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Page 2: 8 Common Mistakes in Cover letter by a UETIAN

Eight cover letter mistakes to avoid

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Unless it specifies you don’t have to include a cover letter – always include one. If you’re unsure whether you need to write one or not –always include one.

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Getting the facts wrong. Do your research so you can address your cover letter to the right person and the right company. A mistake in the name or company details is likely to stop them reading then and there.

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Spelling mistakes. Check your spelling and your grammar and then check it again. You can’t say you’ve got good attention to detail if you have spelling mistakes in your cover letter.

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Your email address. An embarrassing email address won’t cut it now you’re in the professional world. It’s time to get serious and get an email address that’s professional – preferably including your name.

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Not addressing the criteria. Give them a reason to call you in for an interview by addressing the criteria listed in the job description. They specified those skills for a reason!

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Writing a short novel.Unless asked to address specific, lengthy criteria in your cover letter, keep it simple. Aim for four paragraphs at the most; you can go into the detail if you get an interview.

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Not using the right tone. You need to keep your tone professional and appropriate – you are not writing a note to a buddy.

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Focusing on your dreams. It’s about them not you. Your cover letter should address what you are going to do for the company, not what it is going to do for you.

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Avoid those mistakes and your cover letter will be your first step towards the interview room door.

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Page 13: 8 Common Mistakes in Cover letter by a UETIAN

Cover letter mistakes that could cost you your dream job.
