

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journalism. This article addresses these developments from two perspectives, news work and news texts, through the concept of ‘cross-media’. This concept describes communication or production where two or more media platforms are involved in an integrated way. The article argues that in order to be more precise for theoretical and analytical purposes we have to distinguish between cross-media communication, and cross-media production processes. The article concludes by outlining a model that integrates the perspectives of news work and news texts in convergence journalism.

When citizen photojournalism sets the news agenda: Neda Agha Soltan as a Web 2.0 icon of post-election unrest in Iran

1. Mette Mortensen 1. University of Copenhagen, Denmark, [email protected]


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The article discusses the current rise of citizen photojournalism, which has received little scholarly scrutiny. Drawing on a case study of the mobile telephone footage of the Iranian woman Neda Agha Soltan, who was killed during a demonstration in Iran in June 2009, the article investigates the ethical dilemmas of the Western news media’s eager use of citizen photojournalism as a unique and headline-grabbing source. While these images may grant us insight into areas of tension, to which the media has no other access, amateur footage challenges the ethical standards of conventional journalism with its fragmentary and subjective format, not to mention the difficulties involved in tracking a clip’s author and origin. Even though the news media indisputably play an essential role as a platform for editorial selection and communication of citizen photojournalism, this article points to a general lack of editorial procedures for accommodating these new sources.

Social Identity and Convergence

News Faculty and Student Perspectives on Web, Print, and Broadcast Skills

1. Glenn T. Hubbard 1 , 2. Elizabeth Crisp Crawford 2 and

3. Vincent F. Filak 3

+ Author Affiliations

1. 1School of Communication, East Carolina University 2. 2Department of Communication, North Dakota State University 3. 3Department of Journalism, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

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1. Glenn T. Hubbard, East Fifth Street, Greenville, NC 27858, USA Email: [email protected]


This research examines the role of intergroup bias in mass communication students and faculty perceptions of the importance of various media technology skills. This study differs from previous research because it compares the views of both print journalism and broadcasting students and faculty about media skills and convergence. A scale of social identity pinpoints a relationship between social psychology and attitudes about media skills. A weak negative correlation between the absolute value of the print-minus-broadcast skills-preference variable and web-skills preferences among all mass communication student and faculty participants was found, and the correlation strengthened when only broadcast students and faculty were analyzed, indicating that those inclined toward broadcasting were more likely to prefer traditional mass media skills training over cross-platform, new media, and Internet skills. Broadcast students and faculty also differed from other participants in how their preferences for the skills of their own profession relate to their openness to nontraditional media skills. Students reported a greater preference for skills training than faculty did. Comparisons of students and faculty preferences for print, broadcast, and web skills showed strong, statistically significant differences, with students rating all skills more highly than faculty did.

New Media, Enduring Values

How Three News Organizations Managed Change in an Age of Uncertainty

1. Carrie Brown 1 and 2. Jonathan Groves 2

+ Author Affiliations

1. University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA2. Drury University, Springfield, MO, USA

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1. Carrie Brown, University of Memphis, 314 Meeman Journalism Building, Memphis, TN 38152, USA Email: [email protected]


This case study uses theory about organizational culture and leadership and multiple sources of evidence to evaluate the effectiveness of an initiative by three news organizations to bring the core principles of journalism to life on the web. A newspaper, a local television station, a producer and distributor of public radio, and an academic institution participated in this effort. Drawing upon participant observation and in-depth interviews, this study examines the role this emphasis on core values, so important to the professional identity of journalists, played in securing buy-in for the project and overcoming resistance to change, as well as other internal factors that negatively affected implementation, such as lack of sustained commitment and poor communication.

Now Tweet This

How News Organizations Use Twitter

1. Cory L. Armstrong 1 and 2. Fangfang Gao 1

+ Author Affiliations

1. 1Department of Journalism, University of Florida 1. Cory L. Armstrong, College of Journalism and Communications, University of Florida,

P.O. Box 118400, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA Email: [email protected]


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This content analysis examined how Twitter is used as a content dissemination tool within the news industry. Using Gans' conception of news values as a theoretical framework, this study looked at tweets of nine news organizations during a 4-month period to determine how individuals, links, news headlines and subject areas were employed within the 140-character limits. Results indicated that regional media tended to differ in Twitter usage from both local and national media and that broadcast news agencies were more likely to tweet multimedia packages than were print-based organizations. Crime and public affairs were the most tweeted topics. Implications of results were discussed.

Station Websites Continue to Grow… But Many Stations Struggle With Working Across Multiple Platforms

Bob Papper

Electronic News, March 2011; vol. 5, 1: pp. 60-69. ...Papper 1 Bob Papper, Department of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public [email protected] 1 Department of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations...Lawrence Stessin Distinguished Professor of Journalism and chair of the Department of Journalism...

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The Impact of Communication Modality on Perceived Credibility of Panel Members

1. Bartholomäus Wissmath 1 ,2, 2. David Weibel 1 ,2 and

3. Thomas P. Reber 1

+ Author Affiliations

1. 1Department of Psychology, University of Bern, Switzerland 2. 2Swiss University of Distance Education, Brig, Switzerland 1. Bartholomäus Wissmath, Department of Psychology, University of Bern,

Muesmattstrasse 45, 3000 Bern 9, Switzerland. Email: [email protected]

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The impact of communication modality on credibility is not yet fully understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the influence of modality on the perception of news panel members. A political debate between four political analysts was presented in three different modalities, as television broadcast (TV condition), as radio broadcast (radio condition), or as magazine article (print condition). Participants evaluated panel members in terms of credibility. Findings indicate that in the TV condition, panel members were perceived as most credible, followed by the radio condition and the print condition. Statistical analyses show that the differences are significant between all three conditions. In addition, the authors found that the modality effect depends on the sources' personal characteristics. The authors discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings.

