Page 1: 6 Harmless Habits That Age You Faster

We all know smoking, drinking alcohol, a poor diet and not exercising may age us more than a decade.

But do we know our harmless habits can take 3 to 5 years off our appearance?


6 Harmless Habits That Age You

Page 2: 6 Harmless Habits That Age You Faster

#1: Rubbing your eyes

When you rub your eyes your blood vessels breaks, which makes dark circles worse and increases wrinkling.

Stop this habit and look younger in: 2 to 4 weeks


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#2: Sleeping on your side or stomach

This habit can speed up the formation of fine lines and wrinkles and can contribute to facial asymmetry.

Stop this habit and look younger in: 2 to 4 weeks

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#3: Not drinking enough water

It keeps us looking young by fending off dehydration, which can make the skin appear papery and fine lines more apparent.

Stop this habit and look younger in: A few days

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#4: Yo-yo dieting

Gaining and losing weight repeatedly stretches the skin, causing elastic fibers in the skin to break down, which leads to excess sagging

Stop this habit and look younger in: 2 to 4 weeks

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#5: Having a sweet tooth

Sugar is a top culprit when it comes to putting the aging process into high gear. Sugar by-products called advanced glycation end products (AGEs) can not only result in the breakdown of collagen in the skin resulting in fine lines and wrinkles.

Stop this habit and look younger in: 2 to 4 weeks

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#6: Overdoing your anti-aging beauty routine

Your well-intentioned anti-aging regimen could be doing more harm than good. Applying more of a product than directed can cause clogged pores or a blotchy complexion.

Stop this habit and look younger in: Almost immediately

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