  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


    Lets take a nine day journey of prayer.

    These sharings reect the many ways that

    Global Mission touches us all.

    I invite you all to take a minute and check out

    each days sharing.

    Day 1. The whole Catholic world cele-

    brates MISSION. We are all engaged in MIS-SION by virtue of our Bapsm in one way or

    another. We each are infused with the grace

    and authority to go beyond ourselves in big

    and small ways to witness the person of Jesus

    Christ, live His message and serve others near and far. The annual celebraon of Mission Sunday happens

    on the third Sunday of October, this year being the 19th

    . But we are engaged in Mission everyday. The

    homily on that Sunday touched on the fact that we are all missionaries and invited us all to engagement

    beyond our parish community as well as remembering in prayer those missionaries who are far from

    home. There may be special lectures or other events that help us understand the greater call to Mission.

    Many Catholic schools and Religious Educaon Classes have the children engage in projects that help them

    become aware of children from other far away countries who share the same faith, but may not share the

    same opportunies of educaon, good health and the like.

    Although it is true that all bapzed are missionaries, what about those who belong to

    missionary communies like the Xaverian Missionaries? What dierence is there

    from the ordinary bapzed Catholic and the one who is part of a mission community

    such as the Xaverians, and what do folks like me look for when inving young people

    to join such a Mission Community? Lets take nine days and I will share a thought

    each day which will lead to the answer to this queson and a prayer which will ready

    us to the Live the Mission!

    A Thought from the Founder, St. Guido Confor

    My dear people, how can we obtain this grace? There is no doubt that God is ready to grant

    it to all, He won it for all through the sufferings and the Blood of His only-begotten Son, and

    He shall give all an abundant and gratuitous share in it; the condition for obtaining this

    grace is that we ask for it in prayer.

    Ordinarily, therefore, there is no salvation for the Christian without prayer; grace and prayer

    are inseparable, writes the greatest Doctor of the Church. To deny the necessity of grace is

    the same as denying the necessity of prayer. Show me a man who has no need of divine grace

    and I shall grant you that he has no need of prayer. This is why the God of all kindness said:

    Without me you can do nothing [John 15:5]; He also added: It is necessary to pray always

    without ceasing -oportet semper orare et nunquam deficere [Luke 18:1]. Furthermore: Watch

    and pray, ask, seek, insist, pray at all times and in all places [see Matt. 26:41; Luke 21:36].

    Portion taken from Homily on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6, 1913

  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


    Day 2. What difference is there from the or-

    dinary baptized Catholic and the one who is part

    of a mission community such as the Xaverians?

    The difference is that we engage the grace of Mis-

    sion that we received at Baptism under a particu-

    lar charism of another faithful disciple. In the

    case of the Xaverian Missionaries, that disciple is

    our founder, St. Guido Conforti, Bishop of Parma

    Italy from 1906 to 1931.

    But St. Guido was not

    just the Bishop of the

    local church of Parma,

    Italy. His heart and con-

    cern was global. Theglobal vision of his episcopal ministry was unique for his time,

    but became a standard for Bishops since Vatican II. Some say

    that he was a bishop without frontiers. One of his favorite admon-

    itions to us is to foster the ability to have a spirit of living faith

    which enables us to see God, to seek God, to love God in all.

    Prayer of St. Guido Conforti for those discerning a life as a

    Consecrated Religious Missionary

    Oh Jesus,

    You died for the salvation of all and founded the Church to continue

    the work of redemption on earth.

    Increase, we ask you, the number of those who preach the Gospel,Strengthen them in their ministry, sanctify their service,

    so that those who have not yet received the gift of faith,

    may soon come to know You and love You on earth, and

    Enjoy You eternally in Heaven. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.


  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


    Day 3. What do folks like me look for when inviting youn

    people to join a Mission Community such as the Xaverians?

    I look for young people who share that same global vision

    and zeal for witnessing the person of Jesus Christ beyond our

    borders and cultures. St. Guido had a lively faith, on fire wita passion for Christ and a passion for humanity. We have a

    banner at theGYMwhich says

    Passion for ChristPassion for Humanity.

    St Francis Xavier, the missionary that Bishop Conforti offered us as our model

    and patron was very zealous. So, I am looking for zealous folks!!!!

    O God, who through the

    contemplaon of the Cross,

    imprinted on the heart of St. Guido Ma-

    ria Confor a burning love for the

    proclamaon of the Gospel to all


    Grant that, through his

    intercession, we too may be lled by the

    same love of Christ,

    to constantly work for the salvaon of all

    our brothers and sisters.

    Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son,

    who lives and reigns with You, in the uni-

    ty of the Holy Spirit,

    One God, for ever and ever. AMEN

    [email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


    Day 4. So, who am I looking for?

    I look for young people with that same desire

    to share that fire and passion for the Lord to

    others, all others no matter the cultural back-

    ground, country, religious persuasion, etc.Our Mission is rooted in the love we have for

    Jesus Christ and our commitment to share this

    new life that he offers us through his sacrifi-

    cial passion, death and resurrection. That fire

    and passion in faith needs to be real. It needs

    to joyful. It needs to be simple.The person who founded our Xaverian Missionary Sisters of Mary,

    American born Venerable Celestine Healy Bottego, describes for her

    sisters what she understands when she is asked about her habit! Let

    your charity be your habit! (from the

    very beginning of their community, the

    sisters chose to wear simple housedresses only) It cant get any simpler

    than that!!! The Love of Christ Impels

    us, St. Paul says in one of his letters.

