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Page 2: 7 Essential Guidelines to Using Social Media to Manage Client Customer Satisfaction

All successful businesses know that managing customer satisfaction is key to maintaining a robust operating model and ensuring that business continues to trade for many years to come

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While the importance of good service is as old as business itself, the way this is achieved has changed throughout the years

Of course, there are certain elements of customer service that remain constant, but there are also new mediums that require a fresh approach to achieving customer satisfaction

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Perhaps the most dynamic sector currently is that of social media

Forward-thinking businesses have embraced social media to engage with their client base and use it as a platform to secure closer relationships that allow for a more symbiotic approach to customers

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For those in this position and for businesses that are wondering how social media can help manage client customer satisfaction, the follow seven guidelines should form the basis of a social media policy

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Perhaps the single most important feature of social media is that it opens up a whole new way that customers and clients can interact with a business

Gone are the days where the business was perceived to be a faceless grey beast that seemed to operate within its own cocoon

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Social media is a platform for customers to contact businesses; but more than that, it is a way for them to interact with a business

Customers feel part of the process, which is a proven method of increasing levels of satisfaction

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Because social media encourages interaction, a business is likely to see the number of questions it is asked increase and therefore the most frequently asked should soon become apparent

The advantages to preparing a FAQ page are clear; however, the more forward-thinking companies would be best advised to not just create the list from questions they are directly asked, but from conversations in social media

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Make no mistake, one of social media’s greatest gifts to a business is the way it enables a business to listen to what its customers (and potential customers) are saying about a business

Social media positively encourages dialogue between consumers and any business worth their social media salt will be monitoring discussions about its products and services

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Businesses have always had feedback, but it has often disappeared into a black hole and even if has arrived on the right person’s desk, it has been too late to have any effect

Using social media to welcome, track and process feedback is one of the best ways to manage customer client satisfaction as it provides a quick turn round and can often be used to develop products and services in response to customer needs

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Social media enables a business to be proactive in its service by asking clients and customers for their feedback and advice on any area

Just by doing so, a business is showing itself to value its customer base as one of its most important assets

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Customers are people and people like to be wanted

There are few things that can enhance customer client satisfaction than the feeling that they are an invaluable part of the process

If a product has a bug, far better for customers to feel that they are working together with the business to resolve it than be sold a “finished” product that then needs to be recalled

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Is not a department, it is an attitude

In the social media universe there is simply no reason to develop a bad service habit

By using social media to form a two-way dialogue between customer/client and business, a company will help solidify its foundations and build for a brighter future

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