
Welcome to our latest edition of the ‘Communiqué’ from Archbishop Temple School.

I am delighted to be writing to you at the end of another very successful term at Archbishop Temple School. I am delighted to be writing to you at the end of another very successful term at Archbishop Temple School. We were so pleased with the GCSE results achieved by our Year 11 pupils this summer, especially when we realised that these results put us as one of the very best schools in the North of England. I’m even more pleased that this isn’t a one off, but rather a normal part of the work here.

Archbishop Temple School, St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8RATelephone: 01772 717782 Email: [email protected] Website:

A message from the Headteacher

The school is about much more than just exam results, and several colleagues and I were part of a glittering awards ceremony in Liverpool Cathedral last month, as our work here was recognised by the Educate Awards. Mrs Beth Harris was runner up as Teacher of the Year, Mrs Cate Gardner was nominated for outstanding teaching in an Arts subject, and Mr Grant Carruthers and Mr Matt Baines won the award for outstanding teaching of social skills for their work with our Lads’ Club. Our congratulations go to all our colleagues.

Our Presentation Evening gives us an opportunity to welcome back our Year 11 leavers to collect their GCSE certificates and subject awards. This year we were joined by Mr Stephen Whittaker, the Diocesan Director of Education, who presented the ex-pupils with their certificates and awards. It was a joy to see our pupils and hear about the new directions they are taking after leaving Archbishop Temple School.

Winter 2015

The term still has many events which I would encourage you to support. This year we are celebrating Christmas in a new way by holding a Carol Service at the Minster at 6.30pm on Tuesday 15th December. We very much hope you can join us to sing a mixture of traditional and new carols which will be led by our outstanding choirs. Wednesday 16th December is Christmas Lunch day, and we are inviting everyone to wear their Christmas jumpers on that day and pay a £1 to raise money for the charity, Dementia Care.

Thank you to everyone who supported the school providing food for the Salvation Army’s food bank in Preston. I am always overwhelmed by the support our pupils and their families provide to worthwhile causes, and it’s good to support those in need near home this year.

As the terms ends I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of our work at Archbishop Temple School. The partnership between home and school is so important to the success of our pupils; thank you for entrusting your children to our care. So I also wish you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas, as you spend time together, and enjoy a break from the normal working routine. I like the quote from Dr Seuss’s Grinch

“Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas means a little bit more.”

“Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11

Mrs Gill Jackson, Headteacher1


Christmas can be hard for a lot of people. I know that’s not the cheerful opening line you’d expect from a Chaplain’s Christmas message but it’s true isn’t it?

The festive period is often the time that we feel the loss of loved ones most severely. We would give all of our presents back in a heart-beat to have them with us for even just one moment.

Being with the ones we love is something that we desperately long for.

“That is what Christmas is all about” you’ll hear people say. They’re right.

That very first Christmas as Jesus was born, it was all about loved ones being together.

You see, God loves us so much he can’t bear to be apart from us. So that night, all those years ago, thousands of miles from Lancashire, God came to earth.

Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).

One of the many names or titles given to Jesus was Immanuel, God with us, not far from us or separated from us, with the people that he loves.

Sometimes we mistake Christianity as religion that helps us make our

way closer to God. Christianity is actually about a God who loves us so much he comes close to us.

My hope is that your Christmas holidays, whether you celebrate or not, are full of joy and laughter with the ones you love.

My prayer is that you’ll remember the message of Christmas, that God is with us.

Merry Christmas!

Dave Buckley, Chaplain

REMEMBRANCE SERVICEFor a fourth year now at Archbishop Temple School, along with the normal poppy appeal we have been offering Remembrance crosses and crescents for sale. Staff, parents and pupils have supported us, dedicating a cross or crescent with messages on for loved ones no longer with us. We have arranged the crosses on a grassed area close to our reception for all our visitors to see.

This year I am pleased to say we have raised £95.50. We hope to promote the Remembrance crosses next year with even greater success.

