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1. INTRODUCTION 7th Central European Congress on Food (CEFood) which took place in Ohrid, Macedonia, from 21 to 24 of May 2014 is the latest Congress in the series of regular Central European congresses. Previous CEFood Congresses took place in: Ljubljana, Slovenia (2002), Budapest, Hungary (2004), Sofia, Bulgaria (2006), Cavtat, Croatia (2008), Bratislava, Slovakia (2010) and Novi Sad, Serbia (2012). Application for this Congress was submitted by Consulting and Training Centre KEY Executive Director, Prof. Dr Vladimir Kakurinov, at 16 March 2012, according Procedure for Deciding the Country of CEFood Congress Organisation. Macedonian application was the sole application for CEFood Congress organizers for 2014. At the TT meeting held at Novi Sad at 26th of May 2012, there was no objection from any TT member on the application, and Macedonia was elected as CEFood 2014 organizer. Same day during closing ceremony Prof. Dr Vladimir Kakurinov prepared short movie about Macedonia and Ohrid, and it was announced that 7th Central European Congress on food will be organized from 21st to 24th of May 2014 in hotel Granit, Ohrid, Macedonia, and that CEFood 2014 title will be: Food Chain Integration. After that CEFood 2012 Congress President, Prof. Dr Viktor Nedovic handed over CEFood ceremonial bell to CEFood 2014 Congress President, Prof. Dr Vladimir Kakurinov (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Handing over CEFood ceremonial bell to CEFood 2014 organizers

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2. ORGANIZATION CEFood Congress Committees and Bodies For the purposes of CEFood Congress organization following Committees have been organized (Table 1). Table 1. 7th CEFood Committees and Bodies Committee Members No Local Organizing Committee (LOC) 13 (Macedonians) International Scientific Committee (ISC) 36 (32 International, 4 Macedonians) International Advisory Board (IAB) 6 (International)

Congress Announcements Special CEFood 2014 web page was created with all information about the Congress (Figure 2).

Figure 2. 7th CEFood Congress web page

This web page and links to it were published at many other international web sites (30) and published in printed media (newsletters, magazines, newspapers, journals, leaflets etc). Also through Consulting and Training Center database and e-mails: [email protected] and [email protected] all announcements for the Congress were sent individually to more than 35,000 people worldwide. All potential and actual participants could address the organizers for any organizational or scientific issues individually through especially created tab called Contact and Helpdesk on the Congress web site.

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3. PARTICIPANTS CEFood Congress gathered delegates from 38 countries from Europe, Asia, and Africa (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Countries registered and being present at the Congress Distribution of the countries from the different continents is given into Table 2. Table 2. Percentage of countries participants by the continent present at 7th CEFood Congress

No Continent Countries % 1 Europe 27 70,6 2 Asia 6 15,8 3 Africa 5 13,6

Total 3 38 100

In total, almost 30% of the countries participating at the Congress were coming from Asia and Africa which drives into conclusion that this CEFood Congress attracted significant number of countries out of Europe, and that the Congress is becoming brand in the food area scientific events on other continents. 303 participants from 38 countries were registered for the Congress. The largest number of delegates was from Serbia (72), than Macedonia (51), Croatia (44), Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey (13), Albania (12), Slovenia (10), Germany (8), Italy and Russia (7) and other countries had less than 7 participants (Table 3).

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Table 3. Number and % of Congress delegates by the country

No Country No. of delegates % 1 Albania 12 3.6 2 Bangladesh 1 0.4 3 Belgium 3 1 4 Bosnia and Herzegovina 13 4.3 5 Bulgaria 4 1.3 6 Cameroon 3 1 7 Croatia 44 15 8 Czech Republic 2 0.7 9 DR Congo 1 0.7

10 Egypt 2 0.7 11 Estonia 2 0.7 12 Finland 2 0.7 13 Georgia 1 0.4 14 Germany 8 2.6 15 Hungary 6 1.6 16 India 1 0.4 17 Iran 1 0.4 18 Israel 2 0.7 19 Italy 7 2.3 20 Kosovo 1 0.4 21 Macedonia 51 16.8 22 Montenegro 3 1 23 Nigeria 3 1 24 Pakistan 1 0.4 25 Poland 4 1 26 Portugal 3 1 27 Romania 2 0.7 28 Russia 7 2.3 29 Saudi Arabia 1 0.4 30 Serbia 72 23.8 31 Slovakia 4 1 32 Slovenia 10 3.3 33 Spain 2 0.7 34 The Netherlands 3 1 35 Tunisia 2 0.7 36 Turkey 13 4.3 37 Ukraine 2 0.7 38 United Kingdom 4 1

