Page 1: A STUDY ON ATTITUDE TOWARDS RESEARCH AMONG THE …€¦ · per the attitude of the researcher. Attitude towards research can be the deciding factor for completion of the research 811 [email protected]

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017, pp. 811–823, Article ID: IJCIET_08_11_083

Available online at http://

ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed




Prema Muthuswamy

Centre for Industry and International Studies, VIT University, Tamilnadu, India

R. Vanitha

Centre for Industry and International Studies, VIT University, Tamilnadu, India

C. Suganthan

Centre for Industry and International Studies, VIT University, Tamilnadu, India

P. S. Ramesh

Centre for Industry and International Studies, VIT University, Tamilnadu, India


Assessing the attitude towards research is the primary problem of this research.

Attitude towards research has multiple dimensions. Comprehending the attitudes of

the students towards research would bridge the gap between the research supervisor

and his ward. Assessing the attitude and diagnosing the areas that needs to be

addressed is the need of the hour to find solution to various problems of doctoral

students. The study aims to assess the attitude towards research among the doctoral

students and find the various dimensions of attitude. This study also explores the top

reasons that have high level of importance in their decision to join doctoral course. It

also aims to find various factors that have influenced the students to join doctoral

program. Acquiring sufficient knowledge to carry forward the research is a key aspect

in the research progress. This research also identifies the areas that need trainings at

different levels for the students to meet the requirements to complete the program

successfully. The methodology to carry forward this research is a self-developed

questionnaire to assess the attitude towards research. The sample of this study

consists of 159 students who have completed one year of course work in their doctoral

program. The factor analysis yielded 6 factors of attitude towards research. The

factors are love for research, research fear, research usefulness, difficulties in

research, importance of research and benefits of research. Top three reasons that

have high level importance in their decision to join doctoral program are interest in

subject domain, wanting to work in a first grade research group and availability of an

interesting project. Top three factors that influence the student towards doctoral

course are teachers, an enthusiastic mentor and friends. Three important training

Page 2: A STUDY ON ATTITUDE TOWARDS RESEARCH AMONG THE …€¦ · per the attitude of the researcher. Attitude towards research can be the deciding factor for completion of the research

A Study on Attitude Towards Research Among the Doctoral Students 812 [email protected]

areas are in article writing and publications, identifying journals for publication and

communication skills.

Key words: Research attitude, Factor Analysis, Doctoral Students, Influential factors,

Training during research.

Cite this Article: Prema Muthuswamy, R. Vanitha, C. Suganthan and P. S. Ramesh,

A Study on Attitude Towards Research Among the Doctoral Students. International

Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(11), 2017, pp. 811–823.


Research is an inevitable part in human life today. Our daily life is benefitted directly or

indirectly through research and developments at various levels. Research has been promoted

by government and many funding agencies to bring out quality research. Recent increase in

the enrolment for Ph.D. programmes at Indian universities is a best example to prove the

importance of research. Universities in India give priority in employment to Doctorate degree


The primary purpose of basic research is documentation, discovery, interpretation, or the

research and development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge.

But there are millions of researches undergoing at different levels with different purposes.

Only a few research turns into real time applications, but majority of research work goes in

vain. This study focuses on various factors that affect the attitude of research scholars. This is

an attempt to see the pulse of scholars regarding research.

Attitude is a driving factor in any work and it is a prime factor in research. Doctoral

degree requires many steps for completion and needs area specific knowledge to carry out

research with ease. The above said areas are fulfilled according to the attitude of the

researcher. The relationship between the Research supervisor and the student also varies as

per the attitude of the researcher. Attitude towards research can be the deciding factor for

completion of the research.

This study is an attempt to assess the attitude of the doctoral students towards research.

