Page 1: A Time to Kill Glossary Ch 2

A time to kill

Glossary list

Some common usage law-related words:

Trial Prosecutor Defendant Courtroom Courthouse Jury box

Chapter 2

Report (n.). a statement describing in detail an event. Beaten (adj.). showing signs of having suffered physical violence. Hire (reg. Vb.). to engage the services or a person for payment. It’s not worth it (exp.) Its value does not justify the action you propose. To look after somebody (ph. Vb.). to care for the wellbeing of somebody. Till (prep.). Until Nodded (vb in the s. Past). To say “yes” by moving your head up and down. Sidewalk (n.). The paved part beside a road or street. Tightly (adv.). closely. Pretend (vb.) to appear falsely, to make believe. To be held in jail: not to be set free. Out of sight: impossible to be seen. Prayer: a petition to God; a spiritual communion with God. Rapid (adj.): fast. Gunfire (n.): the fire that comes out of a gun in use. Froze (s. Past of “freeze”): paralyzed. Slipped (s. Past of “slip”): to fall down involuntarily on a smooth surface. Managed to: was able to; could Bullets (n.): the things that are shot from a gun. Flesh (n.): muscular tissue. What was left of him: the pieces of something that has been destroyed or beaten Hung over (ph. Vb. S. Past of “hang over”): to be up in the air. You’d better: it’s better if you... In a row: objects put one next to the other. Bend down: to