Total 303 100

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4. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM As said before, 7th Central European Congress on Food title was: Food Chain Integration. This title provided multidisciplinary forum in all fields of food science and technology, from primary food producers to consumers. That’s why scientific program covered 14 huge food areas: 1. Food Ingredients, Food Structure; 2. Food Production, Engineering, Processing and Sustainability; 3. Food Analysis, Food Microbiology, Chemistry, Biochemistry; 4. Food Quality and Safety; 5. Hygienic Engineering and Design; 6. Packaging and Shelf Life, Product Design; 7. Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain; 8. Food Biotechnology, Novel Bioproducts, Functional Foods; 9. Consumers, Health, Nutrition and Sensory Science; 10. Traditional Food, Food with Appellation of Origin; 11. Food and Feed Chain Management; 12. Feed as Challenges for Food Supplier Chain; 13. International Programmes and Projects in Food Science and 14. Education, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. All participants were able to submit their abstracts through specially designed Abstract submission form on the Congress website and to express their interest to present their work as posters or oral presentations and weather they want or not to write a full paper (Table 4). Table 4. Number & percentage of oral and poster presentations and full papers by the scientific area

Oral Poster Full paper No Congress area

Submitted Accepted Submitted Accepted Submitted Accepted

1 Food ingredients, Food structure

5 3 10 9 6 4

2 Food Production, Engineering, Processing and Sustainability

9 8 13 13 19 15

3 Food Analysis, Food Microbiology, Chemistry, Biochemistry

12 9 30 29 17 14

4 Food Quality and Safety 16 13 33 31 21 16

5 Hygienic Engineering and Design

4 4 3 3 6 6

6 Packaging and Shelf Life, Product Design

8 8 14 13 10 8

7 Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain

3 3 1 1 2 2

8 Food Biotechnology, Novel Bioproducts, Functional Foods

12 11 11 10 9 7

9 Consumers, Health, Nutrition and Sensory Science

10 8 15 15 15 11

10 Traditional Food, Food with Appellation of Origin

7 6 5 3 6 5

11 Food and Feed Chain Management

4 3 3 2 9 5

12 Feed as Challenges for Food Supplier Chain

3 1 9 9 10 5

13 International Programmes and Projects in Food Science

5 5 1 1 1 -

14 Education, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer

4 4 4 4 4 3

Total 102 86 152 143 135 101

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In total 86 participants were accepted as speakers. All presentations were divided into 11 sections according their topics (Table 4), and according the time when the speakers registered themselves. As can be seen from the Table , oral program was well balanced and the largest number of speakers was in the sections for Food Quality and Safety (13) and Food Biotechnology, Novel Bioproducts, Functional Foods (11). Especially interesting is that there was big interest from the medical profession for sections 3, 9, 10 and 11 as speakers and listeners, which leads to conclusion that this profession is taking more and more interest for interdisciplinary approach in solving food issues. At the Congress were displayed 143 posters. Most of the poster authors were oriented toward Food Quality and Safety (31) and Food Analysis, Food Microbiology, Chemistry, Biochemistry (29), which is common with previous CEFood Congresess, but as mentioned before there is increasing number of interest for topics connected with Consumers, Health, Nutrition and Sensory Science (15) and that is mostly because of increased interest from medical doctors for this issue. Lowest interest was shown for Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain (1), International Programmes and Projects in Food Science (1), Food and Feed Chain Management (2) and Traditional Food, Food with Appellation of Origin (3), but this situation is due to the fact that most of the authors in these fields had oral presentations (were Congress speakers). Most of the full papers are in the area of Food Quality and Safety (16), Food Production, Engineering, Processing and Sustainability (15), and Food Analysis, Food Microbiology, Chemistry, Biochemistry (14), which is not surprising having in mind previous Congresses. Again, for area 9 - Consumers, Health, Nutrition and Sensory Science accepted 11 full papers which are (predominantly) written by medical doctors. Interest for listening and participating at CEFood Congresses as speakers or with posters by medical doctors clearly shows a new trend in scientific issues. 5. PUBLICATIONS Main point of this Congress organizer was scientific work of each 7th CEFood Congress active participant (regardless weather oral, poster presentation and/or full paper in question) to be accessible and present in as many Journals and scientific databases as possible. As a result of cooperation and agreements of Consulting and Training Centre KEY publishing with many renounced publishing houses and scientific databases in the world it was decided that: 1. Abstracts (will be published in Book of Abstracts and CAB Abstracts database) 2. Posters (will be displayed at the Congress and published in Book of Abstracts in the form of Abstracts) 3. Full papers (will be published in the Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design - JHED, Food Packaging and Shelf Life - Elsevier Journal, Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture - Springer Journal, CABI Full text repository database, Food Science and Technology database, International Institute of Refrigeration Fridoc database and Global Health database). 5.1 ABSTRACTS Book of Abstracts All abstracts and papers submitted for the 7th CEFood Congress were reviewed by the International Board of Reviewers. Each abstracts regardless weather was submitted as such for poster or oral presentation or for full paper was reviewed by 3 independent reviewers. All accepted abstracts were published into 7th Central European Congress Book of Abstracts - ISBN 978-608-4565-05-5 (Figure 4).

