Page 1: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

3D art, Animation and VFXEr du interessert i 3D, animasjon eller visuelle effekter for film og tv? Da vil du pådenne bachelorutdanningen få innblikk i både de tekniske og kunstneriskeaspekter innenfor denne bransjen. Vi legger grunnlaget gjennom tradisjonell kunstog bildekomposisjon som gir deg nødvendig kunnskap for å gå videre medmoderne digitale verktøy. Hva gjør oss unik? Hos oss får du muligheten tilspesialisering innen ulike felt i VFX. På studiet samarbeider du med både film- ogspill-studenter gjennom studentproduksjoner og blir veiledet av fagfolk medinternasjonal bransjeerfaring. Som student får du tilgang til bransjestandard påfasiliteter som f.eks et 120 kvm stort Greenscreenstudio, moderne lab´er medoppdatert programvare.


Studiepoeng 180,0

Type studium Bachelorgrad

Startsemester Høst 2017

Språk Engelsk

Fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Studiested Steinkjer

Søknadsfrist 15.04.2017




Tlf: +47 74 11 22 72E-post: [email protected]




Tlf: +47 74 11 20 31E-post:[email protected]


Aktuelle arbeidsområder vil være innen den digitale medieindustrien, mediehus, VFX Houses, digital informasjonsformidling generelt ogmediebransjen. Utdanningens vektlegging av praktisk arbeid vil gjøre studentene i stand til å a...rbeide med utvikling av nye innovativemedieprodukter innenfor etablerte bedrifter eller som entreprenør innen et område der utviklingen fremdeles er i startgropa.



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Page 2: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Bachelorgraden kvalifiserer for opptak på mastergradsstudier innen fagfeltet både i innog utland.


Generell studiekompetanse eller realkompetanse.

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Høst 2017

Vår 2018


CG-Art 1

5 SPVFX1010

CG-Animation 1

5 SPVFX1020

Technical Direction 1

5 SPVFX1060

Art 1

5 SPVFX1080


5 SPVFX1050

Motion Graphics (1/2)

10 SPVFX1031

Compositing 1

5 SPVFX1070

Media Project 1

10 SPVFX1100

Motion Graphics (2/2)

10 SPVFX1031

History of Art and Animation

10 SPVFX1091


Obligatoriske emner180 Studiepoeng

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Page 4: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Høst 2018

Vår 2019

Høst 2019

Vår 2020


CG Art 2

10 SPVFX2020

CG Animation 2

5 SPVFX2051

Compositing 2

5 SPVFX2061

Technical Direction 2

5 SPVFX2041

Art 2

5 SPVFX2035

Media Project 3

15 SPVFX2080


15 SPVFX2070


Technical Direction 3

5 SPVFX3011

CG Animation 3

10 SPVFX3021

CG Art 3

10 SPVFX3031

Compositing 3

5 SPVFX3041

Bachelor production

30 SPVFX3300

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Page 5: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh


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Page 6: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Dette studiet gir kreativt utøvende ferdigheter innen produksjon av 3D-kunst, animasjon og visuelle effekter (VFX) for ulike typer produksjoner. F.eksfilm, TV, VR-opplevelser, kunstnerisk innhold for spill og visualiseringer, digital scenografi for moderne teaterproduksjoner, musikkfestivaler,konserter, events for næringslivet, samt kunstprosjekter.

Fokus på ulike markedsområder styrker mulighetene for et bredere jobbmarked for kandidatene. Felles for alle produksjonsformene er å kunneutvikle estetiske visuelle uttrykk, med grunnlag i historieformidling og kunstneriske ferdigheter.

Studietilbudet er lagt til universitetets campus i Steinkjer som har topp moderne datasaler med oppdatert industristandard programvare,renderfarm, samt grupperom med klippesuiter og et komplett filmstudio med 120m2 greenscreen-stage. I tillegg har utdanningen tradisjoneltkunstutstyr som staffelier og animasjonsbord. Studentene har også tilgang til profesjonell utstyrspark for film, stillbildekameraer med diverseoptikk, samt kraftige projektorer for digital scenografi.

Det forventes at søkeren har grunnleggende IT-ferdigheter, gode kunnskaper i engelsk, slik at man er i stand til å lese faglitteratur og følgeundervisning som foregår på engelsk.

Nord universitet satser stort på dette fagområdet og er nå en av de få universitetene som tilbyr spesialisering innen den kreativt utøvende delen av3D/VFX.Studiet er svært produksjonsrettet.

I første studieår vil man få en introduksjon til ulike retninger som senere gir mulighet for fordypning. De fem mulige fordypningene i bachelorløpet ertradisjonell kunst, 3D-kunst, animasjon, technical direction (TD) og compositing. I tillegg tilbys generelle emner som fortellerteknikk oganimasjonshistorie.

I andre studieår bygges det videre på grunnkunnskapene, med mulighet for fordypning i valgte emner. Første semester vies til forelesninger ogøvinger, med produksjonsperiode i andre semester. Studenter ved bachelor i Film/TV har sammenfallende produksjonsperiode og det oppfordrestil samarbeid. Universitetet legger også til rette for studenter som ønsker å etablere studentbedrift, og det er anbefalt å gjøre dette i løpet av andrestudieår.

Tredje studieår gir mulighet for ytterligere fordypning i valgte emner. Siste semester vies til arbeid på bachelorproduksjon. Studentene oppfordres tilsamarbeid på tvers av valgretninger for å oppnå høyest mulig produksjonskvalitet. Det er også mulig å samarbeide med studenter fra andrebachelorløp ved universitetet, som f.eks film eller spillstudenter. I tillegg til dette kan man konkurrere om attraktive internships hos ulike 3D/VFX-hus.

Studentene er også delaktig i å arrangere en årlig internasjonal mediefestival (&Action) med innleide gjesteforelesere fra ledende aktører ibransjen. Universitetet legger også vekt på å delta på andre interansjonale konferanser og bransjetreff.

