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The U.S. Army has partnered with SRC, Inc. to develop capabilities for a complete, end-to-end counter-unmanned aircraft system (UAS) solution know as SCEPTRE. This system combines radar, electronic warfare (EW), camera and lethal miniature aerial munitions systems (LMAMS) to provide forces with a diverse suite of detection, identification and negation capabilities. SCEPTRE is designed for deployment below the brigade level in network-denied environments.

Detect SCEPTRE employs two U.S. Army Programs of Record for UAS detection — the AN/TPQ-50 with LSTAR® air surveillance software installed and the AN/ULQ-35 Counter Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) Electronic Warfare (CREW) Duke system. These systems scan the airspace for low, slow and small airborne targets, collecting information such as 3-D

SCEPTRE Counter-UAS System

SCEPTRE is the U.S. Army’s counter-UAS system that detects, tracks, classifies,

identifies and engages hostile UAS.




SCEPTRE Counter-UAS System

location, radio frequency signature, and more. Together, these systems accurately detect, track and identify hostile UAS for making effective decisions regarding threats.

Decide The combination of radar signature data and electronic surveillance information is sufficient for positive identification of UAS targets. Identification can then be further enhanced through the use of an electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) camera for visual identification. With the visual identification being made, the operator can confidently decide on which, if any, actions must be taken against the threat.

Defeat Once a UAS has been identified as hostile, the operator has the option of engaging it with the AN/ULQ-35 CREW Duke EW system or LMAMS.

The non-kinetic defeat capabilities of the AN/ULQ-35 CREW Duke system provide a low-cost, low-risk initial layer of defense. The operator can use the AN/ULQ-35 CREW Duke system to perform electronic attack and electronic surveillance techniques that jam or spoof the command guidance or sensor data links of the UAS. This is the preferred approach when engaging with UAS swarms, since jamming of the RF band can defeat multiple targets simultaneously.

If electronic methods are insufficient, the operator can cue the LMAMS for a kinetic attack.

System Components• AN/TPQ-50 counterfire radar with LSTAR air surveillance software• AN/ULQ-35 CREW Duke EW system• EO/IR camera• LMAMS

Features• Detects, tracks, identifies and engages hostile UAS• Non-kinetically negates UAS with EW• Provides kinetic C-UAS option for layered defense• Proven subsystems with a technology readiness level of 8/9

Benefits• Minimal procurement and training costs • Can be quickly brought to theatre• Low risk of collateral damage or fratricide from surgical, non-kinetic engagements• Very low cost per electronic engagement

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