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24 And he said, ‘Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in the prophet’s home town.

Luke 4.24


A TOPICAL SERMON BY Ven Brian Douglas 3rd Sunday After Epiphany – St Paul’s Manuka 24 January, 2016.

Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10 Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31 Luke 4: 14-21. In our Gospel Jesus speaks powerfully and his ministry is inaugurated in Galilee in a dramatic way. He burst onto the scene as the culmination of his baptismal anointing by the Spirit. Jesus was baptised by John and the Spirit descended upon him giving him divine power. Jesus is filled with the Spirit we are told as he begins his ministry. It is obvious to everyone in the synagogue that he is full of the Spirit’s presence and power and the reports circulating about him tell of the impact he is making. It is in this power and with this notoriety that he appears in the synagogue in Nazareth and beyond. In Jewish synagogues there was a tradition that adult males could speak. They would chose a passage of Scripture and expound it. Jesus as an

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adult Jewish male stands and has his turn at speaking. He chooses a very powerful passage from Isaiah which talks about the Spirit being present to bring about great and good work in the lives of people. Jesus’ words and Isaiah’s words speak about change. Jesus is nailing his colours to the mast declaring who he is and what power he has. When he says: ‘Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing’ he is really saying he is the Messiah and that he is God. Jesus is taking the initiative here and declaring his purpose and proclaiming his power. As we read we can see that he is dominating the whole scene. Jesus is saying to the synagogue congregation that his presence and power were predicted by the prophet Isaiah and now he is now fulfilling that prophecy in the sight of all and in spectacular ways. The people who listened would have known the background here. They would have known of the prophet Isaiah’s prediction and so they would have understood the power of what Jesus is saying. It is in the power of his baptism and his anointing with the Spirit that Jesus speaks, setting out his program and it is in this power that he acts. The program that Jesus outlines on the basis of Isaiah’s prophecy is a

radical program of social reform. People he says will be released from what binds and troubles them. People will be free. People will be able to see things in a new way and people will live in a freedom that brings with it new possibilities. Jesus declares the year of the Lord’s favour. What he is speaking about here is spiritual restoration, moral transformation, rescue from evil and release from the troubles that bind people and shut them up. I think Jesus knew exactly what he was doing and saying here. He knew he was making the most radical of statements and he wanted to create a dramatic impact. He wanted his words to ram home and to have a startling effect on people. He seems to have achieved this aim since we are told that as he rolled up the scroll, taking his time and pausing in this action, everyone in the synagogue was looking at him. You can perhaps imagine the atmosphere at the time. All were silent. All were staring at him. Some were wide-eyed. Amazement was all around. Clearly those who were watching and listening were aware of Jesus’ power and presence but they were aware too of the impact of his words as he claimed divine status.

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It was a moment of great power but if we read the next few verses, not in our Gospel passage today, we also become aware that for some all this was just too much. They started to question him and some even wanted to kill him to shut him up. When Jesus stands and declared the year of the Lord’s favour he is really creating a big problem for some of the listeners. Jesus is saying that the Lord’s favour is for all people – outcasts like prisoners, the oppressed, the refugee and the disabled. For those with narrow hearts and narrow vision this is just too much to bear. They thought they were so special in the eyes of God and so they thought they had God’s favour in an exclusive way – locking others out and locking others up. The favour of the Lord was not for everyone in their eyes. But Jesus has other ideas – more inclusive ideas. Jesus knew that for some the claim of his divine status and the radical transformation of the world and the call to justice for all was just too much for some to hear. The same is true today. For some the claims of Jesus are impossible to accept and for some the call to justice for all is also too hard. It has always been like this. There are some, even within the church, who feel that the favour of the Lord is exclusively theirs and that somehow they own it and control it. We have seen this very attitude at work in the

recent Primates’ Meeting in Canterbury where some believe that the gospel is an exclusive message and where they have been too eager to exclude some who do not fit into a narrow moral agenda. But this is not Jesus’ way. This is not how Jesus lived his life. This is not how St Paul understood it when he spoke to the Corinthians. For Paul all the members of the body are one in Christ. There are no Greeks or Jews, slaves or free – we are all one. And yet there are still those within the church who want to argue for an exclusive position for certain people. In the life we live in Christ there is no room for such discrimination. We cannot exclude women from ministry or those of other orientations from the full life and worship of the Church. We cannot say that the church is only for a certain sort of people or just our sort of people. We are, says Paul, one body in Christ and so we all stand equal before God. There are many members but there is only one body. There is not a special body for those who want to discriminate against people on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, status, intellectual ability or orientation. We all stand together before Christ on the same level and we all by virtue of our baptism stand in the power of the Spirit and in full membership of our church. This is why membership of the church, access to the Scriptures and the

