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AGENDA ITEM NO. ...a............... cc) CD)

D ulla t ur C o&munity Council Minutes of Meeting held on 11 September 2000, Dullatur Village Hall, 8pm.

Present ........ M Smillie, M Harrison, M Kennedy, J McLean, L Meldrum. Apologies .... ... M Moore, E Watson. Minutes ...,.... Previously circulated, taken as read and approved. Matters arising from Minutes ........ None.

In the absence of the Chairperson, Margaret Moore, Mrs Marg Harrison opened the first meeting of the recently reformed Dullatur Community Council. She wished the new Community Council every success for the fbture in our expanding community. She conveyed thanks from Margaret Moore for good wishes, cards and flowers from the Community Council, Councillor & Mrs G Murray and residents of the village during her recent illness. Correspondence ........ NLC Minutes and monthly Planning Lists. NLC Licensing Board.. .Notes for Guidance of Applicants and Agents 1999/2000 NLC Letter via M Moore re The Lane and other matters NLC Dullatur Community Council-Appointment and Inaugural Meeting. NLC Administration Dept Model Constitution and Report. Discuss in A.O.B. Strathclyde Police.. .Annual Report 2000 Letter from Cathie Craigie MSP re our public meeting of 3 1 January 2000. East of Scotland Water Quality Report 2000 Rosemary McKenna M P surgery details June-August 2000. West of Scotland Water Report Record Playgrounds Equipment Brochure. Castlecary Community Council. Financial Rep0 &........The accounts have been audited and will be ready for collection at the Civic Centre Motherwell. We will show a substantial loss of revenue (&700.00) due to the theft of the Barbecue income from the home of Mrs Smillie in June. We have not be able to bank any income due to the NLC freezing all Community Councils accounts during the election period. This will be discussed in A.O.B. Group Reports ..... The Tennis Club held its Finals Day on 19 August and will hold the Last Fun Day of the season on 16 September. The newly founded Play group started on 29 August, and will be held on Tuesday and Friday Mornings. The Mother & Toddler Group started on 7 September and is held every Thursday. The SewingCraft club and Wine and Bridge Club will start week commencing 9 October. Social Events ...... The winter program will be discussed next meeting. It was considered having two nights for St Andrews and the Burns Supper to accommodate the new residents, in a village census the village hall was considered most favourable to outside venues, this was agreed. The Burns Club have agreed to two nights and will get back with dates. The

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21 Halloween Party will be discussed at the next meeting. A flier will be sent. At a previous meeting it was discussed a small payment of perhaps 25.00 should be paid to an older child or split between two children to distribute the fliers as the committee has limited time due to business and family commitments. Any other business The following is an account of the events leading up to the burglary at the home of Margaret Smillie, secretary of Dullatur Community Council. In the past Community Council the policy of the banking of large or small sums of cash was simple. Cash had to be banked within a day or two of any event. No single committee member should carry the responsibility of cashing up or banking large sums of money, two people should accompany cash to bank. This worked extremely well until the Council decided all Community Council bank accounts should be frozen from 3 1 May 2000. Knowing we had events coming up we asked the Administration Dept on two occasions prior to the date for advice, we were not told to cancel the events. M Moore and M Smillie opened a safety deposit box at the Royal Bank of Scotland plc on 3 1 May 2000 to accommodate any problems as Mrs Moore was going on holiday and would be back around the middle of June. She however took ill on holiday. The barbecue was held on 10 June and on Monday 12 M Smillie tried to bank the income, which was not allowed. M Smillie could not deposit it in the safety deposit box as Mrs Moore had undergone an operation on holiday and her return was delayed. In desperation she phoned NLC administration Dept who advised her to deposit the cash in her personal account. She telephoned Mrs McLean, our Legal Advisor who advised her not to do this in any circumstance. Again She phoned NLC who told her to hide it until she could bank it with another group in the village. She could not get the necessary office bearers of the various groups due to holidays. On 16 June M Smillie was burgled while she was at home in the evening, the cash from the event, personal cash and effects were also taken. NLC were contacted at 9a.m on Friday and Mr GafTney returned the call on Monday 19 when he gave her the advice that she should have cancelled the event or banked the money in her personal account. The Community Council covered every eventuality available to them, it was decided to continue this discussion to the next meeting when the chairperson will be present to decide whether there would be any merit in pursuing NLC's insurance as advised by Cllr G Murray. We have applied to open an account for the Village Hall and Dullatur Old Village Residents Association so this will never happen again. Unfortunately the distress caused to M Smillie cannot be reversed. The Draft Constitution.. , .it was agreed to withhold a decision on the constitution in particular, para (10) Finance and (1 1) Property until we get legal advice. That in the dissolution of the Commm&y Council all money and property should be transferred to NL,€. It was agreed in principle only money given through NLC grants should be returned and any money raised through events etc. by the residents should be returned to the residents. This will not apply as by next meeting the Residents Assoc. account will be in place. The question of the Village Hall and Tennis Courts remains, at no point do we receive any grant from NLC to support either. We will not sign the constitution until we have substantiated these points. During our summer recess there was another sewage was notified. We still have serious water run-off from This is destroying the resurfacing of the Lane paid by

atson on 4 July to M Moore he indicates that the

M M,cKenaie 0.fS.E.P.A. ood &d Stewart Milne sites. .

