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A DMAIC Framework for Improving Software Quality in Organizations: Case Study at RK Company


Montreal, Quebec

September 20 – 21, 2016

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Team Composition

• Racha Karout

• Anjali Awasthi

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1. Introduction

1.1 Background

1.2 Problem Definition

1.3 Research Objectives

2. Literature Review

3. Solution Approach

4. Conclusions and Future Works

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1.1 Background

• To compete in today‘s world, every business needs to improve.

• Software has increasingly become a critical component in many industries(telecoms, banking, insurance, … etc.).

• Software quality is crucial and poor quality is not acceptable.

• Software development has not been consistently successful.

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What is Software Quality?

• Software quality is the degree to which a system, component or processmeets specified requirements, in other words, the degree to which asystem, component or process meets customer or user needs orexpectation (IEEE, 1991).

• The software should not have bugs that reduce the quality attributes(functionality, reliability, usability and maintainability) (Chang et al., 2006).

• There should not be issues that affect its ability to maintain or re-establishits level of performance.

• Easy to use and maintain.

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1.2 Problem Definition

• In today’s market competition and the need for rapid delivery, softwarequality is often sacrificed, leading to the failure of the software project

• The use of traditional methodology (waterfall) with the current marketpace, continuous change of customer requirements and rapid developmentof technology plays a major role in poor software quality.

• People jump to solutions without fully understanding the problem or findingthe root cause of poor quality.

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1.3 Research Objectives

1. Improve software quality in organizations.

2. Identify the root cause(s) of the problems that result in poor quality.

3. Identify improvement opportunities based on the root cause(s) of poorquality.

4. Show how companies can control their processes to ensure theimprovements applied are directing the project to the expected level ofquality.

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2. Literature Review

• Six Sigma

• Common Software Quality Problems

• Software Development Processes

• Kanban

• Test Automation

• Metrics and Reports

• Research Gaps

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2.1 Six Sigma

• Is a business process improvement approach that seeks to find andeliminate causes of defects and errors, reduce cycle times and cost ofoperations (Evans & Lindsay, 2005)

• It is based on a simple problem solving methodology – “DMAIC” (Hung &Sung, 2011)

• Quality principles and six sigma:

1. Focus on customers

2. Participation and teamwork

3. A process focus supported by continuous improvement.

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2.2 DMAIC Framework

• Define: clearly define the problem

• Measure: gather facts, collect data and observations and measure the internal process.

• Analyze: identify the root cause(s) of the problems and focus on why defects occur.

• Improve: generate and implement ideas for improving or resolving the problem.

• Control: focus on maintaining the improvements.

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2.3 Common Software Quality Problems

• During project implementation both technology and business environment change.This leads to products that do not meet the needs of customers. (Williams &Cockburn, 2003)

• Customers are only involved during requirement collecting in traditional softwaredevelopment (Hossain et al., 2013), while in today’s market demand, customerrequirements continuously change.

• In the traditional plan-driven software development process, work is coordinated bymanagers (Moe et al., 2010), thus giving software development team less control(Stankovic et al., 2013)

• When developers and testers do not develop a shared mental model, they will notwork together to address the project issues (Yu & Petter, 2014).

• Late discovery of bugs in the traditional software model leads to an increased cost tofix the faults (Monassar & Govardhan, 2010)

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2.4 Software Development Processes - Waterfall




System Design




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2.5 Software Development Processes – Agile

• Agile promotes quick response to changing environments, change in userrequirements and accelerated deadlines (Eriksson et al., 2005).

• It focuses on four core values

1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.

2. Working software over comprehensive documentation.

3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.

4. Responding to change over following a plan (Dyba & Dingsoyr, 2008).

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How can agile techniques enhance software quality

• System metaphor: It is helpful for communication between the team members and users. Itenhances maintainability, efficiency, reliability and flexibility.

• Architectural spike: It helps to determine and test potential architecture. It enhancescorrectness.

• Onsite customer feedback: It helps developers refine and correct requirements. It enhancesresponsiveness to changing customer requirements.

• Refactoring: It improves software quality factors such as efficiency, reliability and testability.

• Pair programming: It improves design quality factors such as correctness, verifiability andtestability and reduce defects.

• Stand-up-meeting: It improves software reliability and flexibility.

• Continuous integration: It improves integrity, usability and testability.

• Acceptance testing: It improves testability.

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Agile Methods - Scrum

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2.6 What is Kanban System?

