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The future is already here!

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Are u ready to embrace it?

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The consumer has the control specially with the mobile that is going to a tripping point, but a good strategy can help and brands can still has the power to influence him.

Put your consumers first, make them the hero!

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Content is still king

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Content is still king

Content will continue to be a significant challenge when it comes to programmatic media, which is hoovering up media inventory around the world. While most marketers have built or are in the process of establishing robust programmatic platforms full of viewable premium inventory and disparate data sets, most are still struggling to find content to feed the beast. In short, all the technology is there to hyper-target unique consumers across the purchase funnel, but there’s simply nothing to put in front of them.

2016 is the year clients will get serious about evolving their trade desks into Adaptive Marketing engines, hopefully enriched with a myriad of creative messages stored in asset libraries and dynamically served to customers based on data and marketing rules. It’s time for all that programmatic investments to start paying off, and content is the missing element for most.


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Content is still king

We need to produce and push a very meaningful content to create a real bond between the brands and the consumers, hence the importance of the “Story telling” that everyone is talking about.

But today people don’t just want to listen a story, they want to be part of the story they are exposed to.

And this where the data is crucial, not just for measurement purpose (yes yes it’s important) but to have a far better understanding of what the consumers like, how do they behave, what are their aspiration, and how do they react on a day to day/mn by mn basis.


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And don’t forget


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Data is queen

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If content is king, then Data is queen!

Nowadays , brands have small shots to capture the attention of the consumer which is facing a lot and advertising and is always online, up to date.

To reduce this too intrusive flow of information and optimize it , marketers are trying to target, observe and analyze the consumer’s behavior . For this it is necessary to collect multiple data , not always accessible .

This "Big data" is defined as the set of data sent by individuals in everyday life, sometime difficult to interpret and represents a strategic asset for the economic actors .


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If content is king, then Data is queen!

Data is important, it allows the marketers to better understand what the consumers like, how do they behave, what are their needs and aspiration, and how do they react on a day to day/mn by mn basis.

Content can create a real bond between the brands and the consumers, but data will help understand how that bond was created.

For good inputs, the data collected must be analyzed and considered when decisions are made.

Data-based stories are at once the next big thing on the digital content marketing scene. Big data is a marketer’s best strategy for driving relevant personalised interactions.


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Disruption is already here

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Digital disruption is already here

Everybody is talking about digital disruption and the emergence of the Information Enterprise.

Digital disruption is the change that occurs when new digital technologies and business models affect the value proposition of existing goods and services.

The rapid increase in the use of of mobile devices for personal use and work, a shift sometimes referred to as the consumerization of IT, has increased the potential for digital disruption across many industries.

The term digital disruption has become something of a cliché in recent years and is often misused to describe any product involving digital technology or the use of digitization to better compete against marketplace peers.


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Digital disruption is already here

The only way to compete in the midst of this whole digital disruption thing is to evolve, transform, and fully embrace digital technologies.

It’s time for marketers to move past the fear and confront digital disruption head-on. After all, disruption is a forcing function; companies can use it as the imperative to engage customers differently –and more effectively –across all interaction touch points.


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Use videos for marketing

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Use videos for marketing

According to a report by Cisco, by 2019: video will account for 80 percent of global internet traffic and nearly a million minutes of video will be shared every second.It would take an individual 5 million years to watch the all the video that will be shared each month.

Marketers have started to use videos to promote their products and services since the past few years. It is a trend that has been more popular among larger brands because it provides a more interactive way of explaining things beyond what mere text or images could ever allow.


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Use videos for marketing

Social video takes over. In case you missed it, social video is exploding. Last year, Facebook more than doubled its daily video views to 8 billion, reportedly overtaking YouTube. Twitter launched native video of its own in 2015, while Snapchat now reports 6 billion daily video views in its own right. In total, adult users now consume a total of 66 minutes of online video, each and every day.

The shorter formats are also trending, from 8-second Vines to 15-second Instagram videos, not to mention streaming video like Periscope and Meerkat or videos on Snapchat, offer a hassle-free entree to the brands to connect with their customers.


