
5 startup problemsthat can solved with outsourcing software

developmentB Y A D R I A N W O Ł Y N I E C

If there is a thing that we cannot domore efficiently, cheaper or better

than a competition, there is no pointin doing it further – we should hire

the one who does it better than we do.

You can have 5 people to build MVP, thenone to support big-fixes when we verifyyour MVP on the market, then 5 again topivot, then two for hot-fixes and small

improvements,then 20 to let it scale

- you are the one to decide.

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Defining the demandfor human resources

You don't have to worry about reachingdevelopers, convincing them to come for

an interview, and verifying their skills. Youdon't waste your time because they are

already hired.

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Time and money spenton the recruitment

To start working as a real team, thedevelopers need to get known to eachother, learn each others’ strengths and

how to complement each other. When youhire a team - it's already done.

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Making the team team

The fact that you have a great idea for aproduct doesn’t mean that you need to

know how to make it or what tools do youneed to do so. You don't have to search

them on your own!

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Choosing the right tools

The quality of any product is not only about thegood team and good tools, but about thewhole development process: continuousintegration and continuous deployment,

automated testing, code quality requirementsetc. It takes time and skills to work them out,

but you don't need to do it yourself.

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Assuring the high quality

thank youK E E P I N T O U C H !


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