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sacraments should not be limited to our rational ability to understand what is happening. It is not about us. It is about what God has done for us. God’s actions, ultimately revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord, are for all people. The question for you and me then is how do we proclaim the coming of the kingdom of God and how do we live as one body in Christ? First it seems that we have all been gifted by God. There is a variety of gifts but it is the one Spirit that enables us all in ministry. Second we need to recognise one another’s gifts and seek to minister in ways that complement God’s gifts given in the lives of all God’s people. Third we need to be careful that we do not put down others and their gifts. Not all gifts are like ours and not all gifts are the same but they are all God’s gifts and so worthy of respect. Fourth and this is really quite important – we need to use our gifts. God’s has not given us gifts just so we can talk about them or look at them. God has given us gifts to use. This has implications for us all. The question we each need to ask is: ‘What gifts do I have?’ and ‘How am I using my God-given gifts?’. Jesus comes amongst us in power and love. Jesus proclaims that things will

be different and Jesus brings us a radical message, not a comfortable one. Jesus calls you and me to service and acceptance of others and the use of our gifts. It is only by such acceptance and use of our gifts that we can proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.

LENT 2016


Wednesday 9.30am

Wednesday 7.30pm

Youth / Young Adults Mondays 6.30pm At the Parish Centre. Further details of the study topics etc. and sign-up sheets will be available next Sunday.


ANGLICARE is offering their Share the Benefit study again, please see for advance information. Share the Benefit provides church congregations and small groups with the

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opportunity to share what the Bible has to say about reaching out to our neighbours in need. In addition, by living for one week on a Newstart benefit allowance for food and drink, participants can share in a small but powerful way the restrictions experienced by many people living in poverty.

STUDY BOOK “I AM WITH YOU” In I Am With You, Episcopal priest and theologian Kathryn Greene-McCreight examines the biblical portrayal of God's presence among us as light in darkness. Close readings of Scripture are woven into a framework patterned on the seven monastic hours of prayer and the seven days of creation. God's interaction with us in light comes as address, drawing us into relationship with the Creator. The resurrection of Easter morning bears the Light that both illumines our darkness, refines our dross in its flames, and draws us into the presence of God, that ‘Light by which we see light’. With an introduction by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, I Am With You is a reflective and thought-provoking guide to the solemn season of Lent. I Am With You: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2016

STUDY BOOK “WALKING IN TRUTH AND LOVE” In Walking in Truth and Love, David Mulready explores the three letters of John. These confronting letters encourage Christians to remain faithful to the truth as the true children of God, marked by hearts of love. Conversely, John’s letters also warn of threats from liars and enemies of the gospel of Christ, whose work ultimately destroys the Christian church.

These daily reflections cover 40 days—helpful in the Lent period leading to Easter, but effective any time throughout the year.

About the Author

David Mulready graduated from Moore College in 1971, and married his wife Maureen the following year. Together with his wife, David has served the Lord in parish ministry in the Dioceses of Sydney and Armidale, in rural and city parishes, and worked with the Bush Church Aid Society in NSW. Since ‘retirement’, David and Maureen attend St. George’s Gerringong and serve the Lord elsewhere whenever there is a need. David is also the author of three previous Lenten devotional books.

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Rowan Williams has described Australia as a ‘country with the desert at its heart, a desert that it has only begun to explore spiritually’. ABM invites you to journey into the Australian desert during Lent 2016 with 40 days of bible readings, reflections, sayings and prayer suggestions. This year our Lent resources have a particular focus on Australian landscape, history and writing, Aboriginal reconciliation and the long Christian tradition of desert-shaped theology. Into the Desert is available as a free app for iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones and tablets. Click here for the download links or search for ‘ABM Lent’ in the Apple App Store or Google Play.


Or you can subscribe to Into the Desert to receive a daily email during lent. Click here to subscribe.


LENT 2016: Six Sundays 14 February to 20 March 2016, 3.30pm to 5.00pm.

