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  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June



    smile because it makes you feel lighter, it helps forget worries and puts asmile on those around you. Smile because it exes the muscles in your faceand helps keep your muscles healthy. Smile because it contributes to your well-being

    What is well being?

    The concept of well-being comprises

    two main elements: feeling good and

    functioning well. Feelings of happi-ness, contentment, enjoyment, curi-

    osity and engagement are character-

    istic of someone who has a positive

    experience of their life. Equally im-

    portant for well-being is our func-

    tioning in the world. Experiencing

    positive relationships, having some

    control over ones life and having a

    sense of purpose are all important at-

    With the people aroundyou. With family, friends,colleagues and neighbours.

    Exercising makes you feelgood. discover a physicalactivity you enjoyFive ways

    to well being




    Take noticeKeep


    Be aware of the worldaround you and what you


    Tank someone. Smile. Vol-

    unteer your time.

    Set a challenge you willenjoy achieving.

    TAKE A


  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


    A smile costs nothimg but gives much. Itenriches those who receive without mak-ing poorer those who give it takes but amoment but the memory of it lasts forev-er. None is so rich or mighty that he canget along without it and none is so poorbut that he can be made rich by it a smilecreates happiness in the home fastersgood will in business and is the countersign friendship. It brings rest to the wea-ry cheer to the discouraged sunshine tothe sad and it is natures best antidote fortrouble, yet it cannot be bought beggedor borrowed or stolen for it is somethingthat is of no value to anyone until it isgiven away. Some people are to tired togive you SMILE give them one of yoursas none needs a SMILE so much as he

    who has no more to give.

    A smile costs nothimg but gives much. It enrichesthose who receive it without making poorer thosewho give it. Takes but a moment but the memory of itlasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can getalong without it and none is so poor but that he canbe made rich by it. A smile creates happiness in thehome fasters good will in business and is the countersign of friendship. It brings rest to the weary cheerto the discouraged sunshine to the sad and it is na-tures best antidote for trouble, yet it cannot be boughtbegged or borrowed or stolen for it is something thatis of no value to anyone until it is given away. Somepeople are to tired to give you a SMILE give them oneof yours as none needs a SMILE so much as he who

    has no more to give.

    Be happy it's free! Be happy

    you'll see that all yourdreams will come true

    Grab your life

    And dont stop, life will put

    everything in placeno doubt, open your eyes,

    wake up and start to dream

    life will put everything in

    its place

    no doubt, life will put every-

    thing in its place.

  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June




    StillneSS MeanS...1. inner Silence.

    2. PieceofMind.

    3. liSteningtotheSoundofyourSoul.

    For many of us Life is dominated by the Experience of Stress andanxiety. Peace and relaxation are rarely encountered. Peace andstillness are important, A still mind provides that space where youcan be accessed, where all answers can be found.we all are very busyin our lives and whenever we get some time then also we make ourmind busy by doing some work, watching movies, playing games,talking on mobile, internet etc... we all forget to listen the sound ofour soul.we always keep our mind busy. we should give some timeto our mind and this is possible when we keep our mind still for a

    while. As we all know...."Y d y bt d y

    wt y"Which is absolutely true. The Majority of us have a constant voice,a never ending stream of thouhts going on in our heads.Thesethoughts tend to be repetitive, are often negative and completelyunrelated to what we are experiencing in the moment. Thinkingalso takes us away from living in the present because the vast ofmajority of thoughts are about the past or the future. So we feel

    regret,guilt,loss,stress,worry or fear, in the middle of a perfect beau-tiful day.

    "To live a more fulfill life,iT is

    essenTial To culTivaTe sTillness"Stillness is listening to the sound of your soul.Imagine that you are in a large concert hall, and that you have cometo listen to the worlds greatest violinist play your favorite piece ofmusic. you have always been inspired by this composition, and the

  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


    virtuoso player on stage can perform it, as no one else can do. What a treatand what a privilege it is to be here tonight. All that is required of you isto sit quietly, close your eyes, open your heart, and listen to the exquisite

    sounds that penetrate the air.