ore. &&e letter from Mr &rqpirs are in

d. This is definitely not the case. Date of next Meeting 9 October 2000, Dullatur Village HaB, &;P.RL

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Dullatur Community Council Minutes of Meeting held on 9 October 2000, Dullatur Village Hall, 8p.m.

Present .......... Margaret Moore, Marg Harrison, Margaret Kennedy, Joey McLean,

Apologies ..... Margaret Smillie, Lorraine Meldrum. Minutes........ Previously circulated, taken as read and approved. Matters arising form Minutes... ......, After discussion it was agreed to remain with one night for St Andrews Night and Bums Supper, but we should monitor ticket response.

after the coffee morning.

Ewa Watson.

Halloween Party, the hall will be decorated on Wednesday 25 October

St Andrews Night, last Saturday in November, menu as last year. We should seek advice on how to claim NLC for stolen money.

Correspondence ....... NLC grant received. NLC Planning application lists for month. NLC copies of letters from Cllr Murray re various matters. West of Scotland Water report. Financial Rep0 rt...,,. The annual grant was received for 2477.00, plus 2 cheques from Tennis Club for back dated rent. The Village Hall and Dullatur Old Village Residents Assoc. account has been opened and revenue banked. Group Reports ........ The Toddler Group and Play group will have a combined hnd raising coffee morning next month, date to be arranged. Social Events ....... Private Party, it was agreed that Ross Lindsay should have the hall keys for the two days of his party. Halloween Party, Finger food and drinks. St Andrews night 25 Novembers previously mentioned, tickets 510.00 Pantomime trip, M Smillie has sent for brochure from McRobert Theatre, Stirling. Xmas Party and Xmas events will be arranged next meeting. Any other business ...... Play Area .... We should source hnding to upgrade the play area. Buses... .... Write to transport Dept for leaflets re Dial -a Bus for pensioners, go anywhere foe 50p. Canal Wor ks..... Mention in flier. Ditch along Lane.....M Moore is still trying to contact Mr Watson and local Cllr. Rail Track.. ..... we should write to Scot Rail re the outcome of the recent survey. Public Meeting .,.... Should be arranged to discuss the issues still outstanding in the ongoing disputes. Inviting local Mp’s , Cllrs, and representatives from NLC, Taywood Homes and Stewart Milne. Date of next meeting 13 November 2000, Dullatur Village Hall, 8 p.m.

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Dullatur Community Council Minutes of Meeting held on 13 November 2000, Dullatur Village Hall, 8p.m.

Present ....... M Moore, M Smillie, M Harrison, M Kennedy, J McLean, E Watson. Apologies ...... L Meldrum. Minutes ....... Minutes previously circulated, taken as read and approved. Matters arising from Minutes ....... The Lane ....... M Moore had a meeting with representatives of Taywood. They disagreed the reason for the flooding in the Lane was due to excess surface water coming from the development sites. It was pointed out that over the year extra culverts put in place were silting up and the drainage ditch was now level with the surface of the lane. This was previously a free flowing ditch. When Taywood complete building the maintenance will be contracted to a factoring company. It will be written into the contract that the ditch will be cleaned out annually. Service gaps will be filled in and the basal growth of the lime trees cleared and side and overhead branches cut back. A temporary repair will be done to the surface of the Lane. Taywood will be invited to a public meeting yet to be arranged. Correspondence ...... NLC Planning Lists and Monthly Minutes. Application Pack for Awards for all. Brochure on Timberline Play Equipment. Scottish Civic Trust annual report. Planning Application for Mr D Pitt re alterations to Nonvood Strathclyde Police, Public Consultation Process. Association of Scottish Community Council Autumn Newsletter. Scottish Parliament from Andrew Wilson re Public Servants of the Year Awards. Financial Rep0 rt...... Accounts healthy, cheques given for utility accounts and Xmas Events. Social Events.... ... St Andrews night supper again has sold out, 43 tickets sold. Menu as last year. Halloween Party was cancelled due to the response of the youngsters, this event will be considered as a family party next year. The Toddler Group held a very successfbl find-raising Coffee Morning. The Xmas CraR classes will start this week as will the rehearsals for the Nativity Play on Sunday at 3.30p.m. The Pantomime has been booked for Saturday 2 December at the McRobert Theatre. The Xmas Party has been booked for 10 December at 2.20p.m. The Tennis Club have booked the Hall for a Quiz Night on 2 December. Any other business ....... M Moore intimated the tragic death of Mrs Jan Inglis on 2 November. Although a Westerwood resident, Jan and husband George were staunch supporters of Dullatur Community Council events, and both were members of the various clubs held in the village. Condolences were sent to George and families. All the groups were represented at her fbneral on 8 November. Mr Kenneth White also passed away at the end of October, Ken was long time resident of Dullatur, a past Chairman of the Community Council and Treasurer of Dullatur Lawn Tennis Club. Mr George Aitken of Wester Dullatur Cottage sadly passed away after a long illness. Mrs Harris - Burland has broken her hip and is in Perth Royal Infirmary. Cards have been sent. Sewage .... Sewage has been running from the outflow from the Eastfield Road Plant from 10 October. Mr T McKenzie of S.E.P.A. has been involved again with this ongoing problem. This will be the third incident this year of prolonged discharges. This