Various factors that determine the attitude towards research and top reasons that drive

students towards research are the major concepts focused in this research. It also focuses on

the primary reasons for joining doctoral program and training required to complete research

studies. The methodology for this research involves a self-developed questionnaire to the

sample size of 159 students who have completed one year of course work in their doctoral



The essential element at all institutions of higher education, for both academic and for their

student is Research. The purpose of this study is to develop and quantify the “Attitude

towards Research”. The attitude towards research may bear an important theoretical and

practical implication especially due to the fact that has been never examined before (Robert &


According to Adams & Holcomb (1986), the undergraduates students typically tend to

view research related article with negative aspect. This negative attitude has been documented

in numerous studies for a number of years related to research.Wise,1985 and Waters, Martelli,

Zakrajsek, & Popovich, 1988 found that one of the main reason of these negative aspect is

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Prema Muthuswamy, R. Vanitha, C. Suganthan and P. S. Ramesh 813 [email protected]

that to serve as obstacles to learn. In his study, Water et al., 1988 states that assessing the

students towards research is important to enable the instructors and also to develop techniques

that leads to positive attitude towards research.

Today many research institutes and students actively involved in research activities. The

nature of research lends itself of being thought in various ways. Therefore, it is not surprising

that attitude towards research vary, as well as the individual ability to conduct research. A

study has been done in 2000, karasar assert that the basic of research training is to possess and

to manifest the scientific method, having the technical information, skills, and attitudes

required, and an understanding of its place in individual and in social life. Besides, by the Act

of 2001, there has been developed a new instrument, which measures the attitudes towards the

educational research scale, wherein, there is an additional motive brought about by recent


Etzkowitz (2003), in his study states that during initial days, research was an addition to

the traditional task of teaching but at present, higher education has broken down into teaching,

research and service. It is the process of collecting and computing the data and interpreting

them in an order in finding the solution to a problem. The major groups, conduct research in

university are the faculty members, industry people and the graduated students. These people

play an important role in research process.

Moreover, it is important to develop the interest among the students about the attitude

towards research so that their learning can be facilitated in turn (Papanastasiou,

2005).Swindoll, 2012 in his study states that it is the process of collecting and analyzing the

data and also to contribute the understanding of the study and then to communicate the

understanding to others. Basically research defines the detailed study of thinking, feeling and

the person’s behavior and interest towards the research.

A study on attitudes towards research of medical students’ shows that majority of them

found that research is beneficial in their career. Half of them were significantly involved in

research during their medical school. Also in (2013), Butt and shams, in his study found that

teachers have negative attitude towards research. However, he found that students enrolled in

evening programs have more interest in research than the students doing their research in the

morning. This is because the students enrolled to evening programs come with more

enthusiasm. Conversely, Papanastasiou,(2005) students from post graduates had more positive

thoughts and seriousness in research activities, because it may help in their future professional


In current world, people are looking forward to the need for useful research. Similarly, the

academic researchers have many opportunities to make their research useful by gaining

knowledge that can bang the change in the organizational forms and contexts (Lewin and

Stephens, 1993). Disparately, the academic researchers are undergoing the organizational

change, except if the practitioners believe that research will be useful. Some researchers felt,

doing research is not only useful in professional career but also in their real life situations

when it is connected to their field of study.

According to the study of Wise, 1985 reveal that previous records has put on view as

students have negative thoughts towards research when it is related to the course like statistics

and mathematics. Thus the negative aspect of the students find difficult in doing research and

also more workloads given them makes more anxiety towards the research. They feel stressful

in sacrificing their grades in the course.

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A Study on Attitude Towards Research Among the Doctoral Students 814 [email protected]

The primary pillars in the research production system are the university faculty members.

These people have strong withhold and perception towards academic research (Ajzen &

Fishbein, 2000). Few more studies were also done to examine the academic research

behaviors of the faculty members. Habitually, the research work is found to be dull and

tiresome work to do Logan (2013). The faculty and student cannot come out from this work

because this is an academic requirement.

Kirsi Pyhältö, Auli Toom, Jenni Stubb, and Kirsti Lonka, (2012) says, Doctoral studying

is at the core of academic practices. Previous research on doctoral education has identified

several complementary factors that contribute to the doctoral experience. For instance, the

supervisory relationship, the scholarly community and doctoral students’, and supervisors’

personal beliefs about research and supervision contribute to the overall doctoral experience

Increase in the number of institutions and number of enrolment in research programs is

one of the primary reasons for increase in number of poor quality research. Quality of

research varies as per institutions. (Mohd.Abid Siddiqui and Taiba Ahmad, 2015) It is also

related to the quality of Guidance as well as the research attitude of the researchers. Research

attitude in turn depends upon a number of variables like self-concept; achievement motivation

etc. Personality factors basically determine the total behavior pattern of any individual in

achieving their life goals.