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Figure 4. Book of Abstracts Also, as mentioned before, this Book of Abstracts will be published and accessible in CAB Abstracts database, which is leading English-language bibliographic information service for abstracts in the world for applied life sciences, which includes agriculture, environment, veterinary and medical sciences, food science and nutrition, applied economics etc. 5.2 FULL PAPERS As said before, main goal of this Congress and organizers was spreading of individual scientific work. Through agreements, KEY managed all full papers to be accessible in following databases: 1. CABI full text repository coverage includes over 188,000 full text articles in: food microbiology, food chemistry, food science, nutrition, agriculture, veterinary and medical sciences, etc. 2. Food Science and Technology database FSTA is the world's largest bibliographical specialist database in the fields of: Food Sciences Food Science Technology Nutrition 3. Global Health database is one of the biggest bibliographic database which focuses on research literature in: Public health and Medical health science sectors (including practice). 4. International Institute of Refrigeration Fridoc database which is the most comprehensive refrigeration database in the world. One of the novelties of the 7th CEFood Congress was that instead publishing Congress proceedings, all full papers will be published into international Journals or more precisely into: 1. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 2. Journal of Food Packaging and Shelf Life 3. Journal of Chemical and Biological Technologies according full paper topics and topics that are covered by mentioned Journals (see Table 5 below).

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Table 5. Journals where all CEFood 2014 Macedonia will be published

Journal of Hygienic Engineering

and Design

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design (JHED) is a platform joining industry, expert and scientific community, and consumers. JHED is unique electronic Journal in the world, publishing original and review papers dedicated to all topics connected to the areas of: 1. Hygienic Engineering and Design 2. Food Quality and Safety and 3. Food Production and Processing. JHED is a regular source of information for more than 25,000 officially registered readers coming from 700 companies worldwide and many many universities, research centres and associations. The Journal is intended to: food producers, food machinery and equipment manufacturers, cleaning and sanitation materials producers and distributors, the scientific and expert community in these areas as well as to all consumers. In the Journal, readers can find which are the new developments, technologies and innovations in the food industry. JHED is an excellent source of information and networking platform for all key players in the food industry companies worldwide.

Journal of

Food Packaging and Shelf Life

Elsevier Journal FPSH is publishing mainly original research papers, review articles and short communications in the in the area of food packaging and shelf life as:

• Food packaging material development • Designing food packaging machinery • Physical & chemical properties of food packaging materials • Nano packaging • Polymer, glass, metal and paper packaging systems • Edible packaging • Vacuum, gas, aseptic and sterile packaging • Modified atmosphere packaging systems • Active and intelligent, & antimicrobial packaging systems • Microencapsulation • Bio-plastics for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry • Food package testing • Sensory properties of packaged foods • Migration from packaging materials • Food package interactions • Shelf life of packaged food products • Packaging sustainability • Recycling of food packaging materials • Sensory changes during food storage • Shelf life and food safety • Microbial stability of food during storage, handling and transportation • Shelf life simulation • Accelerated shelf life tests • Chemical, physical and microbial determinants for shelf life.

Journal of Chemical and Biological


Springer JCBTA is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed forum for the discussion of all fields of agricultural chemistry and related technologies. The scope of this journal includes chemical and biochemical processes aimed to increase agricultural production and food security, the evaluation of quality and origin of raw primary products and their transformation into foods and chemicals, environmental monitoring and remediation, the effects of chemical and biochemical technologies on the relationships between soil, plants, microorganisms and their environment, bioinformatics. Special focus is the use of modern organic and bioorganic chemistry to develop new technologies in plant nutrition and stimulation, plant bio refineries, safe and traceable food products, carbon storage in soil and plants and remediation of contaminated soils. JCBTA publishes original research articles, short letters and invited reviews.

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6. SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS Sponsors of the event (Table 6): ACO Technologies, Armaturenwerk Hötensleben GmbH, Vikan and Skovin winery were able to present their latest products and services in the exhibition space. It was an excellent and unique opportunity for them to attract new customers, reaffirm long-term customer relationships and present their most innovative products, equipment, materials and services in the area of food safety production. Table 6. CEFood 2014 Sponsors


ACO Technologies

Armaturenwerk Hötensleben GmbH

Vikan Skovin winery

Figure 5. Congress sponsor ACO Technologies

Sponsors of the event (Figures 5, 6 and 7): ACO TECHNOLOGIES, ARMATURENWERK HÖTENSLEBEN, VIKAN and SKOVIN were able to present their latest products and services in the exhibition space. It was an excellent and unique opportunity for them to attract new customers, present their most innovative products, equipment, materials and services in the area of food safety production and network with scientific institutions for future collaboration.

