









Introductory note.

In the year 1928 s'hile surveying the nrins of Galilee I .$,as

askecl by Prof. Anrnun ll¡rilr t, join his expcrlitirn to sinni as aninterpreter. one of the ¡ of this x'innish expcrlition n¿ìs tophotograph the 'r..lrr¡rblc syliac pllirnpsest of trrc ti'speìs, l<no¡nby the lanre of synrs sinliticus anrl published rs a facsimile editionin Helsinl<i, tr'inl¿rncl, in r9B0 (synrs flinaiticus, herlusgcgeben \¡ouARr¡run l{.rrr,r'). This palirnpsest is onc of the urost valuable trer-snres prcserved in the library of thc monastcry tt l{t. Sinai. .The

rìcans of travelling \ñ¿ìrJ orì càmel-b¿ck to ancl from thc nonastery.On the rlescrt trip as rvell as iluring the time spent in thc mon¿steryI collected, iltnong other things, Iledouirr folk-lore.

I lvr¡s also happy to securc srme phrtographs ,f Alabic lcgalcolttr¿lcts prt-.serverl in the librar.i' of the r¡onasl,ery alrl clatingfi'out the llidttle Âges, thc fitst of srrch to be publishecl hr:r,e. .l.hey

belrng to a l.rgc group of mlnuscripts tlurt s,.re first studiecl byProf. ¡1,rotrz durirrg his Sinaitic cxpcrlition in 1914. I{e rvorl<ectilt a pairrstirkiug 'w;ry, taking lrrulrlrcûs .f ph.trgr.irplrs anc[ c'pyingthe lnanrrscriyrts, bnt ulrfortunirtelv all of his lrhotogrirphs and copies$.elr-. lost, concteltutecl ls contr¿lba¡rrl of rv¿1r,.

Pt'of. lfonrrz clesuibcs thc fir.nrlns of the sinaitic liblaly in ilrc'sitztr,rtgslrcrich,Ie rlu Pr¿¿.sch,er t, Áltatlettúe tler lYisse,scltat'rett,VIII, 1926:

rThe second t¡rsk w¿s t' stucly the archives of the monastery,rvlrich corrt¡rin chicfly a collcction <tf finnâ,ns,hith.rto quiteulrknownto scholirrs. They are lrostly wr.ittcn on paper rolls, partll, uf gr.eatdimcnsions. The firm¿n of 640 FL : 1145 A.D. is ¿ roll of 10 rìetresStudla Orientalia V t.



It'ngth anrl 0.41 ctrt lvidth. 'lhese fit'tttltlts ltlfct to il presutnecl letter

ol ¡lrotlt:tio1¡ 1lv |[oltlltttlrert tltrr Prollltet' This k"ttcr exists ottly

in ltrtet rrrtltir.,s irl tlrr, ltlnlì¿ìstt'l'\', I'ltile tlte original is Siritl to lt¡t"'tr

golre t() (lonstirntitro¡rIr. Tlt(|y tvt'te issttr'rl ll\' 1¡,(, l'UleÌS (ìf Egttpt

to tlte nìoliìstcLY of Siniri ;urd forrn lttt ttltilttllt'ttpterI strties fl'otlt

thc l¿rtr-.r'Firtitrrirlc titttcs to thc lrr'¡4itttritlg of tltLr 19th ccntttt'y, the

olrìest hr,ittg rlitt|tl 1",24 ll' : 1130 A.D' Tltt' crttttPllts :rLe neill'l)¡

nlnlys tìrrt siture. Thc gor,trl'ttnurnt ofticiitls of thc peninstth of Sinai

wtlt,e <llrltl}trtl ttr pt.rrtrrlif thrl ilthabititttts anrl visittrrs l)f th0 lìl(rlìÍlStel'\,

fror¡ ¡ppLt,Ssi¡¡, ersltc,t i;rllv un tlrc piu't of tlltl sttLrrtttrtrting AIabs, attrt

to res¡lcct tltt nrttllastel')'itlld its plo¡relty' tltt'cltttrt:hes itutl lntrdetl

cstirt{ls olt tlt(ì pcninsrrln. of srtch fit'tultlts tltt'rn rvr,'lo I httllrherl,

frcclncntll, sll\,ttl¡rl b0itt¡1 issttetl br. tlrr,'. silltul l'llltrl" cspetliillll' rlttritrg

the llrst erlt of tlte llirtrtehrkt stlltltlts. tl'ltr.rlt at lltc rleclinrl of thrl

cr-.ntr.irl Þr)\vt'r thc'itttitchs 9f thrl lolve¡ offit'inls lttti[ r'spet'iitlll r'rf

thc Alitlrs ;rgltinSt tltc trlonnstcl'y l)ccillllf lììol'll (rolllllìon' 20 of stlclt

fi¡n¡tns rvrtLt'issrtcrl by ole of tltt littr,r rttlrrt'¡ of lltis rly¡¡¡¡¡{y ¡¡t(¡

.uitn¡Ss lr¡n, littlc thelr rVete tespt,çtrlcl, IloL rV¿tllt rlf otht'l' tloctlltttrlìts

tlrr.'sc forrrr tlrr. nririn solll'cf ill strtrlyirrg thi' histolY of thc lìlonilst(:ìl'y

dnring tllc JIirlrllc Agrls' Thott¡tlt \vell pì'(ls{''t'\'ctl' tltrrY gcttt't'itll'v

n,r,t'e rliflicttlt to Lrrld. ilS tlìev rv('l'(l \\'l'ittt'lt ilt tltr'(rr)lll't hilll(l-$l'itilli{

of rlifft'rctlt ot';ts, rtf rvltit-lÌ stl'le thet'rr ill'o ltlt'rlly irlì\'rltlt{ll'slttlcinll,ns

loft.l{(.ill'h,|irlltlftht,fit.tll¡tns\t.elt.t]t'llitltl-lrlttrgr.tlrerS00-¡rtrì to chttck tltrrnr tltrrv \\i{ll'('ltltotogt'itpltcrl altrt for srltrttrity

det cLrlttrt {il.urth,. lllrlsl l-r00 lttri{ittivls (glrrss pl;rtts 13 X 18)

lr0 ctrtirrtll¡ lrtst. Of tltc \\¡l'itt(ìIì t:opits tlt0rrl is r)nll'ollo c(rpVl)()oli

l+rft irr it \'('t'v lllrf stlttr" 'llltis poo¡ I'ctrìltittit ll¿ìs l)c{lìì ttscrl i¡t iì c(}tl-

1¡il¡1¡fiotì t0 1lr| lristcrÌy ilf tht sitriri lrtottltst0tl' (R0itt'iigr-'zttt'(irl-

schicltte rtcs Sitr¿¡ililrtst('l's illl llittrrl;tlter ttittrlt itLitl:istlhett Qttellen'

Abhaurll. rl. flt'sr"llsclt. 11. Wissrrltsclt. itt fìtlttittgrrll, phil'-hist' l(l'

N.1,'. Bd. X\rI,2, 1t)1{ì)'rr

Thc il.ltor,r'-uì(,lttil)n(,([ Fitrlrish ex¡rerìition wlts th{r fist lfttrt

X[oritZ to colttlr iltto tlolttirct n'itlt tltrl tttitttltscl'ipts in tlltostioll'

lÌrlrn'theltl is un;rttetupt to ptcseltt r)llc of tltesrr legal llìiìnuscripts

in a c0rrìuìeuted ttillrslirtioll. IJcini{ the first of its kirttl, I ltave not

Å,lnslt Sl¡nlsÀr.o'



T -Z

L waqf-document from Sinai. 5

aimetl at exhausting ûll of the details of my subject. I hope, how-

ever, tþat this preliminary study vill prove useful for the fitture.

My warm thanks are rlue to Prof- Momtz (Berlin) anrl Bniiuxr'res

(Leipzig), who h¿rve kinttly made many valnable suggestiotts.

Helsinki. 7th of llay 1983.

A. S-r,o.



praisc to tiod he is rvorthy 0f his praisc t - his blcssings and

Itis sahtt¿ttioTt tlp()ll ¡rll the prophcts itlttl ntesscngel's'

'I,he lcgrtl affirir.s is ¡rs statctl therciu. (Thc text) rvirs lixed 3 by

the liulrrble serv¿rut I tlluttu,tl ibn I\1ãs5, the rrtrr'tt"lt'6 in thc vell-pro-

tectetl (citY of) Clit'o.?

At ¡rrescnt [(is tlte) ye¿rr 10tì41.8

I l¡aqqa. ltttnulnhu, r:1. haqqa'a'lilti kúíntatu-l-'adâbi, Iiorttt, ÍJ9: 20. On

the other h¿rnrl if lruqqa is [o be understood ¿rs a nttrttt, tìtcrc is anotlter possible

transf alion: Pr.aise tt¡ ( iocl (l reminrl) of the rvorth of his ¡rraise (haqqa hondihi).

For tlre acc.ltoqqa, cf. fixed tul'n of sJreeclr in Ìeli¡¡iorts poetry: lalitt-I'handtt

Itatndan, ßttro'í, X,laþani al-ud¡tl¡ I,9: ?; RrcKtlr..DotrF! Arab. Syntax' p. ll5'hete ¿rrl/i¡¿rtt to bc untlerstood.

2 al-amru, lit.'¡ordcr¡.s zttbttrtt,l.his ¡\l'aLic vcrb is hcre a terhnical term, employed in lhis sense

onl¡, b¡. ilrr: Turks; cf. fi,o4rt't al-¡¡tozbar'aIã htila-d-tlallar zabarahtt al-faqi'r

åãåil ettr. I'nr n't u, ¡r. 7.

t (,L ut-laqîr 'abd 'aIî àri.{ri ett-., Fnrurl;, ¡t' 213'

5 Flcrc a l\folramme¡-lan is callcrl tvith a (lhristiail namr-' .fh7tis, verl' pro-

bablv ll (Ìonvort from (]hr.istianily to Istam. At least in 0lder Mohammedan

times ,ll¡¡as is ¡tever trserl by the 1\[olram¡ned¿rns'

a tú-t¡trt$,ìã, rthe high qri¿ir, ver¡'difficult Lo be lr¿rnsl¿tted. This (nac'la\

is a technicrl tcrnt, fountl in this sense onl¡'in Turkish oflicial docunrents'

Cf. in Ar.abic this rvor<l ¡¡¡uß,1¿7 is eitlrer s¿¡,r,¡¿s r¡¿¿r¡¡¿¿.s or lold, br¡t ncvcr

a jutlgçe.