2.1. Research Problem

The study aims to assess the attitude towards research among the doctoral students and find

the various dimensions of attitude. It also explores the top reasons that have high level of

importance in their decision to join doctoral course. It also aims to find various factors that

have influenced the students to join doctoral program. Acquiring sufficient knowledge to

carry forward the research is a key aspect in the research progress. This research also

identifies the areas that need trainings at different levels for the students to meet the

requirements to complete the program successfully. Research problems are given below:

To assess the attitude towards research among the doctoral students

To confirm that the concept of attitude towards research is multi-dimensional

To determine the various dimensions of attitude towards research

To find the reasons that have high level of importance in the student’s decision to join doctoral


To determine the factors that influence the student to join the doctoral program

To identify the areas of training needed for the students to complete the program successfully


3.1. Data Collection and Procedure

The data for this study is acquired from the students who had completed the first year of

course in their doctoral program. A questionnaire is developed to study the attitude towards

the research. The first part of the questionnaire consists of the respondents’ demographic

information. The second part of the questionnaire intends to measure their attitude towards

research. It consists of 32 items relating to i) research usefulness and its application in real life

and professional life, ii) interest in research iii) fear, anxiety and difficulty in their research.

These 32 items are statements with responses as 5 point Likert scale with 1 being strongly

disagree to 5 being strongly agree. The third part of the questionnaire consists of items that is

aimed in finding i) the reasons for the respondents to join the doctoral program ii) factors that

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Prema Muthuswamy, R. Vanitha, C. Suganthan and P. S. Ramesh 815 [email protected]

influenced the respondents to join the doctoral program iii) the professional development/

training programs that the respondents wished to attend during their program. A web based

questionnaire method was chosen for the collection of data.

Three private universities in the State of Tamilnadu were chosen as the random sample.

An online questionnaire was sent to all the students in the Engineering stream who have

completed one year of the course work in the doctoral program in these three private

universities in the year 2016. One month was given to complete the online questionnaire. 159

usable responses were collected at the end of the data collection period. Data was cleaned and

processed for further analysis. It was decided to conduct factor analysis. IBM SPSS version

20.0 was used for descriptive and factor analysis.


4.1. Factor Analysis

Factor analysis is a method to find out if the variables of interest in a study are linearly related

to a smaller number of unobservable factors. It is used to reduce a large set of items into a

smaller set of constructs that summarizes the patterns of correlations between the individual

items. Items with similar patterns of correlations are then grouped together to define factors.

Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical technique that summarizes the information

contained in a large number of variables into a smaller number of subsets or factors. In this

study, it is used to reduce the number of items that are used to measure the attitude towards

research. It was decided to perform principal component analysis with varimax rotation. The

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) is a measure for sampling adequacy which examines the

appropriateness of factor analysis. The KMO index ranges from 0 to 1, and Kaiser (1974)

recommends accepting values greater than 0.5. The KMO value found for this study is 0.810

which falls in the range that is suited for conducting the factor analysis and justifies the

appropriateness of factor analysis.

Bartlett’s test of sphericity is a test statistic used to examine the hypothesis that correlation

matrix is an identity matrix and that the variables are unrelated. If the correlation matrix is an

identity matrix, then the variables may not have relationships among them and hence factor

analysis becomes inappropriate to be used. In this study, the significance value of Bartlett’s

Test of sphericity is 0.000, which leads to rejection of the hypothesis that the correlation

matrix is an identity matrix. This result affirms that factor analysis is appropriate for this data.

