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    APO N0. 7,8, U. S. fJU;:Y

    6 October, 1943. SUBJECT: Operations of 91at Rcn Sq, U.S. Ar'tn'Y, in Sicily, 10 July

    16 AuglWt, 1943.

    THH.OUGH; Comdg Gene~al II Corps; APO 302, U.S. Army.

    TO The Adjutant General U.S. J\.rmy, . 'ash. D.C. I1. The. report of Operations rom 10 Ju1f to 16 (,ugust, 1943 ./

    Sicili6.I': CaIIQs.ign for this Squadrons submitt.ed in ccmpiiance with AR 345-105.

    2. This report is a compilat~on of troop operations in sequence of >3aph troo, 's entrance into ccnbat. The Squadron having arrivqd in Sicily in tl';ree (3) grcups, ln~luding a special liaison dete.chmenton D-eay, was not complet.ely asoembled ,vhsn cal:'cC: . acti:m. ::::ts c~rnhat T,licsi011S are bplieved t() "'ue better cle1'inod by describing separa.ta troop action because the Sqdn:was attach"'!-l tv more than one Division in this campaign.

    The report is ',repared in . ' (9) sections, under following captio~.B;

    Section 1 - Battlp. C'p"'!rations Sec+.icn 2 - EYtracts fr~ Squadron History and

    u ,.

    Q\U"nal.. Section 3 _. l"':'p.ld Orde~'s "-' St:c:,j on i.~ - G~~ra.l Orders ~orranendati"ns) S*':'lC~:~_on 5 .~ f!.c:bn::..l"istrative Crders . ClJlSSJ:nCATJQ~ ,-.u...,. ... + - Casualtics and Jiteplacements .i ~T "~G:Ia)~t~on 1 - r~ ~s ~f Var _1 . . CANCELL~&~ ~ ~ ~~~ 1AI~ IV.J1JJ.O~j.ADJ1

    Hajor, Cavalry,E~=:~J Commanding.1 Incl. !

    Report of Operations.

    ~TRIBU'l'ION I . Oopies tTo 1 te 2 to~ The Adjutant General,

    I as w


    CHA~ A. ELLIS,

    U.S. A'I.'ffq Copy 3 - C.G. ~TATomA Copy 8 - CaY. School. (rt. Way)

    \I 4 - c.G. SeTA! ArMY' II. 9":. File (9l8tRcn Bq) '. II 10 _ If' II rll, IIII , - C.G. II C::'rps

    I! 6 - C. G. ls'c U.s. Ir.' Div II 11 - ""I (less' oterlays) .....

    \I 7 - C. G. 9th 'J,)3 I~.f. n~.ii \I 12 -. II .,.1' I~._?',r,

    5~!*J2!;gA ' . .'~

    . .. ' ..,' ~' ~,. ,~ ~~i ~~j~~~:: i.~ . I .}:."\,;,/ ',~ ,~~"'l} >".' . .

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    ----~.------------- -~~-------------------------- -......... ---~~-------------~------ .----_.- .. ---.-.-----.-.----.-----------.~


    t~t~,~', I j 11 ~- fit ~I~ tJlthe .,let neeonnaisso.nee, 8qUD.~':~1, frlZ .":~,'. ~f)).,..l94l1o ........t16, 1943, 1I1clus1ve.

    ..,,-;.,:)~::~ia8 lOO13().S cl' 194~, a dett\chment of th1;s SqUlldronconl;;:i.stine :.,~-.Mt~,*. _ fourteen enlisted men, one, SCOUT, car anCi. -!ow;:) on~-qual'teJ. ~\~r.l

    . '"trueD, . n&MI b.r .sault bar. att:l.ohecl to CT 16 p6r F. o. 26, Uq. ls~~ ~.s. :LnfE-.1""

    "':"'--h' - D-d ~ n'll'TJ t"l'CT-V ",,-' t'- 'I -""'.... f t' nl:v ...~.l..ont on~ %Nllb.JQ.r;- nII:l' HIO, r.oar w:.u~, 0, ...L.L~ all'-4 ":':l'~1'" .I.e... ' . ,;.ant

  • ----------~.,.... ~- '.

    .~ Arranacments ware.. . .lc1o or a British wr boat to \ ..e al..::-.c;sid.: t!:1;. ;'.'

    Lewis Uorris, ond tnke nboord for transport to the vicinity 6f GEIJL, SICILY, i~ ..':'::t

    necossordirulte cxpec tGI..' :.T;'I_"!lcdi,. L

    cporo.tions ashore involvine other troops of t.he SqtL:1.drcn alre~dy hnv:..,."'-:: :::..~ri1i~c.

    . near GEL.:'a.. ..\..t 2000-B July, this comond eroup w!th three vehielo8 X'.d era.7:::,

    dcpo.rte~ EOi:' .GELA1 o.bout one Hundred milE's dist..-mt, unoscorted, i.." l;llc..t. n":/{ i..~

    believed to be the lOJlB'Ost trip on record" involvine a Unit uoking n oon::-:r. :;;7

    lnnctLne recoiving ~ 1mmedinto cam~1.t mission on hoatile ~hc~p,s.

    . I '. I.

    The ~quadrori, le... '!'roop "C", nnd Headquarters Troop, \" r.lov~ tcnv:"'.l-d N:CO..{'".,. 10">.:1 :'~'2

    rco.d n.~ c~t tba eIlCIm.Y. ',l'tI.oSecO!'ld Plc."\toon under COIm!llJlc.~ of it. Sog:'.::, mo;"",:~

    out nt t\P1'~t.l1' 2S09OO-B. Lt. Hogon with Q. section of or."} 4x:~ v~:,L':'''';s

    1IIDged i.IlW tM 'Valle7 to the BW'th Q.nd ill tho v!.cir..1ty of Hill %.;~. :~e :".E'r1V7r

    ~.,.. ..,u. NmaiDed 111 ~QI't to cover by firE'! vr!th S~ff Scrge~:t:-: r;ir1~::':::"

    in oiw;aancl ... ~ by' 'bO\11'1CIiIJ, the lie,ht ,,"eo.;on sec"i:.::"or.. ~rrj.-J'ed t.'!'Cc".S-S :>:..' ':.:..~_=.

    , BiJ5 aDd. -.- ...."riddeG a.ncl devnstiDs UG M.d Mort!'.r riTe !"!-QIn hi.dden :ne::~~\

    pce1t1caw,~ Hlll.8L$ GDd ?SS. h. five ".n patral uc.s 8udlenl;", trc.'?~Focl. ~::1. ?~s:.t.~':'~~.i.

    0Il8 ".8 kUltd end tmo~. J..88.18t8(1 by tho firet p;u..tocn \:\" "t.hs cu.."l'\,-:l..~).d.

    of L~" _~. -V T:eo.pCIU aectian la1.d ciOlma coveri~l& !i~ to P....::::!.t -:n "lr'()

    1fbo 1fO:reto oacnpe. T"Z1e enemy posi-cions ';Tore so situ,:r';:eti. :J.~ "7,.:, ,[S.:l':~')':" .'

    ,~ of ODd actim of t~.e o.'t.t.ached ~Jc platoon ,j,".S to,- iii- . . J.ftar Ylitbdrnw.1ne. aU orsnniza~ions u.~der !U"!~

    , :u. .. d:l.lcovered, tbBt Sere~t Lelkulich hc.d beon left

    :~"IN_ a.rawmt RUIIItUU'1 at the wheel" Lt. Hogan returnsc: ~~ t'l'~E;

    . .the body. Lt. Bogan l'.r.d SerBell.tlt R'llllL\r.l1 1v'1rf3 rv"t~:

    ......".. .~ua._d aate17. ~t. Coi'foo in COlllllltLr..o. of ~.he ~-:;~

    ~~ .SUD. pOe1tiona aft Hill 810 shar-tly- th8!'ent'ter.I i

    "'1 1 t 'j

  • , .~,' "'-:';'~';-'''",~WJll

    . "

    __.0'lr'"'!l);~io~ ':0:rJ.t' r1,) (. - '\. ';j"

    At 2,::rOO-f) tlLtly. l"9l"3, 'i.h.r fire on the e.~~my .A.Tgun position::> and ::-cndcred them inactive. J~t 26J~00-:a" L't,. -1rl.tecotton'e' plat.oon made an or.d run ~.n too v2.11sy scu:'h of .Hi:i.l 81.;$ a."ld neut:-:-a1ized ~everal er..emy I!lD.chinc gun pO,sltions and retired after this action under h~vy ~:1Ur.;:{ artillel~:r fire . At 262000-B" t!1ell_~tI3t r'!~+o~n rrroop \lA" l"elleved the se~or..d pla~oon~ The t.hird platoon, Troop irA;' un..ier c~.n1 of Lt, Simpson ("ontinue1its rec;TlZU\isso-nee J41.1.saion to the north of .the VILLAROSA-NICOSD\ ..oad, rcporti.lg con~1nued inc:'casina1y fficult terrain. il.t &!,::.ight this :lif.1'3 l!l.O!'Tling thd i'ust ~la.toa,'l brL'ught mortar fire to bear on mo t.nerJY trucks c.t the foo~ ot l!::ll 77~ s~t'";.i:-lg fi~(:. to one :md. fOI'e~ tho other to tu,,:,n'lx\ck. Same enemy eo.S"~l:'ieo 1'TE;I~~ inflict.ed. E'oUot'dng "th:;s nction Lt. Oolfee committed his tonk plat ,OO"1 int,:> ~he sftthern valley destroying one maehin~ gun nelit and an 1.nt1-~.M g.m pooit'i_C'~1.... I.t. Ccffee wen stlddenly Qbservec1 o.n ~ h.;.lf.-treck, p8l'.omcl c

  • J~i~;~i~~"4) . . -. ~ _ \ . ~. .

    At 2400-:-B Troop 'lA" we.s ~ to' . . aU. ..~\1e.., .. ai4 of Itt. Franklin in c

  • . ' \. :? ". ( ___t1on cant' d) ... , . " ..

    ~~~-be On high gr~:1d to th", frol:t oi the t:Nw'll Ti~IJ:NlI." GOnEtant C'""Sl1rYn.'t"on.. ~lrDpt.. en tI!d.e'OP through August 2nd. Lt. H3rmC'n .' .:1t ;::ltruls tc ?ill 910

    : ~ . .. fa""l"Cl ;ta...~t1Qn 01 tile tam ot GAGLWTO to cut tt..t; .~_G!..j:!JUTOTRC~lA ro,~d. .

    Stronaa~"V:Lt1e6 in.tho ~tT ot ~GIIAI!O pr(!vunt.ed thi~. Th~ :Y:I SC/c.r O-'~ "! ;;)1 ~be,DG pa~o18 tar~d the enolf' to. prepare tor it 's '\Vithdrn.I'i~:: ~~; the ,~cc~;.! ~(.T['~dmomA.. fer SOftt'oaldql, in. that ~.p, eneJq forces were obseI'y~d !'!lin:':!':g and ::-rcp~. ~.daW!t101)8 along this 'ilountainous ro..,t~. A:'ti!l,",~'Y cuser-vers r,:;-:-~ br~.W' ",bp Of on HUl 910 and tldjustne"!:l'l' w~;; dirc~t..i.J seen trca ~ (It t.o be str~ en.trenchp.d on higil ero'::1!lQ. in !':'O!'At 0:: :'RJ~.~ Prequent ~ lll"t1ll8ry til-a 1'm8 re~e!veJ upon this o~f'er'7'::.t1.;n post..

    en the latter chte c.:ler..en:'s of ~:'o~p ";;' ~"::"n~1 .!.-:. ';:: "trcc~ in S~"".'ldron nosurvo fer r~ha.b:i.11~1.tion [.nd :r"'ocee~d -:'0 ~~'3en'~l:r ~r~~ ~~~ v~ '.~:::."ty of Gt\lr.U~~NJ.

    'l':-OOP. liB" T iI;311 mth o::.s -:'~1~C r-:.:t 'i"o~': .;:rt.=..-.:11v.i c..:or!~ .'!.~I.i:::::y :'20 a.r.d to reconn~iter Sr.;lJJ, tt"dlst(.o l.h.3 '~orth ~~ tc.u: lO~+'~. ~

    T'" tl.., o......lymr r- .. "1O' o.f' ~u.....,~t "!j,.J.'U. .....1" ~"'cp i'-'i. I""'~ 1"1"""'':''r'I'.('.~' rl"""''' . .. .1.;' 'I-=- "'loA W' ..a....LJ,~ .. n orwlu .-.....","1 .j, ....\,; ..... .., _ .- ....~,,-; _~-.Il1_"''''' .., .; .L.. JIA..-4'",-.J !1X."W~d o~r..ts of ':roo, .1;\11 U\3:,'e b~ld qr L7 i:t. ~noorr.7 L'_~'.":1 ~~~~e ".":' :.:-"..1"-03 -:: ii the v1ci:.i~y of 5'15-195 n6c."\T outskirts 0: IUu:;)JI.:ZO. L'!.5:nCiu:~r::d. :::,~'.r,!'v~:; rJ:~~ JO 'j::! '!lent 0...t lromthis pos1t-ion with oojl;tc"ti".c::!'J \1XU;s.i.J. r: !: ,5. ~i l:"\-:. (1!.,. . 3"....:. ,n t.:'c~o

    torr.l.B were reo.cli-;:d .:>:.:1 repo~..ej clear C'!" c.:,ne or.em~r. ~~":'~t.e~n malt:;:!:' "'~le ~.'::,;:. plntoon ......or; injm',Jd thia 8.;.:00 d~.y ty 0.::1 I.,.: I:,jne in t.~ vi.:::':ll-=..t:" of -~1~ 'p:':'-;n';. b:ridgu .

    . !j,'he Squ.1.d!'on 1mS :roliev~ fl"OIr. t~1C ~es!ol:'S ,.,ssig!'!l~::!. ~- '~r..\:l J""'..Ys~ u.,sc IntantryI'1vis~.c,n a.: tr..c eysJ; ef ~h. :~th ar.d t:n..~ :'.'ro~p ~i'~[.lT1cvr~d i .. :' _ '-)i.~.:.uc w!.tl: tt-9 rest ot tne (,rgnr.;i,.zC;fjicn..

    . Treop liB-' vms tpe se:ond Troc;~ vi' "tno 5c;,11aQrl.'"rL t.;) :.. O:';'C~l t.r.J .'l.~2@;/~:'Y roar Ll(;.l~T11, nnd o~ the 23" d of July t!'j.~ tt CO? 'l"TC.S o""bflr':'n:i r:':lct t:Ol.:.t:-:.oer;. f ~'{'

    COlU'Jf1.:~. Mcvir..g ~crtb Cnp-t~ir. Riggs reportc:l. :'n tu .::;~":lt1'vn ..: ,",~I'&"l.:.l:-': '. os ~:. t r.;::...:, ;."' P.

  • '.;

    . . "

    ~l'!:~.i~lE..".~'!1:_~ '. ~", ~__~~;~:i~-.;:~L:.

  • Dl.:.l"ing e18 28-1:h of July nover.:'3!lts of the fOrlfC-1"d ele"J~~:-:c:; of 'l'rco,;> 1'1.'; 'F,;r.

    held up c.., r.sial:::':tb:J..y cll.;.(; to ~1Ue\e crn:t~ ...~ i:'l the ::- :);):1.. G~ty n.:;re ItLl.:i.,:m.:: i'T;re;

    trtl~o~. prisonc:~3. The Pioneer tioct~on Vlith the ac'istancc of 1st. U.S .. ::U'~t!'Y'

    Engineers vrorkcd all. through t.he night embling the recoIlI1..:'..i~sance pL":\tOOfl~ to move

    North 0Tl the !U2:1-n"T[':.Y. l .. t 0800-B on the morning of the 29th they reaci',ed tl'9 t~~.

    of rr:;:Co.:'li~ which was under enemy c..rtillery fir~ b:1t CY~.clU\ted by tr.e enemy. T:.?

    C0Ii1lLlO!ld Post of th~ TrOC? moved I:orth to ~ I='')sition nbout sl?nm miles :tk;rth 0:

    LEONFJRTE nr.d ,....:lS .joinod th:lt e"rcnin~ by Sq'J...t:-'ro~ He....c.c:.t:..:l.I't-:~~.