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is seriously affecting Mr A Duncan of Easter Dullatur Farm as this burn runs through his property and waters his flock Dullatur Golf Club have been notified. Thanks to D Young, M & F Harrison and A L Gurney for their constant diligence. Croy Quar ry...... It was asked if any progress had been made or any other information received. As M Smillie had been on holiday for three weeks no current news was available. Ddbatur House Titles....Cllr G Murray has managed to find the contact number for Nb D Shearer, ex CDC Property Dept. who wiU have knowledge of the missing Dullatur House Title deeds. Xmas Crafty Kids. ..... Due to the popularity of the classes ( running fkom 1997) M Smillie has agreed to develop the club to a more premanent status, offering an mid week &er school and school holiday facility. Ceramics proved the most popular craft as M Smillie had a trial run during the summer holidays with some of the children and it was agreed to expand and apply for educational grants to meet the costs. A small amount of money will be in hand at the end of the present session. A bank account will be opened in the name of Dullatur Old Village Arts and CraR Club. A set up loan was agreed and will be repaid when the grants are made available.

Date of next meeting 11 December 2000, Village Hall, 8 p.m.

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Dullatur Community Council Minutes of Meeting held on 11 December 2000, Dullatur Village Hall, 8p.m.

Present.......M Moore, M Smillie, M Harrison, M Kennedy, J McLean, Ewa Watson, L Meldrum. Apologies ... .... None. Minutes ....... Previously circulated, taken as read and approved. Matters arising from Minutes. .... M Moore and M Smillie had site meeting with Mr Kevin Lawler of NLC Planning Dept and a representative of Forestry re tree maintenance of the Lane prior to the departure of Taywood. Clearing of basal growth on lime trees and pruning of side and over hanging branches to satisfy refbge vehicle requirements. This area is now in the ownership of Taywood Homes and the ditch will be cleared in the near fbture. Property owners will be notified that all garden refhge cannot be dumped in this area. Correspondence .... NLC Planning applications lists and Minutes. NLC copies of 2 letters from Cllr Murray. NLC News. NLC - Best Value Review- Community Councils. Millennium Link Newsletter. Financial Rep0 rt..... Accounts are healthy. The third quarters accounts will be completed by the end of the month. Social Events ....... The St Andrews Night was an outstanding success and a profit was made. The proceeds from the raffle was donated to the Stobhill Larengectomy Group in memory of Jan Inglis who died in November. The Ladies Lunch at the Glenskirlie House was enjoyed by twelve ladies. The village Xmas party was held on 10 December and was thoroughly enjoyed by the children of “old and new Dullatuf7 Thanks to John Hart who stepped in as Santa at the last minute. The Play Group and Toddlers party will be held in the coming week. The Xmas Craft Class will hold its display on 16 Dec, the Nativity Play, 17 & 18 and Santa and Carol Singing on Xmas Eve at 6.30p.m. The Burns Supper will be held on 2 & 16 February. A newsletter will be sent out early in the new year. Any Other Business. .... The Lane ..... We can confirm that Mr David Shearer ex CDC can confirm that he was in possession of several copies of Dullatur House original titles borrowed by CDC and misplaced by NLC in the title search of the lane and other areas. Cllr G Murray spoke at length with him. With regards to Croy Quarry we have been surrounded by a cloak of silence. Margaret Moore closed the meeting and wished everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Date of Next Meeting 15 January 2001, Dullatur Village Hall, 8.p.m.