4.1.1. Determining the number of factors to be extracted

Theoretically, there are as many factors present as the number of indicators (variables) in the

factor analysis. As the objective of the factor analysis is to reduce the larger number of

indicators to smaller number of factors, it is essential to decide the number of factors to be

extracted. There are various statistical criteria for the number of factor to be retained. In this

study, the scree plot is used to determine the number of factors to be extracted. Scree Plot is

obtained by plotting the eigen values against their factors. The scree plot obtained in the

analysis is given in Figure 1. The blue line indicates the point below which the curve breaks

and begins to tail off and the stable plateau is reached. The stable plateau is indicated as the

red line.

Inspecting and interpretation of a Scree plot involves two steps:

i) Draw a straight line through the smaller eigen values where the flatness occurs. This point

highlights where the debris or break occurs.

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A Study on Attitude Towards Research Among the Doctoral Students 816 [email protected]

ii) The point above this debris or break indicates the number of factors to be retained.

Hence, there are 6 factors to be retained.

Figure 1 Scree plot for Factor Analysis

4.1.2. Interpreting the factors

Interpretation involves finding the variables that load high on a factor. Hair (1998)

recommends the following guidelines for considering the loadings to be significant:

Factor loadings with values equal to

±0.3 Minimal

±0.4 More Important

±0.5 Practically Significant

Using the above guidelines, there are 28 variables that have loading equal to or greater

than ±0.4. These 28 variables are related to 6 factors and each factor is labeled with a name or

theme. Naming the factors is completely subjective and an inductive process. Henson and

Roberts (2006) note the meaningfulness of latent factors is ultimately dependent on researcher

definition. Table 1 lists the variables in their respective factors along with their factor


Table 1 Grouping of variables based on factors

Indicators Component

1 2 3 4 5 6

I love research .792

I enjoy research .831

I like research .883

I am interested in research .835

Research is interesting .707

Research makes me nervous .595

Research is stressful .696

Research makes me anxious .669

Research scares me .627

Research is a complex subject .768

Research is complicated .798

Research is difficult .750

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Prema Muthuswamy, R. Vanitha, C. Suganthan and P. S. Ramesh 817 [email protected]

Research is insecure .434

Research is useful for my career .777

Research is connected to my field of study .518

Research is useful to every professional .485

Research is very valuable .708

I have trouble with arithmetic .624

I find it difficult to understand the concepts of



I make many mistakes in research .693

Research should be indispensable in my

professional training


Research acquired knowledge is as useful as

arithmetic .445

Most students benefit from research .808

Research-orientated thinking plays an important

role in everyday life


I am inclined to study the details of research .594

I will employ research approaches in my profession .493

The skills I have acquired in research will be

helpful to me in the future


Knowledge from research is as useful as writing .759

4.1.3. Naming the factors

Factor 1

Five variables namely interest in research, love for research, enjoyment in research, like for

research and finding research very interesting, load in factor 1 with the loadings more than

0.7. Since all of these variables pertain to one’s positive attitude towards research and also

indicate the enormous liking and interest in research, this factor is termed as “Love for


Factor 2

Eight variables namely feeling nervous about research, feeling that research is stressful,

anxiety, scared about research, feeling the research to be complex, complicated, difficult and

sense of insecurity, load in factor 2 with loadings more than 0.4. All these eight variables

denote the negative feelings on research and indicate the fear for research. Hence, this factor

is named as “Research fear”.

Factor 3

Four variables namely perceiving research to be useful to the career, connecting research to

the field of study, perceiving research to be useful for every professional and finding research

as very valuable, load in factor 3 with loadings more than 0.48. All these four variables

indicate the positive perception towards research and its usefulness. Hence, this factor is

named as “Research usefulness”.

Factor 4

Four variables namely having trouble with arithmetic, difficulty in understanding the concepts

of research, making many mistakes in research, and the perception that research should be

indispensable in professional training, load in factor 4. The first 3 variables have loading more

than 0.6 and the last variable namely “research should be indispensable in professional

training” has negative loading of -0.53. All these four variables indicate the difficulties in

research and hence, this factor is named as “Difficulties in research”.

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A Study on Attitude Towards Research Among the Doctoral Students 818 [email protected]

Factor 5

Four variables namely the perception that research acquired knowledge is as useful as

arithmetic, perception that most students benefit from research, research-orientated thinking

plays an important role in everyday life, and the inclination to study the details of research

load in factor 5 with loadings more than 0.45. All these four variables stress the importance of

research and hence this factor is termed as “Importance of research”.