    Fat'\"T:l.Tcl'r':craE;;nts of the Treop ccntinu2d -I:.hroueh ~nCOS.IA lTith thr. ;.lissicr. c~ reconnoi~er::'rJ.g tC'~rnra '!'ROINA and f'.lI'r..i.s!U.n~ security f:)]" the right :-:;"'1.1".k of

    tho uq'Xlcll':)n. Ener.v HG firo wns rElcpiYed two miles TI; 0; 1\,:GG0.JJ~ ";:;y the .~nc,:):ld

    pL-l.toon. Tr.8 l(th ":;ctlb.".~ T .. ZlI4 ""'c.~ th,) rf;i;'e--:-:' uni~ of ttl' loSt u.S. :';:n:oln7::"

    Diyis1.c~ i!: +,~is secto:, D..o.,d the F1.i.'s t pk.toon T-.S :'.:,cier-:;J -:'11.: ~'3sio!\ of movi:-.g

    SC"J.T.r. to'.'I"a:'d i~Gl~. follClW"od 'cy tho Socond. c.nd 'I'..1i::-J. p:!,..,toons, ':'h:;? rJu.:~ ~1Q.s

    repurt.sJ. to '.J; vc::y b::'.1 "lT3 -:h rJ...... r.y ~nc.n.J' i'.h.JlitiOAls. i~:;) o:.(;;~,,- ,~~"t.:~C't Yo.s ::1:.1..:: by

    r y 0'" thn pl-t6"'r:" cn Tu...-v 20 th 'In ~,,~v "'''tn- +1.(. "". 'f''"' ( ...... -,...,"r.' ."r-.-J. ....... - ... ~..C1. '. _ v 0-3 ar..9-. Cig:1t?,O:l Ge:?r.Q.!". p:ri E' :'~:.!3:!,~~

    ....[)-:':'2 .:.,"'.~:,"~ inc:'uding a i\a.r~a.nt ~:f.':tj.:::.e::.~ and. C:le sergoan1i. lm.o:"lCl! from t.:.f.:I l.)ri::' di..sC~;.'J3ed t~1o:l."'. t.hey had >een lef'7, ".0 dela.:r tC8 o.c:.L'.:lce at .all oost. They .i~.a.! beo::: v::'Lthou'~ 1"oocl ~t}r two dnysl l\L:1lri.'t,;.;~t~.o:t ViaC. reFortr:.c. vc"!'~~ :"x o.nd that their foccf.'S war' vn. u:ldrc:..v;.ing to !,cs~_:c:'_(j!".,c; !on r5.c~.r.i-Ijy :xf TROi~!'...


  • .(stu~r:k".'ti.~jn I.~cnt. 'Ii; Not one clasualty was ~,:tferE'd by Troop liD" in this aet( ':. One tank Ift!Q d:l''''~6

    ablad by & mine to the North of GAGLIANO. Save,re demolitions .., e1'fect.,a, by"'..~.he

    , en~!~~r to stop traffic by' blQ\'dne up buUdings but frientUy natives asBist8d"flnfi . these obstruct1.ons ,.,.,l'e soon cleared, f'lMbl1nt; the i'l'oop "bo move tl'l..roUCh the i:~wn,

    :L~.,teY'"'\.i.~ten't 1\Te'be~vm, er.:.n'talt.ies amorl{t a few of i,hl'; ci"111~l13 00'''>n: aft~r enemy ,-rithdrE'.wal from the to\'m. 1.. small li111nber of Ge::-man \.-1"e,1,d W~l'e loca:t.ecl in tne streets of tlle tc",vr... '1'roop UBit mOunted patrols continued to move North t"OVra.rd TROINA and encountered many land mines ane. crat~:c's :i.n the .l'oad. .An excellent O? VTaS 6st,c."".I.blished by Lt, LaPlante IS platoon('I'hird),approxirllat.ely four miles East of G./I.GL.2UTC. ':'h.P. P & L ~latoon ur..der cClI!'Il1and of 2nd Lt. Sl'dth lms brought up and -rorl':ed on the road, during vlhich the l.:lttAr platoon capt.ured ,three C-el"Illan !>risol1e::"9.

    On the mcrnir.e ot .1\ligust 3::-d, a compc8it.e platoon Yras organ:l.7ed and sp.nt, dis

    mounted ~voward t:1e on':!my positior...~ S('uth of TRO:NA. 'l'M.s platoo~ encounter.,d

    hp.av;i mine fJ.elds, an~ ~r~ U";}.de; enemy s~l arms and macp.ine gU1:~ firr) fi~r~ miles

    N:,:-theE:'.st ~:" GAGL'~ANn. '11\"0 Troop 1:.)311 r.J..~n 'l"rP.!'e killed anc sevo;."~l '"il)u:~.dr;d. co.~ Cl

    "''. "'-. ..1 ~ ..~o~. J l- ",=-''''\,' =.... ~:.,....,' ...........;;; . , .. _ _ ':1"'1 ..... . ,.~..l.r_..~c?, ..cJ. .. " . ,v. __..

    recA~.vod heJ.v:r e:l"!T!j a:-.i::-":.p.r.;r fil'") ~~Jj{ ::n:J..:~-:: E:,'5-.i ~l' :"~.J.::) "':"t:-~:::' "Y :' .... I:.:,. '~;')L.~i'>';.

    Obse:vov:l.t,icH :?cste; W'E.rn ,,~,tc:.1:.~ ~fl:.eci. anc'''l. Pf'' G2:~:i.".4+,~d the }"~..-~' (.'c":'.:'... ::.':"[~.s J

    ' ~~ B.b~(~!,7:1:~~ !Jr.'r~.: m~::: Y.~::;rr.~ 'v,'OJrdf)C1. ~~~r ~~"!r:'S~ ;~,~., r.~~.~~e3 -~~'1 t:~8 5.:.:-~'" c.'~~i~'~~ ..

    Pa~:;::;lE f:r ',!.1 ti".e 2:,:). @.~d ::cd :~lp:~()N;.E; dso E'~r;~> he~,vy c.i'l!'lZl" ('.rt~.:':"l.">r:'r f~~_T'p S~"I''''8r~. rJj.:~~.~ ::3.:~t '": ~3S,,;\~~.G \71.L~!.():". yrr.~ "":.:':1j;.t:"l(..':'. +.C" -"13 (,O~':'~"'I"'1' frrlY: '.rl;;:r.:~( ",j...~'t_,'-'r.~~

    t ,.., J'\T'T')~,"'J-:':l ;"+ T"'l '.~ fI"''t''\'' -T-i~ ",",', ~-"i J.-(.':'Ic.- '0 ....... r ...... 0 .,...... ,i"" ..:,::-.., "\7 ;:,i ';"'~n'I""'"J._ ........ "\Jl. ..... J.'I. ..-1/.' ......."! ...-Ia_ .. .:::tTJtJ' ..,.~.La. J. ....!L... \/) \.~. '___ Sv.o;, .1"'_-'- ... r .: ..... J# ... C. J. \..# I.J..L..~ ..

    ':;he ::: ~''''t.~ j.:1 t:,.o area i;-~:':" rl"pori:.ed t,: bP. ',-ei,,;;'!" ;lP 2../.L;.y l::~::!ed &:one. J::-op;ress T:-r.:J alm(\s~ crt) 2~ ::~..;.Ic~rl(~~sll: .. Tl~;C? ~Ugi::/;j :2.\ ;J;("\r.~~~'-::'t,GC' v.;>~.~\.u~.:- t:.....~"'.:."'.'- :)~ ~.~.': ~:.~';~'1 L'V"l.~.t.(~ .. The r" ~.: :;; l:;:'d.t~:m of ::q :i.'r "{fae c;:,:'... tc.,,:.eJ t.' -I~.:C.i.. l~':c.l.::'.~:!b '~'~ CJ(,P -;::"e".IG:1ts r:,!' ~ht: rt1.:,?'se c!: rouc"Ti:-J~ mil1Ps.. ~'P''''' '.iB"-fl ,~,.~tC'bli~hn(:. i:.1 "'-'he -.r:.i ~in~:r.~ "f ~(J 73'}-1~5

    ~'~'~.f' ...:;"-:". :-', :~'.1:.(~ ,:.... z#~'. j':,:~.("~.iC'':l ."i'"1;' r:.~.(~?Y ~.:r"'::'!"..U~i..'ts ~r:~r.~ :l~-'+i~_:"_,,:~'T f:':"'~-'?) ,":':}~"'. ':""'0 l:1..:'!l_-.."~t~: : ... ].n.'i,-~ ,'--:-:::-.':r ,,""1".'."-. r~:-'~.~~ __ :'(-')j.~ a~ "'h.. _~ })':':'.:-t., ''"':'''' ..... ugu:t :_;t.'1. d~..Sd:(""':':~~-: '-~

    ~);.. :~Y' :_". ~:,~.r':d J.,.'," JC1:~ 1 ,_.~ : !.il='c)!U~~, (:' Tl:Lt> ;:)r :':d f.t!. C::"'::';l~:" -:) P,l"':. t 0_,,8:'.11d. c~ll co:-.J "Ferg..i.nG .:il:[~j .S :'lt~1 )f" ~;:A::':Df,':ZO i:o:..~e Dir.."".:l r qytiri"1g rl"J.;~: ":m:'~ OJ ;1!gl:

  • Ql t.he fa1.l of 'TROINA, Tr. aC;i :i.mmGdiat.!,- wa..::; g-1Yen tho !l04.~f3~..':! t.~ !"GC,::-::.:t:'~ .~..:>:,:" tm road :nCIN.t~'-ADltNa. 'Tne :1..""t!It pI.:.:tc~ U!ld~r G Jr:'::l":;.lJ of 17, .;. P:. :3'\.":':'~~ ',iCY .ard,,;:-ed ~(\ moV3 h::.s p~t)?!l th:.~C';Ag..i. th.;:. ~~~ 'J;: ::..o::~:
  • . '., I :1' -.,... I ' ..... :"',~/'.i"" .....,..t ..~ Upon iving in the vicinity cf l~OHrl': e;.}iOU~TTO .Troop "e ll \'T['.S QssiGUC(1 t.o tre 60th X~an ,Llnd given the JII1ssion of l~c"'ting .:1. possible supply route to the Fortheast

    t towmr the term of FLatESTA. Hoving out on a sma.ll rough tr

  • (summation cant'd) ~ own aid men as a . result of ' .t:ra1.~ i~.the1r ~rk :ttaTe DI&D1' taes V~~_~~~.'"i1QJ("iretl."'t~Jadh4h.' '1.0 ~he basic creed or the _diaal p:>.:"ofc~sio/r, thnt .of. saving liv(Js..r~r.1ptov.::tCu':~:lon Levu +'lic ~ 'or ;pl.atooa ccr.1:'.nd posts to the Sq)l.".dron i\id Station W.:lS insured oocausc troop hart ,".'.~ 82it.::" ..:l.:lccor 3/4 Ton truck, C'..I'" ll1provi.::ed litter bctlXer, ltsOO for trnnui'crtation. . On lcugust 11th, the Squ.:J.rlron Aid Stn.tion 'W'n.s locn.ted abr.ut ton niloa ~'t of

    CE..SARQ Lt~ LU!l1pkin received n cnll froD 'I':roop "BI! s.1.ying that h~_s services "r&1"o. ' needed at once. 'AITiving at the destination it 'Wns found tr.e wotmded had r ceived -oropA:>.:" aid anti 'flere taken C~l.'e of. Enroute brick to t,M S""mdT'cn C'? PO, :.-~ t~- J,,-~' lGql,; ~0J. to r(.;n~t;;r aid to wounded of the 9th U.S. Jni. Division ir. a ncc1.l'-{;y mine .1'i8:d. :r~.thout hesitc1.tion Lt. Lunpldn went through an enemy mine field. to ::'6ach the wounde.d. 17hile rendering to Qne of the nn enemy land l!Iine waa e);~pl.)

  • - .. -. --_._

    -----~----~-- .


    ,,-i !, ...1It .' I '... I :, ' ...... , ... 1 .::....P.r:JI!J :fd"t:1 n1 ty- of .VII,IJutOBJ~ 'to lITeOSIA, Artillery support wna of7A1n i.a.eeded to'destroy

    . flt.rong eMt1Y doJ.,a.ying 'fol'ces of brin.'7 YG" UOfi.TAR an.1i AT-GUN p(l~itio;::s. The terra1n . did: r.ot p,,:'rt-c.t our ,a"l:tf14rY' to (j~>ntir.uouflly "'~.'Ar.coml? th~Ae obstc;,clos. J~ t one time o.;,"+.ilJ-cry 3upporthad. to' be. obto.ined from flar.k CaIlc' rorer.s 'by une:x.pE;cted and non.:tnticipa.ted. . der.lLUlds. upon them: b.e.ea.use our ovrnartillf>4"Y vms outranged. Sim1lar terrciin c~nclitions will undoubtedly- be tronfr.ontad agtrln 1.'1.' fu~.ure cp"'ratior..s. Therefar-::". i;,he il3e of the 75 ll!! Gi,i;;.,. ~?" 'V'Tc'. ~C1'JI:J\;r . '!:I~t upon sacrifice by tn.k5_ng the::1 ":"ny:.: rI3CC.. I~..:..~'i3:>." ':,:o.':"t:':J:. :':3 _ .":':.7dCl. i~:. :).l.~.'... 'J;);'l3 of cO:-J!'.:ul.icat4...ons ..

    t') Si IF' t" "To: ht .,J. ,"~ "'" .. ".".- . '.,;: "1~"''' "l,06.:,,,,,,"''''''''-i'n"e''c'''\4 _ ...illl-..... 91.tP:~.!1-. ~.,..g p,",-.:>,' -G,4.._......, L ....... ~ .... ~....c... "'u', - ..... -"~w~"C .... n othe' 0_ !. _,,1\. '''-L .,..-. '" ~Cl"lC'~3t..,..;."cd. J. ~'le ----,.s. _ .1" l~ '~. f ., .. "'....... ole b ...... ""'I"V li'I""'p;i ""tc..,r..,,,. t'l-' ., ..... ,!>':t:" .........,. ,s.-r' J"~r c-..:IP.

    ."" o. Co ~~.:..J. p..;.... v.:-.__ ,~j,I .... ~" _,~"'" _u '.,..IisiGI'.u.J.l1.t'.g .. . ';.5; Field Glasses: ':1le prosont '3t~d..1.rd binncu:''''"l'' :11: ' --'.:"(30, '\.q 1.1P.:::::''1.:_te''!..y inlldcqlU>.te !'o~-:fo(,~~~i[.tion postil pur-..)~8S. :i.'h~_'" ::~:-.-:.~ "'.' .)::'-3 ~

    "...( . . ~~t I If

    ....... - -- - -~-.----------

  • {sU!lDlllltion cont'c\) f. SCR 51]: BAD:

    '-.turrcnt mlA does not pro,ride t._::~'3 tyy:r.; rv1io 11 ,,-,,.1ki"!,talkie ll ) for thj s TInj. r.. Tho r.CR 510 type is too }-l1.tlkd ':rithstD.I1d

    ory abuse over rocky terrain and rouBh rottds. IIov-rever the ;'I:1ount' fer this rad:.:;,

    is not subst:lntial end required consic1.ernblf;: rointenance durS:-:-.G; cO!',]b'Lt op~r~,.tions

    beoause oL weakness of the "shock-mountll (7T-172).

    h. llEDICflL AID~ 'l' r.nd ev.":,cu......tion of COl1b....t. cD.'3u.:-.ltief' Tro.s sU.CCE'Sf'

    fully accomplished but Unc!er dificl'" due to 0:( .:-.n:Jul.:lnce eq'l'.ipr. e~~.;,. ;~:J.7 one (1) Ol'lbul.:m::: r; 1:3 authorized this Unit by T'i:JL. It \7~S nece:::sn-ry tc oott~in another ar.tbulnnce tCLlporarily o.nd ioprovlse :l .3/L-T-L!Xu tl-uck ';Tbon OUI' :-lei! 'troops were e.'l';.tended ov.;:..r a wide frontru. ~ca.

    i. SUPPLY: - ..- The supply problen becrne conplicQ.ted ~o d.~l:':lcr r~ticn5J ,". tl:~rrl.3to!, stren~th for botl! f1c.nk 3(~.::ur:i.ty c:,,:t'.:':'1C:;r,.l ';'1"-" ",,.L1.',,t, ,-,,- ~~'-'7 ........- '-- ...... 1 .... 1_. . .10..... _'.VJ.t .a..... :J .. ,_"",!.4I.. .......u v __ ~ .... _, -1I-- .. oJ .... ,'.--\IIL ... - "'w \...\... v ~.1, ',,J. -S-J

    by ~.J!' '!''J"..,...~.''

