
Sooooo…….let’s talk about YOU…. and call it an Interest Inventory 

😏 😊 😁 😃 😌 😑 😳 😵 😆 😉 😋  When you think about how you spend your time - not including time on your phone or video games…..what do you come up with? List three things you enjoy doing - inside or outside of your home or school. 

1. ________________________ 2. __________________________  3. ____________________________   

Now let’s think about things that you may not do, but that catch your eye or ear when you see or hear about them. Now list three things that you have seen others do or talk about doing that seem really interesting.    1. _________________________________    2. __________________________________  3. __________________________________     Do you prefer to be outside or inside? (Circle one)    If you could go anywhere, where would  it be? ________________________________    

If you could be any fictional character from movies or tv, who would it be?  __________________________________ 

 Revisit your interest inventory.  

Add any new interests you may have. Now let’s think about choosing the interests that could 

be explored further.   


Choose three of your interests to place in the boxes below. Below each box, brainstorm two 

questions that could be asked about the topics. These questions must be testable and the 

outcomes of the test must be able to be measured.  

See the example below of a student who loves to play on his tree swing at home. 


 When he thinks about his swing, he tries to think about things that he has wondered or could ask. He came up with the following:

1. Does the material that a swing is made of affect how many times it will go back and forth? 2. Does the weight on a swing matter if you want to go really high? 


Fill in three INTEREST boxes followed by two questions you could ask about this interest  

that could be tested. 


Interest #1








Interest #2 










Interest #3 







Now think about which questions are most do-able for you to actually test. Put a star beside 

those questions. You will take this to your meeting to discuss. 