7 al-tnoìtrtisc, a fixcrl epithet af ter tìre name of ù great city (for

Constarrtino¡rle, al-rrrn¡rrìs t:, al-rnalttttî3¡r:, for Iludapest, al-,ralrrr¿sc), r:f. l.he

lirtrtüns of Furu,ru. .¡\ ntodcr.n nativc tta¡ntr ft¡l'(lairo is simply ¿¡l'¡¡61¡¡itstt.

s The contcnts of the rvriting marketl in lhe printed Arlbic text b¡'an

e¡rclosure after the rvorrl /¿¡lla¡¡ (at present) ale ¡lol easy to be dcciphercd.


A c,øq/-tlocrttne¡rt f¡'ottt Sinai

(l) This is it s¿tLr rloctttttr:nt, trorl'tct, L'girl, tt'rittctt, clcitl', txr'-

cutill)ln, rvltich \\'iìs iltt{rll(ì(ttl lllr lvi1¡¡1'ssing (2) lrrlfoLc tltt rlligiotts(r(l1lrt, nollle. gloriorrs, iurrì ¡rt lhrt rlistirrgrtislterl, illttstriotts t'otlllscl

of the Suhlilrtc ìr'ortc tttiry (lorl lltc [Iig[ oxrrlt il (3) itt (l¡tit'o r,

*'hich nìlty ll(ì protootc(ì fLorrr r,iol¿rtiort rutrl crtlittttity, ltr'foLt its

prr-.sirlcnt, or¡L Ln'tl irnrl ltrasttr, cÌrir-.f ,justiurr of thc X[osL'llts ¿tltr'l

ntastt-.t'of luitsturs rlf tltrt lltrlnotlllist lltliet'ct's, (4) sottl'tre ' of fltlrlttt¿ncl st¿þilitl., who foltifils tìle l¿n'rlf llttt lorrl of tlltr nt{'ss(ìlìgers,

t¡c l.rø¡øf.i jnrl¡4e3, llro rvill sigrr his nolll{r sigttlÌltlt'r itllrlve rtnrl tt'llo

expccts thr,r f¡tvottL of his ]I¿tstr:r'- (i,) truty (iotl tht lrliglt gt'itltt

Tlrere sccnrs, ltrttt'et'tt. lrt ltave l¡cctl 'wt'itlttn sorrcl ll16/r, i. e. ltì54 r\.1t,

Ilert', ¡rs s,':ll ¿rs irr thr. ¡'llallr,l ¡,litce of tlre ri¡¡hl. roltutrt (in ù'onl of II I)

Ihere ryas ¡rrinletl lr se;rl, s'lrir:lt tv¡ts loo rlifficult Io he dcli¡rhcrcd. (]f. J.

Il,riuirrru-I'ulr{ìsr.\r,r,: ALhandlung iibcr rlic Sicgel rler r\r¿rl¡r,r', lìet'ser tttìtl'l'tir'ì<en, (I)enksclrriitcrt rlcr .\l<;ttlrlnic in \\rit'rt, lttS(t).

I bil-qtihirat i -I-ntu.' i;ziryati. Thc filst lrlìf originates fl'ouì the ¡rlarreIlfars, irr .\rabir: ol-qãhír. rllle virlo¡'iorrsr, llre ser-onrl lraìf fl'om tho I'atimidet:¡rlil'ìr ¿l-r'l/u'i::. u'ho founderl llre morlern (l¿rilo aftcr lhe cottr¡uest of Eg¡¡rt(11(ì{l r\.I).). ¿¡nrl rl'lro rcigncd il4l-illìir,\.FI., i. c. 1152-.tl7,ir,\.1). Tl¡e shortcrn¿rrnr o/-,11¿'i.r:il/" t¡t't'ut's on tlle l'¿rlinride t'oi¡ts ftont fil¡r r\.II., tultlcl tltecali¡rìtate tl uI-tîntír. ()n tltt- ollrel lranrl 1ìre forlr of ¿l-.Ìy'¿'i;:inel al'()úhirttis lo llc fou¡lt1 on tlrc coins frr¡m 518, i-rìl(1,5:¿l r\.11. lÌrfrtre the f¡tttnrl¿ttiott

of al-iIu'itt the Irame r¡f thr¡ r'ilv rr'¿rs ,ly'rzs¡. ol rll¡rs¡ al-,1"¿¡strit, or' ,l"r¿s/¿it

(fronr Lirt. fossatunr). Llrter on llre nanle )Irt'í:zít¡r fadctl arvirv, *.hile ly'asr,

rvllich is llre okìest of itll thc nanìes of (iuiro, snlvivr:rl. ¡ulrl lrcittg victot'ious

also ovcl al-(!tìhira, is to-d¡v thc most ¡ro¡rttlat ¡t¡t¡rte of (ì¿rit'o.

2 ¡¡¡,r'tlitrrt, lil. ,ir r¡rr;rlt'r'. rr Iltiur,".tt'llr: hnnulî ltllc ter¡nin¿rtion of Ilre Iromina lt--l¡rtiva is in tllis rvot'li lr¡urs-

lilr,r¿rlctl sitn¡,lv rvith -i, ¡rln -iy¡l) l¿nv is tltc of tl¡c fott¡' Stttl¡ti Sr:lrools

rrf larv, llre othrrs lrr'irrg rrrrililii, ¡illi'ì, hanlrdli. ln l,lg.t'pt ls wt'll as in all

thc ttrrritr¡ries of tìre lato ()ttonìan lim¡rile l.lrc huntlì sr-hool is still confincrl

to offilial ¡rt'rrìontittancc ns har.irtg bcen thc school fitvt¡rttr.d lr¡'llte 'l'rtl'ks.

The lrrlgt, rnirjorit.t'oI Ihe inlrabiturrts ilr Iig.1'¡rl are "f thp ':¿l¡'¡ ¡rc,r'sttasiorr

l.Lilr: the natilc ¡ro¡rrrlatir:rn of tìle sr¡utlrrrnrrtost ¡rirrt of thc Lip¡rtr lìg.r,¡rt

antl of the Sutlan ¡rrofcsses tlre l¿rilii¡i tloctrinc. Tlv. ltttnulì sllrool ¡rletlomi-natcs to thc cxttnt of Ìrcing allnosl tlre onl.r'scltool in.'\si;r ì[inor and Palc-

stint. Âs to tlre Nloslem sclrools of latv scc further' ['tlzr;rinlr,n, ¡r. 10-2'tand Jurxnor-r., ¡r. 2{ì.-iÌ1.



8 r\ÀP ti L I lì¡.r nl s.{ 1, t¡

Itis fitr,rlur. :ìlt(l h{lrx)ur trl cnrhrc ¿rtt(l tìltlY lLr rlxitlt ltittl I itttrl lct

Ititu rcitch his tlesires attd llishcs ilt llotlt rvorlrls' 'l'lttl t:ottlcttts (rf

it ?: (c) r'lrir,nt, ibrr liir.rii.s ibr¿ ,11i,çr'i, thr' ('lluistirt¡ f,[r1]1rl¡lltr 3 nronli

irr thrr trrrtttitst¡t'y of t¡ir' .r-irtri, lttlt'trltlsccl lvitlt ìtis o11'll lìì()tl{rY illìtl

for,hiruself fr¡m its ssl|rt'/Jr¿líl i}rr. rìirliis (7) il¡¡ -r'l{rûs¿?' thtr (1ht'istirrn

Nlr.lclrite, kuos,n ltY th|) lìiutt0 of ibn il-þait. .\trrl (this ono) solr[ hitn

illl tlre grrrdrrrr, \,hich is sittuttetl in the pllrspcrous a r¿t-fúr' in tlte

neighìrour,hoorl ()t tltc tltrstlr.r (lrntl) (S) tlrrr glottttrl of Nltirlh is trot'trl'trrl

rvitlt 1l¿lnrtlïr(ls 5 ¡lll(l Yin('s ('tc', ¿ìttl¡thillg thlrt is colllplisrrtI n'itltin

its [r'nces6, lroutttlctl by the iltrIicatiolt of tlte tcxt ? hy itlttr llottttrl-

¿ries: (Ð) tltc Sotttlttlrtt llottlttlitt'l'cltrls I'itlt thrr t'oltcl o¡tpositc tllc

heirp of 13alils irrrrl u{)tltlitts th0 gitttr, itnrl tlto Nortltrrttt

ltorrnrlirry e Inrls irt the ,rN,rrll oI th0 palttt-tltlcu. (10) Alrrl tlte ]ìastt'ln

bottttrlitly r:lltls itt tlt0 sitlt\, ¡tntl bitter'10stlit' ;tllrl thc \\Ir'rstotlt lrttttntl-

ll'v cnds irf, thc lo¿rd n,itlt its l'ights irtrrl rlcfittitiotts' ìrclonging

I tl,u,lflåhtl, tlrrl rrli/ rlf Ilrrl I\. tltetrre is rrrissirtg in tlre tnlrttttst.ri¡lt.

r Tllc ttontt-'trts of l.his salc tlocumc¡tt'

I ¡¡talttltí (not to be Ùrixerl rvitll lhe ì[ohamrrretlan ¡¡r,7liÀ'¿ì), a member of

tìrc ¿tJnitctl (ll'eeh (llrurcltu, i. c' tltat bt'irtrt-lt of tlttr (it'cck (lhurr:h' rvhi0h is

unitetl rr.ith tlte Ro¡natr (lhrtrt'lr. t\Irrst of tlte ¡reople of the (lhlistian tt¡r¡rcr

r:lasscs belong to llre trltrl'hittls'4 t¡t,t'ntio' : ,r¡rrtts!è'le, florissirttt'r, lìutrctt¡:rl' (l0r1rtts Instrt'i¡rtitltttttn

r\rabita¡'tt¡t (11():l) I, p. 't2:1. tl' 1' ¡¡¿¿¿'¡¡tù'' s("cnìs tt¡ be lt fixctl ePithel itt

conncrliott rr'it.h a settler¡lctrt s'ltit'll is ttot àrrròrin' i' e' tlesel'tcd'

i al-ntutoltullilori art!uhu hi'unj'dlti.,n-n¿}¿i, ìit' 'itlte ¡¡rorttrtl of \'ìrich is

piet'r:ed b¡¡ tlre pro¡rertics ttl palrntrccs'r etc'; na"'aÙu' i' t'' '¡tutrveablc ot' itlr-

¡¡tovc¿rbltr pt'ol)cl'l)'ù, sce -11¡rr 'ily'¿n':¿ir', I'ístitt'u-l-"trabi (Bultîq' tlllil'o' li]0tl

r\. II.) I 2i)/r! rr'(¡¡r-rldi¿å¡¡ rt'aJ-¡rtrt¡¿"ttl¡alu ol-ntllu 1¡ut1âlu lultînun dit

¡¡r¿ial¡irr ft'rtr¡-rl¡ts'r¡l¡¡¿ ul-t¡ulltt t¡'aljttqârtt's sir¡rigrrlrrr is not ¿rn Araþic rvortl, þut ut an llg¡'¡rLian trl'igin.