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Figure 6. Congress sponsor ABW

Figure 7. Congress sponsor Vikan

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7. MEDIA COVERAGE The Congress was covered by national televisions Sitel and Kanal 5 and business magazine Kapital (Table 7). Table 7. Media coverage


Kaptal Sitel TV Kanal 5 TV Personal statements to all of these media were given by number of participants, including: Mr. Hubertus Lelieveld, Prof. Dr Vladimir Kakurinov, Prof. Dr Vlasta Pilizota and Prof. Dr Miomir Niksic (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Statement for media from Prof. Dr Miomir Niksic

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8. COOPERATING ORGANIZATIONS This Congress was organized under the umbrella of European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) and in cooperation with: International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG), Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI), Società Italo-Latinoamericana di Etnomedicina (SILAE), International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), and European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) (Table 8). Table 8. Cooperating organizations of 7th CEFood Congress Under the umbrella:

European Federation of Food Science and Technology


In Cooperation with:

International Union of Food Science and Technology


European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG)

Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI)




S I O N O F .

Società Italo-Latinoamericana di Etnomedicina (SILAE)

European Association for Chemical and Molecular

Sciences (EuCheMS

International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR)

All international organizations except IUFOST and SILAE, sent their representatives at the CEFood Congress as a speakers, or more precisely: Mr. Jeroen Knoll (EFFoST), Mr. Karel Mager (EHEDG), Mr. Hubertus Lelieveld (GHI), Ms. Livia Simon Sarkadi (EuCheMS) and Mr. Risto Ciconkov and Mr. Kostadin Fikiin (IIR) (Figures 9 to 13). Because of great interest for certain topics, there were organized special sessions for Hygienic Engineering and Design and where main speaker representing EHEDG was Mr. Karel Mager who was presenting EHEDG and speaked on topic: EHEDG DRY MATERIALS HANDLING SUBGROUP: THE PAST 15 YEARS and session for Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain lead by Prof. Dr Risto Ciconkov, where Mr. Kostadin Fikiin presented: THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF REFRIGERATION FOR FOOD SECURITY, HUMAN WELL-BEING AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.

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Figure 9. Jeroen Knoll (EFFoST) Figure 10. Karel Mager (EHEDG)

Figure 11. Hubertus Lelieveld (GHI) Figure 12. Livia Simon Sarkadi (EuCheMS)

Figure 13. Risto Ciconkov, Kostadin Fikiin (IIR)

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9. BROKERAGE EVENT (22 and 23 May, 2014) 7th CEFood Congress exclusivity was introduction of Brokerage events. These events were dedicated to scheduled meetings between: Scientific, Research Institutions and Companies representatives in order to promote and establish: Business cooperation, Academia-Industry partnership, creation of new consortia’s’ for application to EU programs like: HORIZON 2010, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci etc. How does it work? - All interested participants had to fill the Brokerage event profile into form attached at the Congress web site ( - Filled Brokerage event were sent to the Congress organizers (Consulting and Training Centre KEY). - All registered participants for these events were publicly announced at the Brokerage Event Catalogue ( - Registered participants could request individual meetings with potential partners from the CEFood brokerage event catalogue or from the organizer. - Face-to-face meetings will take place at the specially organized place at CEFood Congress.

For these Brokerage events were registered in total 20 registered representatives from different institutions / organizations / companies from 17 countries worldwide. Companies (owners, managers and sales persons) had opportunity to meet and greet future customers, potential business partners and other experts who are in a position to contribute to the success of their own business. Also scientific institution representatives had opportunity to discuss and agree with their colleagues’ mutual cooperation not only in joint application for EU projects, but also on other bilateral and multilateral projects. Last, but not least scientific institutions and companies representatives were discussing their potential cooperation in joint application for international projects and/or at cooperation in development of new products or innovations for present companies. Most of the countries had 1 representative (See Figure 14, Table 9).





Turkey United

Kingdom Czeck


















Figure 14. Brokerage event participants by the countries and number participants from each country

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Table 9. Brokerage event participants by the type of organization / company / representative

Organization/Company No

Name Type Representative Position Country

1. ACO Industries Company Jiri Musil Area Sales Manager Czeck Republic

2. VIKAN Company Debra Smith Global R&D Manager United Kingdom

3. Taiyo Kagaku Company Mark Shamtsyan

Consultant Russia

4. EFFoST Organization Jeroen Knol EU Project Manager Germany

5. Expedit Nodum

Company Erzsébet Némedi

Executive Director Hungary

6. PHI - Centre for Public Health Tetovo

Organization Dijana Jovanoska

Director Macedonia

7. R&D Center PLASMA Company Ilija Nasov CEO/ Manager Macedonia

8. CNR - Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie

Organization Massimo Fedel TT Responsible Italy

9. CI&DETS (Center for Education Sciences, Health, Technologies)

Organization Raquel de Pinho Ferreira Guiné

Member of Direction Board


10. NARIC - Food Science Research Institute

Organization Attila Kiss Director Hungary

11. Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Organization Yoav D. Livney Prof. Dr Israel

