
5 Tips For Filming A Vox Pop Video

Bold Content Production

#1 Release forms

Release forms

Must be completed to be able to use a person's image and voice

Should be short and clearly state what the person is consenting to and how long they consent to the material being used for

Should include the end client in order to avoid doubts

Precaution should be taken when filming minors as permission may need to be sought from a parent or guardian (always check the local laws!)

#2 A friendly Smile and warm Personality

A friendly Smile and warm Personality

Your chances of success increase tenfold just by making someone laugh at the first approach

Be upfront about what you're doing and get to the point quickly

Let the people know that they can choose whether to sign the release or not

Vox Pops should be quick, painless and uncontroversial

#3 Don't be upset when people say no

Don't be upset when people say no

There are many reasons why people say no to being filmed (e.g. religion, they don't like the company for which they should be filmed or they are out with someone they shouldn't be...)

Don't take it personally and just keep trying as you'll get there in the end

#4 Speed of the camera and sound op

Speed of the camera and sound op

Don't waste your interviewee's time by letting them wait for the audio recorder to load up or searching for pinpoint focus

Ensure all necessary set-ups are made as quickly as possible so you don't waste their time

#5 Ensure you have a plan

Ensure you have a plan

Know how you will use the material before you start interviewing people

Plan the outcome of the video from the start. Thus, you will be able to make a successful video that lead to happy clients

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