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Mobile only

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Mobile only

After mobile first was the trend to follow, Mobile Only the new trend emerging,

Mobile is everywhere and every time with the consumers. They used for researches about the product, the sell point and even the sales person; it’s part of the decision.

Marketers must rethink the role of mobile, particularly where and how it can become the primary channel of engagement for a connected consumer.

Even publishers should adapt their website to the mobile or even better have dedicated mobile apps .


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Mobile only

Some marketers are taking action and mobile advertising is on the rise, with investments expected to surpass desktop ad spending soon.

Besides, video ads are proving to be highly engaging on small screens and some marketers still struggle to make a true connection with customers through mobile.

One solution to brands’ mobile problem may be to create more content and, in particular, offer it exclusively through mobile.


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Live is live

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Live is live

Social media posting is already “live” by nature, but we will just be expanding upon this. Social media like Snpachat and Periscope were the revelation of 2015.

Periscope is a great example that lets you explore the world through the eyes of somebody else and it allows users to give a live video broadcast of some stretch of their lives. Facebook allows also users to broadcat live.

Live streaming video used to require a satellite truck, an expensive camera and a news network base of operations. Now anybody can stream video from their phones, and as Periscope and Meerkat grow in popularity, anyone can be a reporter or a star.


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Live is live

Brands are going live such as Red Bull, Mountain Dew, DKNY…and using those new social networks to make announcements or show exclusive live events while they’re happening in order to create a bond with fans and engage them.

Some users are already capturing crimes, yes broadcasting crimes and big companies are using live-stream apps to tease products, and the business side is scrambling to capitalize on the "social currency" of live events.


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Watch out for the digital influencers

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Watch out for the digital influencers

Digital influence is the ability to create an effect, change opinions and behaviors, and drive measureable outcomes online — largely as the result of social networking.

Digital influencers are leaders within their communities, with powerful social networks and industry-wide credibility. Plus, they are often willing to connect with brands relevant to their field of expertise.

Twitter, YouTube and Instagram are helping to create superstar influencers who are able to grab the attention of millions of people and share their message. They are the new celebrities online that we should follow on every social network. These individuals are bringing innovation, creativity and unique strategies to the world of digital outreach for brands.


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Watch out for the digital influencers

Brands are now collaborating with those influencers to create creative and unique content to entertain their followers. But not the same influencer can work with all brands.

For each domain there are relevant experts and brands should target those influencers based on the three R’s (reach, relevance, and resonance) and have a partnership with them.

Digital influencers help brands reach very targeted audiences, they carefully curate fan bases with specific characteristics. Brands that connect with these influencers also get to connect with these specific audiences.


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Express your emojis

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Express your emojis

2015 was the year of emoji’s. They are everywhere, and have greater meaning than ever.

Four in five 18–65 year use emojis on a regular basis, while 72% of 18-25s find it easier to express emotion through emojis rather than written word.

Now brands are using emojis to communicate with their target audience, to infiltrate their mobile phones, to demonstrate that they are on top of the latest communications trends, and also to convey messages in elegantly simple ways.

From McDonald’s to Budweiser, brands are beginning to use this digital language into their marketing campaigns.


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Express your emojis

The abundance of information is making the battle for customer attention even greater. This is forcing brands to relate to their audiences with short, real and emotional images.

The importance of understanding how and what generates engagement and sharing is critical if brands are to connect with this influential audience.

By trying to speak to them on their own terms, there's more chance brands can connect with them and they may ‘let you in'.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words – and emoji are just the next evolution of communicating, sometimes even complex thoughts or emotions, with simple pictures.


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So let's recap!

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So let's recap!

The 8 Digital Trends every Digital Marketer should know about in 2016 are:

•Content is still king

•But data is queen

•Disruption is already here

•Use videos for marketing

•Mobile only

•Live is live

•Watch out for the digital influencers

•Express your emojis


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One more thing: Think sharable !


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