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5 Game Changers for Selling Consulting Services in 2012 © 2012 RAIN Group | 1 © 2012 RAIN Group | © 2012 RAIN Group |

Mike Schultz

5 Game Changers for Selling Consulting Services in 2012

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A lot of people are predicting more of the same for 2012:

But the private conversations we’ve had with consultants about their firms are the complete

opposite. Instead of more of the same, they’re talking about:

Few say the economy is great, but most agree opportunity is everywhere. Their fears are gone.

Although things have not returned to how they once were, it’s back to business and back to growth

in 2012.

“The housing market stays stuck

in the mud.”

“Volatile stock market.”

“Unemployment stays elevated.”

“Social media presence critical.”

“Mobile technology poised for growth.”

“Lots of opportunity.”

“Sea changes on the horizon.”

“Leaders less skittish.” “Plenty of need.”

“Time is now for significant growth for my firm.”

“Harder to get new clients.”

“More clients to push back on price”


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1. Highlight Specialties

2. Use Infographics to Communicate Value Late

3. Sell with Social Media

4. Strengthen Selling Attributes

5. Build and Reinforce Selling Skills

When we talk about growth, we talk about the

ability of leaders and consultants to bring in new

business and close new deals. We talk about

selling. Some things about selling haven’t

changed much, like the need for filling the

pipeline with qualified leads, building

meaningful relationships, communicating value,

listening, uncovering needs, crafting solutions,

overcoming objections, and winning new

business. If you want to put selling to work for

you, you have to master the core of the craft.

Certainly, these topics are evergreen, but there’s

a lot that is changing and changing fast. In this

report, while we will touch on some of the

evergreen topics, we’ll look through the lens of

what’s new and what’s evolving to give you the

edge you need in 2012. If you want to take

control of your success in the new year, keep

reading and pay attention to these 5 game



5 Game Changers for Selling Consulting Services in 2012

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1 Highlight Specialties With the now ever-present Internet and rise of

social media, it’s become much easier for

prospects to find and learn about service

providers. A simple Google search for a

particular need brings up hundreds of providers,

most of them specific to the search term.

Given that buyers perceive they can find

solutions to their specific need with minimal

effort, it’s no surprise that buyers are trending

more and more towards searching for, making

contact with, and buying from specialists.

In our benchmark research report How Clients

Buy, we asked 231 buyers of consulting and

professional services which factors are most

important to them when choosing a provider.

The results were telling.

As shown in Figure 1, the #2 and #4 most

important factors related directly to


Figure 1. Importance of Factors in Hiring Decision - % Rated “Extremely” or “Very” Important





0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Overall value provider can deliver

Experience in specific area when I have needs

Overall costs or fees

Experience in my industry / business

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Another recent research study of professional

services firms by Dr. Lee Fredrickson at Hinge

Marketing2 showed that High Growth firms were

much more likely to rate themselves as being

highly specialized when compared to Average

Growth firms.

Figure 2. % Very Specialized










Average Growth High Growth

In 2012, specialized firms will continue to

outperform less specialized ones because buyers

are increasingly selective and fit conscious.

Fortunately, this trend presents an opportunity

for you and your firm in 2012 because most

consultants find it difficult to focus their

services. Even when they are focused, they find

differentiating their offerings to be the most

challenging component in communicating their


Highlight Specialties

Specialized Firms Grow Faster


The more you can highlight your specialization, the more you’ll differentiate. The more you differentiate, the greater competitive advantage you’ll have in 2012.


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In our How Clients Buy3 research, buyers reported that the #1 factor they consider when hiring

consultants is the ”Overall value provider can deliver.” 90% of buyers cited this as extremely or very


The ability to communicate the value of their solution to prospects distinguishes rainmakers from

the rest. They’re always looking for new and better ways to communicate value more effectively.

You should, too.