Prosjektarbeid og entreprenørskapStudiet har sterkt fokus på prosjekt og teamarbeid. Studenter blir knyttet opp mot eksterne oppdragsgivere og lærer å håndtere problemstillingerbåde individuelt og i grupper. Det satses på innovasjon og entreprenørskap. Universitetet er tilknyttet flere lokale næringsinkubatorer, og tilbyrmentoring rundt etablering av firma. Dette er vanligvis en videreføring av eksisterende studentbedrifter med et visst kundegrunnlag, som ønsker åprofesjonalisere driften.


På studiet brukes digitale verktøy som er bransjestandard. Dette er bl.a:

Adobe Creative CloudTrapcode Particular SuiteMayaMudboxUVLayout ProZbrushPTGuiMariNukeArnold renderPixar Tractor 2ResolumeDaVinci ResolveShotgun Studio

I tillegg til dette kan det bli behov for spesialverktøy i ulike prosjekter.

Studiet er praktisk orientert. Undervisningen gjennomføres med basis i teori, men i studiegjennomføringen er det fokus på øvinger, prosjektarbeidog produksjonsperioder med veiledning. Vurdering i studiet er basert på praktiske oppgaver, refleksjonsnotater, mappeeksamen og muntligepresentasjoner. Vi vurderer også hver student etter deres entusiasme, orginalitet, progresjon og oppmøte/deltakelse. Nettstøtte brukes aktivt i defleste emner.


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Etter fullført studium skal kandidaten ha oppnådd følgende læringsutbytte:


Kandidatene må kunne kommunisere ideer visuelt og ha utviklet en god estetisk sans.De må i tillegg beherske de teknikker og verktøy som erbransjestandard for produksjon av høykvalitet 3D/VFX, og hvordan disse kan best benyttes ved ulike typer produksjoner. Kandidatene må ogsåkunne benytte tilgjengelig teori for å ta riktige beslutninger i ulike produksjonsfaser.


Kandidatene har tilegnet seg kunnskaper, samt et historisk rammeverk om sentrale emner innen tradisjonell kunst, billedkomposisjon, 3D-kunst,animasjon, motion graphics og compositing, og hvordan disse ferdighetene kan implementeres i ulike typer produksjoner.

Generell kompetanse

Kandidatene behersker å jobbe i grupper/team, og har oppnådd høy relasjonskompetanse. De evner å gi og motta konstruktiv kritikk for å oppnåbest mulig håndverk. Studiet legger vekt på selvstendighet og innovative løsninger, samt forståelse for de behov som denne bransjen krever.

Generell studiekompetanse eller realkompetanse.

Aktuelle arbeidsområder vil være innen den digitale medieindustrien, mediehus, VFX Houses, digital informasjonsformidling generelt ogmediebransjen. Utdanningens vektlegging av praktisk arbeid vil gjøre studentene i stand til å arbeide med utvikling av nye innovativemedieprodukter innenfor etablerte bedrifter eller som entreprenør innen et område der utviklingen fremdeles er i startgropa.

Bachelorgraden kvalifiserer for opptak på mastergradsstudier innen fagfeltet både i innog utland.

Det blir mer og mer vanlig at studenter tar et semester i utlandet som del av en bachelorgrad.Ta kontakt med lærerne på studiet ellerstudieveilederne etter at studiet er i gang for nærmere informasjon om mulighetene.

Per 1. januar 2017 er følgende instituasjoner inne med Erasmus+ utvekslingsavtaler mot dette studieprogrammet: Reykjavik University (Iceland),Plymouth College of Art (England), Breda University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands) ogComplutence University of Madrid (Spain)

Semester- og kopinoravgift.Det vil bli reiseutgifter i forbindelse med produksjoner på ulike locations. Flere produksjoner foregår på kveldstid og i helger. Vi anbefaler ogsåstudenter å gjøre en investering i noe utstyr selv: Wacom tablet (Intuos 4 eller nyere), minnepenn, ekstern harddisk, headset med mer.

Opptak på bakgrunn av realkompetanse etter gjeldende regler. Kontakt studieveilederen for mer informasjon om opptak på bakgrunn avrealkompetanse.








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Vurdering og karakterfastsetting skjer ut fra bokstavkarakterer A-F, der A er best og F er ikke bestått. Vurdering kan også gis som bestått/ikkebestått eller godkjent/ikke godkjent.Vi viser til gjeldende lover, forskrifter og retningslinjer

Vurdering i studiet er basert på praktiske oppgaver, refleksjonsnotater, mappeeksamen og muntlige presentasjoner.

Studentevaluering gjennomføres på studieog emnenivå.

Vi viser til gjeldende forskrift og tilhørende retningslinjer





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Emnebeskrivelser (21)

CG-Art 1 VFX1010In this introductory course, students will develop a concept, then plan and executea CG-asset production. This could be assets such as simple vehicles, buildingsand props. Conceptual or more observational. The course starts with foundationaltraining in 3d modeling, with emphasis on maintaining technically correct models.Students develop abilities to spot and repair errors. This is followed by anintroduction to UV-mapping, and the creation of efficient UV-layouts. The assets willbe textured using various image-maps to control the final look of a physicallybased material. Finally, the assets are presented in a turntable render.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.

CG-ART 1 VFX1010

Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2017

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

1. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk

Søknadsfrist 01.07.2017 00:00:00




E-post: [email protected]

Student evaluation is conducted on course and subject level.

