Page 1: 9 Reasons why the Suggestion Box is DEAD

9 Reasons why theSuggestion Box is


Page 2: 9 Reasons why the Suggestion Box is DEAD

Idea Management – Simplified.

Identify the top 5% of ideas that will drive 95% of new business results.

Collaborate with your employees, customers, and suppliers to collect, prioritize,

and take action on new ideas company-wide.

Page 3: 9 Reasons why the Suggestion Box is DEAD

Most companies have the best of intentions to listen to ideas

and feedback from their employees.

But while management makes an effort, everyone is busy and can’t

provide 100% of their attention 100% of the time.

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Enter the Suggestion Box.

The little contraption for anyone to provide their

thoughts on the good and bad of their employment,

responsibilities, and interactions at work.

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Whether a physical box or section of a website, the process is

usually straight-forward – you share your thoughts and

management will check it out on a later date.

The passive communication channel is built on convenience for

both parties, but rarely lives up to its potential. Here’s why -

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No Awareness.• Employees know the suggestion box is there, but it just “exists”

• Few people think about it on a daily basis, thus less likely to think of ideas or feedback they can provide

• It’s less of a tool and more of a requisite for saying “we listen”

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No Motivation.• Lack of confidence and dissatisfaction keep people from participating

• Who is reading the ideas? What if the idea isn’t any good? What if it angers the manager?

• Questions are magnified in a culture where “risky” ideas are avoided

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No Context.• Employees aren’t aware of problems management is looking to solve

• Non-managers can’t define what they’re organization stands for

• Lack of transparency leaves with an utter lack of “spark” or engagement with anything outside of their responsibilities

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No Recognition.• Lack of immediate pay-off or reward crushes initiative to participate

• Employees say they’d work harder if their efforts were recognized

• Public “thanks” for contributions and ideas can go a long way

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No Accountability.• Even with an engaged workforce, getting ideas is only half the battle

• The best ideas are still reliant on a willingness to change and innovate

• Proper processes must be in place to review and take action on ideas that have potential to improve operations

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No Collaboration.• Boxes are a one-way conversation with an employee and the reader

• No opportunities for employees to work together across departments, inspire each other, and amplify ideas.

• Employees believe they should seek other opinions before making that final decision

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No Fun.• There’s little to celebrate about dropping a piece of paper into a box

• Competition is a huge motivator for participation in any initiative

• There’s no reason the process of ideation shouldn’t involve some sort of gamification to encourage use, competition, and excitement

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No Feedback.• With no feedback, the chance for further participation is likely low

• Lack of feedback bodes poorly for development of the employee

• Employees that feel they can approach management for feedback are the most engaged in their work

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No Accessibility.• Many great ideas are sprung at home our outside of work’s walls

• That suggestion box isn’t following you home, and ideas can be forgotten by the next morning

• A physical box shouldn’t be an option when a company could be getting ideas from anywhere at any time

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Managers and executives always want to hear insights, examine ideas,

and work with employees to move the company forward.

Technology has made it easier to communicate, but ideas

are still getting lost by the receiver or forgotten by both parties.

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Still, the open innovation and improvement movements are thriving.

Technology is providing new options for companies

to engage their employees and foster a more innovative operation.

Focus on finding that right combination transparency,

communication, and structure to get people talking and building.

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Ready to step beyond the Suggestion Box?

Try Ideawake, and start

building a truly innovative

Workforce where Ideas flourish.