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Dullatur Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on January 2001,Dullatur Village Hall, 8p.m.

Present ...... M Moore, M Smillie, M Harrison, M Kennedy, J McLean, E Watson, L Meldrum. Apologies.. ..... None. Minutes ...... Minutes, previously circulated, taken as read and approved. M Moore wished everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. Matters arising from Minutes ...... All the Xmas events went off well and were enjoyed by everyone. There was a good representation from the new developments. The attendance of the Nativity Play was not as well attended as last year. Tickets will be allocated to the children for next years show. Xmas Eve carols will be suspended due to lack of adult supervision. M Moore thanked M Smillie for hard work in the various Xmas events. Mr S Shanks complained to M Moore re apparent removal of trees in the Lane. This was not the case, in the cleaning of basal growth of the lime trees, multi- trunked growth was cut back to one trunk. The burn will be piped by a culvert through plot 1 Antonine Road. Correspondence ....... NLC planning application lists and Monthly Minutes NLC Community Council - Best Value Review - Questionnaire NLC Newslink January 2001 NLC Conservation and Greening Unit. Scottish Executive Rural Strategic Support Fund 2001-1002 Rosemary McKenna Surgery Details Cathy Craigie MSP Surgery Details West of Water Flier S.E.P.A. letter from Mr McKenzie re Dullatur Sewage Pumping Station Polluting Discharges from Emergency Overflows. Financial Rep0 rt...... The accounts are healthy, and income has been banked from the various events. The third quarters accounts are up to date in the computer and will be entered into the account book. The safety deposit box will be closed and the cash will be deposited in the appropriate accounts. E100.00 cash was withheld from the deposited cash for the secretary’s float of the last quarter. The secretary’s outstanding expenses will be paid by cheque. E40 is due from the Mast Users Account to John Duncan of Wester Dullatur Farm for electricity and E54 is due to the Community Councils account for portion of insurance. $90.00 is due to Dullatur Old Village Hall and Residents Association account from Community Council Account for residents signing cheques to the wrong account. 25.00 was given by M Kennedy for the Xmas Charity Appeal to Strathcarron Hospice which finally realised the sum of $179.50. Thanks to all residents who supported it. Cheques were issued for the Burns Supper. Group Reports ..... All groups have started their new session. The Toddler Group is at its capa&y and now has a waiting list. A meeting will be called shortly to determine whether an afternoo; session would be viable. Social Events. ...... The Burns Suppers will be held on 2 & 16 February and the tickets for both nights are going very well. Menu will be as last year. The Cumbernauld and District Burns Club will present the evening. The next theme supper is Italian and will be held on 3 1 March. Future events will be planned will be discussed at the next meeting. Any other business..... ..We have had another sewage spill in the village coming from the pumping station at Plot 10 on the Stewart Milne site. The extent of the spillage

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21 takes over a large section of woodland adjacent to the Croy Walkway. The initial breakdown was estimated at around 15 December. This can be confirmed by Mr T McKenzie of S.E.P.A. and was reported by several residents. The problem is still ongoing up to this meeting and still has not been dealt with to a satisfactory conclusion. Environmental Health and S.E.P.A. are both monitoring the site on a daily basis, and a formal warning will be issued to Stewart Milne. S.E.PA. is chairing a meeting with M Smillie, Community Council, Mrs A L Gurney, Dullatur resident, Mr D Young, civil engineer and Cllr G Murray with West of Scotland Water on 25 January to discuss the increasing failure of the sewage systems around the village for the last seven years. The supposedly “fail-safe system” has proved ineffective and this present spillage has proved this point.

During Xmas and New Year rehge bins were not uplifted in several areas in the village, the road conditions due to the bad weather was contributed to the problem. However the refuse vehicle had been seen by several residents in the Lane and Antonine Road passing by overflowing bins. Although some streets were advised of the uplift day change, others were not. A letter will be sent to the Cleansing Dept.

not being gritted in the new developments, it was explained that these roads were not at present adopted by NLC but grit could be obtained from the Blairlinn depot. It was also explained that Dullatur was not a priority area and the village streets were only gritted &er the main routes were cleared. The response to the winter newsletter highlighted all these points.

Several complaints again have been made about the speed of drivers through the village, again a request for traffic calmers has been made.