1 ltitltûtilati_l-atnhi'í, a t¡¡rical ¡rlrrasc itr thtr Turkislr official dorrumetlts,

i. o. ¿rs indicatecl in lllc text.s 'flris lattcr ¡rirt'l of tltc tramc is itupossiblc lo be tlecipheretl'

0 Lit. ,¡tht-' .s¿:a bountlat'l't, bultrî, 'rNot't lteln'r in llgy¡rt and 'iSoul hern'r

intheL:outhtrrn¡rartsofi\ri'rbia,T'tlt'1r'ts't',llinrnrelsgtlgenrìt'tttl'\\-inde'Stutlia Orit'tttalit lI, ¡r. lllt.

r0 rridgu, cf. the agrig, Num' 2/r: 7'


A rrr4/-rlocutncnt frorn Sitìûi I

to it, (li) lllrl its prol)(ìrties lrrd frtì(Ìr,s ¿tttrl its llttiltling ¿uttl tlt¿rt

l'hicìr is knou'n anrl is t'llitterl to it, lvltirrlt is ltttrtlt'lt to hilrl in a L'gal

lltíìnltcr t th¡tt lcgirlll- oxrrlutlts igttoritltcc 'r, (l 2) \'hitrlt is ilt thr,r

prolll'iotot'sltil-r of llur sairì llttl'cr;tlttl in his halrc[, ilt ltis ltossr-'ssiolt

and irt his rlislrosal rulrl in his pirltir,ttl¿u'(i\\'n{Ìl'slti1r3, lr1, ¿11 ¿1:1'rr1'ttì-

tiott, bitsrtl tt¡rott tltat legal ;rffit'rrrltiotr, (1il) rts ¿t troll'ct-t'r, lt:gitl

pnrcìritse ltrrt as;r rkrfinitivrr, lriltrlittg, contplctrrrl, lvrittcll, l'e-

cogttizerl, satisfltctor'1'sitll, itl it ¡ltir'c, tlttt sttllti of rvltirtlt is lltr:rtl-

for¡r ilr thc Sult¡nic ttetv grtlrl (l-t) oI firll rvlight rtttl st¿tnrlitl'rl , lto\\'

cutreltt ilr tlur tcllitoly ot' lle1,pt. 60 trblig;ttot'v rlittrtrs. (f ó) Tlìc

sirirl I'r..nrkrL trrr:civctì thirt lrollt tltrr sitirl pttt'trlltscr totltllt, rulrl ittfull, lrrrl tlrrrn, r'cnurills flolr llutt ltotltittg t 1rlut.) to ltitn, (16) thus

lcglrlllr lrrlnrittrrrl lr\r 1t¡r,r ? irt tltc I)r'(,s(,tì(Ì(ì of ltis u'itrtcsscs. Ânrl

tltrl s¡titl l'clìtlol' tritltsfcl'trrrl I (tlttt ¡tl'o¡relt1' soltl) iltto tltc ltitltrls uI

tlrc s¿rirl Iulrrlllrscr', (17) ¿ltrì lrc ¡ret'rrrittrrl hirrr tr¡ lrrrÌriivc it rvith

rr llgrtl ;rtttltoLizrrtir)n1r ¡ul(l lrrrl'¡¡¡ir.ri1¡¡¡ 10, lltrl tlris (tooli ltlirrrl)

I latnt¡nnn aI-'ílnta, instcirtì tt| ltttnitnttt. l¡íl-'ilt¡ti or lil-'ilnti. 'l'lris is a

llrrlrnirr¿l temr¡ ø/-rrn'ltitnr¿ --

ill-eí1,ìtil. a r:o¡¡natc ob.jclt rvith a ¡raltici¡rle.r I. c. ilr this l'cs¡rcrrt.;' 'l'lrt file ¡r¿t'tìlcl l¿r\\'-trìrrìts of I l!: rtrulli, ryti (tl(t?ilt¡t, of lhe ol'ncr,

.luv¡¡lor.r,. ¡r. ttì?), løa: (lit. rift-,ncin¡¡ inr) .lrr-sarrrrf ¿rrttl i/¿ti.s¿i.s (,rbesonrhtct

l\ttslrrucìtr, Jur )iBor.r,, ¡r. 2tl{l).r :\ ¡runrhitse lt¡t.v lre .*¿/¿i/¿, i. e. fulfillirrg tll the secular lcr¡uilcntctrts

bul. still at Ilrc s¡rnc tirnc l¡d¡il, i. e. not "iar'í, ,rlegala - lheolr'gi,'o-jrtlirlir:irl (cx. g. if a r:o¡rtr¿rct is mirrlc ¿rt tho houl o[ tl¡c crll t.o the F¡'irlir.t'

scrt'itc, liolltt, G!:11, scc Jutrlor.r., ¡r. lil).3 bitutnLtni tttttllurihi 'on lâliku tníúrulti-.s-.s¿lt¡7¡,irl¡1, a tvIiltl

pltt'ase irr l.lre'frr¡'hislr offir:iirl dor:utttertls; ttt¡tltln¡'ilti, lit. ,rtlre lreight ol rvhiclr¡.

This Al'¿rbir wolrl ltas a simil¡rr cl,¡'rnologicll lristor.y us r¡trrìoutìt¡r in l!nglish,rr llir-h is rlct'ivrrrl ft'ottt tltc vct'h rto trìount.r

ß qrtlkr. s,rrlä ga/¿/r, lil. ,¡not lillle nor ntLrr.h,r.

? I. c. b¡' tllc vcrtrlot t¡tultî.'¡¿ (år7'rr, I\') ,¡llte ortc rvlro ex¡oses tlre ¡rt'o¡rcltyfrrr saleo, ilrstcarl ol ltù'i't¿ (l) in tlre ¡rt'trctctling l. 15.

8 Tlre ¡rltrirse hnlkt l¡nintt elr'., lil. oìt¡osellcrl (lris lights tllc ¡rro¡rcrtv)br,.lu'een

- - antl bel.ll'een¡>.

s tahlit¡al un, lit. iiloosenin¡¡¡).ro u,tt'tttlinu luhu li tasullu¡ttihi tuhliuat¿n s,u'ilnun {ur'ir1urt, lit. land

hc ¡rernrittctl lrim in its rcctrivittg rvitlr l lcgal looscnitt¡¡:ttttl ¡rerrrtissiott,r.


1() A¡p!il¡ S¡ÀRls.4,Lo'

aftel the ktgirl extmitìittiolì, tlogllizitlì(lc ¿rnrl srrt'tttiniziltion I (tS) an'l

(ilfter) a conrprchcrlrsiv0 infontt¿ttioll ¡tbout it, liv \\'iìy of (lotlìplcte

k¡orvlgrlg¡ atttl trxlltl¡ipllc(ì, wlìi(lll lt'grtllV gXt:ltttftrS s igllrllittluc' ntttl

aÍt¡r a cor¡cct ¡¡¡11[ ]¡'gill iìgl'(lr)lìì(llìt lltltwgrrlt tlte llrlt[ (pilrties) t:tttt-

(rorlìing th;tt, (lll'ottgltt ¿llrlut) b1'lcglrl ar:litto*'llrlg(:rlììollt iìlld tìcc(-'pt-

AnoLÌ. (1tr) Arrtl thirt rvits (ìoufillìll'd b¡' tr legal lffirtlttltion bv l'he

b0th (paltir:s) ilurl thc testifvirlg of thilt $'its estalllishocl llPfonr ottt

loltl irnrl olll, ìtìiìstrìt, (zo) the jutlgtl, Ìnentiolletl ¡ìl)tlTtl 3 - nìilY

his glory last f()r.cvor - tltrough the |vitloncrr of ltis trvtt rvittttlsses'

(rvhich trr0li ¡rlilce) in ir k:gitl lìiltìlìef, (Zf ) antl rrccrrlding to tlt¿rt¡

hrr issucrl I jrrrlgerrrent -mlty (iorl tltr,' Iligh Lrrrtl stt'elìgth to his

jrtrlgetttcnts ltnrì. tttttlti¡rly ttpr.llt lrilrr his fitvtlttts -- lr irttlgt'ttttlnt,

con,ect, legll], (z:) 0rrmpletr., r0cogniz0rl, siltisfirctot'1" bitttlittg itt

thnt (0irso), courpl-ting tvith its legal conrtiti(]tts itnd its rvrittett

O'bligirtions, tvhich lilrrst ll0 0llset'tctl, bcing infrlrmerl rlf tlte tlil'er-

gencies ab()rrt thirt.t (23) l\lrrl ht, iu his orvn g(ìlìerorts sottl itttcstetl

tlrrtrct0. ,l'0 th¡tt witllessc(l ()tt tltr-' tlatrr of tlte fottrtlt 0f tlte littter

(lutttûtlír in the yo¿ìr l)stt6 thrr rvitltcsstrs of the cilsc t:

ì{ tr Jr r¿ lr l¡ nd tll¡ r¿'4f ttlt rlrtr trr r¡d t l-il:f u r¿¡,s'srl' í

' ¡llttl í.1- It attâtl ;t-t, útitbî

-r11rtlrnlrrrtad iln IIulîl 1'l-'IL"si'

t ct'at'tuqlitti, ,/ rto lurn roundr'2 T[is is çritten *,¡+rU (rvil,lt tlouble vr?], irlsrt on llte preceeding line

.r,u9.tL. L)ne sltt¡tlltl cx¡recl' nr?fi¡7(rl' òr{t¡r¿!/tlr¿' to be writtcn rvith a

single yri.

'¡ ò.'¿'¿ilihi, (lit.,rgn t|e to¡r of it,r) to rh¡'nrc rvith ¿¿¿'rilili'

t ltirt¡ftþulti ddtiko, rvlrir:lt orr:urs ltter irl thc -\rabi<r tcxt'r ltit-t3itâfi,i. c. iD case rvlten tlrese co¡rditio¡ts shall n¡rt be fulfilled'

0 I. e. lttth of .lul¡' 158{l A'I)'? Alsq possi¡le t¡ [e {eciltlrerecl: ff ¿¡a s.safi, I,lolíití, l/¿r¡¿si'


A rr,øqf-docunrent fronì Sinai. l1


\\rlr¿tt tlt¡rtitt is ¡f I I'r,rc¡rrl¡([ rrrrrr¡/l itttrl of tt t:utttlrlettt cìlrltl\t-

lìtolìt ¿ is fortnrl (iorr{rct lry rrrt glot'y to (Ìotì, thtr lt¡rrì of thc u'ot'lrls.3

It rvirs r:Llrrly ¡stllllishrrrl befot'rr rrtc ¡,ttlrl I jntlgctl it to llc col'l't'trt

attd enfotrrilllr'.

