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5.1 Present Condition of River Improvement Projects

The river improvement works planned by the Master Plan in 1981 have not yetbeen implemented in the Study Area. The following table shows the existingriver improvement works which have been planned, designed and constructed byDPWH. The most of the dikes are not continuous but partial and tentativestructures in the two rivers. The original river width for the dikes was basicallymaintained with a dike height of 4.00m. The design flood for the existing riverstructures was not disclosed, but is roughly estimated to be around 10-20 years bythe Study.

Present Condition of River Improvement Works by DPWH


River Name& Location

Facility Name Height(m)


Date of Completion ExistingCondition

Yawa YawaLegazpi City

a. Boulder Dike 4.00 320 14 Feb, 1989 Good

b. Boulder Dike 4.00 1,200 2 June, 1991 Goodc. Boulder Dike 4.00 1,250 1 November, 1989 Goodd. Dike

No. 1,2,3,44.00 308 N/A Partially

DamagedQuinali (B) San Vicente a. Boulder Dike

No.14.00 115 22 December, 1990 Need to

rehabilitateb. Boulder Dike

No.24.00 115 22 December, 1990 Need to

rehabilitatec. Spur Dike

No.14.00 240 N/A Need to

rehabilitated. Spur Dike

No.24.00 240 N/A Need to


The dredging of the river channel in the Yawa river has continuously been carriedout every year.

5.2 Review of Previous Studies

Re-Study of Mayon Volcano Sabo and Flood Control Project is the latest study onMayon Volcano and was submitted by JICA in March, 1983. The study reportpresented the re-study of Mayon Volcano Sabo and Flood Control Project to re-assess and review the Master Plan for Mayon Volcano Sabo and Flood Control

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Project submitted by JICA in March, 1981, taking account of the disaster due totyphoon “Daling” in June and July 1981.

The restudy report presented the unchanged river improvement plan which wasestablished by the Master Plan (1981). The river improvement works wereplanned for three rivers, the Quinali (A), Quinali (B), and Yawa rivers.

The Nasisi river which is one of the 17 rivers for the Study was included as anuppermost part of the Quinali (A) river improvement plan.

The river improvement works recommended by the Master Plan are summarizedbelow:

River Improvement Plan by the Master Plan (1981)

Item River BasinNasisi River Quinali (B) Yawa River

Improvement Length 7.6km 21.8km 2.3kmDesign Discharge 920 - 1,660m3/sec 270 - 2,420m3/sec 2,150m3/secProposed River Slope 1/130 - 1/400 1/80 - 1/1,200 1/300 - 1/1,000Proposed River Width 80m 42 - 270m 150 - 190mProposed Levee 50-yr design flood 50-yr design flood 50-yr design flood - Slope 1 : 2 1 : 2 1 : 2 - Top Width 4 - 5m 4 - 5m 5m - Free Board 1.0 - 1.2m 1.0 - 1.2m 1.2mProposed River CrossSection

Simple Simple andCompound

Simple andCompound

Note : Items of the Nasisi river are only presented in the above list.

The plans of river improvement in the Nasisi, Quinali (B) and Yawa are shown inFigures I 5.1 to I 5.3.

The design flood of this river improvement plan was selected to be 50-yearprobable flood, considering importance of the region, design discharge of otherrivers in the Philippines and the Japanese Standard of river planning. Noeconomical evaluation was made by different protection levels of flood damage todetermine the design flood.

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6. Conceivable Structural Measures

6.1 River Improvement

The conceivable projects as structure measures for river improvement in the StudyArea are presented here on the basis of the site survey and review of the existingriver structures and previous studies during the First Work in the Philippines.

(1) Yawa river

The Yawa river gathers the three streams of the Anuling, Budiao and Pawa-Burabod rivers. These are regarded as the major disaster prone rivers whichdirectly affect the main course of the Yawa river in case of flood and lahar events.