Mr. Duggan Head of Design Technology

VISIT TO CHORLEY BUILDING SOCIETY’S HEAD OFFICEOn Wednesday 2nd December 2015, a group of pupils were invited to a tour of Chorley Building Society’s Head Office. The pupils who participated are involved in running the School Building Society in conjunction with Chorley Building Society. This was a fantastic opportunity for them to experience how a building society operates and they were able to gain a real understanding of what life is like in the world of work. The pupils were

able to visit each department within the organisation and learn how each area fits into the operation as a whole, thereby gaining valuable knowledge and an insight into the variety of roles associated with the organisation. This was a wonderful experience which has opened up the possibility of further exciting collaboration through work experience opportunities between Archbishop Temple School and Chorley Building Society.

Mr. I Baybutt Assistant Headteacher


As part of our whole school charity giving, this term we have been collecting supplies for the Salvation Army food bank in Preston City Centre. We were visited in assemblies by Captain Cadogan who told us about the needs of people in our local community and what we as a school could do to help.

We were also invited to help pack the food into hampers ready to be

handed out in the week leading up to Christmas. As part of the Archbishop of York Award, which our Year 8 pupils are currently undertaking, they have to perform an act of service to fulfil the community phase. Two groups of Year 8 pupils went along to the food bank on Friday 11th and Monday 14th December to help out. Helping at the food bank was not only the perfect opportunity to complete this section of the award but also a great way to see what happens to all the food supplies we collected.

Miss L. Walsh Head of Canterbury House

PANCAKES FLIPPED FOR PRESTON MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETYWell done Form WP who raised £164 by making pancakes and selling cakes. The money was raised for Preston and District Multiple Sclerosis Society. Sue, an MS sufferer, and her husband Derrick came into school to receive the money and to talk to the children. The picture below shows Ruth Buckley and Jess Peacock from WP presenting the cheque to Sue and Derrick.

Mr Gray Head of Winchester House



Bronze awards:

Samuel Burns-Moffat 8 Sites of Scientific interest Niamh Cairns 9 Cancer Maryam Ibrahim 9 Volcanoes Richa Job 9 Volcanoes Karran Kaur 8 Space exploration Caitlin Kimberley 8 Space exploration Janvi Parekh 9 Human and animal communication Jessica Peacock 9 Dr Who travel! Georgia Rogers-Waterman 9 Sleep Lydia Surtees 9 Sleep Fozia Tailor 9 Volcanoes Thomas Connell 8 Development of car engineering Davina Vadher 9 Sleep

Silver awards:

Lenny Colton Callum Towers 9 Morse code Raspberry Pi interpreter

The CREST awards are always running, do something special to set you apart from the rest and have a go. See firefly pages in the Science area or see me for further information.

Mrs Storey Second in Science

A BUSY TERM FOR ATS MUSIC Before half term the Music department hosted its biggest performance to date. This involved the whole of our Year 7, Year 6 from St Andrew’s Primary School and the Junior Concert Band which meant that we had an amazing total of 240 pupils performing for their schools and families.

Year 7 performed percussion based pieces which they had worked on in class, as well as some massed choir pieces. St Andrew’s performed their own vocal pieces and enjoyed joining with our Year 7 pupils for one of the pieces. Solos were performed by Lewis Kirk (trumpet) and Susanna Nash (vibraphone), both in Year 7. The concert ended with a performance from Junior Concert Band.

On Sunday 22nd November the Junior and Senior Concert Bands travelled to Altrincham Boys’ Grammar School to take part in the regional rounds of the National Concert Band Festival. Both bands played well. The Junior Band in the junior section achieved a gold award and the Senior Band in the schools wind band category achieved a silver award. The Junior Band have now been invited to play in the final at the Royal Northern College of Music in April. This is a huge honour for our young musicians.

The Music department has also put on two additional concerts this term, featuring many of our ensembles. Our final performance is the Carol Service at Preston Minster on Tuesday 15th December at 6.30pm.

Mrs C. Gardner Head of Music


The following pupils are the latest to enter for the Bronze CREST awards and will be delighted to receive their certificates. Mr Prince from Amey came to visit the school this week to hear Lenny and Callum present their work and to tell pupils about his interesting application of coding in the real world. Impressive work from Lenny and Callum decoding Morse code using a Raspberry Pi, well done to all pupils.



Year 7 were treated to a visit on 10th November from prolific children’s author, Tom Palmer. A dedicated Leeds United fan, most of Tom’s stories are set in the world of football, although he also has a great interest in rugby and military history. His most recent novel, “Over the Line” sees his protagonist, Jack, a professional footballer, bound for the 1914 trenches and delivers a powerful plot throughout.