When the students have finished the course they can:


Use polygonal modeling approaches to establish legal geometryMaintain quad-based proper topologySpot errors with a mesh and repair itEfficiently UV-unwrap meshes while considering texture-seamsPlan a specific UV-solution for a certain texture resolutionLay out UVs according to the needs of the projectMaintain uniform UV-scale while avoiding texture distortionTexture diffuse-, specular-, reflectivity-, bump/normal-, transparency-, emissive-map etc.Make a basic presentation render


Use a proper file-structure and adhere to naming conventionPlan and refine a concept for a CG-asset production

General Competence:

Producing artistic content using computer graphicsUnderstanding the limitations and strength in a CG pipeline



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Page 10: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Lectures, Lab work on assignments.


Catmull, Edwin E. et al. (2014). Creativity, Inc. : overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration. New York: Random House. ISBN 9780812993011

Recomended litterature:

Bang, Molly (2016). Picture this : how pictures work. (Special ed.). California: Chronicle Press. ISBN 9781452135151

Bayles, David et al. (2001). Art & fear : observations on the perils (and rewards) of artmaking . Santa Cruz, California: Image Continuum Press. ISBN 978-0961454739

Finch, Christopher (2013). The Cg story : computer-generated animation and special effects. New York: Monacelli Press. ISBN 9781580933575

Henri, Robert (2013). The art spirit : notes, articles, fragments of letters and talks to students, bearing on the concept and technique of picturemaking, the study of art generally, and on appreciation . New York: Important Books. ISBN 978-8087888568

Samlet vurdering (første gang 2016 høst).Mappe - portfolio - individual delivery, teller 100/100 av karakteren (første gang 2016 høst).




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CG-Animation 1 VFX1020In this introductory course, students will learn the basics of animation using a 3Dsoftware. This could be classic animation exercises like a bouncing ball to moreadvanced exercises involving more than one moving object. The course starts withfoundational training in 3D animation, and based on this the students will plan andproduce short animation tests using pre-rigged 3D models. Finally, the animationsare presented as a rendered or captured sequence.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2017

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

1. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk

Søknadsfrist 01.07.2017 00:00:00




Tlf: +47 74 11 21 74E-post:[email protected]

Student evaluation is conducted on course and subject level.

When the students have finished the course they can:


Set keyframes in a 3D SoftwareReference in rigs and objects Utilize a graph editor Utilize a dope-sheet to adjust timing or offset animation.Manipulate curves to alter animation.Record and utilize video reference.Output a captured sequence from a 3D software.Make a basic presentation render.


Understand the meaning behind the 12 animation principles

General Competence:

Plan an animated sequence or scene



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Lectures, Lab work on assignments.


Williams, Richard (2001). The animator's survival kit. London: Faber and Faber.ISBN 9780571202287

Thomas, Frank et al. (1995). The illusion of life : Disney animation. (1st Hyperion ed.). New York: Hyperion.ISBN 0786860707

Samlet vurdering (første gang 2016 høst).Mappe - Portfolio-individual delivery, teller 100/100 av karakteren (første gang 2016 høst).




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Page 13: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Technical Direction 1 VFX1060In this introductory course, students will learn the basics of rigging using a 3dpackage. Exploration of underlying mechanics of what makes cg characters move.Focus will start with fundamental appendage functions leading up to moreadvanced hierarchical dependencies. By the end of the course. Students will finisha functioning character rig.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2017

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

1. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk

Søknadsfrist 01.07.2017 00:00:00




E-post:[email protected]

Student evaluation is conducted on course and subject level.

When the students have finished the course they can:


Proper placement of biped animation jointsRig a biped character with IK and FK control setups


Understanding of good mesh topologyUnderstanding of anatomy in regards to joint placementsDifferent aspects of character binding (skinning)

General Competence:

Project structureFile management (digital)

Lectures, Lab work on assignments.





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Samlet vurdering (første gang 2016 høst).Mappe - Portfolio-individual delivery, teller 100/100 av karakteren (første gang 2016 høst).


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Page 15: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Art 1 VFX1080The course will introduce students to:Develop and explore the methods andtechniques covered in each class. Develop and explore their own observationalskills alongside purely imaginative elements or experimental ideas. Establish aregular habit of observing and recording, using both pictorial and verbal methods.Students will also be encouraged to keep Scrap Books and Note Books toaccompany and enhance both the work done in class and the work done in theirSketch Books. The written exercises in Art 1 will introduce students to: Ideas andthemes in contemporary (and historical) Art Criticism and Design Theory, withparticular relevance to Moving Image history and practice. The methods andtechniques appropriate to developing their own personal awareness of theimportance and significance of all aspects of visual communication.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.

ART 1 VFX1080

Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2017

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

1. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk




E-post:[email protected]

Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


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Page 16: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


Draw with confidence from observation Draw with clarity from the imagination


Understand and appreciate the relevance and function of all visual and pictorial material within their own chosen specialist area of studythe materials, techniques and methods most commonly used in traditional observational drawingthe fundamentals of mark-making with graphite and chinagraph pencilsthe basics of portraiturethe basics of figure drawingthe basics of compositionthe basics of perpsectivethe basics of lighting(some of) the major developments in the History of Art & Design in Europe, America and Asia

General competence:

Producing artistic content using traditional drawing toolsthe compilation, editing and maintenance of a personal folio of work appropriate to each individual student¿s chosen area of specialist study

In class students will be required to complete (and scan/photograph and save in the appropriate folder on Fronter):

- weekly observational drawing exercises

At home students will be required to complete (and scan/photograph and save in the appropriate folder on Fronter):

- weekly sketch book assignments

At home students will also be required to:

- research and write a short essay (1,000 to 1,500 words long)

- the essay will be a comparison between one work of art by an artist selected by the student and a second work of art by an artist chosen from alist provided by the teacher


Samlet vurdering (første gang 2016 høst).Skriftlig skoleeksamen, 4 Timer. Teller 25/100 av karakteren (første gang 2017 høst).Portfolio, teller 75/100 av karakteren (første gang 2017 høst).

MMT1010 Tegning 1 - 5 studiepoeng.