What This Means for 2012

Two things you can do to gain an edge in 2012:

1. Reinforce your value in the later stages of the sales process

2. Use infographics to express your value

Figure 3. Importance of Factors in Hiring Decision - % Rated “Extremely” or “Very” Important





0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Overall value provider can deliver

Experience in specific area when I have needs

Overall costs or fees

Experience in my industry / business

Use Infographics to Communicate Value Late


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No matter if it’s 1982, 2012, or 2022, the definition of a value proposition remains the same.

As outlined in our book Rainmaking Conversations and in the report, The “10 Commandments for

Building a Value Proposition that Sells”4, value propositions have three building blocks:

Resonate: Buyers must see your messages as important.

Differentiate: Buyers must see you as both distinct from others and difficult to substitute.

Substantiate: Buyers must believe you can deliver what you say you can deliver.

If you’re reading this report, you’re probably someone that believes in your own value. You believe

that you resonate – your service is important. You believe that you differentiate – your service is

different. And you believe that you substantiate – your service is credible.

The next step is communicating that value effectively in all stages of the sales process.

Use Infographics to Communicate Value Late

The Basics of Communicating Value 2

A value proposition is the collection of reasons why a person or company buys something.


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Most consultants know that communicating value is important early in the sales process, but most

buyers evaluate whether they should buy from you with what you communicate late in the sales


Make sure when they do, you measure up.

If you don’t reinforce the value of your solution late in the sales process, particularly in the proposal,

it could cost you the client.

What This Means for 2012

In 2012, make a point of communicating your value late and you’ll have an advantage over much of

your competition.

Use Infographics to Communicate Value Late

Communicate Value Late in the Sales Process 2

Buyers evaluate the overall value the provider can deliver at the end of their buying process.


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A great way to communicate your value is with infographics.

An infographic is a graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge. These graphics

present complex information quickly and clearly.5

If a recent college grad can do it, you can, too.

Figure 4. Infographic Used as the Resume of a

Recent College Graduate6 One buyer we interviewed told us that

hiring consultants sometimes felt just like

hiring anyone for their companies.

He told us, “Going through proposals is

just like going through resumes. There’s a

lot of junk and we just toss those out. But

then it comes down to a handful that look

good, and it’s tough to make a decision

because no one really stands out.”

It doesn’t have to be like that.

In Figure 4, have a look at what one recent

college grad used for his resume.

Use Infographics to Communicate Value Late

Make Your Presentations and Proposals Stand Out with Infographics 2

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I’ve seen dozens of website design proposals. But I’ve never seen one where the company takes

something like this, showing the prospect, in each of the following categories, exactly what they’ll do

for them. Imagine how much more powerful a customized version of this would be than a bulleted list

outlining “what we’ll do for you.”

Figure 5. Infographic Describing the Anatomy of a Perfect Website6

Use Infographics to Communicate Value Late


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Lots of companies have been using infographics

in their marketing recently. It’s a trend. Only a

few, however, have been using infographics in

their proposals.

There’s a big opportunity for those that start.

I’m not suggesting you adopt a graphical

communication approach to completely replace

whatever you’re doing now.

If, however, you want to get your message

across clearly and powerfully, if you want to

stand out from the other consultants, and if you

want to inspire confidence that you’re “the real

deal” in whatever it is that you do, an

infographic customized for the prospect in the

proposal can make the difference.

The great majority of consultants are not doing

this. It’s an advantage waiting for you to seize it. How about comparing your prospect’s “current

reality” to their “new reality”. Do you draw the

distinctions as powerfully as this?

Figure 6. Infographic Comparing the Summers

of 1969 and 20097

Use Infographics to Communicate Value Late


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Success with social media has been the shiny new penny everyone has been chasing for a few years.

All the chasing, however, seems to be on the marketing side.

How to develop a community of followers.

How to drive people to your website through social media.

How to build a brand and get press mentions with social media.

Very little focuses on how to sell with social media.

What This Means for 2012

Perhaps the greatest opportunity for selling with social media is developing new relationships with


Sell with Social Media


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One consultant I know spent over 6 months

trying to get in touch with a senior vice

president at a Fortune 500 company using

telephone and email as his core outreach

tactics. No luck.