12. Food-Processing Initiative e.V.

Organization Norbert Reichl General Manager Germany

13. Polytechnic Institute of Viseu

Organization Paula Correia President Portugal


Istanbul Technical University - Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering

Organization Meral Kılıç-Akyılmaz

Prof. Dr Turkey

15. University of Zadar - Dept. of Health Studies

Organization Marijana Matek Sarić

Associate professor Croatia

16. University of Nis - Faculty of Technology

Organization Bojana Danilovic

Prof. Dr Serbia

17. North-Caucasus Federal University

Organization Andrey Bratsikhin

Director of Construction, Transport and Engineering Institute


18. University of Helsinki - Dept. of Agricultural Sciences

Organization Hanna-Riitta Kymäläinen

PhD Finland

19. Ilia State University

Organization Nelly Datukishvili

Associate professor Georgia

20. University of Novi Sad - IPH of Vojvodina

Organization Ljiljana Trajkovic Pavlovic

Prof. Dr Serbia

Venue was scheduled at the hotel Granit open terrace. The duration of each face-to-face meeting was approximatelly 30 minutes. Assistance for any emerging questions during the event was provided by Congress organizers. Whole event passed by in very relaxed atmosphere (Figures 15 to 22).

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Figure 15. Institute of Viseu - NARIC FRSI Figure 16. CNR - IFN - University of Nis

Figure 17. Techion - St. Petersburg Univer. Figure 18. Expedit Nodum - EFFoST

Figure 19. Buonaidea srl - VIKAN Figure 20. FPI - University of Nis

Figure 21. CNR - IFN - PHI Tetovo Figure 22. University of Zadar -

North Caucasus Federal University

Outcomes from the brokerage event: 1. Cooperation between companies and scientific institutions 2. Targeting partners and types of cooperation 3. Agreements for future collaboration on International projects 4. New contacts and wider network for each participant

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All participants answered to the questionnaire where they expressed great satisfaction from the idea and organization of this kind of event and requested that this kind of event should also be part of the future CEFood Congresses. 10. MEETINGS This CEFood Congress served also as meeting point for various international organizations which representatives were present at the Congress. 10.1 EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering & Design group - Macedonia, Croatia and Serbia Regional Sections Chairman meeting - Figure 23.

Figure 23. EHEDG Macedonia, Croatia and Serbia Regional Sections Chairman meeting

At this meeting were discussed activities of these 3 Regional Sections in the previous year and forthcoming activities in 2014. Also were discussed opportunities for organizing EHEDG trainings in these countries and activities for rising membership in EHEDG.

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10.2 GHI (Global Harmonization Initiative - meeting (Figure 24).

Figure 24. GHI Ambassadors and members meeting

At this meeting was discussed about current activities and tasks for GHI Ambassadors and GHI tasks for the next period. Task Team – TT CEFood Congresses meeting At this meeting was discussed improvement of Procedures for Decision of next CEFood organizers (after CEFood 2016).

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11. SOCIAL PROGRAM One of the goals of 7thCEFood Congress 2014 - Macedonia, was to create relaxed atmosphere, where Congress participants will have time to relax and network. Following are the pictures from social events organized at the Congress Gala Dinner Party. Ohrid Sightseeing (UNESCO protected heritage) & National Dinner and Boat Cruise & Lunch on Island . 11.1 GALA DINNER PARTY - 21.05.2014 Gala Dinner party was organized in hotel Granit, around the pool. There was a plentiful variety of modern and traditional cuisine, as well as beverages and vines and spirits. Guests of this Gala Dinner were entertained by the Petar Rendzov Band. The result was beautiful atmosphere and unforgettable party (Figure 25).

Figure 25. Gala Dinner party

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11.2 OHRID SIGHTSEEING (UNESCO protected heritage) & NATIONAL DINNER - 22.05.2014 Congress participants were transferred with a bus to ancient Ohrid city Upper gate. There they visited Icon Gallery, which keeps the oldest and finest icons in the world, and Church of St. Bogorodica Perivlepta (also known as Holy Mary) which was built in 1295 AD and which contains one of the earliest frescoes in the world. On this tour Congress participants visited Ancient Theatre that was built in 200 BC., which during Roman times, was used for gladiator fights. One of the stops was Plaosnik complex. This complex is the most important archaeological site and holy place in Ohrid. At this complex they had opportunity to see: St.Clement church (built by St.Clement in 893 A.D), and the Ohrid Literary School (the oldest University in the world - 893 AD). On the way back, Congress participants visited St. Jovan Kaneo Church, which is one of the most magnificent churches in Macedonia, and St. Sophia Church which is one of the most important monuments in Macedonia built in the period 852 - 889 AD National dinner took place in hotel Granit. Participants were served with national specialities and Macedonian authentic food and wine. Also they were entertained by local folklore dance group (Figures 26 to 29).

