
14 ontrosenso

30 Novembre 2013BasilicataA NON SOLO SPOSA


Unfortunately many of our co-region citizens have used a wrong instrument

to declare that they are not happy with the system. When I say the system, I mean the political system. They literally refused to go and vote. Wrong idea. The regional administrators were then chosen by the few for the whole. Less than 50% of the population have now chosen who is going to rule the 100% of the region. It’s a shame. Protesting against government officials with whom you are not happy doesn’t require not going to the polling station. It should at least mean deliberately voting for the opponents so as to give a loud and clear signal to the outgoing ones that you are not happy with their deeds. Absenteeism is not the solution. It isn’t the solution because now you are back to square one. You now have the same old faces and people, whom you despised, coming to rule you, again. The other have decided for you. You are screwed up literally. You should not put the blame on others but yourself if you have not been able to punish the officials that disappointed you by choosing

another one in their place. You thought the wise thing was to totally avoid going to vote, thus committing the mistake of letting others decide for you. In most of the other developed countries, the more people are angry about the results or the lack of results had from the outgoing government the more they are motivated into going to the polls. They wisely think that it is the arm to use to punish the outgoing officials. But not in Italy, it even appears that the more professional and unfair you are, the more the chances of being revoted, which is a paradox. So many people complained that things weren’t - or should I say aren’t - going the way they should be and that it is the fault of the officials and the politicians but, alas, they still vote the same politicians and the same officials into office, again. We all know that most of our youths are already out of the country either for studies or for working purposes. Some are even in the country but in another city. They would think twice before coming purposefully to vote. Would they ever want to come back losing their time from their work or studies to vote for a place some of them went away from due to desperation? If they do come back purposely to vote then who would compensate them for the travel expenses and the loss of income and time spent in travelling back and forth? Some do not even show up because they have started, sometimes without knowing it, to loose their love for their region. Some are away exactly because they are forced to. So why should they come back and vote?

L’I.C. “D. Savio” ospita Magic ManQuando la scuola diventa magia

“MAGIC MAN SHOW” questo il nome

del Laboratorio educativo.formativo di prestidigitazione e animazione musicale che ha visto protagonisti i piccoli allievi della Scuola dell’Infanzia e della Scuola Primaria dell’ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO ex S.M. “D. SAVIO” - POTENZA.Un momento di grande gioiosità e divertimento abilmente condotto da uno staff operativo di elevato livello: Magic man, prestidigitatore nonché illusionista e Desiré Lo Piano, assistente e animatrice.Il laboratorio, dotato di una strumentazione altamente tecnologica, si è proposto alla Scuola con obiettivi e contenuti ben precisi.I giochi di prestigio, infatti, che hanno visto la partecipazione

diretta degli alunni, hanno come finalità primaria quella di stimolare l’attenzione e l’interesse dei bambini nonché di sviluppare in loro modalità creative. Tanto e vario il materiale del Laboratorio a disposizione: libri, colori, giochi.E poi, animazione e movimento (baby dance) con l’obiettivo di contribuire alla formazione della personalità dei piccoli attraverso la conoscenza e la consapevolezza della propria identità corporea.Ancora, musica, mimica, per esplorare lo spazio, conoscere il proprio corpo, comunicare e relazionarsi con gli altri, migliorare la gestualità, esprimere emozioni e sensazioni. Per finire, le tecniche base per creare sculture con i palloncini.Un’atmosfera magica, quasi surreale; un mondo incantato

nel quale gli alunni si sono mossi con disinvoltura e grande partecipazione.Al termine della rappresentazione, soddisfatti gli organizzatori che già da tempo portano avanti il Progetto in collaborazione con il Distretto Scolastico di Potenza; entusiasti gli alunni e le insegnanti, contagiati dalla passione per la magia; compiaciuta la Dirigente, Prof.ssa Diana Camardo.Ecco il suo pensiero: “ La gioia dei nostri alunni è gioia di tutta la Scuola”.Grazie Magic man, perchè in soli novanta minuti e a titolo completamente gratuito, hai regalato con grande competenza e professionalità un mare di emozioni e tanto divertimento.

l a r r yade1@gma i l . com