The retreat in daily life through reflection, group work, one-to-one spiritual direction, journaling, prayer and meditation offers people the opportunity over a number of weeks to begin play / pray with these. During the week, retreatants are expected to continue their normal daily activities, keeping the time as free as possible from unnecessary distractions, to listen, to notice, to reflect and to pray. Cost $250 payable by 10 February 2016 (concession available). Early bird $200 (payable in full by 14 January 2016). For further information and registration:

[email protected]




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During Lent we remember the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness facing challenge and temptation. It is an important time to reflect on God’s purpose for our lives. For Lent this year the Anglican Communion Environmental Network challenges us to take on a Carbon Fast and to reduce actions that damage God’s creation.

Download the Carbon Fast 2016 calendar or follow ACEN’s Facebook page throughout Lent for details of each day’s fasting challenge, Bible text and prayer.

This year, Anglican Overseas Aid would like to focus on the idea of the new life that the events of that first Easter provided us. This new life results in the transformation of the world that God has given us.

This transformation is not just experienced by our partners with whom we work in communities around the world; it is also experienced by us as we work with God to create a better world. Together as we embrace the salvation that God offers us through Jesus, we can respond by becoming the hands and feet of Jesus in the world, bringing hope where there is little to be found. We have produced a FREE pocket-sized booklet called Toward Easter: A Lenten Reflection as our gift to you this Easter. Based on the Biblical theme of shalom, the 16-page booklet invites you into your own journey of reflection on the Lenten road to Easter. Find out more and view a pdf of the booklet on our website. To order a copy you can contact us [email protected] or call for free on 1800 249 880.

POSITION VACANT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CHURCH OF ST ANDREW FORREST MINISTRY ASSISTANT Are you an experienced Assistant with a background in Office Management?

Working Environment The Church of St Andrew Canberra has a unique identity as a Christian Church in the ACT and aims to develop a Christian Environment to serve the Canberra Community.

Your new role With in your new position you will provide administrative support to the Senior

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Minister and ministry team and manage the church office, mainly preparation of papers and publications. Working in a sensitive area of pastoral need you will be called on to assist with, assess and refer pastoral issues.

What you'll need to succeed Demonstrated Christian commitment and previous experience working as a personal assistant and office manager with pastoral care understanding or a willingness to train. What you'll get in return The position comes with an attractive salary and employment package and opportunity to grow, with training opportunities. What you need to do now If you're interested in this role please contact David Buchanan, Deputy Clerk Church of St Andrew Canberra, to request application advice and position description. [email protected] Ph: 0450 96 20 82 Position Description can be found on the Church’s website Closing date for applications 13 February 2016

KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY is also holding a Volunteers Day event at

the St Benedict’s Outreach Centre on Tallara Parkway in Narrabundah on Saturday, Feb 6.

This will be an afternoon tea commencing at 1.30pm, catch up on news at 2pm, and finishing around 3.30pm. Please come along to both these events for a great time of fellowship and information! Phone Anne on 0423276407 for more details.



Settlement Services International and the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture in Canberra warmly invite you to HOME: BETWEEN HERE AND THERE, a group exhibition by artists seeking asylum in Australia. The works on display are the outcome of a 10-week skills development workshop program organised by SSI’s Arts & Culture Program. The narratives represented in the resulting eight works echo the homeland left behind, and the unfinished journey to a new place to call home.

Opening Event on Friday February 19, 2016 6:00pm. RSVP to opening by February 5, 2016 at [email protected].

Exhibition to be opened by Dr Denise Ferris, Head of School, School of Art, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences and Mr Kamalle Dabboussy, Chair, Settlement Services International. Exhibition Opening Hours Monday to Friday 10:30am to 4:00pm 20 February - 4 March 2016

The Chapel, 15 Blackall Street (cnr King’s Avenue), Barton

The following events are associated with this special exhibition:

19 FEB



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This is a Quiet Day engaging with an exhibition by 8 artists who

are seeking asylum in Australia. The exhibition explores the experience of displacement and exile, the homeland left behind, and the unfinished journey to a new place to call home. Here is an opportunity to engage with the art, and our own history, to explore what home means to each one of us, and to listen for the call of the One who is ‘at home’ in us. The day will be led by Susanna Pain, spiritual director, retreat leader, dancer, artist, priest, and Associate Director, Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture: Liturgy, The Arts and Spiritual Care. There will be a reflection at 930am. Times for silence, meditation and sharing. 1130am meditation and reflection. 2pm meditation. 330pm closing reflections and service. The day ends at 4pm. Bring a journal, your lunch, an open heart. Morning and afternoon tea provided. Where? The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton Cost: $30 (bookings essential) To register: [email protected] mobile: +61 0418637469 website:

Susanna Pain Associate Director, Liturgy, The Arts and Spiritual Care Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture