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Storytelling VFX1050Students will explore the work of character development in terms of script writingfor short films, commercials, music videos, tv and documentaries. This course inscreenwriting is critical for writers, directors, producers and other creativepractitioners involved in the interpretive process. Writing covers the essentials ofstorytelling for films and goes into detail about structure, character development,three-act breakdown and writing effective dialogue. This course also introducesstudents to writing for television. Students learn the following disciplines:Formatting a treatment and screenplay properly. Understanding structure andstory. Creating memorable characters. Writing a 4-page non-dialogue script.Conveying meaning with visuals, not words. Writing dialogue. Writing scenedescriptions and exposition. Writing loglines and treatments. Understanding mythicstructure in storytelling. Character development in the screenplay. Dialoguedevelopment. The fundamentals of form, structure, character development anddialogue in feature and short screenplays.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2017

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

1. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk

Søknadsfrist 01.07.2017 00:00:00



Tlf: +47 74 11 20 95

E-post:[email protected]

Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


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Page 18: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


Understand basic story structure & character development.Understand the function of characters in a story.Design the inciting incident/the dramatic question.


Character development and arc.Be able to analyze various master plots for different genres.Act 2 breakdown (progressive complication stage).

General Competance:

Write effective dialogue that disguises exposition.Write an effective crisis, climax & resolution (Act 3).

Lectures and practical exercises.

Samlet vurdering (første gang 2016 høst).Mappe - portfolie, teller 100/100 av karakteren (første gang 2016 høst).

MMT1006 Produksjons- og fortellerteknikk - 5 studiepoeng.VFX1051 Storytelling and Directing 1 - 5 studiepoeng.






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Motion Graphics VFX1031In this introductory course, students will learn the basics of motion graphics anddigital workflow. The students will learn how to create animated graphics such asinfomercials, digital scenography or other animated content for web, TV etc. Thecourse starts with foundational training in different raster graphic, vector graphicand animation softwares, and the workflow used between them. Based on this thestudents will plan and produce short motion graphics animations by creatingillustrations and/or other digital graphics, combined with different effects. Finally,the animations are presented as a rendered sequence.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 10,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2017/vår 2018

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

1. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk




Tlf: +47 74 11 21 74

E-post:[email protected]

Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


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Page 20: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


Utilize a graph editorManipulate curves to alter animation.Use a proper file-structure and adhere to naming conventionsUnderstand digital workflow between different softwaresCollaborate with others on a joint productionWork across different softwareRender and output a sequence from the softwareCreate logos, assets and other graphical elements in a vector based software.Animate graphical elements to create visually interesting conte


Develop a motion graphics piece from an idea, brief or pitch.Create a storyboard & animatic for a productionCreate motion graphics for relevant productionsCommunicate information through animation, in a `modern¿ and exciting way.Adhere to an appropriate digital workflow to stay efficient and organised.

General Competence:

Plan an animated sequence

Lectures, Lab work on assignments.

Adobe after effects CC : classroom in a book : the official training workbook from Adobe systems (2013). San Jose, CA: Adobe Press.ISBN 978-03-2192-960-0

recommended additional literature

Gallagher, Rebecca et al. (2007). Exploring motion graphics. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.ISBN 9781418014216a

Mappe - 2 oppgaver og 1 refleksjonsnotat (første gang 2017 høst).

MMT1210 Motion Graphics - 10 studiepoeng.VFX1030 Motion Graphics - 5 studiepoeng.






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Page 21: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Compositing 1 VFX1070In this introductory course, students will learn concepts and techniques related toCompositing. Starting off with fundamental compositing principles leading to digitalcompositing tools. Understanding what to look for and how to tackle problemswhere compositing is needed. By the end of the course, students will have anunderstanding of what compositing can mean for production of a vfx shot. They willbe able to take CG renders in pass form. Combine them and correct for hand-off tothe next phase of production.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Vår 2018

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

1. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk

Søknadsfrist 15.11.2017 00:00:00

Student evaluation is conducted on course and subject level.

When the students have finished the course they can:


Navigate through a shot composite.Read in and write out shot sequences in correct colorspace.Combine various types of 3d render data into a workable whole.


Understanding of file types and their different usesUnderstand the differences in colorspaceSeparate and combine render passes from a 3d package

General Competence:

History of compositingProject structureData management (frame dimensions, aspect ratio, file size)

Lectures, Lab work on assignments.




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Samlet vurdering (første gang 2017 vår).Mappe - portfolio, teller 100/100 av karakteren (første gang 2017 vår).



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Page 23: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Media Project 1 VFX1100Students will be devided into groups and work with different external clients. Theywill learn about teamwork, project management and production of prototypes forbusiness. Based on their projects they have to write a reflection paper.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 10,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Vår 2018

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

1. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk



Universitetslektor imedieteknologi

Tlf: +47 74 11 20 16

E-post:[email protected]

Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


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Page 24: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Upon completion of this course, students will have a basic knowledge of what it is like to work for an external client.

Students will:


Be able to learn to work with clients, both external and internalBe able to put theoretical technical knowledge to use in practical applicationBe able to communicate effectively with clientBe able to plan and execute projects according to client¿s concepts and aesthetic preferencesBe able to work within the confines of schedule and budget


Have an understanding of the relationship between client and service providerHave an understanding of the importance of a well maintained scheduleHave an understanding of the various types of productions, and the difference in artistic approach to eachHave an understanding of the project as an entity unto itself


Have the ability to work with clients as decision makers Have the ability to develop group dynamic skillsHave the ability to effectively complete a project, and deliver on time, and according to client specificationsHave the ability to use their creativity within the confines of the client¿s desiresHave the ability to accept and implement client feedback, even if it conflicts with their own artistic senseHave a greater sense of the art of negotiation within client relationships

Students will have mostly self organized group planning and work sessions, with Instructors supervising and guiding those activities. The semi-independent nature of this projects helps to build confidence within the students, fostering independent thought, and greater intrinsic motivation.