Then he set up social media monitoring on this

person and several topics that he knew were top

of mind for him. Eventually, the consultant saw

an obscure quote by the executive, and reached

out via a common connection on LinkedIn to

start a discussion with him about it.

The executive accepted his connection request,

but did not respond.

But about 3 weeks later, the executive’s assistant

called the consultant and requested a meeting


On the call, the consultant learned the executive

knew the consultant was trying to get in touch

with him. But what the consultant wanted to

talk about had, up until that point, not been on

the to-do list. When he got the LinkedIn

connection he decided to take a look at the

consultant and his company, and his interest was


A few weeks later an issue shot to the top of his

to do list, and he then asked his assistant to

schedule the meeting.

Without the social media monitoring and the

LinkedIn networking, the consultant would have

never gotten the meeting with this powerful


Sell with Social Media

Example: Small Social Media Effort Gets Big Results 3

Consultants as a whole are just starting to use social media for selling, especially engaging new relationships with potential clients.


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Advice for how to sell with social media is a journey longer than this report can travel.

Those that take the journey themselves, however, may find it’s a shorter road to success than the

one they’re on now.

LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are your starting points for selling with social media, but

there’s a lot to take advantage of beyond these four major sites.

Here are 10 other tools you might find helpful:


Google Alerts









Sell with Social Media

Social Media Technologies to Explore for Selling 3

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When my business partner John Doerr worked for a large company, he used to know a number of

people who were top performers – really excellent results producers – who retired. But there was a

big problem…they never told anyone about the retirement!

For years, they just kept showing up to work but they weren’t nearly the producers they used to be.

They had the capabilities to be top performers – they could sell – but they were no longer actually

doing what it took to produce results. After years of crushing sales targets for this company,

commitment waned. Results dropped.

In this case, attributes were the difference between past success and current mediocrity.

Strengthen Selling Attributes


Commitment is an attribute, not a capability. !

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As the academics put it, selling is complex, and

thus performance may be less attributable to

skills, knowledge, and credentials, and more

attributable to factors such as positive attitude and

self-image, motivation, and emotional intelligence.

They go on to note that if it’s true, assessing

“competencies” (we use the word attributes), is a

must.8, 9

Consultants must assess their own sales attributes

along with skill and knowledge needs.

It’s not enough to build selling capabilities for

yourself and your team; you have to develop (or

hire for) the attributes required for top

performance. We call these attributes drivers and

detractors of selling success.

If the drivers of success aren’t in place – meaning

you don’t have, for example, the desire to achieve

in sales, the necessary commitment to take action,

the right self-image, and so on – selling never

quite gets the passion, energy, and enthusiasm

that the rest of your job gets.

If too many detractors are in place you might know

what to do and have the capability and drive to do

it, but you still often fail for other reasons.

Detractors are bad for consulting and bad for

selling. If you don’t know which ones might be

holding you back, you’re at a disadvantage.

Tendency to get emotionally


Non-supportive buy cycle

Money discomfort

Self-limited record collection

Need for approval

Strengthen Selling Attributes

Drivers and Detractors of Sales Success 4

Common Detractors of Selling Success

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Say a consultant is listening to a prospect talk

about his plans for a technology purchase. The

prospect says he plans to move forward in three

areas: A, B, and C.

The consultant, having been through these

technology challenges many times before, knows

that A and B are good ideas, but C is a disaster

waiting to happen.

He should bring this up appropriately to the

prospect, see if there’s something he’s missing,

and, if he still thinks C is a bad idea, see if he can

help get things on the right path. He might even

have the conversation skill to be able to do this


But if the consultant has the detractor need for

approval, it’s likely he won’t say anything at all

because consultants with a need for approval

have great difficulty speaking with prospects

about anything that might upset the prospect or

rock the boat in their relationship.

This detractor attribute will, in this situation and

many others like it, inhibit the consultant’s ability

to help the prospect make better decisions, to

build a trusted advisor relationship, and set

themselves apart from competitors.