    "'" ........ - I .~ _~ .. .J_ .. .... 1"., I..K... __ ",.;.J., .... ~\., ... ,) ... _'1.. ..... ____ c:.', J ...... "" ...... _ v. '.l.l....c..__

    ~~. r..J ...~~ ..~ ::"' ~.~~-: I'-""'~ -,.) .,-.~~ !Je:~::)::.!1.~;(L.. .l-t., ~~l\:.. ('CeC~0d 1:UV::f'....r:.,. vr:th..Ju"C ~::,:ee~s~vt.. C:lS-...t~.:.. +,ip~~., ~::S' '"~.!.~.s~~or: ~,~.~'-. rOo:;+-' :'1._"~)_"'.~"'..ctiC':'~~I"--: :-10r :~ _..,,..:'r- ... ~:'~~:!"i '::,~,J: T,':'-:, ~;:la["-'-:)~ 3t-:, (",-- c.:'.~-,~ ,.'..'; ,.... .; - ._'"'T "\-";1,';"(:'1- ll't f- . ('c".. ..... ~ ' ....... ..,,(1 yr ~"'" .~~.''""lo :,r' ....' .. ' ,..,.-: ...... ~ .. ,,,,,,, ... ,..: - J . _. 1)4.'...I~ .. t.. ( .1. ... L.', __ .., IJ_.L. J-"'o.J. '.. :J .. .., .... ..,.J-'_..r::- ... ' .... .1. ) J!", ~ ~v'.! ... , .. ~_~ __ ,j,

  • I J . . '" ' ~ ~ I

    .,.r.'__taWa. 'l'lul.t, future op6rd los.::. th.3n 1S llPH due to. average cCQbat %'eq'U1rements and terrain or rQD.d ~~~~l"di'tions. Rapid appearinBvul,narabla to.nk and other vehicular enoLlY "'=-tt:..-~sJ,:

    could hnVQ been pranptly disposed oi, if the 75 n1 Gun, sP, md ~t::le~l n"V'l\1la.b1e on numerous occasions. ArUllery-could not ba adjusted :'AO:" f'urnished Ul time, to destroY' these S'lldrlen oppenring enet".y;o':'s, cue:r

    .as one or wo-Uiika, vrenpons carriers, personnel CClI'riors (v;;:~1icles),'I AT tllms, henT.Y' concrete pill box.e9, etc. :.dvttncing RCll elA'.lents ':)lc.tClc:\ equ1ppGd with Q. 7$ HH Gun,. SP, c~'\Ild facilitate :i.ts pcv!7t::'c,.:, ctI3C-'::~o~ ~ f1l:e upon forrmrd lDfa.ntry .Un1ts, and destroy ser:i.ou~ impeQ; "x~ci 'blocks ar ~t the..-ene;&'t.raa. ~ such.e~cnpini ,\,!eaports. SUch e~".-:::-' tarpta were often sited nt' 4000 to SOOO YtU'cis wh1ch was beyohd rtJ,r.3-' 1.a 37 n.! Gun. .

    t.. It.:i.8 r_enable to tUtnt1e el18Jll;1 J'etoet'nde action Trill OCClll' - whether UPCllll s'1dJar terrain conditions (o.s til this O~w.iBll) or i.:.~():'.

    001"8 tavarable terrain. The 8~, obViousq, must 'be destroyed ~:.' "dr'iYell back1i lor overwbelm:LnC defeat. Oont1*ua heaVY' dem;li~1::>r.:;:, (111 1Ib1ob be 1. aD apart) can be o.ntici1:m~cl. Tbe nee~ for ~ E:l[:,i!it;(:1,' Unit (pla..toon) W1th a BeN Unit j.s obvious by ccperience in c-,t~c ":.:~.: !\al.a~ aDd S1cU1tul ~8DB. T~s Squadron S!lO\.l::';L be eq~"?p~ri. "l:i ~:f1 mare m1De d8teotorsJ a. lai"e- p10aec I8Ctian to prepare its vr.. ~mpor~y IIcbarmelii 011 .......~ thru mnefieJ4$ with Q, light or tl8di-.Jm j3":.71.'doIer li .. l&tte.~t "Q1W.Q. f'~111tet.e l'O1d1.t;r of IaO,,-e1:10nt an:'

    ~CI"8:17 roc4l repairs, ena~~ to pro~ed ll::'~~ ~'J!i \IIlt1l..~or r~8 were nc~81le1nY' 'C'm~ .~ t~trOGP".

    .. I~ . ,

    . it:' ,~~... '.~);\~~.~: ~ :~.-.i 1~' .:~ .

  • '1. 'l'-'(~C 'I~~" r- lJ '1 .. -. ',-" 1'ivrc'-';11 tlf n.'(' '1' '..L'j' .. , 'll'"':"~~'._" '_'.~':.::_'~' _....":::...:~::..' ,'. :..... l-\.:. . . ,! ,-. ~ ~ ., .:. oJ /' .J 1, \.~"'" '.'" __ : .' _:1L? ~,T, ~'.t'':(~~ t:i.r.~-,:.~::. :.c'.io ~C nf. L;21'S' :lU:it h'. r~;:'0~-': r~e('. f oJ:' ~ ;:..;.~ ~~~. , .... l";",Hfnn C(J:'J'l1.m~c::-.!'':'()L:::i .rLth['.L''''r.~ f'l,'.rJc Ul::t.i,El. '1';:i3 ui~2._!(.', .. '

    .O'CJ....:.4.~ on::tl ~cnLi~i:;icr.()d c..r.d enlis::pc'. p;:;rrOr.I".o::" (inc:~.udi!!F .'r.'':"''''.['' : .. .) ~ .'.,,',' " ~~: -~ i.:,~ ~ -::_:.-;., ~-" .:-:- :J ~,.:::,,:i\ ,~ .:..t:- ~-..:0"> (I.. ~.t:. ~ ~ ~ ,-: - '.~.I: .'"....: \...{J.~ ...: ....~, .....~1..:;.\....:.. .. :"~.1':"", ,-". ~,: -:.:: t,' _ ... - .. :

    ,i'--::::2~:~:;- 'c:.~~-::-': ~c _;.l:"['.~. c~"7[fJr...lg!':~. ':.':10':"'" L:3 i~_2u1'':'':'' :., ..(,l....10.1 vir!J.~ C.11~~ I10 I-tu;.:i_~-1t-';e~ t.e t,i:-i!l :r~p].:~e~cY!"'::-- f~ :."\:1.:"';.:1 ~t;~:::=-:.-~n: :.. ,. '~;';, :-,~~;.:)~~. :-.''', ; ~ .....,........ :{l/ ~ '- .... :-:- ':".J.: 'J.~.~.:... :--:t ~.,.:.'''1.~:,: ~'..i/ _. . Jr:.. '~:l,_ ...'f - ', .~ "..:.. ..;\ v :_~,:v':' bee:.l l~-~:,:v-~.-:'J ..".l~]_e;. :I-t 1;] Z:~ ;~:.."'!,.,::: :.~~~:::-_" .... ' ~ '.-: r: t,;'~"." (_ ....~: ., r!..:~pJ.'[~.:;wr:~C!::'3 0; r:lcL-:o I)(r3or...:~EJ: bE.;' 2.v:"'i~nllt: i.n c..~}.. G~"l .f ~...:~~ (; v~ '. ",:,:_~ .'....1...: ..... r!:CC'11hD.i~s~;'1.:e 'iJf!i~~~:; rep~ ,:.CP:.iE''i",:i ";~.C'_ll.~ (::~l_ l -~;c J.-t-~ ..i...:"",.:"'_, j,i.1e i.Lve:':'.:i.g~ ju.lU.C= o:~fj ~~r is :1:>1. CG:ge ~~l'.. ';".J.y +.:,.~~j t'12.l ;.'j ~f..C::':':;' ,:-~:::. " dut:!8 f,. If; ::-equire:: sp~cjf'.,b 7.od t::'t.:.r.i:;,:!,. ~. -'j ;'t:'..:; n:,r,: ,'" '7' ~.:.:.' ...-t: ;"', ., ... ,' P..r.n Ccr.'vnt liNCO's;: he'~CI:l C:~pO,'b.2.0 .:Lac, P.:i1.e'.E;;:~(:, of7:' )(,:. ::"f::'~_:.,,,~~:'.' ..,'

    ~/~~~':,~~.~~~~~(~.~;p~~~~::~l+'~'~.~~i-'~ i~~'l~:,~:~..,C~~,~'~"'i;;"::~'~~~' ~~~c~/'\:2~~I);/;.\",;:~ :~:,.~~:~"7. r~" "-'''f''r';''' d..,+'" '1~ ~ ""r.:"" '-i :" ,',,, ~r'" '"': I ",v ,,'.' v"'+ -~ ,"r>v' 0 '-, ,1 . " ; - .: '" C. -,'. '_. ~;~;~/, i~i I::;~~;;~ h~;"d:;~~;te;:~ ~.~.'.; 1;:: .. ' ~')' ;.::.:.:. :-*ll:),.;~~-;n~'; ~.Ci.-'L"' ...:J'.,"~~ ~~~_ :.v'}r dut}-.. i~ ;'~(l--4irGd" I...':~(~ ~c..'~.('~."~'~: ~.? .: . ..1,:,~, :~'."'/I:. CI .. :; ":'_J. ':.,,(-? for ~j.2 ~,ncl one rue s-3 duty, r:H,llcJrr. officG~ n8~i-;"o.'1t :'J~ :.-",'';': ... :"'' duty &,'1 ist';"l ,'el"so' u"H'!l ~Hsi!'lT,""""~' . ,- ~ """k" " ,... , ....... ~.... .;:;,::=,:",;:.':- :_~:/' :::,.;~.~'~:=~i~e 'pro\~.ded.'- 7Ih~ r; ;;',1 ~;. p:.'; t:;-~::;" ~1\~-~~';; ;,t:;.j'; t-..-,~ : ~) ,:,;t r:'Ge::'~~ ,'.. ,: th:i.rty-aix (j6) cr.1is~o(1. r.:o:'1, i~l o/':':l;:~',~ or. ~~) "'"~~F:' :1' 07.:':..:1 :.~ ,!,' (~'~iwj:.:.~.':: ...::- Pt-;!' h~r. tro,,-"p, ~vitn ess(;l'ti.::.l ~C:'1.iP:-_1C:'I').!j t,-, ~:l(~ ::dl:ol. P :ll.:, ~.,' c:~f:' 'Y.::':';

    ~ld ar..J.istedper~l c:mc.l; :"0 s.t :.1", e.:-.:~.~ ... p~"I/. ~f) o1J!~'rf.i,t,ivn :.~c..~ ~..~lj~:c.i::.2.!i ..:: repL.~eetlE'l:.t of s'.!ch pe't'30r;!.~,e1 is c:i.ff::'c-u:!.:t to ~':..-tr,il:.. w'ltn t:-ie~.r ;;l;.t:.' ~:!.:,:'.i;.w. ef.f:icie1'lcy. 1'1-us is '2spoc:l!J.l :,~r, t;~"'lJ :i,~1 :.rU.(> c.,:,'''',p,c''C,orp-:-.r:;o yo.1..


    IJiDj_;~o.:: :'tu.:!:'::' Offi.ce~.'s; ,:;~,=,~f cf1'::'cel's of, ;,Ii'r1610H D,1':d (:01".,8 HF,'?"r,-?:.. ".i~-..~Ji".,~.1"'~' .,:-;'.-;"~,.. 'f!n) C1:l's ......l"r.. 7".. .,.,r~...r.~1v '!'c" ''''rl!l!l'+ "J-.. 'T.. ,.:'l.:... ("4'h,J _ _,":' . vlr.t....... "J.... \JU. .~.' ... .....\01...... ... _'iiJ...,_? ... , ... .., ... ". ........" ..... ~ ..-.--.~Q~-......4

    ." .,....,,, r ... 1 ' .. ~.~ ..l.", (,"J' J..\,..;....: o.... r.! . ., .... 1.........,~ ,-..'''' ""' l'''""u U.,.,~t .(.'lr~~ e;~~ "L~ .... - .... ~.,..~ ,""".Io'J/.~ "'. ::\.,.

    .'.,). to/Iloow.. l)(.. U",~f~ .;: .. WL ... ",V'" .~~. J, ... v!...... " .. :,......._ ........ .I ... j 4... ,;,.!..... :...ll ..'~.:J c.. ... ..L.~_ ....,' ........ \.. .. _.~_\;...

    t; th~~ bit9-1H:1 unit CP, ti.'li:: ":alllS of sUc:1. (~t.::Lff ol.ricer) ":is::i.ts is lr_'!~::;, . .gr.o,':'..t.;:r~ This .3q,U3C:on mc.into.ined D. complete' "sit'W\\iion r.lC.pll 'Thi~h '"~:''' ,c.or:1I'.16r_d,,~d by ene ;)iv?-s;on sta!'f 'WEJ TTe:"/3 then ,.:Ltt.;1.chad 1;0" c.s D~e 1c;'.~~,':"e":.'Z\ tt-..."Ul cmy othor i."'l' tl".c Division. TlB Di".rision (.tI.d .~r~1.!f u:!:':;eri:;: ,.t'reClu~ntlY' V::.s1t tho DiY'. Hq tor vo.r:ious conte:'Qnces .iit:1 ll-2 or 3-3 ::;~c-:,i-:'~-J ci'ten t:Jck the Sq CorurlLUlder ~ !"rCl!l mal'g ir.lport..-mt dut,iee ,vit~ h:i.3 ~;:l:"~ th..'U'~ ~le confe:;onces o.ppoal'Eld necessory. Uuc.nn1. vie1ts f~r I~ot.f'e:'~:;!,,/~~G IT;;) oe ::1.c,:,e pro.ctico.::.. .

  • ". ) I ,

    m. }.~p Eq'lipment: Ench Ucn ~md. Li~i50nofi'icE.r should 'he provided yrith n. i3'r;:;:-c'tICiblnSO.) size ll..'l ~1.rd ~o h:)ld n,t ] 8u.St '\.,-:ro (2) q'l.U'"~(J J::""'P rhf.0t8 fvt' n 1/50,000 r.U' ':!_1.:'1e~ nre =,n~d3q'.lnte nne.. J,r::;on:.:tieal. l!.""Gl~Y' officer of this)~ ~'" OOf:'!l com:,.J(;lled to r.L".kc. Jl1d ir,!I-:!"ovi::. n \J.1"' Bou....d. Suitable nre UI'l:. 'n ......"... ~ ... u"'o"'" .... ."."l ..,,, .. t. '~Q'" ..,,...:,,1.

    .... . ~ ~ ,.. Jl '"'.' .J. \No _f... \..r .J \.: .. 0 .......... ...... 'fWL .. ,J .":1 ..... .......... l..~_. - .A. ... l.. - .' ......:

    'ob~:lo;rve.:':' ~o~p..sif1ll:1~!'::,.b~,d ef~eruy "tf...r,;. ::ir.c:1 is ';)rsc~:~:"n.~ UpOl', (.n~rJY' :-;U:r"t::'l D1:.d h"'f or.~ ~::.) ;;C-u.b ~:..:,.:,e;i -:..;: :':li

  • -I ) , ._..1

    .1., ~ ...' :.. '\. ....... ' c_#

    ~""5t ~.. s ... ~ vf,l\l . ..i -~~.~.~ ..# ..J t"I.";._'~\.~:'J

    . i'\.. ; i.. 464, t; h. .-...v..' ...

    lr tr.e .'i e.1.d :.:\) ~'Elo"*r.v l'l"~

    .I.. ".;>art 01' vperationa 01 this ;-ilAAliron l'roi'l II ...ct 1;t4.:.. t.o j1 ';,.,n 1V44. i.r:cluaivti, i3 f';l.lo ... it.ttH'\ ir. coa,plial.c8 ~Hth.,'. j4~lu::> b,l1c1 ':"et'Ler, ii,,, ,ifth ,'..rtl11, "'J :" Jti.teoJ f.:l J~n l-;'-14.>ject "lUtltori'ea.l .ecllrda Idl.:.o.idtori 1,)1' :.'rg-al. i Zll tiotiU'.