Students will have mostly self organized group planning and work sessions, with Instructors supervising and guiding those activities. The semi-independent nature of this projects helps to build confidence within the students, fostering independent thought, and greater intrinsic motivation.

This is a practical production course.No reading list is required, but lecture notes will be provided.

All other designated 1st year courses.

Samlet vurdering (første gang 2017 vår).Mappe - Portfolio, teller 100/100 av karakteren (første gang 2017 vår).Arbeidskrav 2 - Oppmøte - Attendance, teller 0/100 av karakteren (første gang 2017 vår).

MMT1031 Medieprosjekt 1 - 10 studiepoeng.








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Page 26: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

History of Art and Animation VFX1091The Lectures and Practical/Written Exercises will introduce students to: Thestructure and anatomy of the human eye and the workings of the human system ofvisual perception, from normal/abnormal colour perception throughbinocular/stereoptical perception to Persistence of Vision. The fundamentalprinciples of Moving Image/Animation Finance, Pre-Production, Production, PostProduction, Distribution and Marketing. The historical, social and technologicaldevelopments that have led to today's Moving Image technologies, industries andpractices. The dominant developments in Animation/Moving Image technologiesand practices in America and Western Europe with a briefer introduction to theparallel/complementary developments and practices in other parts of the world,from Japan and China to Eastern Europe, Russia and the Middle East. In thepractical part of this course every student will have the opportunity to: develop andexplore the methods and techniques covered in each class develop and exploretheir own observational skills alongside purely imaginative elements orexperimental ideas pursue the regular habit of observing and recording, using bothpictorial and verbal methods Students will also be encouraged to maintain theScrap Books and Note Books they started in Art 1,to accompany and enhance boththe work done in class and the work done in their Sketch Books. The writtenexercises will allow students to further develop: their interest in contemporary andhistorical Art Criticism and Design Theory, with particular relevance to MovingImage history and practice their own personal awareness of the importance andsignificance of all aspects of visual communicationNo tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 10,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Vår 2018

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

1. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk

Søknadsfrist 15.11.2017 00:00:00



E-post:[email protected]

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Page 27: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


Trace and describe the history, within that wider Moving Image setting, of hand-drawn, stop-frame, computer-generated Animation, VisualEffects, Special Effects and frame-by-frame Image Manipulation.Trace and describe the chronological development of all methods of commercial Moving Image distribution and exhibition, from the Parlour Toyand the Nickelodeon to the Multiplex and the InternetContinue drawing with confidence and skill from observation:portraiturefigure drawingcompositionperpsectivelighting


Understand, appreciate and articulate the development of the underlying technologies, materials and methods that underpin today¿s MovingImage industries (including Animation in all its forms)Understand, appreciate and articulate the roles played by individual Moving Image practitioners within all areas of the entertainment sector, thecommunications industries, IT, research and manufacturing (including the roles played by Animation practitioners of all kinds)Understand and articulate the fundamental concepts of film ¿language¿, from Editorial Continuity and Visual Storytelling to Camera Movementand Colour TheoryRelate all materials created from the imagination to one or more aspects of the specialist departmental work they most want to pursue ongraduationUnderstand and appreciate further developments in the History of Art & Design in Europe, America and AsiaMaintain and up-date their personal folio of work

General Competence:

Appreciate and articulate the practical, social and the ethical implications of Moving Image Storytelling in a wide range of contemporary andhistorical contextsProducing artistic content using traditional drawing tools


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Will be decided into 4 mandatory activites:

ONE:Practical Assignment (25%): to be submitted in person at Week 4 ClassZoetrope / Phenakistoscope Exercise

1) Steven Ford's Zoetrope exerciseor2) Joseph Plateau's Phenakistoscope exercise (How to Create a Phenakistoscope)or3) your own personal Zoetrope (How to make a Zoetrope)

TWO:Written Assignment (25%):Outline to be submitted in person at Week 4 ClassFirst draft to be submitted in person at Week 5 ClassCompleted version to be submitted in person at Week 6 Class

Commercial Animation - The First 50 Years

Choose one Animated Short Film - in any medium, from any country- from any year between 1892 (the date of Charles-Émile Reynaud's "PauvrePierrot") and 1942 (e.g. "The Ducktators", Warner Bros Propaganda Cartoon, 1942) and write a minimum of 1,000 words (excluding quotes andreferences) outlining two or more important aspects of the film's technical, creative and/or historical significance. Additional credit will be given forappropriate selection of illustrations and for the inclusion of clear points of comparison.

Points to consider:

pioneering use of soundpioneering use of colourpioneering use of toolkits or materialsexcellence or advancement in artistic or technological workinnovation or achievement in the design or implementation of particular camera techniquesinnovation or achievement in the design or implementation of specific animation techniques

THREE:Stop Frame Assignment (25%):

Short sequence of stop motion animation(freestyle - open choice of materials, methods techniques)Minimum: 15 secondsMaximum: 30 secondscompleted version to be submitted in person at Week 8 Class

FOUR:Exam - in place of Week 10 Class - (25%):Written exam combining Multiple Choice with a short essay topic

Maltin, Leonard (1987). Of Mice and Magic, a history of American animated cartoons. (Rev. ed.). ISBN 0-452-25993-2


Samlet vurdering (første gang 2018 vår).Portfolio: 3 practical and written assignments (individual) making up the portfolio, teller 75/100 av karakteren (første gang 2018 vår).Skriftlig eksamen - Combining Multiple Choice with a short essay topic., 2 Timer. Teller 25/100 av karakteren (første gang 2018 vår).





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Page 29: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

MMT1111 Animasjonshistorie - 10 studiepoeng.


