  • 8/3/2019 A Holistic Approach to Decision Making- Training Brochures


    A Holistic Approach to Decision Making: Making an Impact in

    2012 and Beyond

    Good decision making is not something we do naturally. Yet, we tend to believe the

    decisions we make are correct. No one intentionally makes a bad decision. The challenge is

    that making optimal decisions is not an intuitive human trait. Research tells us there is goodreason to doubt the effectiveness of most decision making. In 1956, Professor George Miller

    of Princeton University found that humans can process only a limited amount of information

    at a given point in time. Today, when we are constantly bombarded with information, this

    becomes even more of a problem. When we reach information overload, our decision

    making tends to become overly influenced by personal bias, previous experiences and mental

    approximation. This will be very much aggravated by the many uncertainties and challenges

    in the years ahead that might affect our professional, economic as well as personal well-

    being. Thus, the ability to make the right decision at the right time with the right resources is

    very much in need than ever before. The good news is that making optimal decisions is a

    skill that can easily be learned and developed.

    This highly interactive 2 day training has been specifically designed for leaders, managers,

    executives and team who regularly make important decisions as part of their work flow. It

    will allow them to function with greater accuracy, ease of collaboration, speed and

    confidence. Most importantly, it will give participants the necessary knowledge, tools and

    techniques to:

    Understand the difference between problem solving and decision making Define and utilise appropriate criteria in the decision making process Put multi-dimensional, real-world problems into proper perspective Recognise human irrationality and the illusions that creep into decision making Implement an analytic hierarchal methodology when making decisions Validate decisions while employing collaborative processes and techniques

    The objective of this training is to teach industry professionals, specialists, administrators and

    managers how to make decisions that are effective, consistent and defensible. Through

    hands-on participation and interactive exercises, participants will gain valuable skills,

    knowledge and techniques.

    Day One

    The Irrational Human Being Decision Making Fundamentals Tools and Techniques Setting Objectives Segregating Criteria

    Day Two

    Case Studies Utilising ManualSolutions and Software Tools

    Team Decision Making Decision Validation The Role of Planning Creative Thinking

  • 8/3/2019 A Holistic Approach to Decision Making- Training Brochures


    After the training, participants will be able to:

    Minimise risk by validating decisions Recognise the hidden traps that lead to bad decisions Understand key factors that impact decision making Master the skill of making optimal decisions with greater speed, accuracy and


    Utilise a novel approach to team decision making that avoids the pitfalls of herdmentality

    Present and defend decisions with easeThe training will be conducted by Dr. Errol Wirasinghe, a well-known

    speaker, consultant, trainer and the author of The Art of Making

    Decisions. He has conducted training and seminars for many Fortune

    500 companies and lectures on decision making in the University of

    Houston. Dr. Wirasinghe has worked as an engineer, scientist,

    university professor, consultant and director of a public utility. He has

    lived, worked and trained professionals in Asia, Middle East, Europe,

    North and South America. Throughout his career, he has carved out a

    niche as an expert decision maker and creative thinker and has featured

    on TV and Radio talk shows in US.

    Participants Testimonials:

    I found that Dr. Wirasinghes approach is very robust, easy to use, and has wide application in both

    my personal and professional life. I strongly recommend it to all who are involved in decision making

    regardless of their field. The course was inspiring, educational and very enjoyable; overall, an

    outstanding experience. It was one of the best delivered and most valuable events I have attended inrecent years

    Dr. Richard A Jacobs, PhD (MIT), Technip, USA

    The message was relevant and the messenger showed expertise, and a terrific passion for the

    subject. In the coming weeks, I will be proposing to our district that we consider expanding your

    program to include our teachers, counsellors, coaches, principals and administrators and most of all

    students who are seniors, who will be making serious decisions, every day.

    Susan Green, Director, Klein Independent School District, USA

    Your knowledge of the material was excellent and your passion for the topic, remarkable. Our staff

    was presented with a lively, entertaining learning experience.

    Natalie Wood, MA, LPC, Director, Catholic Charities, Houston, USA

    You are without doubt an expert on the field of Effective Decision Making and your unique ability to

    transfer concepts across in a simple and practical yet a powerful manner made the sessions extremely


    Prasad Piyadigama, Vice President, Holcim, Sri Lanka

    This was one of the best training weve had which we are extremely impressed with.

    Nilangani De Silva, Head of Group Capability, Brandix Lanka Ltd