    2. 'r'ol.loillir.j) close of the Jicllit.n (b.mpt..i~n the "1WLuron took ci n;\oAc:h r:lSeJeQ re6t for reba.b1l1tation during the period 17 - 31 AUg 1 ~4J. ~hl.e w~e follv,uu by trainuig ar.o :spl9citt.l recormd,a.sMT.ce ~f,i.aiorl. bl order ot i..1i, it.h ~.,~ 1n1" ,:.iv, ir. divA-si~nal. ueCerlct.or, horth ahore 1)[ ;jic:l1,)'. lida rup~rt-covers ~etalleQ ~ctlv iel and operation. for the PtiriOQ 11 vet. 1v4l t.o 'n ~~rl 1'44.


    :;. fhe in 10 .ectiona, ~. tollow.,

    iIiJIW!i'DiP ItY' Killed iD AC~1on uiec1 at ''0unci. (t.o elat.l) 'o\ 1n AO~1011

    Cap~ur.c1 b1 ill., Miaa1ft, 11'1 Ao'10n


    (Hoal) (NOM)

    a ~o) 'MM')I

  • -----------., .. ---------------_.


    5. Th. Sq-.............. 111 ..'1.,. o...t .,...t1_ at tM .1_

    ot the perl...

    . ~~ CHARL&S A. ~1&.L'. ~.lC.walrJ. ~, -dia,_

    1 ll'lCl. H.pon of ap.rat.1oaa (_d.)

    (,'ile 2 cop1).


    3 cop1 CG, Fihh AnlJ (Cop, 1 t.. 3 1 ...1.)

    1 e.GPY (At.t.) H1.tor1aa. II Corp_ (coPJ t).



  • '~ .

    It It It

  • '&.,_/ " \

    Jrli!CpJ 91n ~ONtt.",I~,;;i,At.Ch. .i ..LlAIJ;IA.IJII

    APO co. 4'4, u.s. A~ y

    In t.he /1e14 16 february l~.

    U ~1Ul1W\ 1M3 1'0 1 FASRUARY lM4

    At tIae e18.. , 'be .....atu1 S1.U1a.D "..palp, ~he;q..dron ..... nll....a ,.... au... -' rita. ~. lot U.S. Iar..."ry Jlria1_ aDCl re.,..ned t tnl ., II C.,.,.. :s~ ..... tna jSl\ONTj;, Slcl1,. &lui .....leu Y1e1a1", .f 'l"ataJ.:IJII-D+L1':P.SI tor 1'0__111.'\1011 &lui ~ft1a1n& tor _ ot tkroo ..... _"tu..... M Mh U.5. I.tan~.., ulnaloa. 8, VOCG Seyea1.h .4-nl. 'be SQ ......U .... &lUI _"' 'k tao au. A.l"ao.... ~1.1a101l &!lei orol!red too ' ....004 to 1'R.APANlto roUe ,,_ 3n U.S. lataa"rr Dlria1.. tben volicnro.s.

    .aM ._~n11'...J'III.A1." .oUooUq .f __ .,Id.....t, I.r eal.... ptU"po 18 tat ......

    .". ..u.1 ., tile IN U.S. lalla".., 1llY1.1_. be llot ReI. 3", .uumocl ..., ... .utar, .... , 1'IW'~I ~.wYUlCj; .tt..Uft 14 .." ....r 1joU aM ....1aecl 111 .t tllo ..n oed 01 ,at. loluul _"U n1.l.yed by '\ue.'tII An..... ,KeP... nae s~ ...41'11e.... 1)lY. at 1tllOO OoMlt... 1",. ....,1It1.o lor ...Mr-s.a.a1_ tMU.l ......,.. ~...w&bO." Uao .n'1",I'ft'laeo, MHI'lt, 01 0 1.."1..... '__ 1aaWla'U...

    011 tIM IIUIdIti .1 11 OoHator lloU a ..."" of 0-3. '''h Are, , ..... IQ ..... u.v.tH t_ ia 0 t-...aMl.7 ". report te tile rlftIa,.., '4.t otn..... IIQ JlI. 'D.DI. He otaW tala" ratiopaa ....... _ ... Hq ....., ..w ..,1.'. 111 .nau. A' lUll. be .... .., _ ~. uri... ..u..da& De. MIl IQ Ina L., a..-\ta AraJ ..n.u... Ie on_. 1.. _ .....-to Ilftll Ma,. SQ to .--111 .,,____ \0 .......... DiY , .... .....~. pe1at - tAe ~ .. "17ea1l J'lftIa...,..., ......... , .. ".1 .at. ....... ..a 11111...._81"1_ lor "."a o.u,,...,,

    ... ,....HI M -rlill -. ....... t.u ......ta ....... ,.~lo. vu.ulo ... ....'1........ .............. r ...................U. _, tho IIUl A... ... M...... till. edu.l ,..uII ., r"'$ -,_,,_ aM ,......,.u..

    ! M. W.1l ....... &. DUI. IQ CeIr........... a1J'p1aao to TiNa

    AIIIW ,.. 11...1, "r .....11.........U_. _ tile ......... 01 11! : .. ! ; _.~ .......,..,......... _ ~t .............. "'.0, Slellr, ......

    .... ,.-......... ., Beaa-apDt Ill ...... to ... till ~ wl~t,..,............, ..t.. aUI ..............,.'1101 Iv ......

    ... ., __,...,.... 1.1.... ,. Hdr. 4ft ., ........... fI'Mt. ~......r

    a.1....... "_ ..... uu. ... left ..'" _ 1.1 0IteIMI' 11611 .... ,..~~ .. It .. a. Sa naJr 01.... 1.... .

    '. A.;, '1

  • r'lH; r~,.o.~'l..:er ,),L' ti1~ .J, cOI,-.,::lf)tlllu n.r.c;,8 f.i.ri;.e;, &p.suit>nu.ent. of .~u.1pr.eftt. and. Fepraor.,..l rei ...ifi,Hions by 20 .:..otober 1~3. w.11 a.od o.~rla.lla tor ~t&ll, t'irst. stop _TId uiy !...;.;l::f.,.icill. fhe trip watJ mad. in Lood oNer ltJid iF: 1'1 Ye' dale. un t.he. tilth 0&1 tne J, arrlyed at. t.h. dt.d.~i"b ar. vlc of ; .. ,,,;,..;.l.A.:l. 1\all. rh.:i. l'ODidr aLlH.1 .t.e..1't reported 1.0 :.,,-~ lin.h ~rml 'ind l .... rned 1.;1(1 t \.1~6 w~i1. .k8 att.a.chea 1.0 11 l,;orp., fifth.' nLl r en for fuLure operktlons.

    ':'l~ :>1' cvenLbar l~'~J 21, _ oT.ent. ",;..oer ft. recely.d at. ,", .;" ,J.Jao..) ",r;

  • Thi. 1:1110n ....cccapUaIaH 111 to ..,. aM MlpM _to.nau, 1& "Y1a& larg. il"Ollp' ot pe..8OftMl. aM "biol.. ia ~ ........ ..tla.. .f toM 1il.10llAlO hl........ pr.......to017 t ... ,_ laM ~ 1.lJU V'&Uel.

    ?W. 'h. ,.n.n1 ..y__, u4 oeuoU_'l t ,roope .... plu. 1a tohe twcl ...... "b. S~ _d. iWa aM tUUa.... 01". OIl );. UlIiIOO tor ,_ t.n_.......,.....'1_ 18 "be VaU.,. 1.. L". t.aaue. c.... P. D pia.......

    (Ii~ tnop) ._atnaetocl "u 'WO OP'.. .iMrlac 'hl. ,.l"1od. tile ;:isr 111 combat. on :. ....,u',"~~O anel baN , ....... tor .,pU. b'.....1.'1M1.... "...t.hol' ucl ....... ooLUlt..1ao1Ao ,.i-ftJ.A i' ....._.., '0. "1'1'1.lAppll.. tol'ftl'Cl bl hanel, and .. U A)eo_Mr 1MI \h .)~ 1"I'Il1l1aect a cl.taU .t ... hundrM eal.i.t... ~.ft '0 paok .",pU.. ~ '\be '--U" ot k. ~J.lJ.iU~iW. 'ftl1. iJ..t.aU .... at.t.acfl8d ~o t.h. aa'\ft u .;. llll ;)1. aDel n.aiucl 011 -to, tor .ta" day.. .

    Up t.o t.hi. U.m. toh." bact b bll' l.ia1'oci u 01 ..ftl .-.a WlU. 111 , .. cQlabat aOft. Hoy.r... 'b .lIOIUHO Pa.. .... c1_nel 'or toh' .lllCll ,be li,. ord.r.el to ...t.kCh one .\AlB t .. oop '0 Taalt 'on. "A- __nct.d -., Brl,. aoaenl l.11.11 (ca CC"S", J.Bt. Aracl lliy) tor opontoloa. 011 or abou' a JUMU'J 1.... Pur.ueult. t.o ~'. u. ,18 U corp" dat..d Ie Je .-,.I' 1M3. t.h. i1d Mil ;)". 1 froop "c", .t.1U 1a ~01'P' .......... ,...par04 "0 O"uto. "h. RAPloiO rd".r - 34It ..W. '1...Uo, al.,1.oa OIl corp. 01"4.,..

    Plan. Cliscuecl H~ CC'''B'' aDel Troo, "I,;" ... ord....el too \&bUaIl ~ OF prior to tile ope.....1.1on. t.o g1" 'Jut. e_elr'. aD opponuai', ~o 1t."cl1 the t..rrain ILlIG ..pp~ch.. to tbe ;.,r,u VaU.,. l..e fiQRCiUA. ,be ... t....., of ,_ Vall.y, ry .t.rongly .i.tenet.a aDd all ..,. '''1'0. polIR at ...., "1M. ;,;ne plat.oon, loADd..r OOCIlQUlQ ot .....~ .itoU, l&o.o'YlCi tro. DiY a....... OGCIAp1ocl I4n uP on k\4JOlui'\.ij; t.he at1..raoOll JQ ~oe.b.r 1M3. aleo .~N lleheG wit.h' ,"t.h -liY "Brit} echoclulocl '0 operat.. OIl l.n tlaak or 1'I'oop "c". Th. t it .I platOOD ot J;" 1I" CODl'ruCt.od. anotll.r 0' ill ton. rte ot .. :L.Tr\\J ,Oft ~i dcliUl.Der 1~"3 tor .paeial u.. ot II (,0..,. statr 11& t.he l.IiU 1&118Y operat.ion.. ~'&J.r Gon.n.l.. ..nel ojoo11t.,1. Yio1.Htl '\A. vI .. 3J }ecember 1i43.

    lp:)1l order ut' tohe (Ci, 'f)'''".', Troop "c" lIloftcl 0"" ot DiY '0 &IS a eDlbl, _rea ric of ;,.hir.hl'.1.. ato ~l'aoA Jun.-r, lri4. U.a1t.abliohocl ', "be '. ''Ii1.h 1::;"'':,'' on t.h. MJ!:e day. b.c.." or 'YIr1 ey1eSoa\ proe'''re 1I&1a\e.1Jlo4 by the ene:;,.1 on :. t;..l-dI.\ and toho.acCW"a\e and il_"1 anI oODCenira.Uona, "t:" 1:rc.op WB oNered pot. '0 \l "eniol irl\& 1to. IlIilon. The mi.d.a

    r~G8i&n.d ';0. to "protect. t.1Ut leJ't tl.ank ot n...~ .. , pnpa,.. t.o rocoanolt.r ~o the oat, yie I.. j-'0' ...... ;t~Af ri.~ht. fb.r,1t.. 'Lna railroad and lott. tlanll. 4O~b ~r1t. _1 v.;' Troop 'Ie" Illovae Wlder cover of darln in '~roop t.ran,poM.a\ion 1.0 Jet.ruekin~ point. TiC of .xpre__, ~ ....UrollC) &nQ :... i..U}IG", at 02183u. Janua.., 1';'44. t"1'0IIi t.hiIJ pOint. t.tl8 Troop (;',o.IG i,.to po_U,loa OIl let" tlM.l4k of j.,"A" ... ~unic~tior.s b.caro~. a .ari"",. pro1i1_ Qu. t.o the terrain ..nel weat.n.r &Ad for' :;.eTent.l houra "!,." Iroop '4. out. of COla&w"oic&'1''A". j,.". ~"""'.t .l.iai:.!on officer, ,.",iarec1 YIll~blrne. a. rn....r. r knd Ifill.lnt.Lt.ineu eon'iac't

    ~.t..e.1'l ~ .. ~~roy'p Q.'Li :'t''' ...:.r.emy real.knee &t "hi. tu-. ft. vert'ltron& tt.nd t.tle Qfit.ire Ilrea ,.,(;.\.8 But>Ject. t.O 4CCUnt.t.. on_1 &"y t1.... .....".ra.l 0\&&1\1 were 1r.1'11-: toed. on froop .. ~ .. by 'me': I tlrll alneS llIl'i-per......l min

  • OIl Uae nigh' .t I .ruauaJ"'1 1"" Troop "'A" hil lA.len.d tor ;:.0._81110 11; two bourG ......., u aciftAoe ,.nl ot ODO o{tlcer 81& me. t.o r-l. 1',."..... !A. T....' ..... ..n 1130A uul .......lod 1. y-18 ot L.. mj'l".JN.N. (OUo-lei by to". "'''' CP. !be ...b -.cAe 111 1004 Order cle.pi'o & blll1dlng .1u(1 ~Q ano...t.on...

    Co~l Ull. ud Katt .'\h ,he C,;G.clr ot Troop ..A ... reported to '.. \1 .rask ~'orce 1t.1t .t OIOOA_ 6 Jaa......,.".. ot t.h. poor dth ..'roo~ ". ". Wlll "be 1IIpeMia, a,...t on J,.:. PO:'.L,:tll.\. i' _...drell.ll a.por1.11nt to i"l1II..on pro,el' pro,.."loa of ~e 1,on flank. Troop ~;.'" w Liven IN&.Ultil Li~"l.on ud N1atorc.eI ..t" 'iroo,. with '"A" Troop on the r1&h\.'oJy da.,n t.iu,iNOjJ wol1 ......, Ulcl ,roce"_ on toot. iato po.Ulon. ";..rly t.hll.t'i! \:I.I:d uaclor ....' .......t.10l\. bo't.h Troop. Bo.ed fwd ~der heti.vl ahell Cu'''' ~.r~u M.1I__ H11l 65 bMw..a .... POriCHlA &Del fto.O ~ivd-flQG'l)e.1 _'" .ol''''r Troop .uttered alll bCllftbin, callua.Uics. .8veru.l Ch8Wl,l.Le-;; .. tore lnnl.t.ed bJ __, ah.ll tire. howe.-.r. .;)u~:P.1.1 for t'letie t..o ~rouvu 4'46 Il rlo". problee anu IUl ad_nce .uppl1 b.... wal ".tablilifle(j at ".itl '/'v()l Ol. Ii. Jt;AOOIOiti. Yr_ ttli. poiat, Wlder cover ot aarltneaG. tll~ ~1et. curriu>l ,lJ.Pplio. bJ band '0 t.ho twd poaLtlO1l

    Troop "8" r".airled in '" bi VO\.l&C ..rea. at. y:~;"". ...~:....l\..; hl,.Q 'NIIL:: C' ... ~l8G tri at. l80QA Oft t.hO 6t.h. It. .,..a1ifled t.ile reiuior. 01' pzotect .. ,.i.:., L .~ ",le;ht tlaU ot Taak forc. "A". t.&kiq up cI.teaal.e podt1onl ~t. 2200.... 11ot. ~ ~,.;.)., o"r l1a1.on ottic.r phoned .i, H., and reponed ... cOWlterd, cOtld,n~ ~ run t.!,. PIr &IMI o..t.81 ..,l.ted it wol.&14 be 11'. t.n. "yt i'roop ione. "~,,, '~roop ...... :..l.~(... aad JolMCl tbe InC el.errte ot t.he let ~a btn i.J"IIiO :r,(. i.t. 01. _~~i ...H'U, 1JDID4tcU.atel, tor " !,.,...... ii ... to cOl~ter witn ' :.; .r.d ~ Vt "''",'''era Lv ()rt.:""i,J" U ... l:1ob11e reserv. at once from reL.....lD4.r ot ." to /;)1 or. ct..!l. ,,:rOlL i..t.c. . '.. TT-A". The countoftt.tack ft_ anG at Oovo.. t.he next .~"rnln6 t.: ~ ,.cuil. re.ern .a dl-.1ed. 'froop "3" .uttereel twenty CtI.&,"""..lti. ir:c.t.u.;!1r.t or~e otticer, "'P to lvOUA. 7 Jknuary 1944..('wo caauul t irit'l ich'" il. I.rl& "A" tr..p rear .oileloll bl .hell (ire. ....n tne nit;,llL 0,' I.:;l: 7\h :...,. vtt8.C;( arli'';' wac ..,10 out to l'roop........ and "l" that t1.e ~J;th ,r'~ t .lri;.: .0.-1.1 ...",; ... n; .. .; i.. LUNC,W. then .... t.hrolllb1l ",," "\.M rroop outpost lim' ::Jll ~t.:'~\c: ' oJ ...... troa t.ho .:;a.t. ..~ .. anel "(" 'Iroop lAre order.Hi i.e Htbinthirl r't'ilDic 1... '-V.~~\,,~ wlt.b 'he tirit. OIl ;,..J:.v eel t.he 6t.h .\rmd .lIAr on . i",. _., er.n.J ~ ..... '.- .. ~ ;... outpoat. 1lIlc:i d.ter. .. line l:Ieh'een the l';'~t.t. 011 tile lett. and tne ... ,d .r;.. ..:I.. ,.. ' Tnt, 08 t.h. r1rht.

    rhe :j'oC contin".d on .... ~1 .,ion 0 JanuaJ")' lW.. J.lroti;(; . itl~ .Jolt. .i. ... ~ '.0 f,"A" t .hich "fl. ~hGn conaol1dat,lng 1t. hard 'lion po.iti.r,~ Ol~ . . . _. 'I'roop ordered twa end arrived ,,\ tr.1I ~, .... 1 ",to J;;;30.. "rov~' .. ""d ....tlt.~~.ttH1'.J" tr_ 6';' ,uwd :Dt 1.0~t tUl~ re.erted to control 01 tot,e ,~ .. lul of l6v';;' , y~! O..~.;l" lG. TF.. " ... Troop "~." .10111 on 11l 'i!) w\.. & ~t.\&c;''i:d 1'rol the 'Jlli. '.i: ,,,I1L.~r. pat.rol",' 2U~.....\rensth Wlknown. ,~ft,er u. vriel fi,' .~ ii.!lt ~.LC: ,,:.t. J ~i :..!~ eire.. Ccmket. lo.t tor & C Hoard QU.t'j e..,.r~i in teot' :.. 01':.1.. .... i)"rlr. t.he n1@'ht "i~M iroop .1'oYeQ up to ' III ~ i" clo,l8 aU;-l10rt I):' t.~.