Thus, the Yawa river plays an important role as a floodway for the planned sabostructures in the Anuling, Budiao and Pawa-Burabod. The Yawa river should beimproved with a suitable flood capacity, taken into consideration the economicfeasibility, the land acquisition and hydrological and river hydraulic consistencywith the upstream tributaries.

The design flood for the river improvement is to be determined by evaluating theefficiency of the protection level for flood damage.

Three alternatives for the river improvement of the Yawa river are considered asfollows.

• Dredging the river channel• Raising the existing dike• Widening the river width with a compound river cross-section

(2) Nasisi and Ogsong rivers

The Nasisi river was once selected by the previous Master Plan for riverimprovement. Partial dikes, including the short cut channel, were constructed toprotect bridges, villages and paddy fields from flood inundation along the rivercourse after the previous Master Plan in 1981.

The Ogsong river was not selected by the previous Master Plan, but it hasregularly been a flood prone river as shown in Figures I 3.1 and I 3.2.

Thus, the Nasisi and Ogsong rivers should be improved with a suitable floodcapacity, taken into consideration the economic feasibility and the social impactby land acquisition.

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The design flood for the river improvement is to be determined by evaluating theefficiency of the protection level for flood damage.

Two alternatives for the river improvement of the Nasisi and Ogsong rivers areconsidered as follows.

• Raising the existing dike• Widening the river width with a compound river cross-section

(3) Quinali (B) and San Vicente rivers

The Quinali (B) and San Vicente rivers were also selected by the previous MasterPlan for river improvement. No river improvement works were carried outexcept for the partial dike construction to partially protect flood prone areas.

Thus, the Quinali (B) and San Vicente rivers should be improved with a suitableflood capacity, taken into consideration the economic feasibility and the socialimpact by land acquisition.

The design flood for the river improvement is to be determined by evaluating theefficiency of the protection level for flood damage.

Two alternatives for the river improvement of the Quinali (B) and San Vicenterivers are considered as follows.

• Raising the existing dike• Widening the river width with a compound river cross-section

6.2 Urban Drainage

The interior flood inundation events are chronic problems in the center of theLegazpi. The inundation in the low-lying areas is caused mainly by theinadequate urban drainage system, inadequate flood capacity of creeks or tidaleffects of the sea. The cause of the inundation is not directly related with floodevents of the river to be studied. Even so, the urban drainage plan shall beincluded in the Study to solve the interior flood inundation in Legazpi around theMayon Volcano.

There are four alternatives to be considered for the urban drainage plan inLegazpi City.

• Widening the flood capacity of the trunk channel (as is called “estero” in thePhilippines)

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• Installation of flood gate to protect seawater intrusion in the case of high tide• Pump drainage system• Retention pond

7. River and urban drainage planning

7.1 River Improvement Plan

7.1.1 Conditions and Criteria

Planning for river improvement in the Study Area is carried out on the basis of thefollowing conditions and criteria.

(1) Heavy rainfall

The Study Area has unique climate characteristics such as indistinct dry seasonand very pronounced maximum rainfall from September to January. The heavyrainfall is often caused by Southwest and Northeast Monsoons, frequent passingof Tropical Cyclones and strong convective air ascend. Mean annual rainfall isestimated to be 3,000mm at lower elevation such as Legazpi and Tabaco, and4,000-5,000mm at higher elevation over slopes of Mt. Mayon. Daily maximumrainfall is ranged 200-300mm at lower elevation and 400-700mm at higherelevation.

(2) Year-round soil moisture

Total number of rainy days are 221 days or 60% of the year on average in Legazpi.The relative humidity is almost constant through the year and annual mean is 83%at Legazpi.

(3) Steep sloped channel

The channel slope of the rivers around the Mayon Volcano is very steep.Average river bed slopes of mudflow channel and flood flow channel (such asYawa, Quinali (A) and Quinali (B)) are 0.06-0.26 and 0.003-0.004, respectively.