(Thc tcxt) s,¿ts fixerl lr\r thr- lttttttlrle sLrl'\rilnt :lþmutl ibn ll¡¡{is,

,¡tr' ,,¡¿¿rrrlti in thc lvcll-¡ttolrlrrtLrd (rritl' of) (litit'o.

At pt'csettt [(is thc) veiìl' 10641.

(1)'flÌis is;r rlaq/, lr.g;tl, trrtl'rtrrt, enfortrilth', tt'littrrll, l'+rt,ogttiZr'd,

¡xe¡llt¿ìl)þ, rrpon u,hich thrr tustifyilìg (:iìtltrì ortt (2) irt tltl Srrbliltle

PoLtc, ntr,lrtioltcrl on tlrl hrft r lritv (:i()(l tlrr, IIigh lxttlt ili iìlì(l

I u'aQl, pl. auqtì1. comcs front ¿r toot rtteaning ,rto st;t¡td slill. to lre lit'Inr.

The ne¡rrest En¡4lislt eqttivalent fol this lcr'lrtrit'al lr,t¡tl is,rfottndal,ion,>, acr-'

to Iritz.gcr¿tld, ¡r. lllrì,2 l¡ttbs, pl. o/rôris, lit. 'rt¡,ing tt¡r'r (as in a scttlcnrerrt). r'flre essttlt:c ol a

t,ur1f trl thc ¡rt'rrscttl rll¡'is lhat it is a pcr¡rcttiil¡': no ¡rer'¡iettlit.v. nc¡ rlaq/. llutthis has noI alrva¡'s boeu tho t:asc. l\t:t'ot'tling to (:\lrLr) IIa¡tctrl¿t (tltl first

frtundt'r of the Ilan¿rfi sclrool of ìllv) it si¡¡rrifies [Ìrt t¡'¡rro¡rt'illiott of att¡

¡iarticular lhirr¡¡ in sut'h ir s,¿rl'lhat the a¡rplt,priittur's righl in it shall r:on-

lilruc ¿rrr<l llre;rrlvantege of it ¡¡o to sotnc t'lllu'itable l)uU)oso itr tltc lrt¡rttttcr

of a loan. 'l'his vicrv ulso sulvives in tlte earlv -Maliki larv¡'crs. rttrtotìg tvltrtÌtì

tr *,aqf for ¿r <lcfinite ¡reliotl u'ith rcvcrsi()n to the c,riqif ol lris ltt'irs (trotv obstt-

lclc) rvas:r ¡rossil-rilit.y; and tlrcrc ¿rtc lracr¡s of il irt Slria latt'in rvhilll tltt s'ortl

l¿¿ù.s is r¡serl fol the ¡rurcl¡'secrrlar glanI of ¿r usr¡fntct. and Slria ltttltoril¡' tna.1,

lrtr foulrrl frlr thc rrorrlerrlion that i¡r rlr-.f¿tr¡lt of c.t¡rress tlttsts tltt ¡rro¡relt.t'is¡rot rlraint¡rirretl for the henefit oI tlrc ¡iool lrtt[ ¡'evet'ts to the rr,rìqif . PlrrtrIi¡¿¡ll1',

Irnlylry¡l¡, onl¡. one dcfi¡ritio¡r l¡olrls tlre fitrltl to-11a¡'in all slltools alike, l.hat

first ¡rr'o¡rountlerl bv lnr¿rrn Alru Yusuf. Ihc rrrtl ¿rrt, of the l¿rtv itr this

ficlrl: 'rAct.rrrtling to ilre tlvn disciplts, ø'aqf signifies tlre a¡r¡rt'o¡rriittiolt of it

¡rarticrrlar' ¿rr'ticlc in suclr a m¡rnlre¡'ls srrLjecls it tcl l"ho ntl¡s ttf rlivirte ¡rro-

¡iclt¡', rvhcrrcc thc l¡r¡rlo¡rlill,or's light, in iI is extinguislttrtl at¡tl it btrr:ontcs

tlrc ¡rt'oprrrt¡'of (iotl b), l,¡," o,tu,,tttitgc of it nrsrrlting to lÌis crc¿ltut't,s.,¡ (Ftrz-

cliRÀ, ¡r. ?{)fì, 2{17).

3 lìet*'een thc.wor.rls ttl-'äluntîn ¿rnrl c,arr'¿¡¿/r/i/rø tltcrc is in l.lre tnanuscri¡rt

a sign of an uncolttrtctl.L.l l;dl , tvlrirh is pt-'rhit¡rs ¡tll lthlrreviitttlte.4 ydst'atahu, i. e. Ihe lcft colttnrtt of llte trtanttsrrri¡rt.


l2 A,tptrl.r S¡ÀRls^l'o

tttay l[e L'ntìoblc it.1 (3) fhrl r:oltttrnts of it (rvctl rìras'tt ttp as fol-

lrlu,s) llefolc (tul l(lr(l ¿lnd llìastel, r:hief jnsl'itrr-r of tltt': lllrlslt'turs nnrl

nr¿ìstor of rtrirstt-'Ls rlf thtl nroltothlist þ1r1i111'¡1¡5' (4) thc sotll' of

firY()ul,irlttl st¿r'ltilitY, ttlto fortifies thc lir\v of tlte ìorrl of tltc lutlss-

{llìgfll,s' tlrr-. lrøira/i jrrrlgc. (ó) rr,lro is tllrllltitllttlrl otl tltel lcft - (ltltl

thr.llighltìily slllllxltt his jurlgern{ttlts ¿ìrì(l por'pctttitto ltis hltlrpinr:ss.

(o) ,al¡.¿Dr ihrr (ìrriis ibrr rlr/isrî, the (llrristi¡rll ][r,L;hitc (?) lnottl<

ol tltrl luottlrstctl'of fúr'sîtrti, (lvlto is) tlttl llu'ver ttrr:tttiolterl on tlte

lelt, rnurle his tÏitrrcsses to tr.stifv irt'ltilttstrlf ilt il lcgitl llìilltllfrl"

(s) that rvh|n iu a st¿rtc 0f healtlt altrl rvrrll-boittg itnrì of lìis fI(r(l

will anrl rlcsitc: Ittr trteittetl lt lt'irr11 'r, (fl) etrcloNt'r1 r, llelpctuaterl'

r,¿rtifir.rl'-,. llrxtuo¿th(j(l 6, cuttsrltrliìttlrl, fontlrìltl ? lln¡l clrltlitratrrrl s all

| ¡¡,alurrul,tlttt bolongs synt¡1t:tically to lltc ¡rrecectling linc' bul this Arabic

lextis¡rlirrl,eds(l¿ìst(}starteaclllincirrstrit:lat:tloldatttlervitht,hctrrigirral.e ¡+,oltttg,a lriÀ¿ili*.s--si/¡l¡al¿i rrt¡o--s¿l¿i¿r (tti ß'al't(tß'à'i¡lttti u'al-í\tiyrirri is a

çtrptit- ter;hnir.irl t*rm. i;f. *not¡.,r frrmrrlu in lhe I¡oiy¡i,r ¡rartr¡me.l: oihadït

,olti ttnIu".iItiltt |î sttltltot,oqlihint ll,a,ahdâttihíl¡r. Thcfrllltrrvingl'erlts, l+'ttqtll|a,

lttillbaso, alilxttla, ¡lltl¡atItt, t,nttulu' ltttrl'tttttrt, sttlllloltt. ¡t19¡1¡!¡|0q..',lfivc ¡rll alttrilred

¿rlertaittr.cli¡¡iotrs(l()l(JllloYcrthcir'trr.iginalt.rrlltltcttlnrcanitt¡4.s woqEtlo, llte nrrlrl.est English et¡uivalcnt is rt'o beqtteatlt' to fortndr'

llntitf erl to creatc u tt'uql is (actxrl'tling lo lu.nQî l:rrv) irn¡' trloslctll (]r alìY

subjectofttt.protecttlrlalienittalfrlslr:nrsIate,rvlroisfl'trc,santletrl.(Ft'rz.r][RÀt,D!¡r.Ì{ltl)'Nrltetlrat.ltrlt,eintìrisrr,aqfa(]lrr'istiltnisentitlerltoctt:¿rtcttu,al¡!.,1'hisrv<lultìlrr-.irnprrssilrlcilrl¡¡t7li/iÍor,irifi.rìlirrr...\(]lrr'istiarrt:an¡totmakctrlr,lrrT/c||,|1¡¡formosqttt,.otcltttr.r-lt--llrefornret'isr'tlrtl,raryttrhisorvnleligion.lhclal,tertolslamlFrrz(itrn'\LD'I'2lltl)'Notethitl'inlhisliarti-culttr'ø'aqf ¿r flhrislian is not ¡rtcventcrl fromcrtr¿rting a raq/ for t rnottastcty'

rvlticlr llelongs to Ihe salne cl¿tss as lros¡lila|s, alntslrol¡sc,s, stltottls, lihr¿rries.

tl+,aq|isÏeigentlit.lrdasllcclrtsgest'lraft.Itliilrt.rlt.agt-.tterlJecleu[utrgllczeiclt-rrutrr,rrqfalrrlrattt,ltdietrlrvtrriittsscr]icltgenritt:ltteSat'lteselbst;/rrrù.s'tl,i.cigentliclr: ,rfestbirrrlenr zueitrent llt'stittl¡nteuzrvecl<t-" tlatrn: rlie rttt't'criir¡s-

serli.'¡çemacrrrestt:ric.,rJrryNB()r,r,,1t.2ii.1,'urther¿rboutthcrpaqflatvsee l)l). !iÛ-ltì3.

a Lit. rlo inr¡lrisr-rtr, confine'r'j Lit. ùlo a[firm¿.s Lit. ,rto Permitu.? Lit. ,¡t9 ¿rllolv¡.

s .f. sa¿aqr, a. al|Ir, i. c. a t¡r¡trtion, gir'en rvitlrot¡t worldll'rc(rollìl)elìse'



A s,¿ql-tlocr¡ment lrom Sin¿ri. ,3

thirt gardctt, (10) nhich is sittt¡rted itr the prospel'olls n[-li+r, in the

neighbourltoocl of tltr: castle, the gronncì of rvhich is covered u'ith

palurs itttcl yincs etc.r (11) irtt{ tþg fences of rvlticli sttt'rtruntl it'n'ith its tights ¿ncl bottntkuies ¿llì(l c(llìtcllts, as clescribecl and

bounclecl (f 2) on the left, alrct is sufficiently l'ecognized b]'its bound-

¿trics on the left, as not to ltertd any rcpetitign hete 2, that is klttlrvn

to him s (rs) in ir legal tniìtìller tlurt legally exclutles ignoltrnce (in

tltis respect), which is in his proprictorsltip ancl possessi¡n a,tttl ¡Lt

his clisposal ancl ilt his h¡tltd I (14) t)y tt';ty of the pnrcltltse' 1'hitrh

is registered olt tlte lcft, into ít, xþßql, tlolrect irnd legltl. itttrl a ¡,riorts

fonnrlatiott, clear itnd exeout¿lblo, (15) not to lle soltl attd not to

be dott¡ttetl ¿tntl not to lte tuortgitgetl ancl tttlt to llrl pliyatclV tlrvltetl

and nrlt to bc tlitttsfert'ed tttttl ltot (rvell åt pal't of it.5 (1G) .lltrt

it sh¡rll stantl by its rttles6, it sh;rll bc plescl't,ccì bv its rrolttlitiotls,

frtllltle{ ircco¡rling to its founclttiotts, s4rirth itre tttelìltionerl tltr-'lcitt,

(17) for cvcr iìtìd ever attrl ft'om agc to ttge ulrtil (iorl shall ilrlrcl'it

the earth ¿rnrl tll therer is upon it, (ts) as He is tlte best of heirs.?

