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Udita Helal (48)

Aparajita Rahman (38)Sabera Binta Bashar (105)Kazi Nashid Morsheda (47)Mahfuza Aktar (37)

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Reading has been the passion of the greatest personalities of all

times. Humans have been reading since ages and thus words of

knowledge have been passed on through generations. The reading

habit influences in the promotion of one's personal development

in particular and social progress in general. Regular and

systematic reading sharpens the intellect, refines the emotions,

elevates tastes and provides perspectives for one's living; and

thereby prepares a person for an effective participation in the

social, religious, cultural and political life. Reading fires the

imagination of the person. It adds new sight to eyes and new

wisdom to mind.

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In ‘reading habit’, we get two words ‘read- ing’ and

‘habit’. Reading is an action of a person who reads

and habit is a product of this action or learning.

Reading habit as we say not only defines the habit

of reading the textbook but also the habit of reading

Newspapers, Journals, Novels, Poetries, Magazines

and other reading materials. Nowadays, a common

allegation is raised that the reading habit is

decreasing. However, this research will try to assess

the reading habits among the undergraduate students

of Arts faculty in University of Dhaka.

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Aims and Objectives• This research work has the following objectives:

a)To investigate reading habits and attitudes toward reading among undergraduate students of Arts faculty in University of Dhaka.

b)To find out the major interests in the reading habits of those students.

c) To find out if reading habit affects any development in their personal, social and political viewpoint.

d) To examine the types of materials read or preferred by the students.

e) To find out what initiatives can be taken by the Central library Of University of Dhaka and also by the students themselves to increase their reading habit.

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Literature Review

For our research proposal we have reviewed the following literatures-

“Reading is inseparably linked to learning. And learning leads to an overall

mental, professional, and human development. Reading not only gives

people new ideas, information, and insights, it also helps them to become

more complete in every aspect……. Therefore, reading is crucial for every

human being because it benefits people not in one way but several ways.

With the decline of the reading habit among young people, it is important to

find new ways to instill love for reading in their hearts and improve their

reading habit. This cannot be done overnight. It will take concerted efforts

from all quarters and the creation of an atmosphere conducive to reading at

home, educational institutions, libraries, and workplaces, to bring back the

golden days of reading’’ (Reading Habit of Students in Social Sciences

and Arts: A Case Study of Rajshahi University , Akanda, A. K. M.

Eamin Ali; Hoq, Kazi Mostak Gausul; & Hasan, Nazmul. 2013)

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“It is encouraging to know that the student community awakened to read which will raise good citizens for the country” (Reading Habits among Library and Information Science Students of Annamalai University: A Survey, S. Thanuskodi, 2011)

“Students were also asked where they got their main source of reading materials. 3 1.1% (125) mentioned that they derived the source of reading materials from the Internet. This was followed by 27.6% (I 1 1) who got their materials from UiTM library.”( A Survey of the Reading Habits among UiTM Perlis Undergraduate Students, Associate Professor Cheang Eng Kwong Puan Hajah Hasinah BtOthman Mrs Polamarasetty Deva Rajeswari ,October 2005)

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In this research we are going to use the Survey Method and

the data which we will collect will be qualitative and

quantitative both. Our data collection tool will be

Questionnaire. We are going to take 10% respondents out

of 2400 students from all the 16 departments under Arts

faculty of University of Dhaka. We will reach every

department under Arts faculty and take 10% of students

from every year by the stratified random sampling

technique where the entire population are initially divided

into different subgroups or strata, then the final respondents

are randomly selected proportionally from each strata.

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Data processing and Analysis

After collecting the data through questionnaire we

will analyze that by using SPSS which is a

statistical data analyzing tool.

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Anticipated research outcomes

After conducting the survey we may find the following results

a) Most of the students read only textbooks, few students like to read

things outside of the textbooks.

b) Their main interest may be reading novels, story books and poetry.

c) The point of view may be different who have the reading habit from

those who do not.

d) Most of the students may prefer printed form rather than digital


e) With the expansion of modern technologies, especially the growing

popularity of social networking on the web, mobile phones, televisions,

and other means of entertainment , student's reading habit is undergoing

a decline

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Anticipated Constraints

To fill up the questionnaire the samples may not

response willingly or sincerely sometime. They

may not fill up the full questionnaire. In that case

that questionnaire will be rejected.

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Ethical Consideration

We will not force anyone to answer the

questionnaire and also make sure that all the

personal information of the respondents will be


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Project Timetable

To conduct this survey study we need 3 months.

Designing of the questionnaire 15 days

Data collection 45 days

Data analysis 15 days

Writing of the final report 15 days

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