  • .

    bad .e oa_1'1 ",,~ the da:t whell 14 The t" .0. arcS Ba, 6th iU'"llld Int, o~encloa t.ile



    Troop ..... !i.ra1. ...ld 1ZIIiU ill1. by

    eMU t ... p __.. ;; '. on Ua

    , ......ft.

    free,. "A" ucl "e" r 1neG 1n podt.loa. on Hlll. 6) a..ncl ~, with p",uol.

    r.......Ia. Mlata"'t.tact w1'lh tho Jrit.1.ah WoAG 6t.11 ,.nod lAt. {'eLirol -on

    .. "17 UalMd 1a "be da~1me 4. to oa., ob..nll:UQD ud Ii req""l.:t 01" l.ile

    Irl'lob t, de litt.le patroll!", a. poible 1n oraer t.o not oloclo.e ~~r.n.o

    pelll"'... u,.. voco 10 .rail '\he ;i, clr noUtleci t.htt& t.he liJlu1. .'en ... ~

    WMl4 ~, nli......f 1'. pre..llt. a.e1&_&1. wit.h IF".." &JAG the rollef to b

    p&eWrd .., ltoQ.\ 10 19M. Troop "0" t1L\M4 011 1L1,dOll .-it.h 'J}' at.

    nnlUV. C....n.4e I.., 6.

    OIl 10 .. 1.... (.orpwal J,. ~.=_" -rr.op "C" ... a_raed t.llfiI .1.lver ...t.r M.dal. fer pll._"'" 111 ao'loa OIl H1U 6S nar~. Pl.,"'hL" pr...t.e.i Ilt. a .pecl.1"tau'. " ..,or a....ra1 IC.,... C1ri.l.1.a.D. "pori". th. vOI'bt.U I1iUl~ 1D at S. AJIGI,'LO. PIGllift.TARO aDd CASJDiO. Fi,ld On.. ~'lt, II ~orp. n.a ree.i"" aM tao SQ, le.. tHop MC" w b, pn,..... _ co,.,. order, to ..It. ILt:lre"l.e .......18.... u pnnCNal, cU....".. bl tbe s~ .i'ner ..... into t.h .. ";')~li-;O S. ILIA ..u", or ISW lA" \lie LliU Valle,. nat s~ (1.., Troop "V') .... ott10

    .1aU,. nu.nM f .... Tau Ton, "A- a" 1~ 11 .raa 11M, and lIOy.o, bali. '0 1'10 of YILJ..l YOL'lVRNO a' 1~ Troop "'.. _ a~\ao"e4 t. 1be 1111 l'f&,nk, arol&p ...a r I I t nD. ill te. d. of ~lGaWIO.

    C. toM "1'Il1q II 11 Jan r'J 11M. ea.-,ua DMtll1tt ...poriN ~o 'be (,1',

    lat __ 0.... &lid .....lftcl tile all_ w .......t.".r and ci.tU'ldu ftiWobl

    ...... ,. ___at ., ...u._ tut. lD ~ .......t ..n ...." oC rt\~n~,l..W:; aDd

    II. 'DOCOJao. fttoep "C. __pll..... ~.lI1ool_ b, .... of ..u nc....u........

    ..Vela. 'ftaa oit_"1. la 1.M 6. u.u - C.uSDO 11111., .......p1cllJ ".,..lopUaa

    late .. Iat .,....UOll aad litUe &I'IIeI'.' ..... 18 '\Ia. uploikt101\ .f ~he

    ...u.,. ...... 11 .... "',., 1,.. tM M IaI 1>1 pu.hin, C.raN iIl'o the 'ftlll.r

    aM IISp ~ ......... IAWlUCkO. CHUU, S. P1J;1'IW. -i. VITrORi. uel C~VAaQ.

    1M hI CII \Mil' rip" .... IIft'i.a& '- _ ,;. ~ t ... AC,l;,...i\",~"'.\MAe

    !'Net tIC-.I In 1a tM ,.. JINlu. ..ul loa ._.., 1,,". I' ... tA_

    nil.... 'r II C..,. ........ I'ftVh4 W a~ ....-.1 u4 ,..Jet.eeI ~'" ill 'rio

    .,nu.& ........

    ....... tM U. tllat !INQ "C. _ a'tullH w \M 1n "fuk a..... u4

    .,.,.u.. te tile eI .., I, tM II u.s. Dat DI.. _ lAtll'aUaa ia', ,..u....w 'r'" ftIa AM 'lat. !lie..., feU,.. buk with a .i-i_ -el .......... II. tMCClIlO ........... ~, tM " Iat Diy. 'mallk '.n. -,.... __ nI.leIM ... __ la bl............ '''0I0000. 1.0. ;ao HQ II C.,. _ ,.i _tile U Jars ,.,. 'DIe....., 11M d\b4ran ,_ blilk of aat ..,... _Id.... UPDO Ii... &1... a ....ral u.. s. '\_'-0, C.~INO \~ ........).... CAllOt Wi_ ...9I1A__nan. 'IM"_ 1alMv, Dlrioi_

    _ U. ..... MIl tile AI .. 1Il'fidla _ tM -.... De UI ... 1M lilt 1Wpa ., ....... latll.9 W ........ -q ._Jlua.... U. ,....u... .......


  • ~) .. \,il.;':> .1t1.:5 (~l' ;i:Ct t) (;,)1 t. ....J\.ie t .. 6 \it.'tl~('.; "r..1 c:,'')fS. tne', .;.L.~ l.ver . : .) of;.I't:. ......i.:Ji: .. " ;:,r~. '"VII'!"_", '/ie: of '''V i...i ~f'Oy;.d"" to tJ)lt'~,)i to '''~'''''J.j ,urttl"" .l$tJt to: ro ... ;.. ~. tll~ orijit'itlu~... \,;, ..ii't ...KXiLIUlIl lAa:~"Gr. ..I~.:;6 In! .ilv .-o~.L ; .-nol.ll' ,';-;Li.i. Gbl.tL~~luh ..:.J.t.eJ"H.,te c:rOti..ii,.l!6 vic . .: ... ~ ... ''" tud.dl..i l r'idc;:ehead

    .:li1t 1.(.. q,)"rux;..:'atttlt 81 t,riJ lit,i~' 1"rOft. 1.,\6 lb 1.>1"11 lin&, or. the; orth, t" ... ;.>.~ cf l.j'iQ or: ,,~n.n.

    ~l;"le !.:.i.lir: -,. g~).

  • un ~h. lburni11i or 24 J.n\Aarl l1+l, one ~roop ,/itt.a ;.lb'-"th fIo'r tJ0.-a1.J.j"d

    a19*.n\ \0 t.h. 34 ti.. lilt &Jiv. ~:t.. LrJ.L .lll& Ci.!';li.I"~"t..~ . ..,or .I,:"/,t:nd.

    '.1;,...Klei.r, DiY .... omdr. and l .... n d tohe ."('-'::'1 ... "1"\./lIJra,,ll"1i', V,'.t it :.i,ut v. n.crl \0 tat th. J. u1., wit.h ra, .H ",fl1" . i.v .iu'oCLIIJd t.hi. Ih t.o prepare a plan t.o 1rlCl\Ade OJ.e 'In or, OM ... 0 :.l"IL r .. , or.t..Cl'. . roo).,. uul "he t~ f'rch ~'.~. on ,lo"e 011. utrll. rru~ ( ..... dz1. '(.!f, .I ... " ....... w" ... 1. CClllmanci ot t.h \roop J-dil)' ud. 'i-hour wo~u oe cQr.Lnf.~~'llt upor: :'14~. flu...... _el. wi'll t.h. CO lno, ..~.. t.o prood 1.0 the &saerubly ar.. nc ot II. PORCKU. IUId _d.r or clark Oil t.b. 2t/2~ Jail ir.U.b.1.e ot 1.h. RI~IDO 81 .orntna .t t.he 2~t.h, t.he troop ... in p08ition and ,.t.n1a ......d. TIaI Troo, rei.nci 1IOt. t.o ero t.he r1yer Iotnle contact. w1th ... _.., lon.

    rr. 25 t. 11. Ju. '1'rM, -A" r FriBed. 1ft aloq :...l.?lL1J ,d.,..r wit.h ","roU1B& tb. alpt.. 'I'M --, nW ottend .Lronc, r iet.ulc .. "lie RAPIDO R1wr 11M ........d.,,_ ow pat.rol....T.r, ait._pt.ed rlver ........ Ceu14....1...nar '*bel..rt.r) t1" II&d boen ~e.el alont; t.h. ror.rcl ....... fNo, "." 1" pnl.t ....bUnI ailoa.. l'h. remaind.r 01' iAe .,I"C 1. 1a ft. ttl C~.MA. I~. u .t Ila~ .........., lM4.


  • \~ j

    Hr..AUQUi.RTEas ,I,.glst h~O:~NAIS~i.. ;I ..UAURON

    APO NO. 464, u.s. ARa..f

    III the FieU ~ ~roh-1M4.

    ~WJJ..t. Report ot ('perationa - 1 to at Feb"..,. lM4. 'I'hroqh& Com",. General, ji'i~ Am" itPO 4&t, U.S. AI:tq. To a The .o\.4.ju1.I4nt General._.. Uept., :"ehlr.ltoa U.c.

    1. :\ePOrt. ot Operatlou 'bl thl. 5q\laClroB t ... 1 to at ,ebl'Ual"J, lno1uGye, 1...omittecl in CCIa,u-. with AJr34!'-lO~ aDd Let"er. Hq, ,.ift.. A.t:m1, AG 314-A.H

  • "I~+:r-o-. 01





  • ... -===:Q*ir~AN .....~ ,"', . " ...

    ~ '~f ~.



    'f ...




    ... _CIIIiIAII'la _SlAP 1 .......UM


    , .1M 1............ 0.-_11...) .............. .

    II DiY _.Ii .. ..u1 o.J.IDOeA ,.. 11M. ,a. __.... car ............. Ia ..u ........... _Spell .. tale .... I I "'.... ,....,. ~...' ",._ . .. 1& ... "u." al..... upuo..... eel ,sua. ...., ..... ...... et u. AN.r" car wldA'. wltal .. etn.. Sa ...... 11M ."............

    _s........... ...s..a '''' ., t., ,I 1at IaeWt ... ten lta ,.", wi... ~1e nnlte. aa,. lat....... ftc........ W __

    G...... ..u.. tM s....... c................. "''" .,...u .....utaI

    MIl" ....--.1..... '1'ne,. M ... ati.'1111 ........ an.,. It ........ aftar ti.....t., 'Uae _"un .t tM .,...Uta tala. t'a', .." tW ... attM"" &ad "he otnn of "Id.. 1'r'M, ..., ........ Lt. Cd1 ..... C.o. 1A ... arw" _ "_ "1"A1III .f r..... II c.,.,. ...)'.. Ce11M1 11" ........

    11... "be 01"4...."ta.hl8I ~, .." ert..uft 1 ,......., 1....

    u,.. fOCO, II c ..,. OIOtoQA r. 11M U. m .. Ii-- a .at_... '~ ,.."ro1 IUId ...... RAnDO Rl.... tna Y1a CIt.l8IIO. W left , .., .t 11 C..,. ... 'l'nop "B" ". reNIt ........ '" In TUk 0,..., fer ~lal Idulla. Th. Scpa4roa cU....... ,. ta...... 16 Dldu..'........... ,.Vel .........

    ucl .. e pnpan4 .. aa ,,_ MPIDO al.... _ C........... _til tile ........

    of -'I1D& 'l'nop "A" alnad, la'tM "11M" UI4 flaUl&r wltal t.U MnUa ' coat.naw..... oaUed bl "be S....... C......... " ... lIl..lea at .n1i__ ',"Troop' C I I n4.n of ".- ... "e". IMIa Tne, ............. tt.d t. IU."

    rMollMi....a tor .......J, ........ of ft. 'I'IOCCKIo. me, "i" ('DuIka)

    renal... 1a nHrft w1~ the VaW. Y1e cgpjGlIAe '1M iUeuUft alii ~

    3-3 weD" tol'WU'd ~o ~"e a ,..lU. t.,. tM 6Q CP 1'1 ., s. nnor 6A11

    PIETRO. l6aJor fl.t1_. S-I. 0....." .. II Di. tor ad....... ri~ 8-1 ...

    ~be Open"i Otf1o... of ,,_ l4l1at..,., ..... la pealu. al-. ,,_ RAPIDO

    Riftr. Troop "i" ba4 a _ ill.,........... YUlAIRO ~, a laII6-sS. at 0I1UIA

    feb 1~.

    '11l11. thi. plu .. be1D& .'feoM4i, Troop "1." r rifted 1a "be 11ae ...

    helpacl ..".r1all, 111 loaaUDa ,..1t1_ tv tbe Tno, "C" ad..... perU... .

    'I'be fron" Un.... , ...raU, qaUe" with patrol .."1Y1", a" alP". Me ,,"nla

  • ( ..

    .1" .. AM ...., '0 .......1. b.ton d&_ 3 feb anQ coorc1Ulate Mi th the :nt

    tile Nll.t .t ~ tonan wt.po.t.. The s~ C;P cl.....d t.lle bivouac

    u4l ..... to n.alt, ot s.ur fI.lliTHO (t6Wa) at 0I24OOA reb li44. DOt.h

    Trott,. ..... 18 po.ltl_ ateto......... 1'be tl'Ql"lt. liftU\oIt.\t.ion was t~irll

    fPdn nth ..all .... tiro lrl no1n1t., .t ~ A:.'C~LO, aloo t.he i\O\ bridge

    .""dq _til et CASSX)jO. II Corpo aotlt1ed ,he .J :tuac1roD LOID~ there wae ,..e1bWt, that "SPADG~R" 'HZ C ..,.) _Yl4 roll... 0\&1" t.wo Troop. but. t._

    tiae ... dal...u BOt. 1ft b.