(4) Steep sloped drainage area

The river basins are draining from the mountain top of the Mayon Volcano (EL2,400m). Therefore, river piracy caused by mudflow events had frequentlyoccurred, specially in the rivers of the southeast slope. River courses such as the

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Bulawan river are unstable in the alluvial fan. Flash floods with very shortconcentration time (25 - 130 min.) occurs in each river basin. Excepting for theOgsong river, no retarding effects are expected.

(5) Sediment transport

The river bed materials survey revealed that average particle sizes (D50) of theriver bed materials are 13.0mm in the sediment flow portion and 0.4mm in theflood flow portion.

(6) Intensive existing land use

Paddy fields are dominant land use in the flood flow portion of the rivers. Inparticular, the lower reaches of the Nasisi, Ogsong, Quinali (B) and San Vicenterivers are fully utilized for rice production.

National road network is installed around the Mayon Volcano. The road systemis passing the rivers to be considered with bridges.

(7) River related facilities

River improvement plan shall carefully be studied taken into consideration theabove river related facilities such as irrigation and drainage system and bridges inthe river basins.

(8) Alignment for planning

River bed of the flood flow portion is rather stable, and the extreme river bedaggradation or degradation is not observed in the flood flow portion.

Therefore, general alignment of the improved river sections will follow theoriginal river courses. Partial river improvement works have been undertaken byDPWH, Region V in the Yawa, Quinali (B), Nasisi, Ogsong and San Vicenterivers in the recent past.

Meandering portion will be modified by short cut channel if needed.

River mouth of the Yawa and Quinali (B) rivers have outstandingly beeninfluenced by coastal stream which is mainly flowing from north to southdirection. The alignment of the Yawa and Quinali (B) rivers carefully plannednot to be silted by the coastal stream.

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(9) Criteria for channel profile and section

River section should be double trapezoid river section for large rivers such asYawa and Quinali (B) rivers since the main channel is able to confine normal flowand flash flood flow at the center of the river. Large sediment transport to thoserivers cannot be expected by the construction of Sabo works upstream. Singletrapezoid river section is applicable to small river.

Channel profile for the planned river improvement shall follow the original riverprofile since its river bed is observed to be stable.

(10) Design flood

Design flood for river improvement works should be determined by economicevaluation to several alternatives with different flood protection levels such as 10,20 and 50-year flood.

Design flood for bridges is recommended to be 50-year flood in the Philippinesand adopted to the present study.

7.1.2 Candidate Scheme

Several candidate schemes for river improvement in the Study Area are selectedby the conditions and criteria for the Study as follows.

• Yawa river improvement project• San Vicente river flood way project• Quinali (B) river improvement project• Nasisi river improvement project• Ogsong river improvement project

Rivers other than the above selected rivers should be treated by Sabo works andno river improvement works are recommended by the study.

Backwater effects occasionally occur in the lowest reaches of the Quirangay,Tumpa, Maninila and Masarawag rives near the confluence to the Quinali (A)river. The river improvement for the Quinali (A) river is a premise for solvingthe inundation in the lowest reaches of those rivers affected by the backwater fromthe Quinali (B) river. The lowest parts of those rivers are situated south ofNational Highway passing between Legazpi and Ligao.

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7.1.3 Basic Concept and Alternative Plan

(1) Basic concept

Basic concepts for river improvement plan are:

a) to mitigate flood damage in the flood prone areab) to upgrade the function of river as a flood way for Sabo worksc) to enhance the productivity of land use

(2) Alternative plan

Based on the basic concepts, several alternative plans are considered as follows.

a) Dredging the river channelb) Raising the existing dikec) Widening the river channel with embankmentd) New flood way

Alternative c) is selected for all schemes to secure in advance the right of way forfuture river improvement works suitable for 100-year probable flood.

Alternative d) is selected for the San Vicente river to mitigate the flood inundationin Malinao by diverting the river course into the sea instead of presently draininginto the Quinali (B) river.

7.1.4 Facility Design

(1) General

Master Plan level designs are prepared for the proposed structures of thealternative plan described in Section 7.1.3. The design of river structures isbased on the results of hydraulic calculation, incorporating relevant design criteriaas described in Section 7.1.1.