So while he had the capability to sell, something

else was holding him back from reaching top


Strengthen Selling Attributes

Example: But He Won’t Like Me… 4

You might be thinking, “Isn’t a core role of the consultant to tell a client what he needs to hear to make him successful, not what he wants to hear? Don’t consultants do this as a matter of course?” The answer to the first is, yes, it’s important. But the second… it doesn’t happen as often as you think.


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As Fiona Czerniawska10, a well-regarded researcher in the consulting field, puts it:

Any senior executive in a big organization is surrounded by sycophants, yet success depends on

receiving and acting on objective feedback. “I want consultants to challenge my thinking,” said one,

“to help me see where I’m going wrong even if I resent the criticism at the time.”

Experienced consultants will know how hard this can be: difficult messages sometimes have to be

disguised or approached circuitously if they’re to be accepted; real courage may be required to stand

up to overbearing managers. There’s always the fear that an upset client will not hire you again and

may not even pay the current bill. But I worry that, these days, there’s more. The public stock of

consultants is not high and perhaps their awareness that they’re not loved makes them more eager

to be liked.

The most common reason consultants don’t ask difficult tough questions or push back when they

need to is a need for approval.

Strengthen Selling Attributes

Many Consultants Have a Need to Be Liked… Is This Holding You Back? 4

47% of consultants have a need for approval. !

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Need for approval is only one of several detractors that could be holding you back. The first thing

you need to do is find out which drivers you have that you should build on and which detractors may

be holding you back.

The second thing is to start improving your attributes as you also build your skills. But take note:

training is only a small piece that can affect attributes. Coaching makes the biggest difference here.

Fortunately, it’s becoming more and more accepted, and more and more common, to assess for

drivers and detractors. We at RAIN Group have been applying these kinds of evaluations for years to

help our clients hire and develop the best business developers, and train their consulting teams to

maximize their selling results.

What This Means for 2012

If you don’t know where your drivers and detractors are, 2012 is the year to find out.

Strengthen Selling Attributes

Uncover Detractors and Build on Drivers 4

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Months after a sales training event, consultants, professionals, and salespeople too often say:

I don’t remember what was covered in the sales training program

I don’t know enough to use the tools and apply the advice

I didn’t get enough practice to feel confident enough to give it a try

I tried something and it didn’t work. I'm not sure if I did it wrong

I’m pretty sure the powers-that-be don’t remember that this was a priority anyway

Most sales training is focused around a two- or three-day event where people learn and practice

new skills.

Without reinforcement, as much as you might have loved the program, it’s the rare consultant who

goes home and curls up by the fire with their General Foods International Coffee and reviews the

sales training materials 3 times a week.

Build and Reinforce Selling Skills 5

The problem with event-only training is that the effects of the event fade over time.


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With event-only training, after short-term bumps in selling improvement, people forget learned

skills and knowledge, forget how inspired and motivated they were given what they covered, and

the learning effectiveness decreases.

In this case, you end up with what ES Research calls the 120-day sales training curse. Four months

later, results and behaviors go right back to where they started before the training.

During Training Event After Training Event

Program: • Engaging • On target • Well delivered














g Ef




Months 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

No concept reinforcement No complementary learning No action reminders, practice, feedback No expectation reinforcement

Build and Reinforce Selling Skills

Stand-alone Training Results Fall Short 5

Figure 7. Poor Reinforcement Leads to Reduced Impact of Training Over Time

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During Training Event After Training Event

Program: • Engaging • On target • Well delivered














g Ef




Months 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Concept reinforcement Complementary learning Action reminders, practice, feedback Expectation reinforcement