The Croy Qua rry.... After weeks of silence, M Smillie tracked down the name of Dr Robert Ashley, who is employed by Aggregate Industries who own Croy Quarry and at present is involved in research with Warwick University involving mining at Croy Quarry and its affect on social and environmental issues. Being in the prevailing wind to the Quarry, Dullatur has suffered the effects from the quarry for years. In conversation he asked why Dullatur and other local villages had not been mentioned as concerned parties included in the study. From now on we will be involved in all mmunications. It was asked by all Community Councillors why Croy Community Council had not thought of asking Dullatur Community Council for their comments, as in the past we had given them support in Croy Quarry and other issues. As neighbouring Community Councils we should pass on any information relevant to each other. M Harrison also mentioned the &5000.00 grant awarded to Croy Community Council for improvements to the Antonine Wall Walkway. As Dullatur Community Council area bounds with Croy could they give us an indication where the improvements will stop. As we might get involved with the Dullatur section. A letter will be sent to the secretary.

Grants will be actively pursued this year to repair and improve the facilities in and arcw village. Pathways on Old Victoria Road and the ‘Bunny Hop” made up to safe standards after water damage. The Croy walkway to be made up, &er talks with Stewart Milne and Railtrack, again to repair flood water damage. A children’s play area drained and equipped.

Complaints were also received from residents who could not get to business due to the roads

Date of next Mee&ing 15 February 2001, Dullatur Village Hall, 8p.m.

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Dullatur Community Council Minutes of Meeting held on 12 February 2001, Dullatur Village Hall, 8p.m.

Present. ...... M Moore, M Smillie, M Harrison, M Kennedy, J McLean, E Watson. Apologies ...... L Meldrum. Minutes.. ..... Minutes were previously circulated, taken as read and approved. Matters arising from Minutes ....... Planning Application re Croy Quarry.. . .Roads. Correspondence ........ NLC Minutes and monthly Planning Application lists. NLC Annual Report for 199 1/2000 NLC Anti Social Behaviour Task Force- Consultation meeting at various places. NLC Housing & Property Services Dept. Allocations Policy. NLC North Area Committee information leaflet. Association of Scottish Community Councils Newsletter. SEPA View winter magazine. Financial Rep0 rt....... Cheques were authorised for the Burns Supper on 16 February from the Dullatur Old Village and Residents Association Account. Water and Electricity Accounts are now due for payment. Group Reports ..... The Dullatur Lawn Tennis Club will hold their A.G.M. on Friday 16 March at 7.30p.m. The Toddler Group is now fill with a waiting list. The Play group has eight children enrolled and has had several enquiries. All leaders and carers should be congratulated for their enthusiasm in the development of both groups. Social Events... ... The Burns Supper held by the Community Council was again excellent, a letter of thanks will be sent to Cumbernauld and District Burns Club for chairing the event. The night made a profit, and the proceeds of the raffle will be transferred to the Village Hall Maintenance Fund Account, this will apply to the proceeds of all raffles throughout the year unless specified. The Trustees had to ask one resident to leave under clause (5) of the Dullatur Old Village Hall and Residents Association Constitution, This was the third occasion that the resident disrupted a social event. The Old Village Residents Association Burns Supper will be held on 16 February, menu and set up arrangements as before. A flier will be sent out with our spring social events. Any Other Business. ..... Due to the increase in utilities charges, the hall rental for all groups will be increased by 50p to S3.50 per hour as from 1 April 2001. This income will be paid to the Hall Maintenance account and all utility and repair bills will be paid from that account, All groups will be notified in due course. The $1 charge for the coffee morning will remain unchanged. Week end charges will be increased to &5 per hour, this will not include Community Council or Tennis Club functions. The guttering on the roof of the hall needs attention. Cards and a small gift was sent to Mr E Fairlie during his recent stay in hospital. M Smillie gave a brief report on the Communities Against Landfill meeting at Croy Clinic. After fifteen minutes M Smillie withdrew from the proceedings due to the disgracell and aggressive behaviour from an office bearer of Croy Community Council who was an observer at the meeting. Members of Croy Community Council and other Croy Groups apologised on behalf of the residents of Croy. This person had made a visit to the home of M Smillie on the previous Saturday with another Croy Community Councillor. Though the behaviour was not as aggressive the undertones of

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21 the conversation were not acceptable to M Smillie. Dullatur Community Council in the past had a good working relationship with Croy Community Council and hopes it will continue. Dullatur Community Council Will not tolerate any coercion particularly in any neighbouring conflicts. Cllr G Murray has been made aware of this. In view of the above events it was unanimously agreed to af€itiate Communities Against LandfYl to Dullatur Community Council to ease a potentially stressll situation for the Croy committee members. Grant packages have been apllied for to upgrade the pathways around the village to a safe condition. We have contacted North Lanarkshire Forward and Lottery’s Grants for All. J McLean pointed out that as a fair percentage of the damage had been done by the builders, in the areas of the Bunny Hop and Croy Walkway they should be approached to contribute to the costs. The fencing at the quarry needs urgent attention, it was pulled down by the builders when the overflow for surface water from the Stewart Milne development was constructed. A letter will be sent to Mr Watson and Mr McIver with regards to the non gritting of village roads during the severe weather. A flier will be sent to all residents to object to the application re Croy Quarry. Date of next Meeting 15 March 2001, Dullatur Village Hall, 8.p.m.