Figure 26. Icon Gallery Figure 27. Ancient Theatre

Figure 28. Macedonian folk dancing group Figure 29. Learning Macedonian folk dancing

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11.3 BOAT CRUISE & LUNCH ON ISLAND - 23.05.2014 Congress participants took a boat cruise across the Ohrid Lake to the Monastery of Saint Naum. There was organized lunch at the restaurant on the Island, formed by the springs of Crn Drim River. All participants enjoyed rowboat trip in to the river springs. Also they visited Monastery complex St. Naum and at the returning back it was organized visit to Museum on Water - an exceptional archaeological complex, which is one of a kind in the region (Figures 30 to 35). .

Figure 30. Boat cruise Figure 31. Boat cruise

Figure 32. Lunch on the Island Figure 33. Rowboat trip at Crna river springs

Figure 34. Bay of Bones Figure 35. Bay of Bones

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12. AWARDS At the closing ceremony, aside traditional CEFood Congress awards, 7th CEFood Congress organizer - Consulting and Training Center KEY in cooperation with Elsevier and Springer, provided best posters at the Congress to be awarded with these 3 types of awards: 1. Elsevier Awards; 2. Springer Awards; and 3. KEY Awards. CEFood Congress Commission lead by Mr. Hubertus Lelieveld was evaluating all posters. Criteria for grading the poster were: 1. Clear objective; 2. Clear materials and methods; 3. Clearly presented results and 4. Defendable conclusions. 12.1 CEFOOD AWARDS

Traditional CEFood Congress awards are 3 free registration fees for the next CEFood Congres that will take place in at National University of Food Technology in Kyiv, Ukraine in May 2016.


CEFood Congress Commission would like to congratulate to all winners of these award

CEFood Awards winners


Authors: Ivana Flanjak, Ljiljana Primorac, Ivica Strelec, Katarina Sakoman

Affiliation: Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Franje Kuhača 20, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia

Poster title: Protein content and enzyme activity of selected honey types


Authors: Risto Kuisma, Esa Pienmunne, Marja Lehto, Hanna-Riitta Kymäläinen

Affiliation: Department of Agricultural sciences, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 28 (Koetilantie 5), FI-00014, Helsinki, Finland

Poster title: Surface hygiene in vegetable processing plants: Results of a repeated hygiene survey


Authors: Liisi Blank , Irina Stulova, Signe Adamberg, Tiiu-Maie Laht

Affiliation: Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia

Poster title: High-throughput sequencing of bactofugate reveals microbiological quality of raw milk

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Elsevier provided money awards in total amount of 1000 euros for the best posters presented at CEFood Congress 2014 - Macedonia. CEFood Congress Commission and Elsevier would like to congratulate all awarded winners:

Elsevier Awards winners

ENTELA TRESKA (300 € award)

Authors: Entela Treska, Alma Emiri

Affiliation: University Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynaecology "Queen Geraldine", Bulevardi Zogu I, 1001 Tirana, Albania

Poster title: The evaluation of micro-nutrients especially zinc, as determinants for a healthy diet during pregnancy

INGRID SUMERI (300 € award)

Authors: Riin Uusna, Ingrid Sumeri

Affiliation: Competence Centre of Food and Fermentation Technologies Akadeemia tee 15A, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia

Poster title: Effect of the food matrix on survival of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in human upper gastrointestinal tract simulator

DJORDJE OKANOVIC (200 € award)

Authors: Djordje Okanović, Ljilana Petrović, Natalija Džinić

Affiliation: Institute of Food Technology, University of Novi Sad, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

Poster title: Assessment of possibility of curing lower quality M. Semimembranosus


Authors: Konstantin Kostenko, Andrey Bratsikhin, Aleksey Borisenko

Affiliation: Institute of Building, Transport and Engineering, North-Caucasus Federal University, Kulakova avenue 2, 355029 Stavropol, Russia

Poster title: Improvement of the cavitation treatment in meat foodstuffs manufacturing

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Best 3 Abstracts/Posters/Full papers connected with scope of Journal of Chemical and Biological Technologies for Agriculture and the topics of 7th CEFood Congress were awarded by Springer with 3 book vouchers or:

- 200 euros (1st prize), - 150 euros (2nd prize) and - 100 euros (3rd prize).

