
The topic of this Post is all about how to change your Life in the fastest amount of time as possible…and I found a way that

works for everybody!

Not only for me, but also for tons of my clients...

I don't wanna waste your and my time, so let's get straight to the point...

As mentioned in the Headline, this method includes 9 steps...

By studying highly successful people over the last couple of years is, that these guys

are, the majority of them, early birds...meaning, they get up very early in the

morning...some of them even earlier than 4AM...which is incredible...


Once I heard about this I was a bit worrying if I can do it in the same biggest challenge was always to get up early...I

couldn't deal with that kind of was totally difficult...whenever I got up earlier than

8AM I felt tired and with no energy...

Maybe you're the clue...

But the point is, that this is the first Step to change your destiny...

Because if you keep following your current habits, you won't be able to change your life!

That's for sure!

The best way to change your life is by implementing new - better habits into your life.

One of these habits I recommend is to get up early in the morning.

When you do this you become more productive if you know how to structure it


Be patient, I am going to tell you in a few how it works... ;-)

Ok, Step #1 is to get up early in the morning. If you can't deal with 5AM in the morning, get

up 1 hour earlier as you usually get up and use that 1 hour for the upcoming steps...

The second Step is to wash your face immediately to feel fresh and awake. I prefer

to use ice cold water...

When you're done with this, you should trink at least 0,5l of water, I prefer to add some

lemon juice to the water...(that's basically the 3rd Step)

The next Step is to meditate for 10 mins. When I say meditate, I mean, watch your

breathing...let any thoughts pass this for 10 mins...

The next Step is to do your incantations...For those of you guys who has no clue what Incantations are, you could either search

youtube for Tony Robbins...In my words, it's the same like affirmations but instead of just reading your affirmations, you need to move

your body while speaking them loud out...that kind of motion creates emotions...

Do this also for 10 mins.

It's the easiest way to anchor your affirmations deep into your subconscious mind. Some of my incantations manifest in hours, some in

days, some take a bit longer...

Stick with your Incantations for 7 days...

I prefer to write Incantations based on my weekly goals I set...after these 7 days I switch

them into new ones...

The 6th Step is to visualize your goals for 10 mins...I personally use keynote where I've created some kind of visionboard just by

adding some screenshot pictures about my goals I'd like to achieve.

Visualize them in total for 10mins.

The 7th Step is to read a book about the topic you wanna bring more into your life. For me it's about making more money, becoming

better in my business...

Currently I read Dr. Joseph Murphy and his book about the subconscious mind...

Read for 10mins...then head over to the next Step, Step #8...

And it's about Journaling...and what that means is, write down what are you grateful for, what you've accomplished the day before and what are your 3

daily goals...Do this for 10 mins...

When you're done with this, head over to the next step...'s the last step of this powerful ritual...

It's about exercising your body for 10 or 15 mins.

Currently I do 20 pushups, 50 jumping jacks, 20 burpees and 50 takes me 15mins to do

them all...

For some of you...this maybe a bit too much, but I highly suggest you guys to start with this's very powerful and it has the potential to change your life in lightspeed if you are willing to put in the effort, the time and the willpower. The willpower is necessary for the first 66 days

until it becomes a subconscious habit.

That's it guys...and be aware about, that success is only achievable for these guys that are willing to

invest and are willing to pay the price!

Have a good one...- Allen

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