Figure 8. What’s Possible with the Right Before, During,

and Post-Training Activities

Build and Reinforce Selling Skills

Reinforce Training for Lasting Impact 5

Adult learning is an ongoing process. Only through repetition and practice will you internalize the

training and consistently put it to use. When you attend to the before, during, and after of the

training, here’s what’s possible…

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“Best-in-class companies outpace laggards by nearly a two-times factor in providing post-training

reinforcement of the best practices commonly learned in classroom-style instructor-led sales

education sessions. These firms have learned that long-term success depends on underscoring the

best practices in sales training deployments…”11

And the reinforcement makes a difference in results…









Team Attainment of


Time to Productivity

Reps Achieving Quota

Sales Turnover Reduction

Sales Cycle Reduction

Reinforcement Users Non-users of Reinforcement

Figure 9. Impact of Reinforcement in 835 Organizations that Recently Employed Sales Training11

Build and Reinforce Selling Skills


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Build and Reinforce Selling Skills

Getting Post-Training Right 5

The concept that learning needs to be reinforced won’t be much of a news flash for most readers.

Still, strong post-training reinforcement is the exception in sales training.

For those companies that get post-training right with reinforcement that works, it makes a

tremendous difference in effectiveness and sales results.

“Reinforcement was helpful”

Leads are up 14%, close rate is up 11%,

average sale up 22%...

“Bring on the results meeting!”

“That went well!”

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These 5 game changers are just the beginning when it

comes to boosting your sales success in 2012. When it

comes to bringing in new business and growing your

firm, opportunities abound. And to help make 2012

your best sales year ever, we’re releasing the entirely

revamped online sales training program:

It provides you all the knowledge, tools, and

confidence you need to make the transition from

consultant to rainmaker and to take your selling to the

next level.

The best rainmakers are students of sales. They are

constantly learning, growing, and changing for the

better. They read about sales. They get coaching to

improve. They are not afraid to ask for help.

Boosting your selling skills does not have to happen

through years of trial and error. You can take a cue

from the best rainmakers and speed up the process by

learning from others’ successes and missteps.

In SCS 2.0, we’ll share lessons from successes,

challenges, and mistakes we’ve seen thousands of

consultants make along with the best of what we’ve

learned in our decades of experience in the field of

sales, our research, and our own success in selling

consulting services that propelled us to win a spot on

Inc. magazine’s list of the fastest growing companies.

This intensive online training program is designed to

walk you step-by-step through all facets of selling

consulting—from building a value proposition that

sells, to leading masterful sales conversations, to

filling the pipeline with qualified leads, to overcoming

objections, to closing the deal.

The world of consulting, and selling consulting has

changed. We’re here to be your guides to help you be

more successful. You can make 2012 a year of

tremendous growth and prosperity.

The Best Way to Improve Your Selling Results in 2012

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Over the course of the program we’ll give you all the pieces of the puzzle you need to:

Develop a winning value proposition and describe complex services in a way that gets prospects excited about you and your services

Keep the front end of the pipeline full with qualified prospects while maintaining your practice with active clients

Position yourself as a trusted advisor during the sales process, building strong, trusting relationships from the get go, making the sale smoother and faster

Lead masterful sales conversations in any situation

Overcome objections and get closer to the close

Follow up with prospects in a way that deepens your relationship over time

Get premium fees for your services even when clients pressure you for lower fees

Make the business impact of your services clear so you can sell more with less resistance

Increase profits by charging (and getting) premium fees for your services

Create proposals that win at full price

Selling Consulting Services 2.0 will help make 2012 your best sales year yet. Learn more at

What You’ll Learn

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Get the Tools, Skills, and Support You Need to Become a Rainmaker

27 Training Lessons: Designed to give you every last piece

of the puzzle you need to fill the pipeline, lead masterful

sales conversations, and close new deals. Click here for a

complete list of topics covered.

Worksheets, tools, checklists, and templates: Following

each lesson, assignments will be available for you to

download and complete to help you immediately put the

new learning into practice.

Monthly Q&A Coaching Calls: One of the cornerstones of

this program includes regular Q&A calls to dig into the

issues you face in selling your consulting services and

provide specific feedback for your situation.