  • ,

    At 0I1OIQi , ... tM S..........tullalaecl Ual.. wl'\h '\be 34 lilt tn.T ~f.

    tNo, e .. al.rMcI &D4 e.'\ac'\ parU. Y1.lio.d iobe ~p or io~

    W lat. Captala ~io'. c.o. Troop "c" -.ell penoaal nconnalac. ot tile "'-11 ...... It .. clH~'" Troop ..c.. would .0," ln ",ruck. Wla.r ooyer .t 4arbeH _ tbe ailbt of , '-aw.rr 1944. Compl..,\. reli.t .....rc.et_ _,0112.11. .... Ual_ ....-bU... wlta. the at u.s. lilt' &Jly on the riprt..

    rer th. neat .twe1.. dar' Troop "e" re.a1De4 in po.ltlon. prot.~t1ng the left tlaat .r the It U.s. Int Dly aD4 ...lnt& ph7.1cal conte.ct with t.h. N.. z_ta.. '\roope 011 It.len. Direet cOIIDUIllca\1on vat.abll.w.d wl'\h Troop "C" and p.riodic report. _re macle daily ",0 \..Ql"p8'h

    011 ~ ot ao F.b, 0ltl0.n of th8 2'1 ~~G lin oon' ...u.ptuJ.n Dcnnhl'" aDd plaa, re _el. tor thl rell,t or 'i'roop "C". (..ompl,t.. r.lief ...tloc'\" 2lCMlOA r. ud Troop "C" ret\ll"llod to Jquadron bivouac areo. vic C&PPI\.GNA. .

    Dui.II& .....SnA.r of t.he aoat.h t.h. ::;q~ron r-.1nod 1Jl t...orpa H.rY. an' t,ll8we4 & prolram ot In'\on.lye t.ra1n1D& and rehabll1tat.lon.

    Th. Squaclroft alllE'reel oal, t1ft (5) battle c&.8lM&ltl.1 dur~ tAd. v,rioa (r.b 1,,").



  • .....

    .. ,

    III"' I


    ii.iwW,,~{TlWU . ~!~ rl.jjCQWuW' ... i i ..W~aow,

    .U-O Hv. ""'. u.~. AHIoi. r

    III ~be r1.el4 10 :.prU 11M.

    j\&bJect. I aepon qf 0pent.1on. - 1 t.o a1 !.janh AMt

    1. j;.epon .or Jpe.....U '01 ':>

  • ~ .... ..,.

    ' u.s. SI-can :':1 I ..uels British ftC"'


    . ItI'O 10. .... '1.1. AII

    "99r i cr... nm . CJL ~Rh.l.t. __ SQ ,- l'I'Mp.") ... sa Co..,. .....rft Y1e .r "'PAlM,Ita1. uul 0,..... .,.. 1 .- ,. fno, eM ...... te b.... ,.,.,....,. I. CO.pll~' ......prd.u.tioa litJ erter of co- ,tftb AnIJ'. ....iaJ. .1IaI'k .... ,... duo.4 bj &-3 "'(1~1'1I ....Qw..... "0 dCl T{r. cl".art.. &1_ ...... ,..a_n'.OUDi'. tJl i ca n"I..... .tNr1na ..Al. u.. ...., ..............

    la1..,.alft ."1.11111&, wniAll W&_ ....... br la_v, ras...

    . aB MuU an, Li. eel. AU. ~.. a .... ..u ,... (1-1 Xl ~ . . Nqu'-1D& a _stu.... 01 ei& (6) .tn. ..... aacl 11;0'. wia da ,a) RIa ,,~a.. ~o au. 'a ....-s..... f U c...p. lIl......... ,(.....) ,1.111 ....... .". ., , rn1a ... a.' labl' ..... 10.. U C...,. v.,.. .

    , On 5'U1U1JW aan.., ~. 0 ......... ,... a~ t ......... ....u te

    1IC~ a ... 01..... d_ (- 'troop ....) nc '.t 3AM JDA'ft.t IW,. Capta1D "s

    II Co.... (GeMnl x.,..' Ald.) ""abed tor ,.po...., .., wi.... IQ.

    MeaYJ ra1a 111 huperiq V.l....witbla t.beS~ ....,... ,..,.,..el_ a pbODI ...U from 1.1-,) II C.rp. to.... o"tun w at.... _ ",Air c ..,. a ..... Lia1_.. Sob..l 1a P&TA. TIQUl, pAL&snl& ,.,. a peri14 .t tUM (I) .... ~... n1:1& 15 ~'&fth Uld I'aiMUII& 5 ApI"l1. .. M tIt.e t". ., .1IMl.. ~~ . i'1okln. ,..3. &aU l..t.'. ZMIU. Ual otn.. .... w ... HleeW ........ MSII ...n nbm1tt.ed. .e ottloen ...""_,, r.... tid. _it. IA.... Sa tM -." Caf'. 8&rret 'G-3 II Corp. aaUacl t. aoUIJ J.laJor flaklea ud L~. ___ tala, \Mlr Dam were Ilpp~Oyed bl hlp... Hea_.""....

    . ~ ;.~1.\rch 6~ .. :.;, .60 pl&.008 _WM M ....,.,... ana de iU AM_ 1.0 .GAnNet. l"Oa4aJ. aaQ t ........ priM' .. _VUe. _, a. SQ. 0-. 11 C.,. c:alltc1 reprdlag _ 1.e ..... a ....a.ap .....1. .. , '~ ....m..... 60 te .,0 MIl 1.0 .....1Ul 1..1..... $lUi '-ftU_ tor -.... (I) ....... ,... .., _11 OCIII:pl.t.10:i bad. boen ~ by ....... ot ~ S,. s~ s-a .. MtUW _, t...,.1'nlttlc

  • "_. ~, . ,~,

    Oa .....aa U~ ~o.. noklea ... Lt.. Z1Ift. clepanecl tor actlool. ..en pta.rt.1o., an pln1ac 111..1_ .. 'lhe 10'lh, depaneel a" 081~.. foo cCIII'lpl.t. aDdgm.ent..

    ~ IQ " ... t1nt ..rial aperl.s _t OM5-A tor b!yo.aac ur... yic .;~: :J....r. (H-4a07IO). 87 ~l aU Troop. (- Troop "8") haAl clo::Jed 111 .ft oiyowac aa.r.a. Tno, ,- r t .... Y1a C.Pf'j,GHl (010184) at.~hec:l t.o (.("~ .. tor optlnat.iona ...... Mania 1a~ to Ma....h 15t.h 't.M S.... buy .et-foul up a.. c~p.

    OIl ~Ia 16th Troop "a" .s _1--,_ tor rut"'" ope~t101lith ~"""j" aDO ....ta.U. b, .. We (2) hCHIr ale"'.

    Qa a.N1a *b aiaJor CArda.r, , G-3 II ~orpa callao for 01.. otficer ~ 1._0 NCO'. t.o at.t._d .&.11.. ~rt.... aDd .ftJ" lnt.eWi;;ence .cbool COrl:1u.ct,aCi '01 rilt.h ~ lad..... at. CAfUA, It.a17. Lt.. fT1ce, (;p1. I1Dr.ona unu t pl. lander vela.. ..,.. _ ee1M'Mcl t.o att.eD4.

    ca .....b llait. 'lwo Inci L'l' . 'al.M uefts. ;,ere at.tac.oJ to thc~, t,.. NplM... 'l .ent..r.

    011 a.roh :l&t.h 1'I'o0r "8" lia. dttt.&chec1 aM relioyc;d {ra.; i.. "11 '. tlL" ,',--Yerted to .i.,. .oat.ro1 liLt. lS03UU-A. 'l"roop"8" olo.od ~ F .,1

  • .J

    HlADQu,.... iln CAlAlA! RiCOlOlAISIANCa lQ'IADIDII

    APO "" - U.I. ARlIt

    I.Jed. ,.ri.t 0pe..."1_ - 1_ 11 ..11.....!tan.. C....~ GeMftl. J'lfth ArIq. AN .... V.I. AftIJ. '1'0 a ~ A4JlItaat a.Mnl. ... Ie".. .. ..-. .D.o.

    1. .Mpert.t Ojen."leu _, 'Ual. S...... Ina 1 t. 11 .., lIM, laolulft, 1. ___"ted ill C_,UI wi.. Aa HNOI ... letter, ... nn. &raJ, ,. 114-AII .ted II lu 1.... -.lena .........,. ......... ... Uri ' ., OI'palI&U_.

    I. Dui.IIc the .oath., ipIU .... elf ,u.. ., ..,..... tld ca-"7 .....s.__.......... at.... te It .....................tpt'l, ....

    bUUl', .......rp.... 1M ....U_ Ala 'fiddt,., Amd3N. ltalr. .... .... puUal,a"ed la til. Wu. ., ca.i. ........... Nlleftll Ina

    .....t 1......._u.u. 10 -.

    s. !!d.a...,.rt 1. pre...... ill I ...u._ .. leu

    a-u._ 1 - ..... ., ....u.. I latnn. Ina ......... lV8fl I'

    I - n.eU .......... 0twJap

    ....... ".... .

    I'........ i' OunlUM aM ...,,_,...... ..,.It



    .' : L." 1\"".. ..... .= ,~tf'!E'!'t. IUUI .... 3. ... hrJ., .,' .' ~.+dibr., /::1 ~ ." - 01 10'1_,......., ......11 ,.. ,.'... 91......... ..,. " .. ~ .. ~ ..'."":~~1=. ').. . I,. . :,., : J, ,............. ,..., ,'. 'irue .'......). .' ,.,' ',\... '. .

  • _~, ."',.,...,,......., ., ro f,..........,,--r;-,----ro-.-.-~~--...,-~---.... ........ .... ..-;.'..

    ,. ..... I

    ............. _.

    ,-- ."",,

    I .



    . t..I0 ...~' ,.;.-;: '~f4JJI ~, .

    . ' ,.. -;L.... ~ . . . ....~, ...,.. :... ." .. ; .'" .~'..

    " " ---~.~"'---'-.-."~-"-============::::-_.

  • I'"~ I

    ... 1&................

    ,............ ..r

    i;> (

    _a. .. ? ...... ,.. .fIlA 1... te .., ~ HMaI patnl ~

    ......... 111 .,._ .................. ,. ftDI. D ce..,. aU tIae ...... " ..... till II IIPt "",pt.........a. "IMi", IIJIeurJtala .... ...,... ... _UH, tile II , 'IC ...1 ..It f_ .'MIL t te ... witla ........... Inast., ....,.s.. Me I IIJMI",.. ,.rU" we" ......

    """'1. ....It... _tit tile ............. lIltad.., DlYld_. 011'..,

    ..=::~ J-. _ ..... _ , .... JIltnl, .,.. "$ ... Itl..... 1a 'f'itda'ta' I .''sUP (ItaIr). ar.t..uw J.O ., 11M ............ attubed te tile

    ~ .... ..,...., ............ P'P. 0_ ''''1' ........... t. c~1D& ~--',. r... .. "eu. ..... te u8lllltl7..,.. _ t'.' a,lalt, ...,.D .. Jill ret ..... 'm." , 'Itt 111........ GIl 11 *1 ...... cnw 01 ~ ',' s.... I '., J.M. 'Inef" ... Sa,..u. ..... 01 cAltJ.&I'om. __ fa _ ... II. u,u.8 at .. teet., arr. IALfAtmO........... CP

    el.PEl.. ill ........ 1UI1....... WJac the .u .... _en1 att.Mk _ the ..

    tift ,... III !tal, ............. at 11..... .

    ....... -A- .......- __ 1..... ,.. tu IQ ............ .....

    I'.... te .. y -.r .... 110 IIIIIIiwtI7 '" ........ to ...." ft. CUNSr.I ...

    '~, IU1 ... _ ...... 1M ........ .n " ....., ., NI1d&ase......, .. JW.eIN

    ..... -. tile .......... tatnWr ......... DIaI'ia& _e IIi&bt 1l/1i IIq

    ...., 1&tter , ....... MIla.... 'r tile .......n te ~ ......te ...........f

    s......s...... At 'M............n .... CU ............. ".., .C"

    ........ _tt ..1t ~ .. dddt, ., .. 1ft ..Halt. CPt UOUa lal.....l7

    "I ....~ ill '. tIala ,..u. tv tIalftrtlw 1IIflaa.......e6 ........ 7 '"" lift Sa .......... taw ......, ur. CIAHELLl. l1'1 the

    SlPrt. I At.n, ...- _ .........1IItJ.'." Ual_ with i.he 88Ul Me....

    "I.. Fl' .............,. it ..,...... ttaa hi .Il W .. t.bIB at....i ...... ton ., n,....... I .... Mia....... __.... lObe ..u u4 at 111100-8 _ .. __I ... ....,.11.... _ 1ft. CU.Wllal. ,t 1100-8 -u..t atHm_ , .... .-.l... ,... at DIIIMLL SI'4wln& 'tI'Mps .- .... -C to .... ...B. lUBItZ_f...__ ....... '" tbe ..... 1aIadI7. !'no, -,- .. ....1..... " fa _ I.' lbll .,..,.. $I D. luwuJ ......... M ......, lUll. III ........................ at -M that IdPt ........ the plaaa .... we ....... III .11 ......... Ie U. I'IP' _til ,..... .- ..,lac part el M~. IIAW'J .. .....,........ ., IIlU au _ tile 1.ft. ~ -A- mow" t. Hill au .. 'I I tr ill tIIat ... ,...,..... te .... te' the ..rt.Il IIIId -'91 II". IO'fmllX) _ .... If Iol "DAU.'........ !JrMf -.- ..... ,.. ... ...u.n.. 1ft Ba JIO lat...........)tel.n 11... at lJOMIl. All Ual_ ,.Vol ... __ te 111111" ...... , .... Mftq ill ,.... tile __ ... bl .... 14 1:&1 oeatut ...... ., -A- ___ ...u.... ., pnol '" that peatl..


  • ,'


    . ,

  • \,

    o".r arM patroUe4 by '!'roo, '''A-, aa4 the la"'Mr tno, ...... to .....rt tn.,"e Oft the al.dOll to QA1:;lA Puluula

    . ~tiBl .1__,. m.". ou" a" 110119-. &lid tMlr ''''&n'' .. "I"J' al_ b........... ~ .....1abllaAOIl ~ ,.... _tul... wld.ela .. t. -. la1_ to

    ol..r ~ ro..... !1M _"i,.. GAIU area h_'t'1l, mi....... It..., t .., ....

    0.. pla__ ot 'hoo, -C W ......h.. 'til. "'*11"'1 .t GAlB .kU. otb.. el.__b

    .0000nocl tor t.raU. t.o t.h. north to f'1a4 a ro,,". t. tJ.. -U .-tal ton et

    3PiI:ALONCA. 1Da::J, re.i.tano.... IU&bt at th... polat. &a4 tho nlJ ...., ....

    tao, by Troop "til. with ... ..., It.U loarla.. ill QAiTA .... 01__"- at

    15t.h a.tan.Didl!o.. ra..... .." aloq tM ri throup GaU ... tapo.a1ble

    du. to Ma'f7' ori'$ioal 4aDoll~.... Upoa nqllen .t the CO. II.. Jafaatl"J',

    Troop "Alt partone. rod He_l..... &1 Hi.&Da, So... t ...... lSI .itla

    bettor prop' t.baa troop "e" 'oa "lao 1.ft. ...., re.l.taD.......tro...r ...

    oYer &Del aaDJ' oa., roacl .. l ..t ...... u."",,,,, A __t. 01 frNp -e" 'lu.n"

    lett at. tho "owa ot 1M aa4 ",.h.. 'tip...... r 7 i ...... to taw .Nt u4

    to SPiiliLONGA. Troop "Aw .0Dtt.Iu.IM tra ftRI aftel' ......u. tile ...., tort,.

    tiYe II1lldO. ln a .oyoro t1n ft.&ht N8ul.t.iD& ill 4..troJU& a ..... rod ..1..

    11'M11ud1n& an Oil., Ja-4 !uk, uu-tut .. with well plao....1dae ... *SA

    bad cl.1..,_ oW" Int""17 a4..0. til. __, 1a -.1.,.. uti___ ... ...

    Sf auu &I 4elaJiDl tOft to roi&ri ........... _rill 0' ItAJ, lMlutina ....

    ~~ road cra"o.. d_o11U...