Factor 6

Three variables namely employing research approaches in one’s profession, skills acquired in

research helpful for the future and the perception that knowledge from research is as useful as

writing, load in factor 6 with factor loadings more than 0.49. All these three variables pertain

to the benefits of research and hence termed as “Benefits of research”. Table 2 summarizes all

the 6 factors with their associated variables.

Table 2 Grouping of Indicators into dimensions

Factor 1 -

Love for research

I love research

I enjoy research

I like research

I am interested in research

Research is interesting

Factor 2 -

Research fear

Research makes me nervous

Research is stressful

Research makes me anxious

Research scares me

Research is a complex subject

Research is complicated

Research is difficult

Research is insecure

Factor 3 -

Research usefulness

Research is useful for my career

Research is connected to my field of study

Research is useful to every professional

Research is very valuable

Factor 4 -

Difficulties in research

I have trouble with arithmetic

I find it difficult to understand the concepts of research

I make many mistakes in research

Research should be indispensable in my professional training

Factor 5 -

Importance of research

Research acquired knowledge is as useful as arithmetic

Most students benefit from research

Research-orientated thinking plays an important role in everyday life

I am inclined to study the details of research

Factor 6 -

Benefits of research

I will employ research approaches in my profession

The skills I have acquired in research will be helpful to me in the future

Knowledge from research is as useful as writing

The third part of the questionnaire consists of items that is aimed in finding i) the reasons

for the respondents to join the doctoral program ii) factors that influenced the respondents to

join the Doctoral program iii) the professional development/ training programs that the

respondents wished to attend during their program.

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Prema Muthuswamy, R. Vanitha, C. Suganthan and P. S. Ramesh 819 [email protected]

4.2. Reasons to join Doctoral program

The following 11 reasons are given in the questionnaire to assess their level of importance in

joining the Doctoral program.

a) My interest in subject b) Wanted to work in 1st rate research group c) Improving my career

prospects for an academic/research career d) Improving my career prospects outside of an

academic/research career e) Opportunities to develop a range of research skills f) An

interesting project was available g) The funding/sponsorship was available h) I felt inspired to

work with a particular academic institution i) Just to get a good salary j) Did not know what

else to do k) I did not get any employment. The respondent is asked to rate the level of

importance in these reasons in undertaking the Doctoral program. The rating scale consists of

different levels of importance as “Highly important, Moderately important, Less important

and not at all important”. The frequency table for the reasons to join Doctoral program is

given in Table 3.

Table 3 Reasons to join Doctoral Program – Response Percentage

Reasons to join Doctoral Program Highly






Not at all


My interest in subject domain 91% 5% 4% 0%

Wanted to work in 1st rate research

group 86% 8% 6% 1%

Improving my career prospects for an

academic/research career 65% 17% 15% 3%

Improving my career prospects

outside of an academic/research


69% 18% 12% 2%

Opportunities to develop a range of

research skills 73% 19% 7% 1%

An interesting project was available 87% 8% 5% 0%

The funding/sponsorship was

available 64% 21% 13% 3%

I felt inspired to work with a

particular academic institution 57% 23% 18% 3%

Just to get a good salary 19% 32% 44% 5%

Did not know what else to do 8% 8% 54% 30%

I did not get any employment 8% 13% 44% 35%

The top 3 reasons that have high level of importance are i) Interest in the subject domain

ii) Wanted to work in a first rate research group and iii) Availability of an interesting project.

About 20% had indicated that getting a good salary is a very important reason to join Doctoral

program. About 8% had indicated the reason for joining Doctoral program is that they did not

know what else to do and another 8% indicated that they did not get any employment. This

implies that majority of the respondents had joined Doctoral program because they had their

own interest, liked the program, felt inspired to join the program, wanted to develop their

skills and enhance their career.