Expert Forums: The course instructors are active

participants in the forums and will provide direct feedback

on your value proposition, sales conversations, proposals,

and whatever specific challenges you face.

In the program, we’ll dive deep into the RAIN Selling process. We’ll equip you with the practical, how-to information and tools you need to fill the pipeline, command higher fees for your services, and bring in a predictable flow of profitable new clients.


In SCS 2.0 we’ll equip you with the skills, tools, and templates you need to more successfully bring in

new business and grow your firm. Specifically, you’ll get:

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What’s New in 2.0?

Bonus Lessons: Bonus lessons on advanced selling

topics are included throughout the program to help

you get to the next level.

RAIN Selling Simulation: A 2-part, choose-your-own-

adventure-style sales game that’s a fun, competitive

way to put your new skills to use.

6-Minute Goal Planning Tool: Developed to give you

a framework for reviewing and updating your

personal and professional goals on a daily basis. Track

your short and long-term goals to get on track and

stay on track.

RAIN Selling Email Reinforcement Program: Ongoing

email reinforcement makes the learning stick. You’ll

receive short email messages packed full of practical

advice, quick tips, and scenario challenges.

New to the program in 2012 is the

, which includes private, one-on-one consulting calls with one of our sales experts. Gold Members will enjoy lifetime access to the program and exclusive strategy sessions to work through their current sales challenges. Click here to learn more.


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We have a lot more free content coming your way, so stay tuned. In the meantime, you can learn more about the 6 core modules in Selling Consulting Services 2.0 and what you can look forward to learning in each step. Best regards,

Mike Schultz President, RAIN Group Founder and Publisher, Co-author, The Wall Street Journal bestseller, Rainmaking Conversations and Professional Services Marketing Adjunct Professor, Marketing Division, Babson College Leader, Selling Consulting Services with RAIN Selling

P.S. Stay tuned over the coming weeks and look for emails from me. You don’t want to miss the valuable tips I’m about to share with you. To be sure you receive these emails, please add [email protected] to your safe sender list.

“I’ve tried several sales training programs and I’ve read the leading books and I can confidently say that the SCS program is the most valuable, highest quality resource out there. “The Selling Consulting Services program jumpstarted my business development effectiveness by helping me identify how I provide value and how to align that value with the specific needs of my clients. The program just made everything click for me.” - Andy Schneit, Consultant and Selling Consulting Services member

What’s Next

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1 Schultz, Mike and John Doerr. How Clients Buy: 2009 Benchmark Report on Professional Services Marketing and Selling from the Client Perspective (RainToday, 2009), 4. 2 Frederiksen, Lee W. , Ph.D. The High Growth Professional Services Firm: How Some Firms are Able to Grow in Any Market (Hinge Marketing, 2010), 5. 3 Schultz, Mike and John Doerr. How Clients Buy: 2009 Benchmark Report on Professional Services Marketing and Selling from the Client Perspective (RainToday, 2009), 6. 4 Schultz, Mike. The 10 Commandments for Building a Value Proposition that Sells (RainToday, 2010),, 7. 5 Spurlock, Christopher J. “Resume/CV,”, (2011), 9. 6 “The Anatomy of a Perfect Website,” ROI Media (2012),, 10. 7 Rivers, Jonathan. “The Summer of '69 vs. the Summer of '09,” BillShrink (May 22, 2009),, 11. 8 Leach, Mark P., and Annie H. Liu, and Wesley J. Johnston (2005), “The Role of Self-Regulation Training in Developing the Motivation Management Capabilities of Salespeople,” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 25, 3 (Summer), 269–281. 16. 9 Spencer, L.M., Jr., and S.M. Spencer, Competence at Work: Models for Superior Performance, (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1993). 16. 10 Czerniawska, Fiona, “Why Consultants Shouldn't Want to Be Liked,” Source for Consulting (The Source Blog 2012),, 18. 11 Ostrow,Peter, Sales Training: Deploying, Knowledge, Process and Technology to Consistently Hit Quota (Aberdeen Group, 2010), 23.


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