    Now imagine that instead of appreciating the imprtance of silent atten-tion at this time, everyone in the concert hall is making noise. They aretalking to their neighbors,they are talking on their cell phones, they arechewing gum, coughing loudly, sneezing, and otherwise making it im-possible to hear the performance on stage. Your moment of inspirationhas been ruined. So what is the point of little example:?? Simply this...Listening to the sound of your soul.

    In the stillness of your being, you are able to hear the sweet sound ofinspiration that your soul is sending to you all the time. But if your mindis cluttered with worry, and your life is over crowded with drama, yourheart will nd it difcult to perceive the music.

    sTillness is The sTaTe hen Your soul

    speaks To YouIf you allow yourself to have these sacred moments of stillness, youwill achieve more than you ever could by acting impulsively, fromfear,worry or the need to nd dramatic and hasty solutions to your

    problems.Breath now, and let yourself feel this.Let yourself experience this quiet stillness that harbors the sweet sound

  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


    Money for charity? would you say yes

    immediately or think twice before

    saying yes???

    Well, when talking about donating

    money to the needy, we will always

    agree on doing justice, but before giving we

    usually think if its worth or not.

    We always think about our expenditure and do

    not mind spending it on our luxuries, hobbies

    or tours, but when living it to someone we tend

    to think its not worth it. When you go to the

    supermarket, and see a person begging at the

    door, if we are in a good mood, we will give the

    beggar some change, but if it wasnt the case,

    we would just walk off thinking why that person

    couldnt work instead of begging like all of us


    If we were asked to go to the city Central Jail,

    to help the those who need us, would we do

    so? Would we say yes right away? Wed probable

    say NO, as the word jail causes panic and an

    impact on us. The jail for the society has alwaysbeen taboo and the person in prison is boycot-

    ted by the society.

    Why do we Judge people? Its very simple, we

    have established in our minds the fact that they

    are not in the same category as we are, or they

    are doing something wrong which is not accept-

    able by the society. We might feel that we have

    done a great job by acquiring the position in

    which we are, but maybe not everyone is luckyenough to get the right opportunity at the right

    time, as we have.

    When we hear about earthquakes or tsunami

    victims, or even about those who suffered re-

    cently in Haiti; about those who are still in trou-

    ble due to the terrible weather disasters that

    took place in Pakistan, those breaking news


    ELIMINATE RACISMDontlaughatracist,








  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


    The rst thing we might think of is : Poor

    them, Oh God, please help them. We could

    agree to the fact that many people judge

    without thinking or knowing, they will rst

    judge the country and then judge the human

    beings. This is the reason why in many oc-

    casions many people may decide not to do-

    nate. Perhaps thats the mistake most of us

    commit, we judge the nation as a whole, the

    country, but not those who are really suffer-

    ing the consequences.

    But what rally matters and the purpose

    through this, is that we become aware of

    the importance it is for us to give to the

    poor. Its evident that we need to be wise

    and consider out physical and economical

    resources, but the satisfaction we receive

    by doing this is incredible. If we have the

    time and money to do so, we should visit

    the poor at least once throughout our lives,

    specially overseas, because its simple heart

    touching and sad.

    If we thought about all those people who

    take advantage of these situations, wed not

    have enough ngers to count the cases that

    have taken place, such as celebrities and

    important gures donating massive quanti-

    ties of money, but do they do this because

    they really feel sympathy towards those that

    suffer, or for self-publicity? But always re-

    member, that when doing something noble

    do not let your left hand know what yourright hand is doing, let this always remain

    as a secret. We will be rewarded some day,

    but we shouldnt take advantage of the situ-

    ation OR try to promote ourselves, because

    wed be mixing two very different issues,

    charity and publicity.

    We can never judge thelives of others, becauseeach person knows onlytheir own pain and re-nunciation. It's onething to feel that youare on the right path,

    but it's another to thinkthat yours is the only

  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


    All our products are Fair Trade criteria:- We work with small producers in Southern countries

    - wages and decent working conditions

    - Eradication of child exploitation

    Equality between women and men- Respect for the environment

    - Functioning democratic

    - long term business relationship to ensure a sustainable development

    - Payment of part of the cost in advance, to avoid the producer's debt

    - Destination of the benets to the community: health, education, etc.