CEFood Congress Commission and Springer would like to congratulate all awarded winners: Springer Awards winners

VERICA BOGDANOSKA - 1st prize (200 € voucher)

Authors: Verica Bogdanoska, Donka Doneva-Sapceska, Elizabeta Gavazova, Florentina Ristovska-Shurbevska

Affiliation: Public Health Institution - Center for Public Health, Lazo Osmakov 14, 1400 Veles, Republic of Macedonia

Poster title: Fungal contamination of cereals and flour-based products, including breads and determination of ochratoxin a with ELISA technique

VESNA RAKIC 2nd prize (150 € voucher)

Authors: Dajana Poleksic, Jelena Rakovic, Mirjana Demin, Vladislav Rac, Smiljana Raichevic, Bojana Filipchev, Vesna Rakic

Affiliation: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Zemun, Serbia

Poster title: The characteristics of durable bakery products - rusks with addition of millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)

DIJANA JELIC - 3rd prize (100 € voucher)

Authors: Dijana Jelic, Jelena Penavin-Shkundrić, Zheljka Marjanovic-Balaban, Vesna Antunovic, Nataša Radulj

Affiliation: Pharmacy department, Medical faculty, University of Banjaluka, Boulevard Vojvode Petra Bojovica 1a, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Poster title: Kinetics and equilibrium isotherm studies of methylene blue adsorption onto activated carbon

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At the CEFood Congress 2014, Consulting and Training Centre KEY granted following awards: 1. Publishing fee for one Full paper in the next JHED Issue - 150 euros 2. Conference fee for one day at Conference for Food Quality & Safety, Health and Nutrition - November 2014 CFQSHN - 100 euros and 3. One CEFood Social event entrance - 60 euros.

KEY Awards winners are: KEY Awards winners

TIJANA ANA SPASOVSKA - CEFood Social event entrance (60 €)

Authors: Petar Stojanovski, Tijana Ana Spasovska

Affiliation: SUGS "Orce Nikolov", Ilindenska bb, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Poster title: Eating habits of the adolescents from their point of view

TADEUSZ MATUSZEK - Publishing fee for one Full paper in the next JHED Issue (150 €)

Authors: Tadeusz Matuszek

Affiliation: Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, 11/12 G. Narutowicza St. 80-233 Gdansk, Poland

Poster title: Equipment surfaces preparation vs food structure

MARIJAN STEVANOVSKI - Conference fee for one day at Conference for Food Quality & Safety, Health and Nutrition - November 2014 (100 €)

Authors: Marijan Stevanovski, Jugoslav Ziberoski, Kristina Stevanovska

Affiliation: Faculty of Management, MIT University Skopje, Treta Makedonska Brigada bb, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Poster title: Successful managing as factor for the development of agribusiness

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13. NEXT CEFOOD CONGRESS ORGANIZERS Next CEFood Congress organizer - CEFood Congress 2016 is National University of Food Technologies (NUFT) Kyiv from Ukraine. Persons in charge for this CEFood Congress are: Prof. Dr Sergiy Ivanov, NUFT Rector, Prof. Dr Tetiana Mostenska, NUFT Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and International Relations Prof. Dr Yaroslav Zasiadko, NUFT International Integration Projects and Academic Mobility Department CEFood bell CEFood Congress ceremonial bell was officially delivered to Prof. Dr Tetiana Mostenska, and she invited all participants to attend the next CEFood congress in Ukraine (Figure 36).

Figure 36. Delivering CEFood Congress ceremonial bell to next CEFood Congress organizer representative, Prof. Dr Tetiana Mostenska

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Testimonials for 7th Central European Congress on Food - CEFood 2014 - Ohrid, Macedonia

“It realy was a pleasure to meet you in Ohrid at the CEFood Congress. Everything was well organized. The Congress was fruitful and nice opportunity to see the most recent results of the scientific investigations of the experts from central and eastern Europe, but as well as the presentations of the experts from EU and other countries and to talk with them personally”.

Ljiljana Trajovic Pavlovic Dr, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina, Serbia

“I’m very grateful that you brought scientific community into Macedonia, and it was a particular honor for me that I was a part of it. It was really amazing”.

Vesna Kostic Dr, Institute of Public Health, Republic of Macedonia

“Thank you very much for your warm hospitality during CEFood congress. Both the scientific and social programs were organized at high level. Participation in this congress was very interesting and fruitful for me. I am looking forward to continue our collaboration. Please give my best regards to Snezana. I have enjoyed very much your company”.

Nelly Datukashvili Prof. Dr, Ilia State University, Georgia

“I would like to thank you for your hospitality and extraordinarily organized Congress. It was a real pleasure to be one of the participants. I’m looking forward to participate at any Congress, Conference, or related event that you’ll organize in the future and to visit your beautiful country”.

Dajana Poleksić Aleksandrija Company, Čurug, Serbia

“Dear Mr. Vladimir, I want to congratulate you on perfectly organized Congress, and I wish you many many new successes in your work. I’ll surely participate at the next Congress you will be organizing”.

Ylber Bajraktari Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development of Kosovo, Kosovo

“I would like to thank you as I have participated in your Congress and commend excellent organization of the Congress”.

Nataša Mikulec Dr, University of Zagreb, Croatia

“In spite of long and exhausting trip, We were returning to Sarajevo happy and fulfilled. We are full with excellent memories. We enjoyed the Congress and Ohrid”.

Sanja Orucevic Prof. Dr, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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“I would like to thank you for your efforts applied to organize 7th CEFood Congress and for your hospitality”.