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Dulla tu r Community Council Minutes of Meeting held on 15 March 2001, Dullatur Village Hall, 8p.m.

Present ....... Margaret Moore, Margaret Smillie, M Harrison, J McLean, E Watson Apologies ........ M Kennedy, L Meldrum. Minutes ........ Previously circulated, taken as read and approved. Matters arising from minutes ....... Tennis Club ..... A flier advertising the A.G.M was received by all members outwith Dullatur two weeks ago, to date (1 5 March) only a handfkl of members

atur village had been notified. It was agreed to include this in the newsletter, that this ould not go ahead as the A.G.M as four days

notice was not sufficient. Correspondence ........ NLC Minutes and monthly Planning Lists NLC Tenants Information Service NLC Newslink- Walk across Scotland. NLC Community Learning Fayre- 3 March. Home Office- Raace Relations ( Amendment) Act 2000. Scotlands Natural Heritage Magazine SEPA report on the sewage problem from West of Scotalnd Water and Stewart Milne. Financial Repo rt........ As from 1 April the rental charges Will be increased by 50p to $3.50 per hour, all groups have been notified of the change. All income from the groups will be paid into the Dullatur Hall Maintenance account. The second Burns Supper made a profit and the finances in all group are healthy. Group Reports ........ The Arts and CraR Club, or Crafty Kids will run a two day ceramic class during the school holidays. On Monday and Tuesday, 9/10 April and Tuesday and Friday the following week. Margaret Smillie will be the tutor at these classes. 23.50 per session which includes materials and refreshments. This will be an open to all class. It is hoped a more formal class will develop for children as an after school club and adults classes in the autumn. Grant

sourced, and it has been agreed to give this club a loan to purchase materials and il finance is available. At present M Smillie has been hnding this herself, to children in the creative arts. The club has been running for four years. now has its maximum number of 12, congratulations to Gill Mason, Group Leader

and helpers. Social Events... ..... The Italian Evening has been arranged for 3 1 March at 7.30p.m. Tickets priced 210.00. Tickets will be sold out this week, numbers will be limited to 45. The menu was discussed and agreed. The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Sunday 8 April at 2p.m. There will be no charge for this event. Any Other Business.. .... The residents adjacent to the railway line have been subjected to constant disruption and mess for 24 hours daily fro er during the upgrading of the drainage system by Mowlem, contractors for Railtra s Dunlop has complained on several occasions to her driveway and lawn being damage s servicing the site. The footpath at the Bunny Hop is virtually destroyed and is totally impassable, likewise the Croy Walkway. Mr Kevin Lawler, Gordon Cameron and Shirley Linton of the Planning Dept Department have been notified and site visits have been made. A letter was set to all residents in the immediate area by Mowlem on behalf of Railtrack. It is hoped all damage done during this work will be made good. In the past a footpath committee was discussed it was agreed that interested several residents will be approached to set up a committee.

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Several cotnplaints have been received about the smashed car at bend of New Dullatur

A Sptihg &wsletwr v$ be distributed to all residents with all news and events this Road, th.e car has now been there fbr three weeks and the police have been notified several times

incoming we&. r&zy newsletters have proved popular and useh1 with the new residents and the Community Council have been comphmented on their work in the village.

Aggregate Industries will be present. Date of next Meeting 9 April 2001, Dullatur Village Hall, 8.p.m.

A public Open Day will be held in the Miners Welfare in Croy, representatives of

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Dullatur Community Council Minutes of Meeting held on 11 2001, Dullatur Village Hall, 8p.m.

Present ....... Margaret Moore, Margaret Smillie, M Kennedy, J McLean, Apologies ........ L Meldrum, E Watson, M Harrison. Minutes .,...... Previously circulated, taken as read and approved. Matters arising from minutes ....... Tennis Club.. ... The A.G.M went ahead regardless of the short notice given to Dullatur members. A serious complaint regarding the conduct of two senior members of the Community Council was made by a committee member of the Tennis Club at the A.G.M. As past minutes will record two Tennis Club committee members were invited to the home of the Chairperson, M Moore to discuss the ownership and conditions of the premises owned by the Community Council and other constitutional matters. The Community Council had asked for a fbll meeting, but at the insistence of Peter Yacoubian, the President, this was scaled down to two members from each party. Important facts relating to the ownership and conditions of the land sale, particularly the fact the Tennis courts were for the benefit of the residents of Dullatur in perpetuity was given by the Mid - Superior of Mrs Beak's estate. John Duncan lost control of his temper, then used foul language and was asked to leave by M Moore. The meeting continued with P Yacoubian. He was reminded that the constitution they were using had not been ratified at any prior A.G.M the original constitution still stands.

