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When I think about online marketing and content creation, my brain runs a million MPH and just can't stop. Sometimes that's good, and sometimes it's not.

The concept of this ebook is to provide marketing ideas to help you focus on creating content structure. You will also see how the 8 marketing filters can help you produce more effective content marketing.

Here we go. Let’s stimulate some ideas that may help you when you’re creating content marketing.




Online Marketing and Content Creation: Marketing

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Content Marketing Initiatives:

1. Creating social media posts and links2. Thinking of hashtags to use for your company3. Writing and creating dynamic web content4. Writing and creating rich email content5. Writing powerful, action-oriented landing page content6. Writing descriptions and tagging videos for YouTube7. Creating info graphics8. Writing eBook content and publishing9. Implementing a webinar 10. Integrating a call-to-action (CTA) for everything



Which Ones Are You Producing?Marketing


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The 10 initiatives listed on page 3 are considered to be content marketing initiatives or even inbound marketing tactics. Whatever you call them, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you create a marketing filter that you push your ideas through before you start. {#A


10Let’s take a look at the marketing filters.

04MarketingYour marketing team may be producing all 10 on the previous page, or just a few of them. Either way, it is a great idea to think about a few things before you produce those content marketing initiatives.


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Filter 1: PersonasI wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t ask you to think about whom you are creating your content for before you start. Think about this, decide, and then start. Do it before each and every message you create.

Filter 2: Keywords Know the most popular keywords that get your brand the most traction on the web. These will also work for you in social, email and other online channels.



05FiltersThe All-Important Marketing FiltersThis eBook includes 8 marketing filters I want you to pour your ideas through, much like a coffee filter. Why? So you can get maximum return on your content marketing. These are not the only filters, however, they are easy to grasp and implement into daily workflow. They will help you get started and moving in the right direction and also provide structure and guidance.


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Filter 4: Brand TaglineMost companies have a brand tagline. However, some do not. If the company you work for does have one - take advantage of it. Give it wings and let it be free. Use it wherever you can. Email, social, and videos … you name it. You may also want to make it into a hashtag if it is short enough.



06FiltersWhen you start thinking about using a hashtag, start by making it short, identifiable, possibly keyword-rich and applicable to your brand. Don't just create one that sounds cool and trendy. Try using one that is directly related to the brand, product, service or even industry.


Filter 3: Hashtags

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Filter 6: Product and Service IdentifierOf course your marketing department probably has a few terms that they use when describing the brand product or service. Keep those front and center and use them frequently. They also become words or phrases that your customers latch on to. These trigger a customer’s memory that helps them recall your marketing or brand name.


07FiltersEvery industry has buzzwords. Just think for a moment and you will be able to come up with a few. Once you have your list, think about ways to implement these periodically into your messaging online, especially on social media. These buzzwords will help draw more traffic and exposure to your online channels associated with your brand.

Filter 5: Industry Buzzwords


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Listen To Your Customers - Social MediaThe second part of Filter 7 is to listen to the customer on social channels as well. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram are very popular ways to engage with your customer and listen to them. The immediacy of social provides you with instant feedback. But don't forget, that same immediacy also means you need to respond quickly too. It's not a one-way street. If you want that immediate, direct-connect with your customers, you must be accountable for responding to them quickly.

08FiltersWhat common words are your customers using online when they are communicating? If you have a corporate blog, this is a great place to "listen" to the customer as they engage with your brand. Allow customer comments on the blog. This is a tremendous asset because you will know what your customers are thinking without paying money to do it. As a marketer, customer feedback is like gold to us if we know what our customers are thinking. So take advantage of this.

Filter 7: Listen To Your Customers - Blogs


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Once you decide to embark on this journey of creating marketing filters, you’re off to a great start. Remember, run your ideas through the 8 filters before you start your content marketing initiatives. Create a checklist to remember all of them.

Your marketing filters are an important component to ensure your content marketing message is reaching the right audience, in the right place, for the right reasons. By doing this you are also maximizing your exposure opportunities and helping to strengthen your brand at the same time.

09FiltersOf course your marketing department probably has a few terms that they use when describing the brand product or service. Keep those front and center and use them frequently. They also become words or phrases that your customers latch on to. These trigger a customer’s memory that helps them recall your marketing or brand name.

Filter 8: Don’t “Sell” - Relate