

Just pick your favourite productivity-boosting place

There are those moments when your mind isn’t just cooperating and you can’t get focused, regardless of how much work you still have to be done.

The solution may be just leave the place where you are and seek for an alternative where you can get on track again.

1 . YO U R A PA RT M E N T

Working from home one day a week might really help when you have a task that requires total uninterrupted focus.

2 . C O -WO R K I N G S PAC E S

This is a great alternative to work from home, since there’s the chance of meeting new people and generating new ideas.

3 . T H E L I B R A R Y

If your work requires some research, being in the center of a place where everyone is focused and silent might be just the incentive you need to get going.

4 . A N A I R P L A N E

Nothing can make you stay still for more time than an airplane. With the bonus of being somewhere else with all your tasks updated. Win-win.

5 . A N OT H E R C O U N T R Y

Travelling is amazing to open your mind and get away from your daily routine.

6 . A C O F F E E S H O P

If you really can only focus with the hustle and bustle of coffee machines, mumbled talk and the smell of baked cookies, this is your kingdom then.

7. A H OT E L R O O M

This is a great alternative if you are away from home and need to focus.

8 . T H E PA R K

A radically new change of work environment is heading out to the nearby park. It’s also a great mood booster.

9. YO U R M OT H E R ’ S P L AC E

There’s nothing like your mother’s place to remind you of your roots. Bonus points if there are recently baked cookies.

If you have your own pick-me-up tips, share them with us!