the conduct of J Duncan, but it was decided to say nothing in an attempt to build bridges. M Smillie complained to P Yacoubian when this outburst had been openly discussed by another committee member in public and this member was cautioned. It was hoped that this matter would have been dealt with by the Tennis Club committee. In hindsight this was an error of judgement by the Community Council and if a similar situation occurs in the future, action will be immediate. M Smillie indicated that she would be resigning from the Tennis Club after 16 years and asked if she could send the minutes of this meeting and the past meeting with her reply, as no defence to the conduct of the Community Council office bearers would be recorded in the Tennis Club’s minutes. This was agreed

The ownership of the Tennis Courts had been raised by new residents enquiring about membership, they had been told the courts were owned by North Lanarkshire Council. It was felt a letter from our lawyer should be sent to all groups and a notice posted in the hall. M Smillie disagreed with this as this was conjecture and until proof of the source of the rumour was found nothing should be done. It was agreed that a representative of the Community Council should attend Tennis Club meetings, not as a committee member as in the past but as an observer, a rota will be discussed at the next meeting. Correspondence ........ NLC Minutes and monthly Planning Lists. (Mr S Pressley plot 20) NLC re Cumbernauld Community Forum, 3 April at 7,3Opm. NLC re establishment of Westerwood Community Council NL,C acknowledgement of objection to proposed plans for 12 Prospect Road

At the time an official letter of complaint was considered by the Community Council to

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2/ NLC copy of letter from Cllr G Murray re pond in Craigmarloch with implications to the proposed deep water fill at Croy Quarry. NLC letter from Cllr G Murray re missing title deeds of Mr & Mrs Moore, Dullatur House, loaned to C.D.C and in the possession of NLC. Enclosed reply from Mr O’Hagan. NLC Public Access Strategy.. . ..consultation draft. NLC North Area Committee- meeting at 6.p.m. Chryston High School. NLC Area Committee - your views. Balloch / Eastfield Community Council invitation to forthcoming meeting. Mowlem re Dullatur Drainage Scheme.. .Kevin J Corr - site agent. Letter of appreciation sent by Mrs J Young for the hard work done by the Community Council for running the Supper events for the residents of Dullatur. Financial Rep0 rt........ The accounts are almost complete and will be checked through by G Inglis before delivering to the auditor. Group Reports ........ Tennis Club.. ... The Open Day has been arranged for Saturday 14 April, to date no members of the club living in The Lane have been notified. P Yacoubian is aware of this. In a telephone conversation prior to this meeting he asked if the Community Council had a policy about dogs on the premises, as he had noticed a dog on the courts. He felt dogs should not be encouraged in a sports facility and said he would post a sign on the gate, this was agreed by M S d i e . Up to then we did not mind dogs on the premises as long as they were under control but as a result of the recent dog attack in the village this should be considered to be included in our constitution of the Village Hall. Last year we did have complaints from the Toddler Group from dogs fouling on the grass area. several members have enquired about children’s coaching as some families missed out last year. Coaching for children is a condition of the Lottery Grant, this will be included in the letter to the secretary. Craft Class ....... 19 children have booked to attend on 16 & 17 April and 7 on 27 April. Social Events ........ The Italian Evening was a great success, 45 residents attended and a profit was made. A Mexican Evening has been arranged for 19 May, the menu will be discussed at the next meeting. The Easter Egg Hunt was held on Sunday 8 April at 2p.m, 32 children took part, the older children especially enjoyed the Treasure Hunt. AU the familyjoined in the egg and spoon races. There will be no charge for this event. Any Other Business. ..... The inaugural meeting of the Dullatur Footpaths and Walk Way Society was held on Monday 2 April. The Chairman is M i F L Harrison, Secretary M Smillie, Treasurer J Millard, ordinary members A L Gurney, M L Harrison. The constitution was compiled and agreed, a suitable logo will be designed by J Millard, and a Treasurers account will be opened at the Royal Bank of Scotland, Cumbernauld Village. The group will be affiliated to the Community Council. The meetings will be held on an ad-hoc basis. The purpose of this Society is to re-instate all the pathways destroyed by variuos elements.. .. . .. ..the flash flood two years ago, particularly the pathway connecting Victoria Road to the Terrace, contruction works on the Bunny Hop and Croy Walkway and the Taywood and Stewart Milne development companies. It proposes to pursue hnding through North Lanarkshire ‘Forward and other agencies.

the play area adjacent to the Hall. Date of next meeting 14 May 2001,Dullatur Village Hall, 8p.m.