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CG Art 2 VFX2020In this course, students will learn advanced production techniques to achievehigher levels of detail in their CG-assets. Higher efficiency in polygonal subdivisonmodeling will be addressed, while optimizing meshes for further detailing usingdigital sculpting. As an introduction to digital sculpting, students develop conceptsculpts for organic character and creature concepts. Techniques for furtherdeveloping a concept sculpt to an animation ready CG-character will also becovered. Digital sculpting will then be utilized to achieve highly detailed hardsurface assets. In addition to sculpting, greater realism will be achieved throughvarious surfacing techniques. Students will develop an analytical approach,bearing in mind physically accurate surface response and weathering. Studentsare assigned production teams.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.

CG ART 2 VFX2020

Studiepoeng 10,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2018

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

2. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk


JULIAN NORUMEmneansvarlig


E-post: [email protected]

Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


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Page 31: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


Efficiently approach digital sculptingDevelop and iterate character and creature concepts using digital sculptingRetopologize using automated algorithms and manual retopo toolsAchieve ¿animation friendly¿ topologyProject details onto a retopologized mesh and extract a variation of image-mapsOptimize UVs for single region 0-1 or multi-region UDIMUtilize both 2d and 3d texturingAchieve layered material effects (i.e. scratched paint coat revealing base metal)Use HDR reflection probes to look-dev PBR materialsFinalize highly optimized production ready CG-assets meeting technical standards


Understand primary, secondary and tertiary shapesUse an analytical approach to surfacing, bearing in mind accurate surface responseUse an analytical approach to weathering surfaces, matching real world surface weathering such as edge wear, cavity dirt, surface wear andtear etc.Use planar analysis to simplify forms

General competance:

Collaborate closely in a production team, providing and receiving constructive critiqueIterate work based on feedback from supervisorsAdhere to production deadlineProducing artistic content using computer graphics.Understanding the limitations and strength in a CG pipeline

CG Art 1 and Art 1 or similar

Lectures, Lab work on assignments




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Spencer, Scott (2008). ZBrush Character Creation : Advanced Digital Sculpting . Chichester: Wiley. ISBN 9786611450434

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur

Bang, Molly (2016). Picture this : how pictures work. (Special ed.). Californua: Chronicle Press. ISBN 9781452135151

Bayles, David et al. (2001). Art & fear : observations on the perils (and rewards) of artmaking. Santa Cruz, Calif : Image Continuum Press. ISBN 9780961454739

Catmull, Edwin E. et al. (2014). Creativity, Inc. : overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration. New York: Random House. ISBN 9780812993011

Finch, Christopher (2013). The Cg story : computer-generated animation and special effects. New York: Monacelli Press. ISBN 9781580933575

Henri, Robert (2013). The art spirit : notes, articles, fragments of letters and talks to students, bearing on the concept and technique of picturemaking, the study of art generally, and on appreciation . New York: Important Books. ISBN 978-8087888568

CG Art 1 and Art 1 or similar

Mappe (første gang 2017 høst).

MMT2021 Utvikling av kreative næringer - 5 studiepoeng.





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Page 33: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

CG Animation 2 VFX2051In this intermediate course, students will learn the basics of character animation.This could be classic animation exercises like creating a character walk or a jumpto more advanced body mechanics. The exercises would also involve the use ofbipedal characters, and the students need to take into account that they areanimating a `living¿, `breathing¿ character with a personality. The course startswith further training in 3D animation, with focus on character animation, and basedon this the students will plan and produce short animation tests using pre-riggedbipedal 3D models. Finally, the animations are presented as a rendered orcaptured sequence.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2018

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

2. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk




Tlf: +47 74 11 21 74

E-post:[email protected]

Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


Side 33 av 54

Page 34: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


Pose characters to convey emotion, actions, age, physicality, gender etc.Understand and implement good silhouettes in poses.Pose and move characters convincingly by utilizing the `rules¿ of body mechanics and balance.Reference in rigs and objectsAnimating with `props¿Utilize and understand a graph editorUtilize a dope-sheet to adjust timing or offset animation.Manipulate curves to alter animation.Record and utilize video reference.Output a captured sequence from a 3D software.Make a basic presentation render.


Understand and implement animation principlesUnderstand the meaning behind the 12 animation principles

General Competence:

Plan an animated sequence or scene involving one or more characters.

CG Animation 1 or similar

Lectures, Lab work on assignments

Mappe (første gang 2017 høst).





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Page 35: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Compositing 2 VFX2061In this course, students will learn how to work with the most important featureswithin a node based compositing workflow. By the end of the course. Students willhave an understanding of clean green screen. How to remove wire/ unwantedelements from foreground elements. They (students) will be able to separatebackgrounds from live action plates to use as clean backgrounds. Maximumnumber of students in this course: 15No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2018

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

2. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk



Student evaluation is conducted on course and subject level.

When the students have finished the course they can:


Manipulate content using rotoscoping and luma/chroma keys.Use tracking data to help with footage cleanup.Separate foreground elements from backplate.Background replacement


Understand what a green screen isUnderstand different keying practicesUnderstanding of HDRI imagesBasics of color management workflows

General Competence:

Color theoryData management (frame dimensions, aspect ratio, file size)

Lectures, Lab work on assignments.




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Page 36: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Lectures, Lab work on assignments.

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur

Finch, Christopher (2013). The Cg story : computer-generated animation and special effects. New York: Monacelli Press. ISBN 9781580933575

Catmull, Edwin E. et al. (2014). Creativity, Inc. : overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration. London: Bantam Press. ISBN 978-0-59307-010-9

VFX1070 Composting 1 or similar

Mappe (første gang 2017 høst).