(2) Alignment

The alignment of the dike for each alternative plan for the Yawa, San Vicente,Quinali (B), Nasisi and Ogsong rivers is shown in Figures I 7.1 to I 7.3. Thechannel alignment is chosen to minimize the social and environmental impact byfollowing the existing river channel wherever possible. For new flood waychannel in the San Vicente river, the flood way alignment is chosen by followingthe past water course of the river.

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The length of the dike for each alternative plan is summarized below.

Length of Dike for Alternative Plan

River Name Length of Dike(m)


Yawa 2,000 From the river mouthSan Vicente 4,000 New flood way from San Vicente Bridge to the sea following

the past water courseQuinali (B) 2,650



First section (from the river mouth)Second sectionThird sectionFourth section

11,250 Total sectionNasisi 600

7,033First section (from Quinali (A) to Ogsong)Second section

7,633 Total sectionOgsong 5,700 From the confluence to the Nasisi river

(3) Hydraulic design

Typical cross section of the dike is shown in Figure I 7.4. The crest width is setat 4.0m for all alternatives. The riverside slope is set at 1:1.2 and the revetmentis protected by grouted riprap. Gabion is installed to provide protection fromscour.

The landside slope is 1:2 and protected by mountain soil and sodding to protect itfrom rainfall run-off.

The common hydraulic design of the dike for each alternative is summarizedbelow.

Hydraulic Design Standard for River Improvement Plan

Free board 1.2mRoughness coefficient 0.035

Design discharge, channel gradient, design depth and river width for eachalternative are summarized below.

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List of Hydraulic Design Parameters (Q20)

River Name River SectionDesign


ChannelGradient Design Depth


Design RiverWidth

(m)Yawa Total section 1,350 0.0015 4.4 90San Vicente Total section 180 0.0063 1.6 30Quinali (B) First





80Nasisi First





Ogsong Total section 570 0.0035 3.5 35

List of Hydraulic Design Parameters (Q10)

River Name River SectionDesign


ChannelGradient Design Depth


Design RiverWidth

(m)Yawa Total section - - - -San Vicente Total section 150 0.0063 1.5 30Quinali (B) First






80Nasisi First





Ogsong Total section 500 0.0035 3.3 35

7.2 Urban Drainage Plan in Legazpi City

7.2.1 Condition and Criteria

(1) Heavy rainfall

The same conditions as 7.1.1 (1) for river improvement.

(2) Topography

Legazpi City is situated in the low-lying area and some areas in the central districtis at below sea level.

(3) Insufficient drainage capacity

Main river channels functioning as an estero for urban drainage in the LegazpiCity are

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a) Macabalo river in the south,b) Tibu river in the north.

Flow capacity of the main river channels are suitable up to 5-year flood peak.But, drainage capacity of secondary and tertiary channels are presentlyinsufficient.

(4) Insufficient maintenance

Insufficient maintenance causes flood inundation in the city as described below.

a) Absence or inadequacy of drainage structures to properly train or guide theflow of rain water to natural receptacles or water bodies

b) Siltation or clogging in some drainage pipes because of inadequatemaintenance

c) Dumping of solid and liquid waste in natural and man-made channels whichlessen their conveyance capacity

d) Construction of subdivisions or housing developments in nearby areas withoutadequate drainage outflow connection

(5) High tide

The extreme high tide was measured as 1.8m in the past. The coincidence ofhigh tide and flood events has occasionally caused inundation in the city proper.Therefore, needs for installation of flood gates and pumping facilities are raisedby Legazpi City.

(6) Design flood

Design flood for urban drainage projects is recommended to be 10-year in thePhilippines and also adopted to the Study.

Probable flood for Macabalo and Tibu rivers is roughly estimated by RationalFormula as shown below.