The Dullatur Old Village Residents Association will also seek hnding to drain and equip

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Minutes of Meeting held on 14 May 2001, Dullatur Village Hall, 8p.m.

Present ....... Margaret Moore, Margaret Smillie, J McLean, L Meldrum, E Watson, M Harrison. Apologies ........ M Kennedy, Minutes ........ Previously circulated, taken as read and approved. Matters arising from minutes... .... Tennis Club.....The Open Day to start the season was successful, although quieter than usual. P Yacoubian, the President of the Tennis Club phoned M Smillie prior to this meeting as to our policy on dogs on theqremises, as a club member brings their dog to the hall and allows it on the courts. In the past we did not mind dogs on the premises as long as they were under control, however in view of the recent dog attack in the village we have unanimously decided that dogs will not be allowed on the premises, unless it is a guide dog for the blind. A s&n will be purchased and displayedprominently. All_groups will be notified and this will be included in the Constitution of the Dullatur Village Hall and Residents Association at the A.G.M. The issue of toilet facilities for tennis club members has been spoken about again, (Ref June 1999 Minutes) where the suggestion by DCC to open a doorway to the gents toilet at the estimated cost of 2800 - &loo0 or the suggestion by G Stewart that S Campbell could do it for a more reasonable price as he was in the building trade. The proposal was ultimately rejected by the Tennis Club committee. Children’s and Adult coaching will start on1 9 / 20 May with K Bowie a previous Dullatur resident. Correspondence ........ NLC Minutes and monthly Planning Lists NLC re Licensing Board proposed time extention. Orange re Mobile Phone Masts and Health SEPA Newsletter. Scottish Executive re Title Conditions (Scotland) Bill. Scottish Executive re Review of Woodland Grant Scheme. Scottish Natural Heritage of Central Belt Consultation on Draft Local Prospectus. West of Scotland Water re Consultation on Relief of charges. Croy Historical Society Re meeting Financial Rep0 rt.,...... As from 1 April the we will pay the 111 commercial rate for water. No rebates for Community and Sports facilities will be available, we will take daily water meter readings to monitor the costs. This will put a financial strain on the Community Council funds. The rental income from the groups will be paid to the Hall Maintenance Account as from 1 April and all bill will be paid from that. Group Reports ........ The Arts and Craft Club, or Crafty Kids run by M Smillie held a four day course during the Easter school break, will 34 children attending. A summer class will be held during the summer holidays. The Playgroup and Toddlers Group now have their maximum number of children, they may wish to extend their hours, congratulations to Gill Mason, Group Leaders, mothers and helpers. Social Events. ....... The Mexican evening has been cancelled due to other commitments, the Village Barbecue will be held as usual in June nearer the end of the month.. Ask Lesley Baker or


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2/ Gill Mason to face paint. A flier will be distributed to the residents. The Annual Family Day Trip

to Loch Lomond will be discussed at the next meeting. Any Other Business ...... Play Area ....... M Moore, M Smillie, @CC) M Harrison, A L Gurney and J Millard ( Dullatur Pathways and Right of Ways Society) will attend a meeting on Tuesday first with Kirsty of Lanarkshire Forward. The purpose of this meeting is to source grant funding to make much needed improvements to the village e.g. A children’s play area and upgraded footpaths. It was agreed to apply for charitable status to facilitate grant fbnding. The Bunny Hop .... Is at present being scraped and flattened by Mowlem the contractor for Railtrack. Aggregate has been laid on a small section of the pathway but this does not comp&ate for the extent of damage made to the Bunny Hop and the Croy Walkway. S Linton of NLC Planning Dept is aware of this and two site visits have been made and photographs taken. The Gllen Wall.. ..E Watson noted that a section of the retaining wall on the Glen Road is deteriorating and should be repaired by NLC. M Smillie pointed out this may not be in the ownership of NLC but will pursue it through the Roads Dept as a hazard. From NLC Minutes ..... Ref Planning and Environment.. . .Designated Conservation Areas ( Ref comments (4) indicating present advice from Historic Scotland encourages the assessment of the special qualities which justify its designation as a conservation area. Ref. ... Planning Application N/00/01181/NID - Erection of School. Westerwood Community Council. ..... M Smillie attended a public meeting with regards to the proposed development by Morton Hotels on several fairways of the golf course at Westerwood. Judging by the attendance this development meets with severe opposition from the residents. Dullatur Community Council has offered its support. The Community Council will take a break for the months of July and August. M Moore has put in her-apologies for the Jufie meeting. Date {f next Meeting 11 June 2001, Dullatur Village Hall, 8,is.m.