The ¿rbove-mclttirluetl lotutc]er est¿blishcd this trlørll of ltis on tronrlit-

secular form of a gilt, /riÙ,ri. The legal differcnt:e betu'ecn tht-'se trÍo is, that

thc fo¡'mer her,ontes valid and iuevoc¿thlc ¿rt ottce the offer couclle<l in

the ft¡r.m of a ¿eclar¿rt,ion (¿À¿¿). The lntter', ho\'!'ever, is revoca¡le ¡y t.he

donor allvays unlil delivery and itl some cases also after thc tcce¡rtant-e (qaDrtl)

of tlre pro¡relty (i¡rri¿,, qaltûl,l: ltl, lnd tiqbdl, l: l2l.I al-mutahnllílí arduhu., note the ¡ltlsc. form of the participle, pl'o the

fenrirrinc aI- nt u t a halli luti.2' an -aI- i' dtlat.i hunã..

3 I. e. to lhe *ûqif.d (lf. I: 12.6 This kind of a formula is also to be for¡nd in thc ø'aql rlotrtl¡nents of

Monrrz, Arabic Palacogrnphy. lJx,g. a *'aqf of Sultrrn Iìasan, (755 A.IL :1:154 A.I).) ltítilû nû auqalahu (h l.l cvaqf,tn sr¡l¡l/¡ar¿ lar'iyan, lã

yubô'u. ¡a'¡¡l¡l yitl¡tbu walâ ytlratu s,ald yakilntt' ílã ntulkan líIlàhi ilã altodo-

l-attadi¡¿ [rlaJaralø an-nazata, ett:.,rhe stipulated that thc r:ontlol over it sholrltl

be in the hands of Imam so and so'r, cf. II ll0l. (lf. also a forrnula in tltc

Faíyùm parchmcnt: in íú'a l¡d'tt tt'tt'i.¡t lâ'a ¡+'ahuba çeo'in iâ'tt. saduqu'

0 ¡¿sril. .¡\br¡ut l.he ¡¿.srtl scienco see JuY ¡nouu, p. ltt-54.7 s,ahupa haíru-l-øari¡ûn, cf. I(oran, 2l: 89.


t4 ¡pul,t S.tÂRts^Lo

irlrrtlt¡titslrt.ofitllrlfit,st:ll)proJ)l.i¡lt(]tlrftlrits(19)lllrilrlingnnrlits r0pirrilti(}rr iln11 frtr the ilrigittiott ()f its trees ¡tu11 foL tlteil f(ìctttttlitt-

ing ¿ arul rrLrirllitrg (2cl) iln11 recrtttrllttittg itnd for' trtt,,, ,n'ltitrll s(ìl'\¡os

fo¡ tlr¡.¡rtlsgtyatiorr of (tìt¡ pl'(lptrl'tl¡) itstlfjr, iìlìtl fol tlte fostrrt'ittg

of its brrrìefits arrrl for tlt0 rlortt'lrllìttrlllt of its frrrits (21 ) lrntÌ its

tlrr¡S ttttrl ftlt'tltrl itnllLtlt'tltletrt of itS soil ltnrl its IrlStft'r'il'S (ìV(lll if

¿llitsl(]\'r..lltl0slttlrtlrlbrrrrx¡tcllrlrlrllr.lrthrlscl)llrl)0sf'S'(zz¡anrln4tat rcttlitills ¿ìftcl'tlti¡t. tllis is to llc spclìt fol'tltc cotttltttltlitl' 1'1

tlrc uronl<s ¿utì tltc scrvilllts ilt the Irlouasfs¡y of f i?r 'sirrrT (2ij) ttccot'tl-

ing to n,hiclt tltO rlt-r.t'srrcI r \\'ill sce fit itlìrl tlt't'ote to it lris attthol'ita-

tivc rxltorrnrlirrg oI thc lirrvr', for tltc }[clt,hite (lhlisti¿lns (:¿+) nlrrl

foL thrr 1t¡pt of tlrtl ìltlltlltitt: (]llristiitlts, tt'lto cttltle trl tþc ¡ìllovtl-

rìrr-rnti(]ne(l lìtoll¿ìst{tl'}¡ itltrl tltosrl ivh0 r'isit it' (gt"') llut sltottltl it'

brl itttptlssilllc (trr SIX'll(l) tltrl itttltllttlr 6' that, tltrllr tltrl ittcrlttlc

shorrltl ltc spoilt for.the poor of tlte ìltllcltitr: (lht'istiittts t¡f tlttl (lhttrch

of tlto lloll' 5,'t,r,lt:ltt'e ? (2tì) in thtr holv Jt't'tls¿tlt"ttt' llttt firiling

nhiclt, for tlltr ¡toot ttf tlrrl ][c]chitc ()ltt'isti¿rns \\'lìt'l'trt'el theY ttt'e

(27) irtrrì \\¡h(.,rfìv(Ìr thev ¡rtr.' f()ttlrrl. Btlt sltottLl th(lLrr bI itgltitr it

¡rossillilitl.trlsllrlnrltltr,int.rllltrl(irrtlrrrrv;t1.)rt,,ssirrf, (2s) tlrIrr tlrc sltcttrlittg of thc illtroltlo shall Lr-'r-ort

| '.1ä tt, yttbla'tt tni¡ r1í'ilti,lit. ¡rtlrat it slrould be stat'ted flom its profit'r'

z t(Ìttî¡,ih.-t,lhis trvi.e lvril.ten wortl refets originally to the act of fructifit:¿l-

tion of tlte olrpositc sext's of tlte ¡ralm trees'

3 r¡,¿0r¿r7 lîhí hat¡â'uIi'ninítti, lil.,¡antl rvlrr:re (i.e.:ttrt:orditr¡ç to lto'w nrttt:lt)

lltct't,' is trtttltttittlt'e for itsclf'r'{ rrri:ir'. itts¡rectot', ov(-'rsccr, also fot' at oíxouópoç itl it rttonastcly' sce

bolorv, lines 3l'-31.5 igri/rri,/, lit. rardour, strivilrg, cxottiott'r' ltele 'rit cont¡rlcte knolvletlge in

llre stnrly antì cxpottntling of tlre lalv'; cf' tnu'¡¡tahíd' an antltorit'l'iu exponlrd-

ing the larv.ß .sarf , lit. ùtrxcessù'

7 rtl-t¡rtttttittu'.lit. trlrrn[d, ltea¡r of drtng'r' ,\s to tlris ¡larte fot (/tcaf'sar) al-

t]íytintc,lhe Hol¡, scpulclrrtr, t'-.. Ilultatttntttd ilnt Ãhtnti ibn i¡¡tis, in his flist'orY

of I.)g¡.pt: Tu'rìll tr.Iisr til.tnaíhfll llil,adít'i, al-ztlhlir |ì *,aqtì'i, aI.iuhûr,

llI¡rarl,¡rrrgeS,linellr;rrlsoJ/rr!iral.Dìntú.Ilulrûrlli,inìrisborlk:aI-I]nsaI.lalrll. ¡-,a¡¡es 114, lirZ belorv' líriÌ above,226 belorv' 227 mi<lrllc'

s Lit. tto spcnrl Ilrc int'onle lo rvlt¿rt rvas irn¡rossible'r'


A *,aqf-docun'rent from Si¡rai.

to it ¿rn{ be prefcrrecl to trny otlttlr.r Tltis stirtr-' (of affairs) shirìl

(lontinue (Zg) foÌ cver ¿ttrtl e\¡er 3 lln(| flrltu ags to trgc till LÌorl inherit

the r,raLtlt ¿ìn(l \\rlIo is tltelrrttllttrl, (30) for lIe is thcr br,'st clf lteirs.

Anrl hc stipul¡terl3 thtt tlte cotttrol r-rf that ilnd thc slll)elvisi(ilì

o\¡cr it shall be (entrustctl) only (ltl) trt thr: s11¡., 1vll.o sltitll be the

(-)ihononos ilt tlte s¿ìi(l rìon¿lstcrv of !Íil sírtti, failing 'rvhit¡h' to tlte()nc wlt() slt:rll be thc Oikrlnollrt¡s of the Ohttrclt of thc lloly St'prllcltre

ilr Jerus¡le¡r; (32) then aftel hitu to the rtnr,', rvlto shall haye tlte

offir:e of the Oiliontllìtos tllflle, ¿ntl so oll, olìe Oil<oltotuos itfter

¿ìnoth(lt. (33) Slro¡ltl it bectrllre ¡lgiìilì possiþle to ent¡ust tlte stt¡rer-

r¡ision to the (Jikonollros of thc sirirl mL)n¿ìstcty of túr'sírt¿7, tltr-r super-

r¡isiott slutll go to hittt, ¿rtttl hrl sltirll hnvr-r pl'iority ovcr attother.

