Page 1: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

5 Generations in the WorkplaceGenerational Diversity and Myth Busting!

Presented by : Katie Brown

Page 2: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations
Page 3: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

The ChallengesThe reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations working together.

How will you adapt your organisations practices to engage all the generations?

How will you leverage skill sets and different working styles across the generations to build high performing teams?

Page 4: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Traditionalistsborn before 1945AKA: Depression-era babiesSilent GenerationVeteransThe ForgottenRadio Babies

General Descriptors

• Strong work ethic

• Patriotic

• Believe in Hierarchical management and respect authority

• Organisational loyal

• Dependable

• Independent (maybe even stubborn)

• Appreciate flexibility in work schedules

Page 5: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Baby Boomersborn 1946-1964

General Descriptors

• Hard-working, loyal, strong work ethic

• Well educated

• Value equal opportunities

• Extremely loyal to their children

• Value co-operation and face-to-face communication

• Work status (and job value) = self worth

• Organisation loyal

Page 6: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Generation Xborn 1965-1979AKA:Baby BustXers

• Independent • Scepticism / cynical

• Critical thinkers • Suspicious of Boomer values

• Think globally, value diversity • Technology literate 50/50

• Lack organisational loyalty • Seeks work / life balance

Page 7: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Millennialsborn 1980 – 1995AKA:Generation YGen Next

• Steady work ethic (when it matches their focus)

• Highly socialised, needs constant feedback

• Not fond of traditional hierarchy (respect is earned)

• Family focused – gender equality at home

• Technology literate • Impatient

• Values flexibility and control • Little organisational loyalty

Page 8: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Generation Zborn 1996-2012AKA:iGenerationPost-Millennials

• Technology integrated

• Global

• Individuality

• Less-focus

• Multi-taskers

• Little loyalty (brands, organisations, programs/rewards)

Page 9: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

What problems can stem fromgenerational diversity in the workplace?

•Risk of conflicts

• Lack of mutual understanding

•Different working styles

•Communication gaps

Page 10: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

The importance of having a Millennial Strategy

Page 11: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Redesigning workplaces for the millennial generation

The Challenges

• Attracting them to your organisation

• Once you’ve attracted them how do you retain them?

• Impatience on career progression

Use social media to post

job opportunities

Promote workplace diversity

Offer meaningful


Offer continuous education

and creative perks

Promote work / life


Page 12: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Redesigning workplaces for the millennial generation

Possible Solutions

• Create a flexible work culture where employees feel empowered based upon trust

• Implementing a clearly defined career path

• Provide opportunities and experiences that align to career goals

• Lattice Vs. Ladder career. A Lattice approach allows them to learn new skills and feel progression without getting a promotion before they are ready

• Physical design of the work environment has more impact than you think

Page 13: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Engaging generations at work, we’re not that different…

Source: IBM Institute for Business Value Millennial Survey 2014

Page 14: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

A recipe for success to retain millennials in your organisation

The Challenges

• Frontline managers are one of the biggest influences on retention

• Millennials and Generation Z want to work with you not for you

• Making the transition from worker to Manager can be tough and they often need help (coaching and mentoring) with the transition

• Most organisations lack a strategy around retaining millennials

Have a brand millennials can

connect to

Offer remote work if its

possible for the job role

Create a safe work environment

Foster a collaborative

environment, not a competitive one

Page 15: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

A recipe for success to retain millennials in your organisation

Possible Solutions

• Set clear expectations during the hiring process on the role they will be performing

• Demand excellence in managers – provide training, coaching and feedback

• Empower employees by involving them in wins and losses, they want to feel they have purpose and an impact on the bigger picture

• A performance management model that incorporates continuous feedback

• Retention strategies require your organisation to understand why people are leaving, ensure there are processes to use those insights

Page 16: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Create a Boomerang environment

The term boomerang refers to employees that leave an organisation on good terms and then return back to that organisation at a later date.

The grass is greener complex!

Millennials tend to make quick or impulsive decisions to leave. Moving from job to job, often following a friend or ex-colleague or as a split decision for perceived quick career progression. Quick decisions as we know can lead to regret, if it is not the right experience for them. At this stage, they might want to return so it’s important to leave the door open.

Page 17: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers share similar opinions of the workplace

Source: IBM Institute for Business Value Millennial Survey 2014

Page 18: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

An uncomfortable truth – most employees, irrespective of age are critical of their organisations ability to effectively address the customer experience

Source: IBM Institute for Business Value Millennial Survey 2014

Page 19: 5 Generations in the Workplace...Generational Diversity and Myth Busting! Presented by : Katie Brown The Challenges The reality, in today’s workplace you can have up to five generations

Age Diversity in the Workplace: 5 Lessons from the Intern

• Age diversity means skill diversity

• Age diversity opens the mind

• Age diversity creates mutual mentors

• Have adequate onboarding processes

• Age diversity in the workplace makes us nicer people