Download ppt - A frog whitout a pond


A frog without a pond


Casimiro Román Carnero


• Frog: Rana• Without: Sin• Pond: Charca, estanque• Farm: Granja• Snail: Caracol• Prairie: Pradera• Rain: Llover, lluvia• Bone: Hueso• Shut Up: Cállate• Fatty: Gordinflón• Boring: Aburrido• Cloudy: Nublado

Once upon a time in a farm not too far, there were a cow, a dog, a cat and an elephant…A snail lived in the grass on the prairie…That year had no rain at all…

One day a frog came looking for a pond

Excuse me, Mr. Snail: Do you knowwhere is a pond?

I don’t know, but let’s ask the other animals.

Then, they went to ask the other animals:Do you know where is a pond?

I don’t know. But I know a place where there are lots of bones. Do you like bones?

Have you ever seen a frog eating bones?

Excuse me, but in my country…

Do you know where is a pond, Mr. Cat?

I don’t know. Cats hate water!

Excuse me, but in my country…

Do you know where is a pond, Ms. Cow?

I don’t know. What a boring conversation!

Excuse me, but in my country…

Hey! Let’s listen to Mr. Elephant.He has lived in other countries and he could help us to solve the problem.

In my country, the elephants sing a song and immediately the sky clouds overand it starts to rain.

Then, the Elephant began to sing so, so, so bad that suddenly black clouds appeared so full of water that when it rained, a big pond appearedin the lower part of the prairie.

In the end getting a pond wasn’t so hard… But poor animals in the farm… They had a headache for months! What a horrible singer!

That’s all folks