This is a creative workshop responding to an exhibition by 8 artists who are seeking asylum

in Australia. The exhibition explores the experience of displacement and exile, the homeland left behind, and the unfinished journey to a new place to call home. Here is an opportunity to engage with the art, our own history, and to playfully explore what home means for each one of us. The evening will be led by Susanna Pain, InterPlay Australia CoFounder, dancer, artist, priest, and Associate Director, Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture: Liturgy, The Arts and Spiritual Care, who loves to play and open the space for reflection. Bring a journal, an open heart, and comfy clothes. Where? The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton Cost $25

20 FEB


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bookings essential to register: [email protected] mobile: +61 0418637469 website:


This illustrated lecture will begin with ‘Home’, an exhibition at the ACC&C, and then include a

range of Australian artists who explore boundaries, with responses ranging from controversy to inclusion. Can art help us be at home with one another? The Reverend Dr Rod Pattenden is an art historian and theologian. For many years he has been the Chair of the Blake Prize, exploring Australian spirituality through contemporary art. Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture 15 Blackall St Barton

St Mark's 2016 Commencement Lecture

St Mark's is pleased to invite you to the 2016 Commencement Lecture with special guest Dr Greg Clarke, CEO of Bible Society

who will be speaking on 'Poison, panadol, placebo: Is the Bible good for society's health?' 7.30pm | 25th February Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton

We hope to see you there! St Mark's About Greg Clarke Dr Greg Clarke is a CEO, author, public speaker and academic, interested in religion in contemporary life. With a doctorate in literature from the University of Sydney, he has written books on topics ranging from The Da Vinci Code to the end of the world, from marriage to the life of Jesus. His latest book, The Great Bible Swindle, argues that every Australian needs a working knowledge of the Bible in order to be truly educated. Greg is in demand as a lecturer and media commentator on religious issues. Greg is married with five children and lives in south-east Sydney. In 2010 he became the Chief Executive of Bible Society Australia, and was before then a Founding Director of the Centre for Public Christianity in Sydney. Greg splits his time between management, writing, media work, and academia. His passion is for creative, intelligent discussion of the deeper issues of life.



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Riverglade Caravan Park in Tumut, 4th-6th March 2016. The Reverend Peter Adkins from BCA

will lead the Bible reflections and share stories of the church in remote Australia. All enquiries to the Reverend John Jenner (Rector, Temora) at [email protected] or 0428 680 930.


Sunday after lunch to Friday after breakfast. With Susanna Pain. Come rest, play and reflect in the expansiveness of

our magnificent central desert. Beside ancient red rocks, under giant river gum trees, in the sand, and around open fires we will be silent, move, make art, sing and tell stories that connect us with ourselves, each other and the spirit of the land herself. Immerse yourself… Information and expressions of interest: $950 all inclusive – tuition, materials, food, accommodation, fuel, TLC. 5 nights, 5 days.

$100 deposit to secure a place, special rates for locals. Susanna Pain 0418 637 459 [email protected]


The 2016 Lay Ministry Convention with Mike and Sally Breen is called, Listening to Jesus. Mike and Sally are world class leaders who will teach and train us to live out the life of the Kingdom of God practically every day. Because the Kingdom is so important to all Christians this convention is open to anyone, whether lay or ordained, who is interested in exercising their call in God’s world, the marketplace, family or congregational life more effectively. To register online visit the www.trybooking.comJPPU

10-15 APR

4-6 MAR

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Parish Council Planning Saturday 6 February 2016.

Transfiguration and Schools Ministry Sunday 7 February 2016

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes at the Parish Centre. Tuesday 9 February 2016 (6.30pm)

Ash Wednesday 10 February 2016.

Lent 1 and National Apology Day Sunday 14 February 2016

Palm Sunday 20 March 2016

Parish 33rd Birthday cake after both services Palm Sunday 20 March 2016

Holy Week and Easter Services

Easter morning breakfast 8am Sunday 27 March 2016 Also mission and other events are being developed, details TBA.

ALSO CHECK REGULAR SCHEDULED EVENTS (SEE PEW SHEET) Would you like to book in an event? Please fill out an Event Risk Management Declaration Form (to be found under the health & safety notice board) & it will go to Parish Council for approval

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We begin with quiet music and welcome

A short spiritual reflection

20 minutes meditation

Music to conclude

For people new to meditation, more guidelines will be given and

there will be time for questions/sharing afterwards if desired.

All are welcome. For further information please contact

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