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Page 37: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Technical Direction 2 VFX2041In this course, students will further develop their technical skills with the building oftheir own lighting and rendering scene used for asset look development andpresentation. They will learn about shading networks and how to render out theircontent in passes. Some scripting will be included for quickening repetitive tasks.Finally utilizing their Compositing 1 class experience to combine the passes in anode based compositing software. By the end of the course. Students will knowlighting and rendering techniques for use in any of their CG projects. They willhave learned to optimize their workflow for quicker version iteration and better timemanagement. This in turn will give the students consistent quality control.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2018

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

2. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk




E-post:[email protected]

Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


Side 37 av 54

Page 38: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


¿Proper placement of quadruped animation joints

¿Rig a quadruped character with IK and FK control setups

¿Write short workflow enhancing scripts


¿Understanding of good Control structure

¿Understanding of quadruped anatomy in regards to joint placements

¿Differentiate between various rig features

¿Able to troubleshoot underlying rig systems

General Competence:

¿Project structure

¿File management (digital)

¿Animation export/import

¿Entry into Python scripting

CG Art 1 and Art 1 or similar

Lectures, Lab work on assignments

Recomended litterature:

Keller, Eric (2013). Maya visual effects : the innovator's guide. (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, Ind.: J. Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1118441602

Lanier, Lee (2014). Creating visual effects in Maya : fire, water, debris, and destruction. Burlington, MA: Focal Press. ISBN 9780415834186

CG Art 1 and Art 1 or similar

Mappe (første gang 2017 høst).







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Page 39: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Art 2 VFX2035In this course every student will have the opportunity to: Develop and explore themethods and techniques covered in each class Develop and explore their ownobservational skills alongside purely imaginative elements or experimental ideasPursue the regular habit of observing and recording, using both pictorial andverbal methods Students will also be encouraged to maintain the Scrap Books andNote Books they started in Art 1 (to accompany and enhance both the work done inclass and the work done in their Sketch Books) The written exercises in Art 2 willallow students to further: Their interest in contemporary (and historical) ArtCriticism and Design Theory, with particular relevance to Moving Image history andpractice Their own personal awareness of the importance and significance of allaspects of visual communicationNo tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.

ART 2 VFX2035

Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2018

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

2. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk


Student evaluation is conducted on course and subject level.


Side 39 av 54

Page 40: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


continue drawing with confidence and skill from observation:portraiturefigure drawingcompositionperpsectivelighting


relate all materials created from the imagination to one or more aspects of the specialist departmental work they most want to pursue ongraduationunderstand and appreciate further developments in the History of Art & Design in Europe, America and Asiamaintain and up-date their personal folio of work

General Competence:

producing artistic content using traditional drawing tools

In class students will be required to complete (and scan/photograph and save in the appropriate folder on Fronter):- weekly observational drawing exercises

At home students will be required to complete (and scan/photograph and save in the appropriate folder on Fronter):- weekly sketch book assignments

At home students will also be required to:- research and write a short essay (1,000 to 1,500 words long)- the essay will be an appreciation of the contribution made to on specific game, movie, TV / web series or graphic novel by one artist or designer(to be suggested by the student and approved by the teacher)


Samlet vurdering (første gang 2018 høst).Mappe - Portfolio, teller 75/100 av karakteren (første gang 2018 høst).Skriftlig eksamen - Combining Multiple Choice with a drawing., 2 Timer. Teller 25/100 av karakteren (første gang 2018 høst).






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Page 41: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Media Project 3 VFX2080In Media Project 3 students continue to put the instruction they have been given topractical use. Working in groups, the students will create short films in one or morecategories: live action, 3D animation, or live action with visual effects. Film and TVstudents will join with 3D art, Animation and VFX students to allow for the greatestpossible variety of short films. Films done in this project are typically entered intonational, and possibly international festival competition.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 15,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Vår 2019

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

2. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk




Universitetslektor imedieteknologi

Tlf: +47 74 11 20 16E-post:[email protected]

Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


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Page 42: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Upon completion of this course, students will have a working knowledge of basic pre-production elements and workflow.

Students will:


¿Be able to develop their cinematic skills, based on their specialties

¿Be able to alter a script based on interpretation

¿Be able to work with cast members to create a performance

¿Be able to work within the confines of schedule and budget

¿Be able to effectively refine the story through editing

¿Be able to effectively finish the production for final delivery


¿Have an understanding of taking a plan (pre-production) into action

¿Have an understanding of the importance of the interdepenence of all production elements

¿Have an understanding of how decisions made in pre-production will impact production and post-production.


¿Have the ability to put a plan into action

¿Have the ability sharpen their group dynamic skills

¿Have the ability to effectively complete a project

¿Have the ability to focus on details in a critical fashion, with an eye towards how each detail affects some other element.

¿Have the ability to work in a task-specific way, yet within a larger group or dynamic

¿Have the ability to make changes to the plan, based on prevailing circumstances

Students will have mostly self organized group planning and work sessions, with Instructors supervising and guiding those activities. The semi-independent nature of this practice period helps to build confidence within the students, fostering independent thought, and greater intrinsicmotivation.

Mappe - portfolio - film production and reflection papier (første gang 2018 vår).

MMT2220 Medieprosjekt 3 - 15 studiepoeng.





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PreProduction VFX2070This course focus on pre-production for the Short Fiction project with is ancooperation between Film and TV students and 3D art, animation and VFXstudents. They have to prepare for producing a short fiction movie where theyinclude both displines.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 15,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Vår 2019

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

2. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk





E-post:[email protected]

Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


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Page 44: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

Upon completion of this course, students will have a working knowledge of basic pre-production elements and workflow.

Students will:


Be able to conceive and pitch story ideas for a short filmBe able to write a script, taking it through several draftsBe able to break down the script as to cast, locations, prop needs, etc.Be able to effectively scout and negotiate use of locationsBe able to effectively audition talent for castingBe able to effectively create a storyboard of the filmBe able to effectively create a production design plan for the filmBe able to construct realistic schedules and budgets


Have an understanding of the pre-production process, including knowledge of writing, casting, locations, scheduling, budget, etc.Have an understanding of the importance of all element processes in pre-productionHave an understanding of how decisions made in pre-production will impact production and post-production.Have an understanding of the use of pre-vis techniques to simulate the final product


Have the ability to create a viable and accomplishable plan from a conceptHave the ability to identify strengths and weaknesses in a planHave the ability to mitigate possible negative effects of the weaknessesHave the ability to make a plan as a groupHave the ability to focus on details in a critical fashionHave the ability to work in a task-specific way, yet within a larger group or dynamic

Lectures and practical exercises.