    - Quality Products

    Classic CafGrain: 70% Robusta 30% Arabica. Source: Mexico,

    Central Tanzania

    Toast: 70% natural roast 30%

    Ground, 250 gr. Vacuum packaging 2.05 Ref: 1

    Natural Caf

    Grain: 70% Robusta 30% Arabica. Source: Mexico,

    Central Tanzania

    Roast: 100% natural

    Ground, 250 gr. Vacuum packaging 2.05 Ref: 2

    BIO green tea from SriLanka and India.25 bags for infusion (50 g)

    Organic farming. 1.85 Ref. 18

    Our green teas, organic farming, come from a carefullyselected tea leaves from Sri Lanka and

    Darjeeling (India), crop in the Himalayan foothills. Green

    tea is unfermented tea with very low protein content is

    also an excellent antioxidant with a high content of vita-

    mins A, C and E.

    New! White tea in pyramid bags (box of 15pyramids)The pyramids of tea infusion allow much richer in

    flavor and nuances, as the tea leaf expands and hy-

    drates better.

    Furthermore, in the pyramids area no adhesives or

    glues are used, so no chemical residue that may be-

    come the infusion.

    3.90 Ref: 177


  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


    NEW LINE OF ORGANIC CHOCOLATES"KAOKA" BIO chocolate with caramelized al-

    monds. 100 gr. 1.90 Ref 148

    BIO chocolate milk. 36% cocoa. 100

    gr. 1.80 Ref 146

    BIO chocolate black with orange. 100

    gr. 1.80 Ref 135

    DESSERT Chocolate black BIO (es-

    pecially pastries). 200 gr. 2.90 Ref


    RASCAL with crispy quinoa chocolate 30 gr.

    0.85 Ref: 39

    Quinoa, typical crop of the An-des, has high nutritional and con-

    tains no gluten. It is suitable forcoeliacs.

    Biscuits with honey and ca-shew nuts 300 gr. 2.65 Ref 138

    High quality product, made with vari-

    ous ingredients of Fair Trade. The soft

    sweetness of the honey and sugar cane

    processed in a careful preparation of

    these cookies make a delicious food.

    Cocoa and cashew biscuits 300 gr. 2.65 Ref 72

    Source: Sugar: Ecuador, Costa Rica,

    Cacao, Dominican Republic, Honey:

    C/Gaztambide 50

    28015 Madrid

    Telfono (+34) 91 549 91 28

    Fax (+34) 91 549 95 72

  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


    There are many ways to promote peace in the world but perhaps the bestway is to promote it within ourselves. Peace is a gradual and wonderfulevent that occurs because compassionate people are inspired to help oth-ers discover the joy of peace! Helping others also has the direct effect ofincreasing our personal peace and well-being, but this is merely one ofthe many bonuses that come from sharingour kindness with our fellow human beings.

    Did we mention that is better to give than toreceive? :)

    Peace, like read- ing, writing, mathematics,drawing, emotional intelligence and enlight-enment ("under- standing/comprehension/compassion/medita- tion/intuition"), are learnedskills that improve our knowledge, maturity,health, happiness and longevity. Peace is

    probably the most important lesson weshould learn during our lives and the soonerthe better. The ad- vent of the world wideweb may just provide the boost in knowledge,wisdom & peace hu- mankind has been wait-ing for. Improved communication may bethe difference between extinction and survival. Through knowledge, Peacewill evolve. Knowledge is power. Knowledge combined with Enlightenment

    leads to wisdom. Wisdom is Peace!

    Blessed are the peacemakers (those actively working to reconcile alien-ated persons) for they shall be called the children of God.

    We believe that every person ought to have the opportunity to find peace.That being said, who are the ones who are most likely in the position tohelp those who cry out for help? Probably those who have already found

    peace and have the resources to reach out to those in need.


  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


    Now that we are truly a global village, maybe it is time we reallybecome our brother's keeper. Please help in any way you can. Therewards to the entire world will be almost unimaginable. (Paradise

    on Earth?) Peace be with you!

