
FitnessforMissionaries Promoting the Original Royal Canadian Air Force 11 minutes a day 5BX fitness plan for men prepared to obey the Great Commission of our Saviour.

Keeping Christian soldiers marching as to war physically fit in the mission fields up to the ends of the earth, requires some easy to follow guidance among such other tools as the Missionary Handbook and the Chaplains Prayer Book. Abraham J. Meintjes and El-Shaddai Missions & Agricultural Projects obtained permission to promote the 5BX fitness plan for use by mission workers in the harvest fields where soundness of body, mind and doctrine are critical to ensure good fruit.

For more information about Christian Mission in Southern-Africa,

Congo River Mission, the equipping of Christian Libraries in remote areas

and highest standards of missionary training:

Please contact El-Shaddai Projects at [email protected]


Frontline Fellowship at [email protected]

January 2017

Important Notice: The RCAF 5BX and XBX fitness programs are widely available to anyone for personal, non-commercial use. Our use of the RCAF 5BX and XBX programs is not an endorsement of the RCAF by any means for El-Shaddai Projects or Frontline Fellowship.