(il+) This stirte (r-rl irffirils) shall t.,orrtintte iu tìte' snllìL' ttìiìnner \\'ìlrlt-

e\ret lì¿pllcns r, tttttil (iotl - ntiì]. IIe (3r-r) bc llrtrisetl - ilrherit

the anrl \r'lur is tltcloupon, for lftt is thc best of heils. Whcn

thc lct of thc s¿tid fouttrlt-.r \\¡iìs ttttll' tcstifierl, (ee) hrl t'r:nxrverl his

h¿uul from the silitl tt'¿¿ql ¿rnrl tlelivercd it in a lr,rgit,l trtitttuel tcl its

appointe(l guar.cliilu. Then it seeme(t goorl to tltr.. said fountlcr'5

(32) to rvithd¡aw the tle¡lar¿tiolt of rr'¿qf ¿tncl to c[¿lt¡19 that into

a dccl¡tr¿rtion of r¡t¿lÅ.6 But hc w¡ls opposcrl lty tþp sairl itppointetl

gualdiitn, (ae) (by ttirttre) qrrs{r7'rorr!ús 7 ibn. ntilJã'í1, the }lek:hite

Llhristian. (89) Âncl tlre one who is cirprìrlc fot'the let¡ttirrtrì tltttir-'s

I Lit. rand precede an¡' otlttrr than it,r, i. e. it shall have the ¡rrefercnce

in all cases.2 abada-l-ãltadin, pro abatla-l-abatlírr, r-lf. Montrz, pl. 15(l'

s s,a{d,ra!e. dn-na.zavl, cf . ìIontrz, ¡rl. 15t).

I wuþûtlnn ß,a'atlanto¡t s'ala'atlduran s'a'imltti¡tttt¿, lit. 'rma¡' it cxist o¡'

not exist,, to be possible or im¡rossibler, i' e. 'rrvhatcver lta¡-r¡-rensr'

6 Note the rnis¡fint (lil-ntiqi!íl in the printerl Arabic tcxt, there is al-

s,dtlilu irt the original manusclipt.B nnrllt, a technicirl lernr for ¡rrivate, actual orvncrship of objccts ca¡rable

of legal transfer.z Here lri:rlr (L)ikonolnos) is a lechnic¡l turm amon¡¡ the christians, so

also ntutas,alli (a ¡rarallel [o [he atarøàÌ, qtidi oI the llltlslinls); al'rnttrqrìrrr, earlier

(tl 23,:lt-33) is merrtioned his fnnction, but norv also ltis ¡rersonill nante:

qusttiruntû,s, i. e. ¿rtr old abbreviation t¡f (lonstantinus f Antonius'



t6 llnr'I S'r'{tlrsÀr'(l'

slurll cotttittttc' ttl rtfnrittistt'¡ttc'r '['hltt (clsr-') was lrgurltl l¡y hrltlt

(pirr:ties) lnrl tltey lt'ct'c ìloth litigants irttù tltey lloth contclt¡lect

l,ith cn¡fu ¡t[er, ¡ntil (+tl) ¡l¡fþ of thcttt ltronglrt tlteit' tlitse to ottr

Ittitstll'tlttr jntlgl, tìrt¡ t'nc signcrl itboïe: 'ttt¡t\'(ìotl tlrrl llighlitlcp

for r\.r,'t'his high positiott' (+1 ) A'n(t tltct' llotlt plrlrtlctl tltlt (c'irse)

llcîot.r.ltitlt.ltnrllrtl¡lr,liltrlr¡ttrlrlotlthclttlitttirtisstrervithrltltllrrltl-lilrrt'lttiolt attrl rroltsirtrlrtrl it witlt a lvoLthY rlonsi<ltrrittion ('t9) irtttl

lttlsittvrl¡ttllrlgilIl.0rtltr.rirpprlintcrlgttltrtlilltlilpr'C,p()It(lrlrittitlgrvcigltt itltrl ¿t (l()lìvilì(rilìg ltrtlttf' (+¡) So tlttl slrirl ttrrtrlf ltccittrte

LrgtrllyB tlsta,ìrlisltlrì llttftlt'tt ltinr ¡ts lcgltrtls thtl crluditioll ttf its sttp(]l'-

visiott (++) thl'ough the ovi(l(ì1ìcÊ of thc tt'itltt'sstls tlttlLcrol' ¿tltrl

ittltlrrLrlilt¡4tothittlttlissttcrlitjttrlgrlltttlltt{-tttil1,(lrrrltlrrl][igltltlnrl(.lt-l)strr-:ttgtlrtrllrisjttrlgettttltttsnntìtrtultipll.ttlrcrnltirrrltisîlvoulst (4(i) iìlld thc s¡titl rrrarJf shitll llt'l'irlirl s'itlt its trllforct'-

rrrr.nt, officiorrcr. iìlrtI rirtifit:¡rti(}n - it jttrlgotttollt, cttrt'rìflt, ('t7) k'gltl'

rlrrttrlllrlttr, t.r', q.rtiqf¡tt:ttlrY, lrirrtlirrg ill thirt (r:itsc), tlrrttt¡llyittg

l.itltÛitsltlgltltltllttlitirlrrs(-ls);rnrlitsrvrittelttrllligtrtirlttsT'rvìtit'lrltrttst llrl {lbstll.\,tlrl, lltling infrrrlrltlrl rlf tlttr rìit,'ttcitls lttrtrttg tlrc

It¡ltle lirtv¡ltt't's.8 (49) So it lltlcatttt' it rrrrlr¡/' lcgal' cotrtltlt'tt-"

r r'olrr¡r¡r¡ss¿r/t rt ytrltrcprrllä rttan qtiltilòil-lrr;rirrri' pt'o - - -qàltil lil-l¿:ri¡¡¿i'

2 ol-ntu¡t.t*ßt'tt tt'Iálttt' 11¡¡ laItcr rvortl to rlt¡'nre rvith 'rrlrilrr' (his high

¡rositiorr); trf. rr lr¿trallel r:ase ùi'a'rili/¿i r¡¿a'¿'il¿ìl¡rl' I 2(l'

3 Nolc lhe trrrgtlatc objcct' lrrbrilan s\ar'i¡'¡an iu the foll' litte'

a Notc thc (Ìogll. obj' /rrtÀ'iian etc' itt l' {{ì-rt7' and Ùirrrrt}al'i d¿îliÅ'¿ i¡t

f. 11$,'rvlticlt tllsrr belotr¡4s Io httl;ot¡to'


Arabic terl.c t,it''rfulfillirtg'i'z lr,¿iãil¡, ¡rl. rr,agilldt (dlrl,y) ttr'farrl, ¡ll. /rrrtirl (lit. ,¡¡¡6{t.ltl), i. e. ex¡rt'rlssly

com¡nattcl¡tl in the lioran rlr lbsoìrttcl'v rronrrnattrlctl in the T¡'lditions (lralil)'

Tltest-.t,e¡rr'esenttlrt-.îirst¡|¡5¡;trftltecrtnrlltaltdmtltrts(l¡l¡/iril¡r)rìistirrguishctl}r¡ llrc l\foslcnr l¿rs,¿rsttists. Tlre stlt.tltttl !{rotll): sl¿,lnr,, lltasltilrt, ttttnditb,

Ìec(}ilm(ìutlcd, nnrt tlrilrll¡: fot' arlilrfora stttûtls !ri'i;' nulxil¡' JttYNnoL¡" lt'

51¡-rì0'I Lit. Dlxrilìt{ informt¡d of the opPosittt things standirrg betn'et-'tt llre nohle

irrrrirtrs; irtirirrr' l) a lcirtìcr itt prlycr' 2) a rcligiotts hcacl' :ì¡ a pl'c-emittcnt




A ø,rrqf-rloctttnent fro¡u Sinai l7

rccognized, sirt¡sf¿ìctoÌy, recoÌd¡(I, etìfot'ciblc (50) anrl stt'ottg thrrlttgh

the follou,ittgr of tlte juclgtlmcttt oI thtl itlltll'e-llrclttiottcrl jtttlgr,r, to

\vhiclì ÍtnnlllllìLìnt sìrlll linrl no wilY (ó1) lrcithel by settingasicle nol

by rtsistir¡cg.¿ ¿\ll tltitl, rvas \ritllcssefl (lll tll(-' blessctl tlrry, ({12) tlrtl

fourth of the latter'.riur¡ri/¿7, in the yeflr 98¡ì. (fa) (Thcsc) ¡'itttesscd

for thenrselyes in thirt (case):

X{uluttn,nrtd tår¿ .,1f ul¿r¿nr nuul il'Mulrç,sø'i

',lbtl íl-Fattitb iI-ù atnbî

J'l ullrtmntutl íbn lI u'|il'¿ll-''

cn¡es of opinion, rvhich o¡r sone ¡rrrints se¡raratc lhe three fottltclers from e{rrlt

other, are al, least ts great as tltose s,hich se¡rtrrlte thcm fro¡¡r thc hcatls of

the stlrcr tlrrcc olthodox schools. lt is cont¡r¡onl¡' saitl tìlat rvhcre the thlcc

founders tlifler the rulc is to take the o¡rittiott of thc majorit¡'.I I¡rsle¿rtl of tlris slrange form biluhttqi, rvlrich (lzlrIir7) is not to be fttund

in tlre dictionaries, oue shoulrl r¡rther cx¡rcr:t bilJttu¡it¡, i. e. ,rthro¡gh the

right.s,r.¿ ,fhe tl0crrment in tNcstion is a bilateral contr¡rct lrecatlsc tltele is a

definite bcnr:ficiary t\nd ¿t ¡¡¿r¿t¿¡¡,¿lli, a¡r a¡r¡rointcd gualdian of t.lte a'aqf,

othcr llran I\e*,tiqif ,¡urdbet:anse Llte r+'tiqil himsclf isnol.thefirstlieneficiary,

(cf. Fnzcnnlr,n, p.217). Thc a¡r¡rlovll of thc qzîrll is neccssar¡'alreadv in

l.his early ¡reriotl, thc qridi r:onlrols ahe l,¡uta,¡oallí, in this r:irse througlt an

ins¡rcr:ting officer (ari;r r : overseer), ryllr is an\' in cxpounrling

llre I\Ioslem larv (ilrilrlitl, II 23).

'fht. ¡rropeltt,rvhir'!r is the objecl of the foun<l¿rtion in tyucstion,lvas ¡rossible

to bc nrirtle g,ar,¡f, becausc it, rvls t) nâI mulaquu'rrrrn (i. e. r:apttble of legal

olrtctshi¡r antl lransfer), 2) 2r¿/Â (i. c. lt,luall.r' in lr legally sccllrod ¡rrivatc

orvnership). ln t.his /rnna/ô s1'stcrn lhtr ø,rigri/ is cr¡tilletl [o rcserve to hinr-

self in thc rlccrlur'¡rtion oI *'oql a right to motlify tlte cottrse of devoltttiolt

to tlte office of mulat+'ullî a¡rtl to adtl trr to alter tho objecls on rvhir:lt l,he

irrr:or¡te rnay be cx¡rctr<letl.

StudiÍr OrirrttIll¿ Y r.


