Page 1: 4 Things You Must Do Before A First Date


 4 Things You Must Do Before A First Date Author: Karen Burns | Article Source | “Like” UrbaneWomen On Facebook So, that cute guy from the coffee shop has finally asked you out! What do you do next to prepare? Getting ready for the first date involves more than just picking the right restaurant or choosing the right hair style.

Keep reading for our four tips that will have you well prepared for that date. 1. Let Your Past Teach You

Let the experiences from your previous relationships and dates help you do the right thing tonight. Look for any patterns from prior dates to help you avoid making any mistakes tonight.

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2. Pick Your Wardrobe In Advance

Have your outfit ready to go two or three days ahead of the actual date night. This will help you avoid panicking at the last minute over a stain you didn't notice or a missing button. You'll have time to make sure that you've got the right pair of shoes and that everything fits and makes you feel comfortable. 3. Chill Out! I know a lot of women who tend to get very nervous and stressed out with first dates. Don't be one of them!

If you start feeling stressed, call up a girlfriend to talk you down, or sit and relax or meditate with soothing music. Getting a good workout that day can get endorphins flowing that will help keep you less tense. You'll have a much better time on your date if you're feeling relaxed and in a good mood. You're more likely to connect well with your dating partner, which will make the first date more likely to lead to a second!

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4. Don't Be Late!

One of the worst things you can do on a first date is to be late; it creates a terrible first impression. Make sure that you are ready early and that you've given yourself plenty of time to be wherever you need to be. Allow extra time for traffic if you're meeting at a public place. Article Source: Do you often feel like you do not understand your man? Or are you single and have not been able to find Mr Right? Are you doing everything right on your first date with a hot guy? If you have such questions, and more, you've come to the right place. Visit UrbaneWomen to find out if you are doing everything right, from how to apply the correct makeup for that hot date tonight to advices on how to improve your relationship with your man.
