Page 1: 5 B2B Marketing Potholes and How to Avoid Them




A prospect may have completed as much as 90% of the

buyer’s journey before contacting a salesperson.

Research shows that B2B prospects can consume a dozen or more pieces

of content before making a purchase.

Evasive Maneuvers: Develop an always-on full funnel approach to content marketing by creating helpful and relevant content that speaks to prospects at every stage of the buying process.

More than 80% of known prospects never

open their emails.

For many B2B marketers, there is astounding

waste in their advertising, which only

intermittently hits the right targets.

Evasive Maneuvers: Use data-driven tactics, such as LinkedIn Sponsored Updates, Sponsored InMail and targeted display advertising, to reach only the right audience.

95% of the company’s website traffic remains


Evasive Maneuvers: B2B marketers must communicate with prospects throughout the entirety of the buyer’s journey; they must embrace full funnel marketing, boosting awareness in the upper funnel, nurturing leads in the mid funnel, and driving qualified leads in the lower funnel.

By the time a prospect reaches out to a salesperson, the road to purchase has essentially reached its destination. That’s why the most effective B2B marketers are embracing full funnel marketing—which ranges from awareness advertising to lead nurturing—to keep their prospects in thefast lane to making a purchase.

Here are the biggest potholes in the buyer’s journey, and how B2B marketers are avoiding them:

With the rise of the Information Superhighway over the past two decades,

B2B prospects are now able to put the pedal to the metal when it comes

to self-educating on the products and services they want to buy.

Evasive Maneuvers: Using LinkedIn Lead Accelerator, marketers can nurture these anonymous website visitors with sequenced display and social media advertising that is targeted to the visitors’ business demographics and online behavior.

Evasive Maneuvers: Members of your database, even if they don’t open emails, can be reached via highly targeted display and social media advertising via LinkedIn Lead Accelerator.