4.3. Factors that influence the respondents to join the Doctoral program

There are 6 influencing factors given in the questionnaire to assess their level of influence on

the respondents’ choice to join the Doctoral program. The aspects are:

i) Self-interest ii) My parents/spouse/family iii) My teacher iv) An enthusiastic

supervisor/mentor v) My friends vi) A famous scientist in my area

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A Study on Attitude Towards Research Among the Doctoral Students 820 [email protected]

The respondent is asked to rate the level of influence that these reasons had in the

respondents in choosing the Doctoral program. The rating scale consists of different levels of

influence as “Highly influential, Moderately influential, Less influential and not applicable”.

The table for the influential aspects is given in Table 4.

Table 4 Influencing factors to join Doctoral Program – Response percentage

Influencing aspect High








Self interest 36% 4% 0% 60%

My parents/spouse/family 44% 11% 13% 31%

My teacher 56% 8% 4% 32%

An enthusiastic supervisor/mentor 52% 8% 6% 34%

My friends 54% 15% 11% 20%

A famous scientist in my area 41% 11% 25% 23%

The top 3 factors that influenced the respondent to choose Doctoral program are teacher,

enthusiastic mentor and friends. Hence, the teacher has played an important role in

influencing the student to join Doctoral program. An enthusiastic supervisor//mentor is

another important aspect that has influenced the student to join the Doctoral program. These

two aspects pertain to the academic institution and hence, majority of the influencing factors

come from academic environment. Friend is another aspect that equally influences the student

to join the Doctoral program. This aspect comes from the social environment. Both academic

and social environment has a major influence on the student to choose Doctoral program for

their academic growth.

4.4. Professional development/ training programs that is needed during the


The last part of the questionnaire lists the different training programs that the respondents

wish to attend during their Doctoral program. The respondent is asked to select all the training

programs that he/she wishes to attend. The training programs are listed below:

Oral communication and presentation skills

Speaking to non-academic audiences

Writing proposals for funding

Preparing articles for publication

Finding Journals for publications

Data analysis techniques

Working in collaborative groups

Project management

Research/professional ethics

Preparation for job interviews

Figure 2 shows the different training programs that the respondents wish to attend and the

percentage of respondents for each training program.

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Prema Muthuswamy, R. Vanitha, C. Suganthan and P. S. Ramesh 821 [email protected]

Figure 2 Training programs that are needed

The above figure 2 shows that the Doctoral students need training in certain areas when

they are doing their Doctoral program. Majority of them, about 79% of the Doctoral students

expect training in article writing and publication. This is followed by another 74% of the

scholars, needing training in locating the journals to publish their papers. About 70% of the

scholars anticipate training for developing their communications skills and for the proposal

writing in their respective areas. Also, 64% of the scholar states that they need help with the

data analysis techniques. Another 60% of the scholars say that the training should be given to

know more about research ethics. Half of them, about 51% of the scholars need training in

project collaboration. 42% say that they need training in project management and 35% of the

Doctoral student state that they need help with research presentation for non-academic

audience and also for job preparation.


This study assesses the attitude towards research relating to research usefulness, its

applications in real life and professional life, the students’ interest in research and their fear,

anxiety and difficulty. The factor analysis done proved that the concept of attitude towards

research is multi-dimensional. The six factors as a result of factor analysis are love for

research, research fear, research usefulness, difficulties in research, importance of research

and benefits of research.

This study is useful for the research students who pursue doctoral program in various

disciplines. The result of the study say that the top 3 reasons that have high level of

importance are i) Interest in the subject ii) Wanted to work in a first rate research group and

iii) Availability of an interesting project. This clearly states that the scholars who join the

doctoral program have joined with their own interest and not out of compulsion. Society plays

a prominent role in influencing the students to join the doctoral program which is evident

from this study. The top 3 influential factors that influenced the respondent to choose the

doctoral program are teacher, enthusiastic mentor and friends. With the students showing

strong interest in research, they would still like to have training in writing articles, to identify

appropriate journals for publications and help in writing skills as well as other communication

skills. The institutions giving the doctoral program can give the mentioned above training to

the students to complete their research successfully. Providing proper training can help the

students to complete their research degree with a quality research in stipulated time.

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A Study on Attitude Towards Research Among the Doctoral Students 822 [email protected]


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