    Are you compelled to Love.. Com-

    pelled to witness the personification of

    love, Jesus Christ!!?

    [email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


    So who am I looking for to join us in

    Mission Ad Gentes (to the nations!)

    I am looking for young people who can

    trust the call that God invites us to respond to.

    Unlike marriage, we do not choose the partner

    in mission that are members of our communi-

    ties both in the micro (our local communities) or

    the macro (our international membership). We

    each respond to the charism and the mission thatour communities hold as unique individuals but

    the community has the Mission, thus we are chal-

    lenged to meld diverse cultures, age, customs and

    visions into communities of faith and service, be-

    coming a powerful witness of Gods dream to

    make of our world one family. We are challenge

    to become strangers to what we once found famil-

    iar and become familiar with what many still find

    foreign and threatening. Ones personal story of

    faith and mission becomes a communal story of

    faith and mission. Be part of our story!

    [email protected]

    Day five

  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


    Day six.

    (four more days to on this prayer


    So, who am I looking for?

    I am looking for young peoplewho can love love them-

    selves, love the Lord, love the

    other no matter if the other is

    the stranger, the enemy, the

    Muslim or Jain, or the many

    that our societies and cultures

    marginalize. We are called to

    love and be love.Prayer composed by St. Guido Conforti asking for attentiveness to Fraternal Charity in our communities.

    O Jesus, You urge our communities

    To live by your teachings and witness to your Gospel.

    We ask you to help us love one another in a spirit of mutual understanding,

    acceptance and service, that others

    may recognize your presence in our


    You who live and reign forever and

    ever. AMEN.

    [email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


    Day seven

    Three , tatlong, tre, uku, drei, tribus, ,ba , ,tres more days

    before this prayer is done!!!!

    So, who am I really looking for

    to join us in Mission Ministry!!!

    I am looking for young people who are

    exible with their religious thought bu

    grounded in their faith in Jesus Christ

    and our Church, free enough to know the

    reality of God, but aware that God is bigger

    than all our aempts to understand God,

    thus being open to the various faith ex-

    pressions of believers in God of whatever

    name in order to dialogue and be with oth-

    ers without fear.

    Grant us, Lord,

    That openness of sprit and wisdom of heart with which You en-

    dowed Your servant, St. Guido Maria Confor.

    Grant that You Church may be able to discern the signs of the mes and so re-

    sist what is contrary to the Gospel upholding the acon of Your Spirit in thehearts of all Your peoples.

    We ask you this prayer through the intercession of Guido Maria Confor, Your

    faithful servant and through Christ our companion and Savior. AMEN

    [email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


    Day EIGHT

    Two more days !!!! So, what is that queson

    again? who am I looking for to get involved in

    Mission Ministry?

    I look for young people

    who have engaged in Mis-

    sion through their youth

    groups or campus ministries,

    young people who have chosen to spend a week or

    more among the poor in Appalachia, in the poorer

    sections of our cities, in Haiti or beyond rather thanon a fun vacation in some exotic locale. They have

    seen in brief the wonder of mission as solidarity with

    those who have less in things, but more in joy, re-

    ceived more than they had given in service to those

    they met, understood the call to mission service that

    finds its power not in money or opportunity but in

    people and relationships.

    O God, our Father,

    You have given us in Christ Your living Word, Our

    companion and model of service and mission.

    Grant that your Holy Spirit may inspire us To listen

    to the Gospel and act upon it, So that the whole

    world may come to know You, And glorify Your


    We ask this through Christ our Lord.m n

    [email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


    Day NINE

    This is it!! So, one last me! What is that queson

    again? who am I looking for to get involved in Mission

    Ministry? Really!!!

    I look for young people who

    appreciate roughing it, choosing a sim-

    ple life style and shared goals and means

    which enables a community of faith to be

    formed and enjoyed. These young people

    are not concerned about the ME but th

    WE and their we include people of vari-

    ous cultures, customs and countries.

    Let me repeat the challenge. Ones per-

    sonal story of faith, rooted in the baptis-

    mal call and mission becomes a communa

    story of faith and mission. Be part

    of our story!

    Our Father, Who art in Heav-

    en, hallowed be Thy name;

    Thy Kingdom come, Thywill

    be done on earth as it is in

    Heaven. Give us this day our

    daily bread; and forgive us our

    trespasses as we forgive those

    who trespass against us; and

    lead us not into temptation,

    but deliver us from evil. Amen.

    [email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 A Journey of 9 Days of Discernment


    Gracious and merciful God, we pray that

    through the Holy Spirit all may hear the call

    to Mission and seek a deeper relationship

    with your Son, Jesus Christ

    We pray that Mission will renew the Church,

    inspiring all to go forth and make disciples

    of all nations and transform society

    through the power of the Gospel.

    We pray for all members of the Church that

    we heed the words of Christ do not be

    afraid and strengthened by the Holy Spirits

    gift of courage, give witness to the Gospeland share our faith with others.

    We pray that all people yearning to know

    Christ and the Church may encounter him

    through the faithful who witness to his love in

    their lives

    Loving God, our Father, strengthen us to become

    witnesses to the saving grace of your Son, Jesus

    Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you , in

    the Unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever

    and ever.