Corrþenda ln the prlnted Arabic text'

Column and line:

I12 read

r 1? read ûÅEl

II (intr.) first line, read gAi-e

II1, read ,#vl-o

II4, reatl cl'.r.¡

II zo, reait b¡*ü,II36 \-¿sHl





Faiyrlm parchment: A parchment of a sale document (of a house),

private property of Geheimrat, Prof. B' Monttz, Berlin. This document is

dated 414 A.H. and was found in Faiyûm, Egypt.

Fekete : Tiirkische schrilten aus dom Archive des Palatins Nikolaus

Esterhazy f606-1645. (schriften des Palatins Nikolaus Esterhazy). Redi-

giert von Luow¡c Fnrnrr, Budapest 1932.

Iitzgerald : Snvuoun Vrsrv-FtrzcBR.{LD' An Abridgement of Muham-

madan Law according to its various schools, Oxford, 1931'

Juynboll : Tn. W. Juvunor,l, Handbuch des Islamischen Gesetzes,

Leiden-L,eipzig t9t0.Moritz : rArabic Palaeograpìryo (Publications of the Khedivial Library,

Cairo, N:o 16). A collection of Arabic texts from the first century of tho

Hitljra till the yoar t000. Edited by B' Monrrz' 188 plates. Cairo 1905.

The numerals, imbedcled in the English translation, which are enclosed

in brackets, mark thc starting point of each line in the Arabic manuscript.

Àtso the Arabic printed text is aÛanged so as to start each line in accord-

ance with the original manuscript.







Index of terms.

Tlre Roru¿rn nunlerals indicate the coltlnrrt oÌ the manuscript' the Arabic

nuttter¿llsthelineofit.Thclìourannutrreralsrrndertlrey'referto[heforrr¡ o[ tlre verb.

l/u,I¡o,du II (to pcrpctltilte), II Il',ul¿ if (to clcvotc), II 23

I ¿,lo tf (to fortifY), f. +, \I44l,a,nr l,llzl'¿¿¿l¿¿l¿or¿, II ll4

1/',r.lru'* V (to be imPossible)'

II 25, 20' 31

l/ al;kadtt' (rt'rr,liÀ:odrl) (to rltifl'),II9

l/ u,ntu,Iu V (to cnnsiclcr), II41

r¿lrrl¿i, (ttxt, ì lrt¿lr¿'n), I8arnr (ottlr:t'), I (intrott')

rlnír¡ (decP), II41

ll ',iu'*[r, ttf 1tt' ttPltose), II 37

l'I¡â;o [ (to sell), I 7

/Un Ñito a"t as sclling rtgerìt),

II7bo'{ (ptrrt), II 15

b¿r.' (slle), I 13

btí'i' (seìler), I 6, 15, 16

boll (definitive), I13boqtâ,' (eutlutirnce), II 20

bu,rhâ.n, (Proof), II 42

I'tkr'ñ VI (to ¡rlelrl), II41dr¿lá,lc (inclicttiott), I fì

diyrir (territolY), I 14


l/ f oi,¿r, (to letnlin), II 22

fosád (ilnttultncnt), II 50


1'ladnla VI (to belitignnt), II39

fiuhâ,Ie (ignrtrattce), I 11 , 18, II 1:l

lcli (convincing), II 42

I ¡nã t(ttr coutintte), I 12, II 28,



/ lrr¡t (to enclorv), II Iþnbs (endorvmetlt)' II (ilttr')






Á, u,aql tlocu¡nent from Sinai. 2t

I¡add,,I8-11, II 11 (boundarY)'

I to ldefinition)

/t¡nt o-,ur- ttu isstttr n judge-

nteltt), II 44

þâ1, 123, (casc) II 8, 28, 34 (state)

h,allq I (to transfer) I 16

/tlott" lt (to bequeath), II Il¡anafî, I 4, II 4lir¿qq (rigltt), I 10

t, l¡aramu, lI (t,r cttnstrcrirte), II Il'¿*ror,o VI (to cuntcnd), II39l:r¿ll (sigll¡rtut'c), I 4

{røtrz (posscssion), I12, II l3ùifríl (rtivergencie,s), I 2?

l.rrulrrl, (judgcureut), [I 46

þruhil lobligatory), I 14

rlfhád (rvitnessing), I IiÉtintalâl (contcnts), II 1 1

i{tirâ' (purchase), I t3i'tirâ,f (adnritting), I l6'i1¡,¡rir' (stanrlard), I I4


Itantâl (fulnt'ss), I l5


kmúnt,, I llldainr, (bintlitrg), I l3

> (enforciblc), II 1, 49

hrt¡úq (follos'ing), II 5o

lusítnt, (retlttircrl cluties), lI 39

-rr- (cnforcentettt), II 4ö



1'¿{¡/¡; (¡trpetitiutt), II l2ihrânu (ratificatiolr), II 4ti

rlrr, (pet'nrission), I l7ifd.b (ackuorvletlgement), I ttlifllihâd (authoritative oxpollnrl-

ing of the hw), II23ihô,Aa (ctltrprehensive iltforltlit-

tion), I 18

,rþt'rçtî,,s (particular ownerslti¡r),

I 12

iþ.tiyâr (rlasirc); II I'thrr, (cotnplete knorvleclgc), I l8rr¿¿tr¡¿ (l¿w tenclter), II48intkô,n, (possibility) , II27inútânan, II34'irlrôd (resistance), II 51


nutblal(suln), I 13

nuçllttir (srtitl, tncntioned), II 43,


nw,flnúm (cr-rtttettts), I 5, ll ll

nmfllis (cottrt), I 2

nnl¡all (point), II41moþdûrl (comprised), I Imaþf'il itr-1arîqu (counscl), I 2nal¡lûg (presclvetl), II 16

/ r,rrrtrrm I (trt orvn PrivatclY),II 15

ma'l'û,nt, (known), I l1mn'rila (cogttizance). I 17

mar(î, (satisfactory), I I 3, 22,

II 47, 4e


22 A,rP r r, ¡ lJ,tA n I s  ¡'o'

?r,rar'í (obser\¡cd), I 22

'r (executable), I1, II 1, 14

tnltqû)n (said, mcntioned), II38maqbûQ (receiverl), I t5| *oiolrr* (to contiuuc), II BB

nwnpû/ (describetl), II 11

nttntlã, (nttrster), I, II (intr.) I 3

mu'rúyirl (.lnrâ'o), I 4ntul¡,orru,r (written), I 13, II lntú,öob (accorclance), I 21, II 45

nmrkttnnnal (cornplete), II (itttr.)n¿ull¡ (private proprietorship)


I 12, II 13

nullú1¡c (dcclrtration of lrul/r),

II 37

naurúl (clistinguislted), I 2

t¡tttsu,bltal, (founded), II 16

ntusnfi lal (recorclerl). II (intr. ). ag

u,l n¡u,lâl.,ilaihi(the ubove -ntetl-

tioned), I 20, II õ0

rnusallor (r'cgisicred), II 14

rrlustuuft (conrPlYing) , I 22, II 47

tnula'ô,nvú (crtrlent), I 14

ntu'lobu,r (r'ccognizcrl), I 1l'1, 22,

Il 1, 47, 49

muknau,lli (president, ttppoitttcd

guarrlitu). I 3, II 36

tnlrnoall (bind ing), I 22 , II +7

tnutol,qqo,' (signcd), II 40


/ittA I (tr., exclude) I l1rlt4jæ (cornpletetl), I te

l/nøl¿ã VIII (to encl), I tt 10

l/nuqala VI (tr-r trarsfer), II ttrnøq{ (sctting aside), II 61

l/"rrn'" lV (.trr establish), lI 18

lruløb (propertv), I 8

7'tmsíba I (to rclate), I 11

llnnza'oVl (to argue)' II Íì9

l ruoru'o I (to tlcliberate), If 41

nøgar (cleliberation), I 17, II 30,

4trrágrlt' l overs etl.r. oíxouópoç), Il Zit,


trietû' (issue), II 41

nuf'ûrl (cfficiencl'), II 4tl

r¿uplir (supervision), II 43


qrdbit (crrpable), II 3f)

qabtil (ircceptance), I 18

l' rl*l;ru, II (to havtr pLcfeLettr:rl ),

II 28

qørti, (lrrepondelatin¡¡), lI 42


/ m¡*t, \ri (t,t bLiltg onc's tlitsc)'

11 40

y' ,l'rot oru, I (to rnnrtglge), II t ó

røi' (plofit), II 19

rol/o (rcvettrrc), II 2t

7iyøn'í¡¡a X (to retre.rgnize), II12rultrfut' (rveight), II 42


 c,aqf-document from Sinai 2g

l/ sahala II (to founcl), II Il/ *tt"r" Ñ (to rnultiply), II 45

ntbul, (sabîl) (foundations), II 16

/ gri'¿rrqo V (to ilerlicatc), II Içotlat'u, I (to attcncl), I 1

{nhâde (evirlence), I 20, II 44

/ çrfurr I (to bc corlcct) t (intr'.)

r (to be valirl) II 46

.lahíd (rvitncss), I 20, Il 44

/ Sntl¡n I (to witncss), II õ1

/ son¿¿,rä (to attest), I PB

,soþâþ (correct), I 13, 78,22, II47salû,'nrc (well-being), II s

sq,lintu II (to rleliver), II 36

óør¿n VIII (to purchase), I 5

.saraf u, I (to expencl), II 21, 22,


Itt''ttrr, (in a leg;rl manner), II36l'noilï I (to stipulate), Il Bo

,sorf (spending of the incomc),

II 27, 28

iarî'a (teligious law), I4gørâlr, (clcar), I 1

for'd (rcligious) I 2. (legal) I p2,

II 47, 49

Knr1 (condition), II 43, huû.[,

II 16, S¿rri'i[, I22.xþþø (health), II8íirtt' (purohase), II 14

s'í'yô{ (l.ences), I8


Itr,'uQ{w'an (itt iìrì impossiblc

way), II34lø'unwnul (consideration), II 42

lubøta I (to becone est¿iblisherl).