Station Websites Continue to Grow… But Many Stations Struggle With Working Across Multiple Platforms

Bob Papper

Electronic News, March 2011; vol. 5, 1: pp. 60-69. ...University and has worked extensively in radio and TV news. Essay Station Websites...Hofstra University Survey shows both TV and radio websites growing in complexity. Stations...substantially lagging behind television, radio websites made significant advances in the...

The Future of TV News: Is Technology Outpacing Journalistic Standards?

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Terry Likes

Electronic News, December 2010; vol. 4, 4: pp. 184-187. ...that once marked the boundaries between radio, television, print, online, and other media...documentary that aired on the Tennessee Radio Network. The documentary contains interviews...shooting the story . . . on TV, reporting on radio, on the web to survive in the future. I...

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Social Media Under Social Control

Regulating Social Media and the Future of Socialization

1. Susan Currie Sivek 1

+ Author Affiliations

1. 1Mass Communication and Journalism Department, California State University, Fresno, CA, USA

1. Susan Currie Sivek, Mass Communication and Journalism Department, California State University, 2225 E. San Ramon M/S MF 10, Fresno, CA 93740, USA Email: [email protected]


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The process of socialization for new and future journalists will look dramatically different from the process undergone by previous generations of journalists because of economic realities and changes in the nature of news production. The rise of social media and their role in the establishment of a successful career will also affect the integration of these rising professionals into their employing organizations. These changes in the socialization process will require alterations both in the day-to-day management of these individuals and in the theoretical approaches to studying their work, particularly with regard to the impact of social media on the profession. This article demonstrates a wide range of concerns that media managers and researchers must consider as the journalism profession incorporates these new professionals into its ranks.

Obituary for the newspaper? Tracking the tabloid

1. David Rowe 1. University of Western Sydney, Australia, [email protected]


Discussing newspapers in the 21st century commonly entails a narrative of impending extinction arising from technological, demographic, and cultural change. This article reports on research into three Australian newspapers (two broadsheet, one tabloid) that is concerned, in the first instance, with the concept of ‘tabloidization’, and the proposition that identifiable tabloid properties, such as the simplification and spectacularization of news, are increasingly characteristic of contemporary newspapers. Adaptive changes to newspaper design, style, and content in the interests of survival and

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renewal are addressed through quantitative content analysis in tracking formal changes to newspapers, and qualitative research through interviews with journalists in exploring their everyday negotiation of the role and trajectory of newspapers. These questions of industrial context, textual form, occupational practice, professional ideology, and politico-cultural judgment are raised in seeking to understand the dynamics of the shifting forms and contested readings of contemporary newspapers through a critically reflexive analysis of tabloidization discourse and process.

When blogs become organizations1. Wilson Lowrey

1. University of Alabama, USA, [email protected]. Scott Parrott

1. University of North Carolina, USA1. Tom Meade

1. University of Alabama, USA


This study first examines the degree to which public interest bloggers are adopting organizational forms and processes as they pursue heightened popularity, status, and advertising revenue. The study also examines the relationship between organizational form and formality of content; relationships between pursuit of revenue, organizational

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form and level of popularity are also assessed. Informed by classic organizational theory, the study involves an analysis of 151 public issue blogs. Most blogs demonstrated aspects of organizational form by adopting rules and policies, employing staff, and pursuing revenue. Pursuit of revenue corresponds with popularity in the blogosphere as well as with frequency of posting. Pursuit of revenue also correlates positively with organizational form, which in turn correlates positively with traditional journalistic practices such as primary source reporting, source balance, and fact-based rather than opinion-based reporting.

We should make money on our news’: The problem of profitability in network broadcast journalism history

1. Michael J Socolow 1. University of Maine, USA, [email protected]


The US broadcast networks have traditionally argued that their news divisions were unprofitable. The networks used their news divisions to secure regulatory advantages by claiming that losses incurred in producing broadcast journalism proved a commitment to operating in the public interest. Network broadcast journalism was promoted as a singular genre, resistant to the economic imperative found elsewhere in American broadcasting. This article explores the history of profitability in network broadcast journalism, and, by doing so, it challenges the traditional economic and regulatory narrative. Countering the myth of the unprofitable network news division raises

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important questions concerning journalistic independence and autonomy within American broadcasting.

Compressed dimensions in digital media occupations

Journalists in transformation

1. Amy Schmitz Weiss 1 and 2. Vanessa de Macedo Higgins Joyce 2

1. 1San Diego State University, USA, [email protected]. 2University of Texas at Austin, USA, [email protected]


This study explores how much the concept of globalization via the internet is transforming the occupation of journalists. This research relied on the expertise of online journalists from Latin America, North America and Europe through their participation in three sets of online focus groups. Our findings pointed to a perception by these specific online journalists of a compressed social distance between themselves and the audience, as well as a more compact time dimension impacting the news cycle.

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This study supports similar findings of the roles, responsibilities and resources of media workers in other digital occupations, where requirements of multitasking and adaptability are necessary. This exploratory study aims to serve as a foundation to explain how this online medium is evolving and how online journalists perform and operate within it.

European news and multi-platform journalists in the lead

Jeremy Tunstall

Journalism, June 2009; vol. 10, 3: pp. 387-389. ...benefit from their ability to project credible news across TV, radio and online. The BBC has been described as producing `the biggest...already provide individual journalists with three linked platforms radio, TV and online. But senior UK journalists (whom I have recently...

Why alternative journalism matters

Chris Atton

Journalism, June 2009; vol. 10, 3: pp. 283-285. ...politics. Other, more long-standing media persist, however, particu- larly in the field of community media: indigenous community radio stations, newspapers and pamphlets, even television stations. Many of these forms appear to be independent of professional journalism...
