Page 1: 7 of the Most Impactful and Least Expensive Bedroom Updates

7 of the Most Impactful and Least Expensive Bedroom Updates

Eugene Chrinian

Page 2: 7 of the Most Impactful and Least Expensive Bedroom Updates

7 of the Most Impactful and Least Expensive Bedroom Updates

• Not all interior design projects need to cost you thousands of dollars. This is particularly true for the bedroom, which can benefit from a wide array of budget-friendly updates that you can complete quickly and easily in a few hours. With the right design ideas, you can take even the most lackluster of bedrooms and inject a bit of personality into every corner. In no time, you’ll have a room you’ll love without dishing out a great deal of cash.

• Here are seven of the best money-saving updates that you can make to your bedroom:

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Bring in bold new patterns.• One of the easiest fixes for a drab bedroom is to add patterns, which

offer all the variety you’ll need to create an exciting space. When looking to make a big impact, try going bold with your textiles and incorporating them in several items throughout the room. For example, using the same pattern on your bed skirt, drapes, and pillows can make the bedroom look cohesive. You can also update your bedroom by switching between different bedspread patterns with each passing season. From modern geometric shapes to classic florals, patterns can inspire an entire redecorating project, or just provide a refreshing jolt of excitement in an otherwise plain room.

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Refresh the headboards.• Whatever your budget may be, there are lots of ways to refresh

the look of your headboard. Instead of purchasing pricey materials, start with items that you already have lying around the house. For a quirky, vintage look, try repainting an old door and setting it behind your bed for a unique DIY headboard. In a child’s room, simply draping a colorful blanket or quilt over the headboard will instantly create a new look. You can also try this method in your own bedroom, using any fabric of your choice to refresh the headboard. For a more permanent solution, you can adhere the fabric to the headboard using staples.

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Incorporate accent pillows.• Changing out all your bedding for a new set can be a

pricey investment. To avoid spending a pretty penny, incorporate just a few new accent pillows. Bringing in new colors or patterns will instantly revitalize the room’s atmosphere and create an interesting focal point on the bed. However, it’s important to avoid overloading your bed with too many pillows—your room may look cluttered as a result. Two different sets of pillows are all you need to create a whole new look for your bedspread.

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Redo the paint.• A can of paint will go a long way when you’re looking to

update your bedroom. Start by deciding on a color that reflects the atmosphere or mood you’re trying to create. For example, blues create a feeling of tranquility while yellows can be energizing. The possibilities are endless when it comes to actual painting strategies—paint all the walls in the traditional way, paint a single accent wall, or use stencils to create patterns. And don’t forget the ceilings and molding—these areas are often overlooked, but they can benefit from a paint upgrade, too.

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Add personal touches to the furniture.

• There are several ways you can give your furniture a DIY upgrade, but one of the most cost-effective techniques is to add small personal touches. If you’re looking to add new colors to a baby’s bedroom, for example, decorate the surface of the changing table with vibrant wallpaper or contact paper. Re-using spare wallpaper or contact paper as lining for bookcases and shelves is another budget-friendly way to give your bedroom a quick design boost.

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Alter the architectural details.

• Although it’s a more involved DIY project, altering the architectural details in your bedroom is still a cost-effective way to make a real impact on the whole space. You can create an entirely new aesthetic in a room simply by adding wainscoting, trimming, or baseboards to the walls. Similarly, crown molding is another excellent option. Whether your interior design style is contemporary, midcentury modern, or traditional, you can alter the architectural details in your bedroom to fit the look you like best. No matter which style you choose, these cosmetic improvements will add expensive visual appeal at little cost.

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Rearrange the furniture. • You can still make a dramatic interior design change to

your bedroom even if you have no budget for any upgrades. All you need to do is rearrange the layout of the furniture. Start by moving the bed into a new place. Place it along a different wall, or position it at an angle in a corner for a more dramatic overhaul. After choosing a new location for the bed, don’t be afraid to alter the placement of the rest of your furniture to revitalize the design of the entire room.