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  • 5.3 & 5.4 Quiz Ancient Greece
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  • 1. The lowest group in Spartan society was known as what? A. Women B. Helots C. Citizens D. Half-Citizens
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  • 2. Spartans gave up what in order to have a strong city-state? A. 20 years of military service B. Music and dance C. Individual freedoms D. A Council of Elders
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  • 3. Statesman ______ settled problems in Athens by erasing debt and outlawing debt slavery. A. Lycurgus B. Solon C. Draco D. Peisistratus Mo money, Mo problems.
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  • 4. Unlike the government of the US today, the government under Cleistenes was a(n) __________. A. Direct Democracy. B. Aristocracy C. Representative Democracy. D. Tyrannical Dictatorship.
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  • 5. Athenians spread Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean by: A. Exporting their white limestone columns. B. Forcing conquered people to speak Greek. C. Offering competitive trade rates and protected routes to Asia Minor. D. Sending farmers and workers to work overseas colonies.
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  • 6. If a family could not afford to raise a child in Athens A. The child was left to die. B. The child was often adopted to train as a hoplite. C. The child would go the a Sophist school. D. The community would support the child through age 18.
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  • 7. Which Athenian values are seen in their gymnastics and schooling? A. Sound body and mind. B. Constant readiness for battle C. Olympic training until age 40 D. Desire to be like their gods
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  • 8. Draconian laws A. are a code for times of war. B. were extremely harsh. C. gave rights to the poor for the first time. D. allow only landowners to vote.
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  • 9. The Athenian Assembly was made up of A. All free men over the age of 18. B. 500 men chosen by lot. C. Citizens elected to one-year terms. D. Former soldiers over the age of 60.
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  • 10. Athenian society generally regarded women A. as inferior to men B. as descendants of the goddess Athena. C. as holding lifelong duties to raise children. D. as equals to men, allowing them to own land and engage in commerce.