In each of Tom’s engaging sessions, our pupils were given the opportunity to answer questions on a variety of topics in the news, in magazines and related to books. Those answering correctly took part in a penalty shoot-out with girls outnumbering the boys as champions! Mr Stringfellow even managed to save a few penalties in his role as goalie. Over lunch, Tom chatted to pupils in the Library and happily signed books.

We hope to welcome Tom Palmer to Archbishop Temple School again in the not too distant future.

Ms C Bell Librarian

YEAR 9 GEOGRAPHY FIELDWORK TRIP TO EASEDALE TARN, LAKE DISTRICTOn the 6th, 7th and 8th October 2015, 50 Year 9 students set off to climb up to Easedale Tarn in Grasmere. We walked the features created through glaciation thousands of years ago in the last Ice Age as part of our fieldwork on glacial landscapes.

Easedale tarn is situated in a U-shaped valley, or glacial trough. The tarn itself is in a corrie that has been created through erosion; the tarn refers to the water that has collected in the depression. On the walk we also saw drumlins, erratics and moraine that had all been deposited by the glaciers. It was tiring, but well worth the effort as the views were breath-taking. We enjoyed a well-deserved picnic at the top of the hill and views back down into Grasmere. After lunch the walk down was much better and we all looked forward to the gingerbread shop and opportunity to buy some souvenirs and chocolates.

By Sabah Hasan, WS, Year 9


In support of Children in Need day the staff took part in ‘The Cube’, much to the amusement of the pupils.

The four house teams competed in a variety of events for the title of ‘Cube Champions 2015’. It was a close run competition, tied until the last round when York snuck ahead of Winchester to claim the title.

As well as the fun at lunchtime, Pudsey biscuits were made and sold by Cathedral Café and Thomas

Connell led various games and sold biscuits as part of the Enterprize challenge turning £10 into £41.

Total raised in school = £208.06

Total raised by Thomas Connell = £41.06

Grand total donation to Children in Need = £249.12

Thank you everyone!

Miss L. Walsh Head of Canterbury House


Our trip to the battlefields got off to a flying start with a prompt departure from school at one o’clock in the morning from the car park! This year we had 60 students and 6 staff for our visit to the First World War Battlefields of Northern France and Belgium. Our first visit, to the Ljissenthoek Cemetery in Belgium was an emotional one, as several pupils had a personal link to the soldiers who were buried there. The German cemetery at Langemark emphasised the huge loss of life not just for the Allies, but for the German troops as well. This cemetery is famous for the statues of four German soldiers, who are watching over the resting place of their comrades.

The visit to Essex Farm introduced our pupils to one of the youngest casualties of the First World War, Rifleman Valentine Joe Strudwick, who was 15 when he was killed. The famous poem, In Flanders Fields, was written here by the Canadian Lieutenant Colonel, John McRae.

After settling into the hotel, the battlefields quiz, which included our pupils dressing up in authentic First World War uniforms, proved to be an entertaining end to our first day.

Ypres presented our pupils with a wealth of information and experiences about the war of attrition that saw three major battles here during the course of the war.

Tyne Cot is the largest CWGC cemetery on the Western Front with 11.953 burials in total. The Tyne Cot memorial forms the far wall of the cemetery commemorates those with no known grave from August 1917 onwards; there are 34,780 names recorded. Seeing the cemetery at Tyne Cot is a testament to the horrific battles and suffering that during WW1 and is a deeply moving experience.

Two of our pupils, Elena Ball and Harry Marshall, took part in a moving and memorable ceremony at the Menin Gate, laying a wreath on behalf of Archbishop Temple School.

The following day was spent examining the battlefields of the Somme area following the events of 1st July 1916. A visit to the crater at Lochnagar allowed the pupils to familiarise themselves with the area, followed by the Thiepval Memorial. At the small cemetery near Beaumont Hamel, a memorable ceremony served to pay our respects to those young men who were cut down on the first day of the battle of the Somme. A group of pupils including Will McDowell, Cally Munro, Alec Riding, Ben Jarvis, Zac Christie, Hannah Parker Smith, Abbie Whitehouse and Serena St Valle Hoyle completed an emotional day by laying a wreath in memory of the Lancashire Fusiliers. Many pupils did find the graves or the names of relatives who had been killed in the war, and were able to pay their respects.