    We need to strive for peace amongourselves but we also need to keep in

    mind that absolute peace is an utopia

    despite the many attempts of peace in

    the world.

    to have World Peace, PeoPle have to:













  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


    Satguru Teoonram ji makes us aware that our life only lasts for two days.One is the day of our birth and the other one is the day of our death.

    We have come in this world for a few days so why should we create pridein ourselves. Whoever has come on this Earth has left without leaving anytrace behind. Be it strong or weak, an intellectual or saints. Everyone has

    respected the law of death; everyone has been converted into dust. So weshould understand that we are not different from them. Just as they went

    away, we will also have to leave this world one day.For what reason are we creating bonds of love if today or tomorrow itwill be our turn to leave this world. We will not take anything with us, noteven a penny. All of our wealth will be left behind. This is what we shouldtry to understand, we have come like guests in this world and our stay is

    temporary.Satguru ji in his ambrosial words makes us understand that we should notfear death because death is not our enemy, on the contrary it is our friend.

    It is like our Guru who helps us to go on the path of Truth.Death is like our friend that takes us on the right path and removes all thepride inside us. We have to believe that if death does not exist then humanbeings will always be indulged in wrong deeds and will become immune toeverything. They will have no fear and will not enter in the cycle of birthand death to bear the fruits of their deeds. God has created this cycle sothat we human beings leave one f o r mand take another, but if death d o e snot exist our reincarnation will a l s o

    come to an end.Everything which is created by G o d

    has to be destroyed one day.But one thing which is uncher- i s h -able and has always been is our s o u l .In Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Krish- na hasexplained that our soul has al- w a y sbeen immortal, but the form whichit takes will always be destroyed j u s tlike other things which are pres- ent in

    this world.Body and soul are two different thingswhich have been created; they w i l l

    never remain together forever. Body,which is made here in the moth- e r swomb, will always be destroyed t otake a different form but the s o u lwill always remain the same. Before the soul was not visible but when ittakes the form of a body we can see it. When one person is amongst us isseen by us, but when he dies it does not mean that he is not present. His

    soul has taken another form which is not visible by us.

    present within us, we only have to make an effort to recognise him.


  • 8/6/2019 Abhilasha June


    These things are difcult to understand by us. Our Saints and our Gurusalways try to make us understand that we should always follow the pathof Truth which is not far from us. Truth is always present within us. God is

    I was told by my Gurus that God is within me but I became deaftowards them and kept on wandering here and there. My true

    home is within me.Just like a potter makes different vessels from mud, our mind is also wan-dering behind Maya (devine illusion) and has gained different forms like

    animals, birds and human beings.We are bound by Maya that is why we are always rising and

    falling again. Sometimes we get the form of insects or sometimes we getthe form of human beings. All this depends on our deeds which we com-mit in our different forms. It is very difcult to release ourselves from thebonds of Maya. Till we do not open the knots which we have created

    within us we will not be able to gain ourpeace of mind

    We have to detach our mind from worldly things and make it stable inthe name of God. We cannot keep our mind empty

    because empty mind is a devils workshop. So we have to keep it occupied.Just like a car has to keep going but the direction has to be chosen by us.In the same way, our mind has to keep functioning only in which way we

    want to indulge it depends on us. Our thoughts are in our hands.Control your mind and lead it on the path of God. Anuraag means to bindand vairaag means to detach, this is a very difcult task which has to be

    done in order to reach God. If wewish to gain material things then we will not be able to reach the Supreme

    Soul.But if we sacrice these things then we will be able to concentrate in thename of God. When our mind is detached from this world it becomes easyto control it and lead it on the path of God. One who decides to study willforget other things, in the same way in order to reach God we have to sac-rice many things only we have to make an effort and take one step ahead.

    We have to control ourmind because we are bound to it. Our character depends on our thinkingand our thoughts are ruled by our mind. So it is in our hands to mould ourmind and lead it on the right path. Whatever time we have we should not

    let it go waste.

    Live in such a way, says Swamiji, that even after you are gone people re-member you for your good deeds

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