Page 1: A case-control study to investigate the association between silica dust and lung cancer

Abstracts/ Lung Cancer 13 (1995) 81-104

in the majority of regions an increase tin mortality from lung cancer women occurred, which was nwst expressive in Prague and in the Nonh Bohemia region. On the other hand, in men in the same period mortality has not changed substantially. There was a statistically signtficant correlation between the mean cigarette consumptionlitthabitt over 15 years in 1962, and mortality from lung cancer in 1992 in the individual regions The results of this study anfmtt the dominant role of ctgarette smoktng in the development of lung cancer epidemic in the Czech population and stress the priority of comprehensive cuntrcd of smohng for the preventton of lung cancer

A case-control study to investigate the association behveen silica dust and lung cancer Ulm K, Kraus B. Ehnes H. Thomas B, Schwebig A. Insr~lul fir Medizinischc Sforrsrtk, Eptdemiologre, Technische Unrversi~ol, lsmanrnner Snosse 22. O-81675 Munchen. Zentralbl Arbeitsmed Arbeit&h Ergonomic 199X45:50-8.

Stlica dust is suppxd to increase the risk of lung cancer for exposed workers. A case control study was performed to investigate the association between lung cancer and silica dust. In the pilot phase of the study 65 as with lung cancer and 266 controls were recrutted They worked in plants which are member of the Industrial Injuries Insurance Institute for the Stone and Quany Industries. All workers were exposed to silica dust occupationally. The cancer subjects were taken mainly from the occupatiortal illnesses documentauon. and the contmls mainly from the Insurance Institute’s files on preventive checkups. The exp@sure was described by peak exposure intensity, ttme- weighted averages and cumulative exposure. For the analysis. the workers were classified into two groups: low exposed workers wilh an exposure index below the current threshold limit value (TLV) and high exposed workers (exposure index above TLV). Considering the cttmulative exposure, the median for all workers was determined to din& into high or low exposed. Matched pars were formed to avoid confounding with respect to age &ear ofbirth + I) and smoking habits. As a ttteasure for the association between exposure to silica dust and luwt cancer the relative risk was used. estimated bv the odds ratio (OR). A I&ttcy of 10 years was taken in. account. Fir the peak e&x& intensity the OR was 0.62 (95% Cl: 0.30-I .26), for the time-weighted average exposure it was 0.53 (95% Cl: 0.27-1.07). None of both OR was signiticantlydi5erent horn 1.0. TheORforthecumulativeexposure was 0.54 (95% Cl: 0.22-0.92) and statisticallv simtiticant An OR = 1.54 was seen when classiryin~ the workers by-an &xure level of 0 2 x TLV In the second part of the study the results of the pilot phase will be evahtati. The primary intension for the pilot phase was to investigate the feastbility of perfomting a larger study. The results of the pilot study do not suppon the hypothesis of an association between lung canar and silica dust.

Lung cancer: Is there an association with socioeconomic status in The Netherlands? Van Loon AJM. Coldhohm RA, Un den Brand1 PA. Universrry o/ Lmtburg. oepoll~enfofEpidemro/ogv, POB 616,62OOMD, Maas~rtchf. J epidemiol Community Health 1995;49:65-9

Srudy ob,ect,ve . To evaluate tf there are dtEerences tn lung cancer mcidence between wcmemnomic groups in the Netherlands and if so. if smoking habits and other hfestyle characteristics could explant these ddferences Desrgn - Prospecttve mhon study. Base bne measurement mcluded information on sociocronomtc status, smoking habtts. and Mher covariates by means of a wlf admmistered questionnaire Follow up was established by computetiwd record link& to cancer registries and a pathology register Sellmg . Population ongtnaung from 204 munictpaliltes m The Netherlands Participants - 58 219 men aged 55. 69 wars tn Serntembcr 1986 Alter 3 3 “ears of follow UD 490 macro- scoptcally mtimxd incident lung cancer cases were detected. iLlam nesulrs - An ,nverr asscaatmn between lung cancer risk and highest level of education was found. whtch wrs~stcd after adjustment for age, smoktng. dietary in take of wtamm 6. Dsarotene and&o1 (rate ratno (RR) h~ahcstilowcst level ofcducatmn = 0.52,95% Cl 0 33.0.82. trend p <O.Otil). Men with a lower white collar profcss~on had a s~gn~ticantly lower relative rate of lung cancer compared wth blue collar workers (RR =0 66.95%CI 0 47.0 96). but aJleradJustment for smokmghabtts tbisdilTcratcewas reduccd(RR=O 73,95%CIO 51. l 08) Conclusrons -There is an tnverw assoctatmn bctwccn htghest lcvcl oleducatmn and lung cancer. whtch is still apparent aRcr adJustmcnt for age. smokmg. dtctary tntakc ofwtamln C. bcta-arotcnc and reunol The s~gntficantly

lowcrlungcancerr~sk oflowrwh~tecollaraorkcrscomparcd wththe risk of blue collar workers could bc pamally e\plamcd bj smoking hahos