Vesna Rakic

Prof. Dr, University of Belgrade, Serbia “I would like to thank you on successful and wonderful Congress organization and to your great hospitality. Thank you for everything”.

Suncica Kocic Tanackov Dr, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

“I am really honoured and thankful for receiving the Elsevier award. I would also like to thank you for organizing such a fantastic Congress with interesting lectures and unforgettable sightseeing tours. It was a great pleasure to have the opportunity of attending it”. “I would like to thank you very much for your warm welcome. I am completely astonished by the beauty of nature of your country as well and have only good memories from this trip”.

Ingrid Sumeri PhD, Competence Centre of Food and Fermentation Technologies Akadeemia, Estonia

“Dear Snežana and Vladimir, We are home again! I would like to thank you for your hospitality during the Congress in Ohrid. For me it has been a wonderful experience to see part of your beautiful country during the excursion by bus to Ohrid and by boat to St. Naum. Also the performance of the Macedonian dancers was very nice and of course the gala evening with the musicians and the many dancers, including you two! All these activities produced a cordial atmosphere and brought many participants together”. “You organised a great event, with so much enthusiasm and not to forget the professional assistance of your sons. Superb! ”.

Paula Lelieveld “Thank you very much for everything. We enjoyed CEFood Congress and Ohrid very much”.

Liisi Blank Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

“First of all, congratulations for the wonderful and perfect organization. Now it is time for you and your colleagues to have a rest :) ”

Viktória Szűcs National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre, Hungary

“We want to say that it was an honor for us to take part in that Grand Congress and the most important result is our contacts and good relationships between our colleagues that we built at the congress! We appreciate your help, support and good relation to us and we are sending a lot of good words and thanks to you and your family! ”

Andrey Bratsikhin Prof. Dr, North-Caucasus Federal University, Russia

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“Dear Vladimir Firstly let us congratulate you and Snezana for the successful, well organized and wonderful CEFood Congress. Thank you very much for the welcome, which we received .We have enjoyed so much with beautiful city Ohrid and your country Macedonia. We hope to continue to cooperate in the future and we hope also to be involved in any future interactions. Once again accept our greetings to you as well as Snezana, which she had a significant effort in the success of the Congress”.

Ahmed El-Refai, Prof. Dr, Mansoura University, Egypt.

“All my compliments again for the excellent organisation of the Congress last week. It showed to be a very nice in meeting both of you again. Real friends! ”

Karel Mager Quality Management & Industrialisation Specialist, Givaudan, The Netherlands

“Dear Vladimir and Snezana. Thank you for your hospitality. I enjoyed Macedonia and Ohrid”.

Meral Kılıç Akyılmaz

Prof. Dr, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey “Once again I would like to thank you for the excellent organization of CEFood Congress and for well spent days in Ohrid”.

Djordje Okanović Dr, Univesity of Novi Sad, Serbia

“Let me thank you once more for all your perfect arrangements for the recent CEFood 2014 Congress, which gave me another opportunity to enjoy the wonderful city of Ohrid and to establish new professional contacts.

Kostadin Fikiin Prof. Dr, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

“Your guys were perfect organizers of 7th CEFood Congress!!!. The brokerage event was one of the most useful program and the most effective way to really contact each other. Thanks a lot for the opportunity. Hope this event - CEFood will continue and that it will be good as this one”.

Erzsébet Némedi Expedit Nodum Ltd., Budapest, Hungary

“Dear Vladimir and Snezana, Like always, you were great hosts and professionals. And above all a great people and I feel very happy to know you. Keep organizing these great events”.

Slavica Veskovic Moracanin, Ph.D, Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia

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“Dear Snezana and Vladimir, First of all thanks to both of you for your warm welcome and very professional CEFood organization. Now I am at my home, and I’ll need almost one month to reorganize all the information and ideas collected at the Congress”.

Francesco Ameli, Buonaidea srl “Again, my congratulations with the organization of the excellent CEFood congress 2014. There were very interesting lectures. I also enjoyed my stay in Macedonia. I think that the mosaics in the Archaeological places "Stobi" (near Gradsko), and "Heraclea Lyncestis (old Bitola) are one of the most well preserved in the Mediterranean. Now, as compared to 2011, I also got the occasion to visit Ohrid in more detail. Thanks again, and greetings to your colleagues and the organization team”.

Frank Moerman EHEDG Belgium

“Dear Vladimir and Snezana, As I told you personally, you were excellent team and the CEFood Congress was a great success. All presentations and posters made this CEFood the Summit of food Congresses. Social events were carefully planed and organized, so the participants after scientific part could enjoy your country in relaxed way. Everything was excellent. Thank you for giving me opportunity to be a part of this Congress”.

Lazar Turubatovic Dr, Institute for development of water resources "Jaroslav Černi", Belgrade, Serbia

16.06.2014, Skopje, Macedonia 7th CEFood President Prof. Dr Vladimir Kakurinov
