
Four ways that Surveys influence the eCommerce

website experience


Gathering essential data is vital to stay on top of the eCommerce game.

It comes as no surprise that technology is changing consumer behavior on a daily basis. Consumers are constantly connected through tech gadgets, harboring the power of the internet in their hands. These devices not only eases communication, but it helps to simplify the decision-making process.

Think about the last time you were shopping for a specific item. If you are like me, at some point during the purchasing process you did some online product research. Including, using your device to compare pricing and features of the item while you’re actually looking around at a local retail store.

After the research is done, you forget about completing the transaction at the store and buy it online through an eCommerce website. Why did that happened? Simple, eCommerce offers competitive prices, special discounts, exclusive item features not available on retail and a simplified shopping experience for the customer. It also gives consumers an access to a wide array of shopping options right in the palm of their hands.

One of the setbacks of eCommerce is the lack of a personalized service. So what can these websites do to measure customer satisfaction? How can the company make sure that the consumer has an exceptional shopping experience?

The best way to gather this information is through surveys. This opens the gateway to essential insight for your eCommerce website, enabling the business to stay on top of the game.

Let’s expand further on this, and take a closer look into the various things that eCommerce websites can measure through the power of surveys:


All businesses should pay close attention to customer satisfaction and eCommerce is not an exception to this rule. After all, satisfied customers can go an extra mile for your business.

At times, things go wrong and we must learn from these situations. Surveys come in handy, they reveal and pinpoint weaknesses that affect eCommerce websites. It also helps to identify opportunities to improve company processes; therefore, refining the customer’s experience.

How easy is it to navigate your eCommerce website? In terms of products and policies, how informed is your customer? Are they satisfied with the available selection, customer service and the purchasing process? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, then you need to start conducting some research.

Understanding how your customers interact with your website allows you to improve their overall experience. Conducting exit surveys is crucial to make sense of it. It enables you to collect feedback on the customer’s shopping experience. It gives you a clear picture on what processes work and which ones need improvement. This data can help you measure everything from user interface to shopping experience.

Harness the power of survey data. You will be able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your eCommerce website; allowing you to allocate resources efficiently for the best customer experience possible.


If you are looking to predict customer behavior, conducting loyalty surveys is a good way to go. The biggest difference between a satisfied and a loyal customer is the likeliness of a repeat purchase. The loyal customer has a higher chance of doing so.

Fortunately, there are three ways that can help you measure loyalty. First, you must learn about the consumer’s satisfaction with your company. As we mentioned before, you must grab data from the user’s experience (i.e. user interface and site navigation), available information on policies and products, purchasing processes, customer service, etc. Making sense of the results will help you understand overall satisfaction.

Second, word of mouth. The key question here is: how likely is your customer to recommend your eCommerce website to others. This question determines how identified is the customer with your business. We tend to speak about the brands that we love to others, we become brand ambassadors without knowing it. If your customer ranks high in customer satisfaction, chances are they will be prone to suggest your business to others.

Third, are customers coming back? Is the customer willing to purchase products and services from you? If the data from the first two is positive, then it proves that the consumer’s experience with your website is outstanding. The customer seems to be satisfied with the entire process; therefore, you will probably have repeat business from them.

This is why surveys are so important for your eCommerce website. It will allow you to address different variables to measure your customer’s experience.


It happens, some customers are turned away from a particular eCommerce website. If you don’t understand why that happens, then how will you be able to fix the problem?

There’s an efficient way to address this and prevent abandonment. You can set up a survey to learn about your customer’s perception with the site. Questions about color schemes, layouts, fonts, device compatibility and design can help you measure attractiveness. If your site looks like a slightly modified template, chances are it is not going to look appealing.

You can also address topics about user experience. Questions about site navigation, ease of access, purchasing process and available information to make an informed decision. This helps you measure their perception of trust towards your site.

ECommerce websites are constantly changing. In order to prevent an exit and abandonment of your website, you need to learn about what is working and what needs change. You must adapt your site and take the necessary steps to increase site visitors.


If you want to determine where your eCommerce website customers stand, the Net Promoter Score enables you to do so. There are three types of customers:

• Promoters: the loyal, the brand ambassadors, those customers that drive new business to your website.

• Passives: your satisfied customers, but if your competitor offers something appealing, they are most likely to be swayed.

• Detractors: the unsatisfied customers who have nothing good to say about your website; therefore, causing a negative word of mouth.

Surveys help you to identify where the customers go. Asking the same question that we explored before: how likely is your customer to recommend your eCommerce website to others, is the best way to measure the Net Promoter Score.

If you want to know more about the user’s response, it is recommended to follow up with an open-ended question. This will give you more data to understand what their thought process is.

Furthermore, if you would like to calculate your site’s Net Promoter Score, just subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Here we have seen the importance of designing surveys to keep your eCommerce website on top of its game. There are different variables that play an important role in the success of your business.

Don’t take these variables for granted, identify its strengths and weaknesses. Allocate the necessary resources to improve your site constantly.

Survmetrics allows you to design surveys to collect the necessary data to drive your website towards success. It is an intuitive platform that simplifies the market research and customer feedback process. Their solid analytical tools allow you to simplify the decision-making process through the delivery of accurate results.

The power is in your hands. Take advantage of this advice to maximize your eCommerce website.

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Technology has simplified the consumer’s decision-making process. Most customers are always on the go, staying connected 24/7 through their gadgets. They carry the power of information in their hands. Consumers are constantly visiting websites to access the information that is relevant to their needs. For that reason, it is important for brands to provide the best possible experience to its customers.Companies need to monitor user experience regularly. A well executed website can generate interest, positive word of mouth and drive conversions.

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