    !be ......_ CP ftII 'to a ,..itlea J..t ..MIa .1 roRMtA, tM roRMU aa4 1TfU RoU. At IOlsoo.. MLr, aiM effie... u4 thS.n,.._ .a.... .. eI' 11' Cay RIa SquadroD " t~ u4 Itat.tulled to ... 1roIl lor t..,......, .. .apon................el.... to tile Ir........ a..................... natl tIId 1Ol.~1. iIIe ......." I ....... el ."... ,.,...., "C.....Mtl SPIRLOJfOA ... repori" the ..... fIwI DIU t. 8JI'IRLOJICIA ,....1. lor ....'If .,.. 010.. 'Dlen wen .0Yell lup ..... onte.. Juat ...,," .t .,."., _ ... .. o.e, ....11t1... a.pa1r.t til Inten ...~.......,.,.,. ....... t ... ...r .n .."t .......,.....JA r.1' all .....i.1e8. au ..... , ....."ppl, J"O'M tor tho S........ !no, ................,...111-. tile 11'11.-.

    rOJlDI ...........MIl .........- .r ...._a..... ar. ... _ .,

    _ ...... at...... ~ i.' .... --.... Jla........,.... ".~ ......

    ....,"~ ,.1' ...........d, ..............., .......,."......' .an ,

    .... tM .... ~tuUe.wltla .... _., .. _ ........ , ' .. Onen1 (UDAL .t ... IItIa I Iatut.., 1..... --..w till ,~ ...... t frMp -j,............. tl I ...., ......."W..... I........,t .. tile .o~ at fOUl ..ulkU 1.1eMt .. lIItutI7 ttl ..w "01 Me. "'N t .... !baM ,.. " It....... ,...U_. ~.........,.,..Ii..... ..... 1'1 .......-. .., ..U .., .,...... I..,...........,... .- au.......

    ...., ..111." I'OIDI. . "

    _til tile taU ., .. it ... niil..... tile. Z ...........

    ...... _ ........ p. ne .. till ... at -. .. aa..__

    ,et.. ...............I_.AM II " ......,. 1M

    . __ .......f be '1. ' D ...... 'j~"'''':~11

    ....I,f..... _........ ,..l ............. _,.i~, .

    ~. f r ! ~


    . 1 ~: j

    " ,r!. . ...~

    i "'"oj

    ,I'~'" ~1'

  • I ,

    t. tile -, ...... lato tile 'GIlDS ..................... _ .... ., ._ ..

    ......, tJIII ANlIO ......... t....... Qa tile .. liar;" II tir.. 0... .......

    .... , ..d:" 01 1PUL0IIIL .. Jake DL JOID! . ..u., .. n...... Ia,lM.. aU ............ ftI'J d... .................., hI~.J .........

    to"" -..truetM let...........r.' I. te ... tlr?p BaaiClM ..u.N"

    ..., 'U.... "'.,.., ..... ,....,.,1 te .ea ....,___J:IA ....w ....'11..., tiN. 0.... ........ e1.... ., ..... "A"...... Huta.Mt ... 1I1Pft.J' ...., ...... la -J' rs.n t1P'e aM ............... .... _n ~. I'etIUl.Uq ill .aptu.rSaa ..... ddT priaR'''' .f ... aM ..., _ ld.ll.. Pat...1. tr. !No, "C", __10 ......... la ftII1el.......... ... ........ tho Cua1 eli CAHtIrl'O t ...... DllWn:NA. IMM ..trW ............ ~ clarki"" reponed tbat IOft.14.nble .., .uri', ....u ~. u.N la URlWJIa. a, tirft llP" "'h. aut aoJlllba aM tol1..uc .. tat_ .n111.., _........, el........ t tbe 33'1 U.S. tatup,.I'tM _, "'" ao'l'lMt" f '- HlshR se..."0 tho out_lnf ftAAACDC4. 'bMp' "A" "G" ....~,...u, attu,bId to ,be a37'Ul Iataatl'1 t ... plaft .f attMlr _ B1\RACItu.. 1If..~Y. lIUlo-J, "poe ....... C.G. II corpa, tho Uftb eay. _ s~ ft. a'tub_ to ~.

    ~l.t c.... AD. Sqqdroa IUd ,........... t ft lU.......-& ofNRBACINI..,. Oil .rel..."C.o. 'In c .... :RIta. S~. 11...... ot tile n'th aoyed t-odie"el.t " v1011d:ty Scpaac:lnn C.P. ...... H pll "0 " Oft. Tnop, 11' Oay, a... SiC on ,he "Itat f'laak t .....ODI1tv k1Ch ,"und, .lao .....d..... Vall. to , .. l'Ionh ot lI1&--y s.y... S~"vld.1*8I '\b........Troo,. -... aII4 "B" t1 Ca.. Rea. "troop ..c .. il Cay. RcD. ~Q ,..1tl.. '" ..n.ts.rta W t ~DII... pula "i~..... ,..u l'8Oonaa1...o 1a~ til. 'ONTDI .......... to d.n1.p ...., .tnactIa. po.l"lOllI, aacl ld.n"1011. uul lOll....' the AN.ZIO a .... hb...d tono

    'rho _""-all ~1 tlao ."th rnt. "'. ft"....MAC INA ftC tlal an4 at Itl.1OO-l

    ~...,. 'l'I'oop "C.. e1". "line a laUo, '1"1'-= OftI' ~. .anal s. .t UlUliCI~

    y.... ~h. tim 81__". to Iloar thl"O~ ~. to_ ud toot lip 11ft t'.Lank pro

    iOC:iina ,0.1"\1011. tor th, rataatl7. or Ufth Ren, ... A." ....'!'roo,. "AM ot th. il.i Rca thu pr'p&I'Id t. ...... ihroup aDd pRlh NOO-s........ ill ..

    Ion. '1e" of TZRRAClNA. '

    ." I4UlW ....,. '.rroop. "A'" "8" 91 CaY. ftIIn S~ and "A" .r U'1V1 CaY. Rolla

    j, 1I0YO

  • \ \,

    ....... -. Ie ................ tM HUtal ........ I ........ M~

    .... eI-. ., ..... ;. IIIIIlt..... ill tile air w.. .....w. .. "b. dUOl'I.'b," _ tIIe.-l I_ aU ....... A..... ,... CIaf'ala IiAI'SWI GO troop -A_ .............. .., .. I.u... ~ ....., ...... wltal tri_a,

    ....... at ............. UGlII". 11...,. .. ..wW c'."el, tbat ...

    .... ........ "'.AmI ,'ar I..... tile JIa-- ._acl.. _, 10" L".,.y.......... _.., A Ill""""" ..-.n Wltll a M ..w klUab ....-.1..

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    tile ca...... I ..........t ..... te taa. 11th u.a. Iatuv, 1.iY18loa, 111

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    APO 464 - U. s. Am.:y

    In the Field, Ital, 17 Jul,18-M

    SUBJECT. Report ot Operations - JUDe 1~ ." ... ~ ~ ,-.".. .

    THROUGH, Commanding General. Fifth Army, .APO 464, U.S. AI'Lly.

    TO I The Adjutant General, War Dept., WaShington, D. CO' 1. Report ot Operations by this Squadron trom 1 to 30 June li44,

    inclusive, is suboitted in compliance with AR 345-105 and letter, liQ Fifth Army, AG 314-AH, dated 22 Jan. 1944, subject I "Historical Recorda ar..o. Histories of Organizations".

    2. On 1 June 1944 this Squadron was attached to II Corps and continued in combat operations. On 10 June 1944 the Squadron was attached tl.) IV Corps, continuing in operations tor 52 consecutive day.. Serious deficie.tlcie. in person.'1el and equipment under ourrent Tlo and lil 2-25 have been experienced in these operations and essential ohanges will be recormnended in a. separ4t.e report.

    3. This report is prepared in seven sections, a8 tollows.

    Section 1 - Report of Squadron Operation " 2 - Report ot Operations - "Special ~ak Force". " 3 - ReCOfJJllendationl and Com.r.,')enta. .. 4 - J'j.eld Orders, Overlays, Maps. tt 5 - COE1lllendations. II 6 - llessages... 7 - Casualties and Hospitalisation Report

    4. combat.

    ~;;t-~;"r..,,",~- (' !L~ CHAlUdiS Ii.. Ei..Lnr-; . Lt. Col.) Cavalry,

    Comma.rliiing. l-Incl.

    Report of Operati~7~Quad.) 1)I S TRIB !,J'l'ION I - 3 Copies - CG, Fifth Army (copies 1 to 3 incl.)

    1 Copy - Commandant, Cavalry School, Ft. Riley, Kansas, U.S. Army (Copy No.5).

    File - (Copy No's 4 and 6). , .

    \ 1.,



  • CLE

    S-~-C-T-I-O-N 1

    ru;PORT 01i' SQUaJRON OP;.;.1Al'IONS.

  • .--", "..,J ._ .."'.. ,.... ( - '-': tU..J,~ 0.'; ~

    Ullilt c..V... ,,:,"J. .\.kO'~~", !. : .....;,

    ." .: lA. J'~~,;~LI ,i.i..,.. :.

    I n ~i.l1.I;' 1o.J.d. i 1,. ~~J.y .. lri ...ull" "'~i':.".!.

    "i'he)~lU~'h'on F.):r,te.e~J.'d to U ,:Vl1Jf;. cQr,t.i~!.n~~ in \ 01 ;}I.,.(. "".,11 .. ',-,;.;i;j .'>..:.rce ~: H~r i.:; ...1. penor. ~,:t 7:~-ivf..lrlJO recoP!"..: ... ~,,:.t,,;,re t" i.GI'.Iiol':!J:'. ..'.:\ .....,.; \.; ~l; .)',1"';"00 \,..} ot- o~}.~'r.t.t(,!:~f; :\1.. '1&'-'3 r9.~: forc(J\~. . .:v, ir.1'.r.'tt'Y. ae\iiv. .. d;( .l.;" i:t. t;',\J1'ks, tl~.r!:: rie'" '.ltroyel''S ;.:'~' I::'::, :>:e.r~'e :'h(~ ~:-lu9.,n"'.) ,',1 .'~ :,t,,~! l'elni'('w'" ,: "t~; .. 1... c~';::',d,ll)~1 j.Jlto I:.~;:,1 ':', ".'.i,:, ,;'" ,:1"011 COI' ud(;{". :r;,! l(tttar OGt;ttl:l!.l)n} h';,. ":'!;"l~J . .;:.; .fJ;{ (;,,);,.:~ . ,.:i.'\ ";" . j t:, 'I"",.ki" ?OI'f:E! ...n o:r~ ord:':r of the CO.!7IX; (.;,."'1) i,;>',i...!'ii.l~ 1~. 01, .4 ,j'lAne J.,;.; d,,:'. '('0 1()l"\lI~'.1"U elo",(:~rt~ ,_".: r.:'~;\.,:, ott t.lle:.!" n,l"'dt ub,joctiv~~

    .),( .::,:'; .;WtC J.';.....~'!, .. the :(lH~dr(1r: WCl.J. dnt,;ccw:.\. i,;,oJ)i .. f :,,' ;,' l":~ "J!~J,;",;(." r.v 1st .' ;' j ,~, 0:',. wh.o 1A,1;,-"hC't.Ud it. t.o ,., "'. ..IT.;lO~Jl ita '~" ('.!~.,J. ,::.a:"ion

    'N'~ua ("~ ,.',,;;r;""i!j~l ~J:~j, pruti;JCt t.w.i.,;.alOl~16 )',;1'1, f ... ,:.:., ;~ ",,(;~ ,;;".L~: .,\.;,""' ceu ;-; t\lUil ,,,., 'sO ... ) .. ;;.r"r.J.i."(",~ l(;J'ce. '1,,~ie lot't of t;hr~a .,J) .\.W 'v,..e~ cu.lW:;lt:i LU''Jio.' \). ',',".

    ':"'t.;~ '1:. l-' Ll,j.'\J(c', 'TY.:,1 rox' j.1",.~'I\l.I .r.e SU~'i,'\>r~~ i.i.. :~,"4 ,".' J~. ;,.;~if-;N3j..;' .;~. i}, r L2"1) 1'0'j :'C l.:/,".,J, nnf'.1.. ,',U 1.r& .ntK\ued. f XC J..'i(-nt('l ,dtL "t" .' ".~:/.

    " . .i1 or :,rtnl'OBt. 1.1:: nut\'\ tt:'.t.d,:';li~~;iu;:~~:r~ w:..~ ~ , '.,J';.;" '.it.~ '0 t.Oi'!.ch ,i'l,. ~o~n.lilctc.U6 ..... '. .)dIlC!~LI);~d i'on:oe in vicih,l. i.; ,.i" ,~v:';! , ~t:.ll.

    l"';'!(! .,qU."j.:rou \reini'ol'(;()-I'.1) ()1'J,i]:.ia~!~ 'C.

  • The 36th U.S. Int DiY was me.ting Ititt re.inance in attack1ng ULLETRI. The enemy tought well and determinedly along this lin. of deten.e, but our luperior force. relultecl in the tall and capture ot ViLLETBI, oaultng the enemy in the VAUi.ONTONE area to giye sround at once, iA graTe danger of beiDg cut oft with the lett tlank opelh This ft. the lan barrier betore the gates ot ROali and II Corps continued itl relentless attack to the Northweri.

    Pursuant to VOCG, II COrpl, a special Reconnaissance Task Force was ordered organized and a'lambled vic ot ARfENA. Lt. Col. Ellis of the 91st CaT Ren SQ was designated Task Foroe Commander. Group coomanders were immediately assemb19d the morning ot June 1_ and plans were made to effect aggressive reconnaisnnce generally li\7'ttol:!l line of departure, viCinity of

    V~ONTON:i:, following "tile current attalk and cutting Route ~'f6 (vioinity of VAUSON'rO;IiE) to hOi~S, upon Corps order. to establish official II corps signl (Spledy Blue) on oain arteries 1IPOl& rtachL"lg f"Cl\1E, and to report tv tne Commanding General, II Corps progrels ot adYanCe bl phase lines and time of reaching h01lE.

    'lask ii'orce uilli," consisted of two platoons, two platoons of medium tanks, one company of Inf, wo platoons of 105-mm Sf gunl, one compa.ny of Engrs and a medical detachment of a ambulances, two ~edical Officers a.~d eight aid men. An uperations staff was orgardzed from nst Cay Hen iJ~ officer. for the Task Force. On the morning of June 2nd all units concerned were alerted and. moved up to vicinity of AR'rJj;NA.. Laanvilhile the remainder of the SQ continued with present mission, for future opel'ations ~jorth of Hwy #6 on Corps order.

    Task Forco ll,Ellis" closed in a.sembly area by 021400-:& June 1944 and wait commanders reportea their organizations ready to move out. Road reconnaissance was necessary for an axis of ad'flUlce to approach Route /16 through VAl.l:ONTONL The Task lforce was divided into two sub-forces with 1st Lt. Oallahan, 91st CaT Ben S~ in command of Ren Sub Force Ho. 1 and oapt. Hu.dson Sub ,'orce No.2. At Oal.~2S-B June 1944, Task Force "JUli." was alerted to move close to forward positions of the bath U.S. Int Viv, establish liaison and be prepared to move through the Div on order from CG, II Corpl. The Task Force mOTed to its ne. anembly area and closed in at 0322SD-B. CF of 'l'ask Foree "Ellis" closed 8&II1e Tic at 040350-:8. At 040045-B Col. Ellis received all order that changed routes of advance and unit commanders .ere again assembled and. adYised to remain off Hwy ;}6 approaching objective. 'l'11e two Sub Forces were to proceed via the FMSCATTI-R.Oi.iE and GiWT"tit. J'iRRATA-BOd heads. Final briefing was accOlil}Jlishad and the 1st &ub Force ruoved out on miesioD at 04062o-n, tollond bytbe 2nd Sub Force at 04064Q-B.

    Talk Force i'~lis" was given first priori1;y on roads after passing thru fwd elms of the 88th Div Tic of i.lONnI COi.iP.i..TlU. Ef bombing and strafing ot road.s leadiilg into ~W~.lJiI and frequent inhrdicting fire, d.elayed initial mOTement from the assembly area. Sub Force no. 2 encountered blown bridget l1W of FMiiCAI'l'I wIlich were quickly repaired by attaclled J;ngrs.