• Number of cards equivalent to the capacity of a system are placed incirculation.

• It is a pull system as new work is pulled into the system when there iscapacity to handle it, rather than being pushed.

• The core properties that Kanban uses are:

1. Visualize workflow

2. Limit work in progress

3. Measure and manage flow

4. Make process policies explicit (Anderson, 2010)

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2.7 Test Automation

• It is the process of writing a computer program to do testing. Once test havebeen automated, they can be run quickly and repeatedly (Hooda, 2012)

• Benefits of test automation:

Defects can be found at an early stage.

Can discover defects that manual testing can’t find.

Helps increase test coverage.

Helps increase management confidence in the software.

It executes significantly faster than human users.

Can be reused to test different versions with different configurations or platforms.

With increased test coverage, more bugs are prevented from escaping to productionwhich in turn reduces cost radically.

Can be considered as a safety net for developers especially in case of necessary coderefactoring.

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2.8 Metrics and management Reporting

• The purpose is to show that the system is predictable, the organization exhibits businessagility, and there is focus on flow, and there is clear development of continuous improvement

• Some of the metrics that can be used:

• Tracking work-in-progress

• Lead time

• Throughput

• Defect removal efficiency


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2.9 Research Gaps

• Subramanian et al. (2007) conducted a study that examines how CMM andthe IS implementation strategies impact software quality and projectperformance. They mentioned a limitation in their study that is focusedprimarily on CMM and mentioned other methods such as Total QualityManagement and Six Sigma could also be considered in empirical research.

• Card (2004) argued the need for more academic research in softwareprocess improvement methods.

• However, this thesis focuses on using six sigma DMAIC framework to improvesoftware quality in organizations and as a consequence ensures the successof the software project.

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3. Solution Approach

• ‘RK’ Company Description

• Define Phase

• Measure Phase

• Analysis Phase

• Improvement Phase

• Control Phase

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DMAIC - Tools

Phase Technique

Define CTQs

SIPOC diagram

Measure Pareto charts

Analyze 5-Why technique

Cause and effect

Interrelationship diagram

Improve QFD

Control Measurement metrics

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4.‘RK’ Company and DMAIC

• One of the fast growing software companies in Canada (Medium size)

• DMAIC is applied to one of the biggest and core projects

• The project has been in development for the past few years.

• Waterfall methodology.

• Team consists of:

• Six sub development teams

• System test team (test the product manually)

• Test automation team (Current focus is to create test tools for the project)

• Data collection:

• Interviews conducted with development manager and QA manager.

• Production bugs were collected from the reporting system and classified by type, severity and seasonality.

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4.1 DMAIC – Define Phase - CTQs

• Critical to quality (CTQs): are what the customer expect of a product orservice.

• The most important quality attributes for the project under study are:

• Security

• Reliability

• Assurance

• Efficiency

• Maintainability

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DMAIC – Define Phase – SIPOC DiagramSupplier Input Process Output Customer


QA team

QA manager

Development team

Development manager

Project manager

Test Manager Tool

High level requirements

document (HLR)

System requirements document

Project stable build

Testing Tools

Testing environment

Test plan

Regression test suite

Legacy system knowledge

Create manual test cases for new planned features

Execute test cases for each fully implemented new feature

Report bugs for new features

Verify bug fixes for new features

Retest all new features when all new planned features are

fully implemented.

Perform regression testing

Report bugs found in regression

Verify bug fixes for regression testing

Perform manual test case maintenance (clean up)

New feature test suite

New feature test results

List of identified bugs for new feature

Modified build after bug fixes

Regression test results

Updated test cases

Updated regression test suite to include

priority one test cases of newly implemented






QA manager


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4.2 DMAIC – Measure Phase – Pareto Chart

• Pareto chart based on the type of errors: • Pareto chart based on seasonality:















Pareto Chart

Number of bugs Cumulative Percentage 80% Marker
















2013 2014 2012

Pareto Chart

Number of Bugs Cumulative Percentage 80% Marker

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DMAIC – Measure Phase – Pareto Chart

• Pareto chart based on the severity:
















Medium Major Minor Critical

Pareto Chart

Number of Bugs Cumulative Percentage 80% Marker

• RK company should focus on fixing functional and backend services.

• Years 2013 and 2014 have the highest number of bugs and testing and bug fixes shouldbe concentrated on the features that got released in these 2 years as well as theaffected features.