Mrs B. Harris Head of History

GRIN AND TONICMy experience of Grin and Tonic.

I am a GCSE Drama pupil in Year 10 and I honestly couldn’t say I enjoy anything more than the Drama I do in school. Since Year 7 I have participated in everything Miss Keller has offered, and that’s a lot! Through the years I have got to know pupils in the years above and below me through drama. I feel Grin and Tonic really challenged me this year yet I’ve had the best fun being involved in this show than any so far. The talent was sky high from the beginning, all the actors had a real passion for Drama, and I believe this really showed in the performance.

My time whilst doing Grin and Tonic was fantastic! You begin to make friends with people who you wouldn’t normally speak to and I feel the cast got along really well. Maddie and I took on the roles of French and Saunders in their school girl scene. From the start we loved this scene and practiced almost every lunch time in the Drama studio. We performed it in front of the cast and Miss and we got plenty of laughs. From that point onn we were confident in the roles and really embraced it, sometimes even practicing our lines quietly in class after we had finished all of our work!

Grin and Tonic did challenge me this year as I also played the part of an old waitress in Two Soups. It was tricky to keep in character throughout. However, I am always up for the challenge especially in Drama! Like every year, the cast always have inside jokes to do with the sketches or something that has gone wrong within rehearsals, and to tell the truth, there are too many jokes to tell! As always, I loved working with everyone in order to make an audience laugh and I hope other cast members enjoyed it as much as I did. Roll on next year!!

Domonique West, Year 10



So far this year we have had a wide variety of successes in PE and Sport. In the Preston Cross Country Championships ATS did extremely well as a school with our results including 1st overall boy in Callum Glendinning and 1st Year 7 girl Lauryn Wood.

The football has started extremely well with the Year 11 boys remaining unbeaten so far and all teams progressing through to the next round of the Lancashire Cup.

The girls have also had an exceptional start with both the U12 and U14 teams reaching the next round of the Lancashire Cup. Star performers have been Ingram Kusuloka, Dave Marley, Ben Rosbottom, Imogen Richmond Barnes, Tara Lynch and Lauren

Tunstall. The girls also came second in the Preston North End Girls’ Cup, they unfortunately lost in the final after dominating the game.

In October we successfully applied for and were awarded a silver sports mark for sporting participation. We were one of three schools in Preston to achieve this. A proud day for ATS Sports.

We are also proud to announce that fifty of our Year 10 students passed their Sports Leadership qualifications. This involved all of them organising and officiating at least one primary school sports event. We had great fun in hosting and running the Primary Year 5 football event, we also hosted the Year 2 Primary multi skills event and the Year 6 tag rugby event. All of these events were resounding successes.

Our Year 9 leadership groups have started well and ran a Year 1 primary school festival at Archbishop Temple, the event was a huge success with stars on the day being Oscar Foot and Amanda Wates. The leaders will be running more events throughout the year including one at the Guild Hall for 800+ primary students.

37 of last year’s Year 11 pupils took part in the “Challenge”, which is an event organised by the National

Citizen Service. They took part in outdoor and adventurous activities for a week and then spent one week staying in the university accommodation at UCLAN taking part in team building activities. The feedback we received was excellent from the organisers about all of our students.

We would like to thank all parents for sending in school vouchers and with these we have been able to purchase new fitness training equipment which is proving to be vital with the GCSE PE class.

Thank you,

The PE Department



For Dia de la Hispanidad we did lots of Fun activities and learnt lots about the history and cultures of the Spanish speaking World during special assemblies throughout the week. We decorated the school with Spanish flags and balloons and enjoyed a special lunch provided by the canteen. At Euroclub we made a piñata in the shape of a Spanish Bull and then had a fun quiz and the winners took turns to bash the piñata until the goodies spilled out.

Mrs L. Bergon Head of Modern Foreign Languages

Archbishop Temple School, A Church of England Specialist College St Vincent’s Road Fulwood, Preston PR2 8RA

Telephone: 01772 717782 [email protected]