  • Sub Force Mo. 1 encountered anti-tank guns and machine gUD tire supported by enemy Int at the road junction NW ot GRO'l"l'A FE~{RA'l'A. The Task Force COBIal'lder, Lt. Col. Ellis was wounded slightly by 2. shsll fragment tr_ UllUllitioll dump ignited by enemy while directing artillery tire 0J1 an enemy anti-tank gun Rd Blk. posn, but continued in cammand of the Task Force accompanying Sub force No.1. Constant pressure on the enemy by both columns deprinO. him oi' the opportunity to lay mines and construct serious road demolitions. Eney:tnt was routed and 1t moved due l'torth in direction of Sub Ii'orca No.2. capt. Hudson

    ~:/&.8 notified and the Inf attached to his column quickly took adftntage of the situation and engaged thE,; enem, in a swift tire tight resulting in many enemy killed, no prisoners Nere taken in this encounter. At 04l057-B Jub l"orce Uo. 1 reported moving p"" ..rt junction at 'rOLl di liE;:)SJI.NIA and was procllediut, on to objective. ~ub Ferce ~Jo. 2 reached. this road junction at 041140-5 w:.o. C~I:10 under direct enew anti-t&.nk tire. Two medium tanka were ch:dtroyed \."i"th i,.oth craws casualties. ''::unk ;)estroyers wers ordered into action and this l'6sistance was overcome. ','1th the exception 01' a few e1 scraggler. and s~dpere inclut.'Ung a stc.ff' car ";'lith oceup&.nts destroyed by Sub Force No.1, resistance ~s slight into the CUi limits of ;.0Wi:. and with the Task Force Commazader, Lt. col. SlUe at their head, tl".e two colwJ.lls Boved into ROLE proper, accomplished their missio.(.l and reported tc the CG II Corps that they had reached their objective at 041312-3 June 1';i44. Task Force "Ellis" remained in Ram for a short period. ariel (,It t!'le close of lia/ rea.ssewbler1 in vic of rond junction at 'rOll di 1,J;S3.~NIA for tL.0 night. '1';":;:;;11 was dissolved at 04170o-B .:.~er Operatio~ns Order ,:'6, HQ II Oorps. All attac:led UDits returned to their parent orgaDizations the next day. An honor guard COlisisting of six Armd Cari were led by the Squadron .Jommander on a r)urch into m,~,~, escorting General Keyes, on the rJorninr, of 5 .June 1944.

    Juring tria Operations of TF"E" the remainder 01' the Squadron was assigned a new mllsion, to cross ~f;Jy (/6, screen Int line PAL:J;STRINA, MARIN0 7 h. 00LPJ~'1'RI, and screen Corps right on line ANIENE PJ.ver, TIVOLI to the bridE;e vic (8370)

    m~ of ;I.Ol.:.r;; on j.1wy .,5. 'l'r(.lOp "C" was a.lerted arld r:oved into new zone via VAJ.r l:.Ol/CCIJL on tX-... e mornir>& of June 3, 1944. PiJ:..ESTRA was still in "ti.e hands of the enemy and thG French were attacking. A briet tire tight took place in ZARGLO by advance aka of Troop "CIt. The enemyilas in utrece dlsor1tn' ani moving eo;;) rF.

  • 'fhe ;;', COlIi:i.IUllder GI.Ild 5-2 preceded the ~qL&!C.dron an4 reported to CO 88th viv on the r.~~''',: of 6 .luna 194,*_ }.:;aJor Dan., ~;~ &x.. 0, with OI1~ o1'fic~r f!:o~

    $l\Chi.'r'~iilP '; reCQnnaiEh,~G8 for ~qwtldrol1 assembly .rc. ' ~~;",t:r;'!'i~\Jt (;1' t!i!J llB~ ,.'.:~vt:Jr, at'lli the ;;qW4drOR ae~amlJ.iad pnp&.red M.I "'~Jr"'.,.(,~ j'ie(i :n, ordt)f' .;., CC~ i~;jtb lnf. iJiv.

    n~e 8eth U.~. Iul' .l)iv. was meetint:-. only sliJ~t r('fj;.;.~r.anc ... \ort.~.l oi' th ~ .~:..;,a River. the sneer:ll l a r~uJtywithd.ra_l spo}";;;Ldie :)i' i "'k.,_i..;". and the ros i.stu.uca,.~ . Lv. ;',{)ci1,,I pr0c.rr;;SD ,1'... 0') r(,;~vo..,eu ,,; fJoth eoJ..w;;,tl1;; :lurJ.lJ.i::; th~ db.y '81th olll1 81~i:.r~t r~ei~~ tanc:e frOt;; ~~vlJri:t.l ElWjI y ,}l' &.'Unll. FOMla.ri rUW e1o.:8 of BLUJiI columi:: .0,((j'\.1 _;or'iih t.!lTollf)i .... 3, .. ,,: ;!.l'!l. ropcr1.e" ;, . ,',,;JC, t;A.LC.~frA Md .{!'A.l..,d;RI,;. clear8 l,!.I:.."m(,g or thti; 'Iouth JritP"'.r.,o ..)U J1T. "iil'i contacted ai. (;I\lIT"'CASrBJ..

  • ..

    Later that d!~y it 'w~~a neces8Ury to ploill ~ach colWlll off the road to facilitate the movemet.t of the ..:iritiall l...rwoled U;.it ... unrout. to VI'1:4HBO. 'l"roop"A!' of the 'lou C01Ul'Jll hr.d t)~en pa$sed t:,rll ty l'l'oop Itatl to exped.ite l'&pid~ irJitit~l l',oveol&nt '~hat uorning. '.the "Lll1.'1 culumn had. reached a. point ~'vutli 0:':' the ;'.J ~ vicinity o.t;ALL.,;;....i,:~ arId was orciered to halt per instruetion~ cli:' 1;(,6 (: .If., ' GUtt} J..ivicsiun 'tIJ ~ve l'OU clearanceho all elements of the ""'itit:lia ,,':;1'G6r,!. V~,'.Al';1J 'flab OC(,;Ufli..Gd by 1Jle en.,.y t:u:d u n.n fi~,;ht developed. 'b~r i.ll8-',llu!' colwnr. fr'Clm If\te ai't,tlrlloon to laot light. Two 8'taf'i' offi(:er-i:l oftt."" ~outh Ai'ric&.n .\ lJiviaion Tillited t~v; .;.~. C.l". vic. of /iL;;l~.H.; !::.IlJ "::')Y'~():~nizad. a.l1d.a,::t(n~.ted ",.:, t'lr.d "v: eollLtnJ, 'N.i:lih :)oth troops heading ros;:octL't.;; c3lur..ns. :wd. r,;)C';::o.lW,'l3::3t.')'l\;" "l~':';:1,i Ii;; .j:." 'j,'roop '\, " .,oved (jut ut l2lo-U .L:. a'5~'.h:J(;ci. zone, f'olloilieil 'r.J! t;:. ~ H",," C ()lu.~.t:n, \'nd"C;l repolted IXi-J.A di ;.,A) T.iiO Cl.Sal' of enet::y and progreu good. Liaison 'Ni:18 established with the 11'1th Cay. ~~n. ~".

  • -

    on the ~ef'~ and the 1 rene11 i\il'COJ r;ri~lK !'.gh"l;.. ; 'j,.C t olU:":4:L:l uno. ~~3 ir4'OrM8o. ilri&. Gen. ;i,.CJ.ei 'Would assume e OI::r.:at.'ci.oi: t} ,~~(:ii.C~~ li'orre It:.ter t:J.ll'li day. lbe remainder of the 59th Anutj. lI'.t !lL.,in.;:i ;\t~r.:,~:,e~ tc .;.it.. :inUa U.Iquad.on f,.OU~\al:;.(et", the SqWldror~ ..;!;'6 tlaltj 8.litt..C.;t;u to t.Lf) ii.rr-;vred ..;iviai..on. ...11 'i'rvop6 and i)etaclu(!E;u..; ',:Ul~e alerteJ. t'l .;"i'J0 1.

  • lUiPORT os OPER.T:t:ONS - "SP3CIhL 'l'ASlC fORCi".

  • ,... i,l"d ll.(,\ (l('ip.l:i~;.fjd t.i'f!! n'..r::ht bGi':;)."":.i'l"')O!, ., ., ..:,~ t:~en co: JtdttGd ~...N\;;,.;."\fbd 'c, :".I.-0u~~. ,;'" :1:; t,>;Ii,r' of ;\; ,j.~"".\ ;i . ,~ 1.'l.:K'. ';:'flI.iiJ3ed. t: 'rou~t': 1\.11'"_ 'i'l~;,'.t l'i .. ~t \I;.1t':, ,,\le

    ",'r " C_~.~.J.~.j .: ... ~Li..r3; l.t. C '::::,., (;;;., 'r...1 r';l ,

    '!'.Jr.,,. , "",t'!tt"

    .' Io-'t\"" , !II" rei." .1"1-,' ~.', '", '" \ ' /;.~ .,~.: ~ ~~~1:.. '; "4, ;f'~~ f..;

  • 1,\ lad acccapllehecl u.. a1ght beton_ 'fr"oop -Alit ... 'UteIl commU.ted a.nd mOM

    ~\afbb the ton or ~,A3att.-&iAItTllaiA and. puaed. thl'CN&b toa"W&N poo ttions of 'l'Nop ~" ato'firat light" (daft). 1'he ",0 the ,lIOrth W!IJI rUJ&vUy I~l.ned uui t:lany I"04I.d dOlJ',oli tiOM made progrOGe YGrj aloIr.tbe {.X'tt"'" rough terrain and. lack of' roads pro,," YfII7 d.\tflault tor ftldcular movo;..ant but pro.re88 .. ,,;acie oYer traile. ~.,. ....le'iaace .. a1~t. 1ft tile &1'.... C.IUL'l'C wae reporl\ld oler. It toll_ b..... llGCeliMri to p'1nr: the aquad,ron to "he right. because 01 the laok 01' ."'P.P11 route (MSR) UKl the .:iiquadra.u moved 'thl0u.e;h

    f'vl.:A;UU.(;r~ Q(i (t,ae.iblM Y1.. of ~H1Vl.J oon,\; J"eConnalsuane,g to t..hll !iort.h. .D 30 June, close of the perl.

    ;1tb e.eption .,;,f abou:t. H l\n, 21 .rune tbe 1if&u&4ron he.4 DO rut. 'ax14 eliu1p:uent and lqeapons 'IIere in 8erl.o1l8 need ot ~--.nG.. ~.nQm.l 1'or!'Oni.e4 ... -.1nteance asdsted by an OI'dIIance team but tlllli nw.d not. partr.,it. thDJ'OV6hD and lack or aJaN pan. DeCdtated fthiel(te, rt;;;o arld l'jOS.$ .-.pontI to be put. back in .-noe rlthollt complete np&1re or ro;,p.l.aeer:H:Il.t..1'anJ ltewo of .~i)illent were ,hort. Ilf1H'l'iencl "!ML1n had 1:.0 be oo:nt.!.nwJCl :l1lJ' and night "by tJ~ -.iqwulraa D:. troop'. aiQteDU':lC,\10118. ~'ersQMel wen slu.1", .traill and replactllC:ont. "'1"0 ,..1 awt noeived tor r:iffJ.vl/ casualUu. auit.recl t. dat.. 'lb. uaual domirant Sq~4ron _p1.-it pre'fll11ed by ;~ll l>GrIOJ1uel t.c uc.....,u.8h tn.elr Rdas:1011 in spite of tMl1on. pre.sur. vi' t.".fJ l"a.i:id advano1n& It.O~t, and iho handica.p of w-.kened and oiesing equill':; ~,ont!~t with the fIA8m,lnW)t he main1iaJ.ned.

    .,. ......... 'l C:L~PJ..::.;S .t~. ELLIS;

    Lt. Col., Cavalry, CommandinG.

  • ..

    us J'c:JRCE iLL1$ APe) 1 o. $. AJU4Y

    Ia the no14.

    MtCSl9fi WJOB). elM,'" apu t "DI1,.., to vooa II c.., 11l.4OO-!s ..., 11M. ...... C.Ll.... &11'8n

    en.... to organise at ... !ukr.... tor a .eat._ " iJ)M- .... Group_!hie .e plied wi~ as. !rILL.tS .. tonaecl at ~ June 1944. (Je, -. HQ Talk r,re, WdS, &PO 11, U.s. u.'1, da.......,.. Jun, lKt, tor campeaiu'oll 01 both Sub ten_ of !J' ..... )

    Ceateroace .... oallM .i_aU a'la11ablool'plli ..u. ~_.ui.ra .....1"11.. at 010910-1 Juno 11M aa4 plana .f .,ention 'U..._.... ,:a.aa aM. ol'l&1 f .... ... ti....... ill with eJ-a at :n Col'ps with all .,...... oOM.m" D' O...ur &lain eliHue.eel aupplr .....1&&t1011 and , ...181 plut. AU UD1t ...,.. al..-t.M tor ord.... t .....~, 'fio ., .A.R.TiM at 010lI04. JWUt 1144.... _,0214OO-B aUwdt oOllKlr' ..,.,.... te TV c....~r. ol'plli...tlone 11'.... r-.dJ ...... _ 1I1101l. .

    ..... tr. .."'1, ....... t ...,.... II .............l~ u4 rout. tnro..p

    VAWON'l'ONE 1IU the .on I __.le. II, 00..,. .. int........' 17 "t,;" ._ pre-

    panel to 4epari Grl lId.l1oft at Oll.fG04 aDd awai'kcl........ ." 012100-8, II

    C ..,. orel.nd TI "stt to .taIl. tut all. ceat1au. Reae ter...,uk nan. !a.'0.... b1YOUaoked in AItTINA...... oftl'ld...., al,nd t. Ill" ..........

    At 0111214 'a ....... ol'Clen4 to .... up cl... 1I0b11u188th Int .Div. twt. ,la t ,. At OJ161" Jun" lAaJor FI'aMl. Ii. VI...,. 11.P8OI, ...pened ",0 rr ... to uccmpan.y 1, OIl ala.loll to ReJa. (At 011000-8 J.... 1.... Lt. Wr1gl81, U hat reponed with two pho '- &10II1I*I11 D' ..... ) ~ D' Comdr.ca1let SUIt FaI'OO Coaclr'. IUlCi in. t ..,. to Yio. 8ItIa taI. DiY. tw. ela t an4 utab11.h UailOll tb.,...1tb. SF , ..,. tlwlaiy~ OIleoo-B. s151 toU....t 30 aimat. 1n'.nal. Sf , ...,.rt04 arI'1ft1 . 88b Diy. twd.. ana at Of.C)350-B. '" C.u qaS.a 'ri.'.. 0.41" ...ner noolYia, ........ tor a ohanp 111 al10ll Whil. pr...... at Sfth Diy. HQ., II COrpl a1aelcla U ...e'~ ttF "i,;" to r ...1n ott *,- #6 u.d. 1'1'00004 d& J'RA8CA'tl'I-RQla ... IItOftA J'URA'l"A-RO~ a.4e 11'1til ,pe.. to ROlli.


  • ~ .

    to... I ~

    ., 1/1 .end out _ ...... at CMOUO-I Wi_ g,,~ .t

  • 4


    II f.jt'

    el &AlJQUAR'l'l:.hS C.~/aed ~lst CAVAlJty 8iC~I8;ia\NOJ: ~tWlRON

    .~PO 4M - U. S. AiWY

    In the field, Italy. 21 Sept. 1944.

    ;;Ui3J;...~.l': H.eport ot Jperatione - J~l, ?-t44. nlliCUGH~ COIDIIanding Oeneral, J'ltth Arm,. APO 6&4, U.S. 1.";zaJ. 'fJ a 'lbe l..djutant General, War Dept., iJaahiaa'., n.c.

    1. fl.eport of Operatl.e by thle Squadron trom 1 ... 31 J\ll, 1944, inclusivt', ie aubmi'tted in cOCiplia.nce with AllMI-101 and let"er. HQ I1fth AmyQ ;U4-i,H, dated 22 Jan. 1944, sUbJect. "Hi.tonoal ReCQrd. aad ."'1'11. ot Organi&at1or.

    2. un 1 July 1944 t thi. Squaclrcm .... opel'll:Ung unde.. If Corps and rell'lC.:l.ined attached to 8S U.J. Int. D1y. It remained attached to 88 U.S. Inf. Div. until 12 July 1944 when it reveMed to IV Corpa control and ..erd,i.lRo Gorp. re.erve tor emergency maintenance. The Sq~ron bad completed 64 eon...,t1Ye ~ys ot active combat operatioflS on 12 J\lly l1M4. The cOllci1t1cm ot ita .,.. equip:a811t was in s8rious na_d of hearl maintelltU1C8 4ue to nlorous, &{i.ire..i reconnaissance and perfonnMoe ot an armored toree miedoll CO"a". Beto.....untlal maintenance was cOI:upleteci, Troop "8", plJae 1 latoon of Light 'ftalle(co. "11'") and 1 pl/:ltoon of .~s8ault GWlS (,~'roop "g") ._ oriend to proceed t.... 'rio of ;"UmLL..'l'lhl, Italy on a special ,'