Lifetime probability of developing lung cancer, by smoking status, Canada Vdkneuve PJ. Bureau Chmnrc Dwose Eprdemrology Tunney k Pasrum, Otfowa, Onf. Kid OLZ. Can J Public Health 1994;85 385-8

Life table methodology was used to estimate the probabtltty of developing lungcanccrby smoking status LifetIme nsksofdeveloping lungcancerwwe estimated for six hypothetical cohorts (males. females. male current smokers, male never smokers, female current smokers, and female never smokers) Estimates of smoking mortahty and incidence rates were calculated based on Sanadtan rates observed over the period 1987 to 1989. It was found that 172/1.000 of male current smokers will eventually develop, lung cancer. the stmdar probabddy among female current smokers was. 116/1.000 For those who never smoked on a regular basis the bfetime risk was substantially reduced Only 13/1.000 m&sand l4/l,CGlfemalesinthiscategory willdevelop lung cancer. When smoking status is not adjusted for, the ltfetime risk of developing lung cancer is approximately %/I,000 and 43/1.000 for males and females respecttvely.

S&mi E, -

Ka&llt S, Kafi$P, Comli H, Mulwmarti S. Umv Hospiro/ o/pulmonary Disease. 7lrana. Radio1 Oncol l994:28:298-300.

During the last ten years in Albania, the mcidence of lung cancer was 10 per IOO.000 inhabitants. The diagnosis was based on cowen- tional emmi~I~ns biopsy taken through Iiberbmttchcsmpy, or by using other invasive methods. In 7Mofcases the histopatiwlogic examination has detertttitted the cytologic type; 45% of cases belong to the 55.64 year age group. and 27.1% of those were over 65 years old. According to the place of living, there were 50.9% of cases from urban areas. and 49.1% fmm rural areas. Considering that the greatest part of Albanian population lives in tural areas, the fraluency of lung cancer is greater in urban areas. The smoking is the main risk factor, accamt~ng for 88% of cass. Radical surgical treatment was done onlv in 9% of cases and palliative surgical Ire&em was performed in 3.5% of cases as the patients seek medical help in too advanced stages of diseases

Epidemiological features of lung cancer in Slovenin Pompe-Ktm V, PrirmcZalkelj M. Volk N h.~r,rurr~~/,/onc~,C,~r: M!nlo$ko 2, 61105 Ljubl/ono Radtol Oncol 1994.28 290-7

Lung cancer is the most frcqucnt cancer m the uorld \rlth andc geographical vanatmns in risk In Europe 1,s mcldcncc trends m mczl are decreasing in the most aITectcd countncs such as Scotland and Finland increasing txadaately m Eastern Europe. and mcrcasmg stccpl> in Southern Europe. The mctidcncc trends m women arc mcreasmg everywhere Many rusk Cactors have been identdied. and the over- whelmmg role of tobacco smokmg has bcen repeatedly dcmonstratcd According to the data of the Cancer Rcmstw of Slovcnia m the ume permd 1961-1990. the incidence of I&g cancer tin Slovcma was increasing. In the 80s the mcreasc was moderate m men and steep rn women. The cumulatwe rates tn men ucrc m the mtddle of those

.established for selected European states and rcgmns while the rates m women were at the bottom The results of the birth cohon analysis Indicated a stabilisation ofthc rates m men and funhcr mcrcasc of the rates I” women About 25% orcases I” both sews aerc dlagnoscd 11, a lccalwd stage In men the percentage of the localwd stage uas increasmg by age which was cxplaincd by a decrcasmg pcrccntagc of the more aggresswe small cell carcmoma More squamous cell carctnomas were rcgtstcred ,n men. and nwrc adcncarcmomas m womm The 0b~ervcd survival 0r hp. cancer tmcnts was around 7x for men and 6% for women. and has not changed smcc 1970 In 1989. 42% of adult men and 24%ofadult women m Slown~a ucrc smokers In the period 1975-1994. the pcrccntagc of smokers US dccrcasmg m mtn. and mcreasmg m women Thcsc results arc a challcngc for more ctlkcnt antwnokmg campatgns. cspcc~all> among uomc,,

Methodology and results of bmnchopulmonary cancer detection in Slovenia 1970-1992 Sorb J /nsfrlule,br Xe.~p,ralo~ D,seoses, 6,30, Golmk Rad,ol Oncol 1994;28.287-9.

The results ofbronchopulmonmy carrcr detectton tn p~tcun~onolog?