Probable Flood in Macabalo and Tibu Rivers

Main River Channel Catchment Area(km2)

Rainfall Intensity(mm/hr)

Probable Flood(m3/s)

Macabalo River 10 100 (5-year)120 (10-year)

190 (5-year)230 (10-year)

Tibu River 4 100 (5-year)120 (10-year)

80 (5-year)90 (10-year)

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7.2.2 Alternative Plan

(1) Enlargement of flow capacity

The main river channels such as the Macabalo and Tibu rivers are to be enlarged ifdesign discharge is larger than flow capacity of the existing channels. But, tominimize the social impact of land acquisition along the main river channels, it isfully recommended to maintain the existing river width as same as possible. Theflow capacity of two rivers is estimated to be around 5-year probable flood peakdischarge. Riprapping of the channels is properly installed along the watercourse.

(2) Pump drainage

a) Pumping stations

Pump drainage system is fully recommended to minimize the flood damage in thecity. Suitable size of pumping station is to be determined to minimize the projectcost.

b) Flood gates

Suitable size of flood gate is to be installed in the Macabalo and Tibu rivers toprotect the low-lying areas from the intrusion of tidal flood in the city.

c) Retention pond

Installation of retention pond is considered as an effective measure to regulateflood peak and to minimize the size of pumping station if installed with a pumpingstation.

7.2.3 Proposed Drainage Plan

The proposed drainage plan is selected as an integration of all alternative plansconsidered as follows.

(1) Riprapping along main river channels (Macabalo and Tibu rivers)(2) Flood gates to protect tidal flood into the rivers(3) Pumping stations to compulsorily drain interior flood inundation with flood

gate operation(4) Retention pond to regulate flood peak

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7.2.4 Facility Design

(1) General

Master Plan level designs are prepared for the proposed structures of thealternative plan described in Section 7.2.2. The design of urban drainagestructures is based on the results of hydraulic calculation, incorporating relevantdesign criteria as described in Section 7.2.1.

(2) Alignment

The alignment of the dike for each alternative plan for the Macabalo and Tiburivers is shown in Figure I 7.5. The channel alignment is chosen to minimize thesocial and environmental impact by following the existing river channel whereverpossible.

The length of the dike for each alternative plan is summarized below.

Length of Dike for Alternative Plan

River Name Length of Dike (m) LocationMacabalo 1,700 From the river mouthTibu 834 From the river mouth

(3) Hydraulic design

a) Main river channel

Typical cross section of the dike is shown in Figure I 7.4. The riverside slope isset at 1v:1.2h and is protected by grouted riprap. Gabion is installed to provideprotection from scour.

The common hydraulic design of the dike for each alternative is summarizedbelow.

Hydraulic Design Standard for Urban Drainage Plan

Free board 1.0mRoughness coefficient 0.035

Design discharge, channel gradient, design depth and river width for eachalternative are summarized below.

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List of Hydraulic Design Parameters (Q10)

River NameRiver





DesignRiver Width


River Widthto be Widen

(m)Macabalo Total section 105 0.001 2.0-2.5 26-32 0.0-28Tibu Total section 17 0.001 1.1-4.0 4.8-39 -

b) Flood gate

Flood gate is planned to be installed in the Macabalo and Tibu rivers at the rivermouth as shown in Figure 7.5.

Hydraulic design adopted to the rivers is briefed below.

Hydraulic Design for Flood Gate

River Name ProbableFlood (year)

Flood Peak(m3/s)

Gate Height(m)

Gate Width(m)

No. of FloodGates

Macabalo 10 105 3.5 3.0 5Tibu 10 17 3.5 3.0 3

c) Pumping station

Pumping station is designed in the Macabalo and Tibu rivers as follows.

Hydraulic Design for Pumping Station

River Name Probable Flood(year)

Flood Peak(m3/s)

Design Pumping Capacity(m3/s)

Macabalo 10 105 10.0Tibu 10 17 1.0

d) Retention pond

The design of retention pond is roughly carried out with limited information fromthe Legazpi City.

Hydraulic Design for Retention Pond

River to be Drained Pond Capacity(m3)

Pond Area(ha)

Design Water Depth(m)

Macabalo 444,600 12 3.7Tibu 13,536 0.5 2.7

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