• Medium and major bugs should have the main focus. However, the focus should also beon critical bugs as they should not be even found in production.

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4.3 DMAIC – Analysis Phase – 5 Why Technique

1. Why there is too many bugs in production?

o Because it wasn’t tested properly.

2. Why it wasn’t tested properly?

o Because many regression and performance tests were cut.

3. Why test cases were cut?

o Because the test schedule is not adequate for the number of tests that should beperformed

4. Why there wasn’t enough time to execute all necessary tests?

o Because developers never deliver on time.

5. Why developers never deliver on time?

o Because of the may features that are added at each release and in some cases clientrequirements or new features are added or UI changes are done in the middle ofimplementation leading to a change in the scope and the current methodology does notproperly adapt to the requirements change.

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DMAIC – Analysis Phase – Cause and Effect Diagram

Methodology Flow


Test schedule



Poor quality


Not followed

No single owner

Scope creeps

Long sprints


Many legacy regression

Many new features

Late delivery

Not detailed

No frequent update


No explanation




No Fix


No Updates

Continuous changeChange adaptation

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DMAIC – Analysis Phase – Interrelationship Diagram

Large number of bugs found in production / Poor Quality

Requirements Testing ScheduleMethodology Flow

Documentation Communication Tools

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DMAIC – Analysis Phase – Conclusion

• Several tools were used to separate the symptoms from the causes to identify the root cause of the problem.

• Several issues were identified such as:

• Developers rarely deliver a stable build on time to system test team

• The sprint is too long.

• Continuous change of customer requirements.

• The project is large and complex.

• Leading to the discovery that the current waterfall methodology uses is the main cause of the large number of bugs in production

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4.4 DMAIC – Improvement Phase –Agile

1) Move from waterfall to agile methodology to gain:

a) Flexibility: to be able to adapt quickly and effectively to changing requirements

b) Cycle time reduction: to speed up work so that customer response is improved and to reduce non-value added steps that leads to a reduction in cost. As a result, cost, quality and productivity are improved.

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DMAIC – Improvement Phase –Scrum

2) Use scrum methodology that allow splitting a large team into smaller sub-teams which is already the case of the project under study.

• Scrum implementation:

Start with daily stand up meetings

First sprint objective is to demonstrate any piece of user functionality.

Focus on sprint procedure (sprint planning, daily scrum, review meetings and retrospective meeting).

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DMAIC – Improvement Phase –Kanban

3) Use Kanban together with scrum to improve service delivery, catalyze continuous improvement and achieve constant pace.

Kanban implementation:

Define start and end point of process visualization

Identify the type of work that arrive and exit with the workflow

Draw the cards wall

Allocate capacity within the Kanban system.

Design the cards to facilitate the pull system.

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DMAIC – Improvement Phase –Test Automation

• Test automation is a necessity in agile

• How to start automating:

• Have a good understanding of the product and technologies used.

• Determine test cases to be automated.

• Be involved as early as possible in the development life cycle.

• Select suitable tool(s) for automation.

• Have a good understanding of the team member’s level of experience and skills.

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DMAIC – Improvement Phase – Good Quality Test Automation

• Have single objective per test case.

• Keep the test small

• Keep test cases independent

• Group and organize test cases in a specific logic.

• Avoid Redundancy of test cases.

• Centralize reusable test code.

• Avoid fragile automation test tools.

• Automate test in parallel with feature implementation

• Enhance test execution time by parallelizing the test run.

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4.5 DMAIC – Control Phase – Metrics and Reports

• Measure the process and results and take corrective actions when necessary.

• ‘RK’ company can measure and monitor performance by:

• Tracking the work in progress.

• Measuring lead time.

• Measuring throughput.

• Tracking number of bugs found in production.

• Measuring defect removal efficiency.

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Conclusions and Future Works

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5. Conclusions


1. Focus on eliminating inefficiency

2. Assist in identifying the root causes of defects

3. Assist in executing quality improvement efforts


1. Requires total cooperation of the company

2. Requires significant amount of data

collection and analysis


1. Distinction in competitive market

2. Provides customer-Driven excellence

3. Improves return on investment


1. Dysfunctional organizational culture

2. Lack of creativity and cooperation of the


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6. Future Works

• Find ways to reduce cycle time especially for large features.

• Find proper tools and methods to facilitate the design phase in SDLC.

• Have improved and reliable test automation tools.

• Improve agile processes with varying team members expertise.

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