
Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Abbas was probably the best Mufassir of the Quran. No one is doubting the authenticity of tafsir made by him, rather the discussion is concerning books published claiming to be written by or directly narrated from him.

The famous book known as Tafsir ibn Abbas is "Tanwir al-Miqbas".

It is narrated from Muhammad ibn Marwan as-Suddi, who narrates from Muhammad ibn as-Sa'ib al-Kalbi who narrates from Abu Salih who narrates from ibn Abbas

The entire Tafsir is narrated through this chain.

Lets analyse the chain:

1. Abu Salih never met Ibn Abbas , yet he supposedly narrates this entire Tafsir from him!(Mizan al-I'tidal of ad-Dhahabi)Abu Salih swore that he didn't narrate any Tafsir to Kalbi, the narrator from him. (Al-Jarh wa at-Ta'dil)

2. Muhammad ibn as-Sa'ib al-Kalbi is classified as a liar and as Matruk (abandoned) by the majority of the Mufassirin.Hadhrat Sufyan at-Thawri says that Kalbi said to me: "Whatever I narrate from Abu Salih from Ibn Abbas is a lie!"

3. Muhammad ibn Marwan as-Suddi- He is accused of lies.

Here are statements of a few Ulama regarding this tafsir:

Imam Ahmed was asked: "Is it permissible to look at ie. read the Tafsir of Kalbi ?"He replied: "No!" (Mizan al-I'tidal)

Allamah Suyuti mentions in al-Itqan that the chain of this tafsir is "Silsilah al-Kadhib"(Chain of lies).

Mufti Taqi saheb mentions the same in his Ulum at-Quran.

Similar statements can be found in at-Tafsir wa al-Mufassirun, al-Fawaid al-Majmu'ah etc.

See here , here and here for more details (in Arabic)This is all regarding the famous "Tafsir ibn Abbas" called "Tanwir al-Miqbas".

As for the other lessser-known one, narrated by Ali ibn Abi Talha, it is acceptable, as mentioned by Imam Ahmed, ibn Hajr, Mufti Taqi etc.