II 43

trr,bûyu' (snlc), I Itaþliye (ituthorizntion), I 17

tnntônt, (tot;rlity), I 15

lrîrnni, (conrpletc), I 22, II 47, 49

t¡tnt n¿a I (to be tlttlv ltelforntcrl ),II 36

røqláb (sclutinization), I 17

[araqa VI (to find ¿r way), II 60

t,usô.duq (affirmatiol), I l2tasa,lhnn (receiving), I 17

to,çarn( (disposal). I 12, 13

!uruã,'iyc (free rvill), II Ititlbô,l (acceptatiol), I 12

¡ubrit (in an estitblished rnrnner),I 20, +4


rr,súl ( (rulcs, principles), II 1{ì

l/u,ud.ala II (to cstablish clcar'ly),II (irrtr.)

u,ârtib @bligation), I22,II 47

/-*ohtho I (to donate), II l6/ ,uolf, I çtu have the office), II 82

/-rculaV 1to adrninistrate), II Bg





utúqo,fa II, II I


24 À ÀPELt SrrlnrsALo

Ywa"qÍ, If (intr.), 1, 14' 18' 36'

44-48wøqfíye (d'eclaration of naQÍ)'

II 3?

wô"qif (lomder)' II 18, 35' 36

ædqi' (standing), II a7

aú.ri¿ (heir), II 30

/ **iI.\ (to inherit), .II 29

wilûge (suPervision), II 80


yad (ttetention, taking Possæsion

of), I 12

gøqâtr. (stabilitY), I 4, TI' 4


ønbaru I (to write, to fix a text),

I, II (intr')



s¡ Q:ff ff'æ$ n *r 1fafl aJr ¡g12 tTfä

rî "P tmtf P '1 rì.¡ tñf: qy lo rïr,î rt*1*

'cf rÅ n. rrh t¡1l )y ? rf J rli.f;

(. o) f i \*rl j ,-tt t,Hr rt-v à î{f rp rg*ì.

."lr f fl? t.1 t"l tìJ'*ul "ri'*.\ ñtJ

rr¡irv rf'.: rÌ"Ì nl \nqr- rfrP ¡ç rq* rnr'tr-{.lqJ "ti.J ,rnr[ I :fl",-rLì flm tF o-l



cia}tfx,a \yJ, cfewc{'.o rlrl* A4(o¡) t1)'v ' Q rlå qÍT"

qt.: -L(ço rr1 t'.¡ j f" Iq nîr¡:'nb rf:r ¡TJr qtt rrít'

r\'tñ n':ì rcyî i ir-' rt'fl tåt! ¡r\ rrln;¡tttr.

rrtn f11¡ Ír,Ì rq' i 'f rFÊ r¡'l I*¡ o\"î'

(. l) drr r1 /ñ\ rrylrf? !"K' f rJ ¡q nÎ oK'

tf f f Ur¡ i¡çrJ rqf'\ i çfB tn.ñ r¡¡øl f

rf:tJ r{ earr rr'''f *î\if rf'r'rinf r¡-1?

îú. ,(4 f rf:n crc fffî r1 nt=al :.\.rn tt'îÌrr tfrsr

iç¡7 rp fu. ø1 ¡ftf tgqcç t-f* Fr f' ,ft t'1 I\fltr \YJ'

(o,f) K.f c,C "fl od :r rf r.f tn / rnfl. {

!q **\n

ïr¡rnf I ffi",$F6¿(.Jr*lont1rr2ltî tÇ rî



f rk'

r2? rt{ nqt ç11 {r Íît\ lf4eç 1( If{ tf r:"J

J '1 ¡¡. f îf' tff "fl tf r þ' t1. Gl1 rísr l.\1. ttfl,y \¡ytt tfit;f

Ìî 5tc \4 { ,:, { r -.ñ\ t\V, i\î r.t. q-f ,fel¿rc

(.,t) tsc -ic rft., c{ItrI. { çrn rrfn.y t f'

!r f¡"rn rcqr t| l? r1try tñrf r'ç fl1. rfr tfÌ rfrJ { tn, rr¡ rîf I qfp,iïffî cbçe yrlfll( f2trC f{t- 11 ,ì lTr ffrf- ff\grn IF"r,f no $c IT:tt' t¡art tl\ jt ¡t;fr

\n':("t) il? i.çr tftt- f fi? "f- y,,.'t' tl*ttt rll=4


(W't, tf:-\rt tÌl=--l lflrc:î { tftt tly. r¡¡rccrl

{ f 1. Il:\{ a| c.1ç €ic,<n fin rï.. fi:-\rt tlry




tf :rf i.r Ífi? 't-r? T"l rf'\C rq.çr¡J ir", {. -i:ì

çFi\c, r¡-6) f n rL"lr., (( .tf ? f¡B it 1=v

(.1) r¡iirv1 r'1 i:y ll-ï\rft:v r'¡-r¡J ÌT':v rl¡rf;rlo

'îfi.v ¡1rf ({,;yt-| !o\.n

rr\ iirv\ CSato.r\

*ir '6rfç !rì tft:r t\Vf c (ltv

'rt { !1 t'r!

¡ir ¡6irr? fcnr lfrtn'î í1 \e tçrf tñrf c'Q cf\r{

{ \*V ,".ç$ { ",tr1, '-rK { -î tÉ lLl i.n

(o r ) ñ '? 16 ìrq-' 16 ;rvî tñ i\n t n çtf iv 16 i:'rz*¡ q:1


rfl rfti lnl fi*lß ç'1 tT\ti ? l:, t-(lo çY'?

î-r$ rî*:f þr,r. ?{y tQ lñ1c: rr\ ll.fJ f[F ft1 .t. 1i -ià þf y c<çtco rlfN¡in t\€-(f tfrrc

rrryl" rrDfJ

('t) !>;1 \fit'rl'rr y'¡'tÍ:\'} tÌryÌf" frn ì¡;aår..iñ ,\+ ,

t: c-f c-r ) ç*f cp¡7 t' tf,R



rrr ;'ìf ll--t r¡-K'Ì f\llrtotl rtÁft\. !n t:f

'ty;c { c -i1 ¡1;f r t\\j, þ/p {r. tñi1. \{i,

lîrr '\n 1f tJ n ¿,c¿'.t1 ',Q 'oîî ll.-/ti tlgi tf t'- tt

(o) rnt lP þr:v l" lq tll ¡2'v

r¡c1J '*r þ

'.rf tf?fl rqfSiQ v6?ç g/i'rs *t tlt-lh rf/ r¡f.

¡rC rñ: r1f -r;c

r\r1o '"^-fp ¡ iil ir* -:¡q f'lñ\ t:ft fll tÌ*\-iî

\fl- tfìi tlîlr ¡fv î*/t t.K" ry t'ìfr

qTl f:f ,,r¡¡ o.,Ð 6fJ prr ,.ar ,cþ arr q¡,{c iv

tlrf ior tfîc-Y

f" tfï tß:ir ;1 ín'o I

- lTt T t^ tnlil - rcQ y;, (>? ia*:\ cf c'v

1¡v '1 tfil t1*{ ttî- rl>f "ã .rxi'





3,"r;ç:1,f tf."ó

sr f *r 1faÐ o'r ¡g12 tÌf ?1

rr. tT\l

iç¡B ri¡ -rç \€ t¡,ì ilti rñ:r: -:: I\ç rl\lrf rr1::

t\'oJ "11ì it¡Kr- i q¡B ("U) oy', "? r*r ¡.=r!v

"?t)'tñ t :tÌ?' '*tr1.¡ fl¡1n lF 4 rr¡å:i$ lftt:

"fn ¡'l'n iç¿^ q1p :L .+7 rta\ (U) l] 'cir1

r'i;v Itr f.i *j (f l) lt'rl rrl ¡)* t!Ð

-:çq 1116,\ (.4) 'Tt

¡f;1c tiv\1fn.t'? *1ç"r þr'¡c3

(lt) r91c¡1 { qrn ia.l \to') rlc' rñs''\. Tfi" ftrtl'\tr: tf-;'y ¡fi/otÌ ìtl\ { qfi" \ñ";'ìå rtgrf lçti'

W'? (Vf ) rtñaî 'rrf t

(4'z \t:f fi;¿-ff r'1

rI-Ì f{y ftql irá:i- rqfi" Þr 1¡{ rtlt't-l ttg1t^

iin 1yrrfr ¡y;fr c',ø (¡f ) nÐ ,f;f, ,f.e f +J



,Þl[. J:\htt !-¡ll d aoLi tJl ;\1 jr.,"lt ¿aLlt

r f)trJ;ll *r¡i n;rÍ n\tit' (n) Lt;ll -,¡4 r;n'!l

5er-{')\*!l il!r-,. ,rrål t-.þ +Jo -¡l> L-c JJ}i ¿çr

JÞ tr+Jl .¡Þr Jl ,rl J¡ll rrÍ (f) 'Lrirlre (1.) Âl;:ll -¡ï) ¿u¡.9r-rll rtle'-'Ul *!: crlr.¡À.

¿rtl\ Jl ,.,,Frr *-il\ r-!l¡ ¿Llr Ct' ; "¡"¿ ér:tt

d\:,.e n3\-e a,\åi1e (f t) o> tret eiei- -)' ¿\lil \

X\rd ¿\:ll "rr:Jl þll \k l eU; ¡rtl\*-ll *,*'¡¡ t ;¡ L¡

iirtor:r, ,frtr ¿\rr ell. * ¿tli tgr\fl (f V) Ç"'

,Í Å\ . ;>\-:ll ¿tli ,-þ ! ¡U+t. +-\-.:;te uþ s

V r. Lr. 1., .rl;:\úrY \',. Ç.t V;L-*r '¡ut (tr)

¡Lll r,r!l (t t) iLl*ll -¿Jlù. dJ]! -^J ;Jr ù-tt

,-þ fr\rp Jr {J.Jl r[.i\t ¿!l t ¡\--:ll -¡LJl¡ ¿;il

+ri:!r ¿ :2+r\r [Ur *r,. JJl; ,irb (t o) J.'\II

Jr ir J, oç, ¿Iì! - ' .. o! ,;Ll l¡ JF-Jlr ¡\"lt ,ftll

,fJrr{rJr J-r år:)til.¡îcil 'ÐÉl ¿Ilr,. ¿r¡'t, (tr)


if, fq-n f \J* .cf f ¿Q7ô (l) r?1 /P u-{ir.l- ¿,^¿'n lQ ,oti) If{i qf rfró ht {. -i'\

rqño r\:o i tFtr?? -6,f r"ì' . q'ay. í{ O (t) lf,Jg"rñ. rfrP ,1â .c

f,o (") frJ r\' flf" rt çï¡o

¡,T {rv -:r ¡ff rrf rrf uT+ *c? :1n rryíj

tfl: t1:f" ffl 16: rf'r4 (¡) ".1 tf.d" rri:f

¿r: oQ lñ'/ rtl'J'Ì iil ,y+ rffn --r'q r'16l If

r'tir rtt'r, \nå rni ¡"rñ' rq rrl ("t) \r-1": É.rtñç'lt ¡n (l) Êl- tçrî': tf'h, c¿1f rf{sr

(r) cr¡ ç¡1å Ñ ;l fþ =c c '4 ti) ',Y(

I*r f íù. rltl W t{r:y

!ñ/ J :J f' rr ¡¡rr qsfr

Ifr y t'-cro ençwrrrñ'r { ¡t tñt,]. rlltîf