Mappe - 4 assignments. (første gang 2018 vår).

MMT2006 Pre-produksjon - 15 studiepoeng.





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Technical Direction 3 VFX3011In this course, students will learn modular rigging techniques using customscripting. Including UI development for cleaner and more efficient animationproduction and management. Using what they have learned in previous TDclasses the students will break down their processes into small modules andredone with scripting. The students will build a fully functional character rig usingtheir custom-built tools. By the end of the course. Students will have a goodunderstanding of working with scripting within 3D software. They can set uppredictable character rigs efficiently using their own scripts. Students will be ableto build and connect custom animation UI to their rigs. They will have learned howto troubleshoot a character asset after rigging and find solutions without breakingoverall rig functionality.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2019

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

3. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk


Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


Side 45 av 54

Page 46: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


¿Write rig modules using Python scripting

¿Change out rig features without breaking connected modules

¿Rehash modules between biped and quadruped rigs

¿Set up face rig with animator friendly controls


¿Understanding of all node functions in a rig hierarchy

¿Translate animation requests into rig features

¿Understand and communicate rig limitations/features

General Competence:

¿Project time estimation based on rig complexity

¿Communication skills for proper rig feature information gathering

¿Understand pipeline needs before and after rig completion

Technical direction 1 and Technical direction 2 or similar.

Lectures, Lab work on assignments

CG Art 1 and Art 1 or similar

Mappe (første gang 2018 høst).






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CG Animation 3 VFX3021In this advanced course, students will further develop their skills in animation, witha heavy emphasis on character animation. This could be classic animationexercises like animating characters acting out a scene, or animating a shot for ashort film. The exercises would also involve the use of bipedal and/or quadrupedalcharacters, and the students need to take into account that they are animating a`living¿, `breathing¿ character with a personality. The focus in this course is actingand performance, and less on the technical side of the software. They will also beintroduced to lipsync and animating to an audio track. The course starts with morein depth studies into acting principles and performance, and based on this thestudents will plan and produce short acting scenes or shots for films etc. All usingpre-rigged bipedal/quadrupedal 3D models and voice tracks from either film, tv,games or of their own. Finally, the animations are presented as a rendered orcaptured sequence.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 10,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2019

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

3. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk


Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


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Page 48: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


¿Animate to audio/voice track

¿Import and manipulate sound in a 3D software

¿Reference in rigs and objects

¿Animating with `props¿

¿Utilize and understand a graph editor

¿Utilize a dope-sheet to adjust timing or offset animation.

¿Manipulate curves to alter animation.

¿Record and utilize video reference.

¿Output a captured sequence from a 3D software.

¿Make a basic presentation render.


¿Understand and implement animation principles.

¿Understand the meaning behind the 12 animation principles

General Competence:

¿Plan an animated sequence or scene involving one or more characters with dialogue.

CG Animation 1 and CG Animation 2 or similar

Lectures, Lab work on assignments

CG Art 1 and Art 1 or similar

Mappe (første gang 2018 høst).






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CG Art 3 VFX3031In this advanced production course, students will build upon a strong foundation inart and CG-art, creating production quality CG-content. Utilizing a range of toolsand methodology, the students are expected to meet production deadlines, whilecollaborating in a professional manner. Equal emphasis will be placed oncollaborative skills, communication within the group and with supervisors. Studentswill be assigned production teams, and will get the chance to be the Junior ArtDirector for one production each.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.

CG ART 3 VFX3031

Studiepoeng 10,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2019

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

3. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk


Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


Side 49 av 54

Page 50: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


¿Producing industry-level CG art

¿Optimizing the end-product according to the needs of the production.


¿Take the role as Art Director, ensuring the needs of the client are met

General Competence:

¿Collaborate professionally on tight production schedules

¿Ensuring the vision of the client and Art Director is maintained

¿Quickly iterate according to feedback

¿Develop strong work ethics and methods to meet milestone and final deadlines

¿Producing artistic content using computer graphics.

¿Understanding the limitations and strength in a CG pipeline

CG Art 1 and Art 1 or similar

Lectures, Lab work on assignments

CG Art 1 and Art 1 or similar

Mappe (første gang 2018 høst).






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Compositing 3 VFX3041In this course, students combine what they have learned in previous compositingcourses to further their workflow speed and comprehensive problem solving. Theywill improve their compositing skills by aslo implementing custom scripting. By theend of the course. Students will have an understanding of scripting specific forVFX workflow. Be able to integrate CG and 2d elements with a background plate.They (students) will be able to clean, adjust and correct both GC and 2d elementsto fit perfectly with both foreground and background plates.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 5,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Høst 2019

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

3. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk


Student evaluation is conducted on course and subject level.


Side 51 av 54

Page 52: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


¿Cache out 3d elements from a 3d package

¿Use 3d elements to enhance a composite

¿Write python workflow tools


¿Understand CG pipelines and their uses within Compositing

¿Understanding of data limitations (i.e. jpg vs exr)

¿Understanding spatial awareness and paralaxing effects.

¿Better workflow through pre-composites and proper data management.

General Competence:

¿Color theory

¿Python scripting

¿Data management (CG elements, footages, in-comp data workflow)

Compositing 1 and Compositing 2 or similar.

Lectures, Lab work on assignments.

Lectures, Lab work on assignments.

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur

Finch, Christopher (2013). The Cg story : computer-generated animation and special effects. New York: Monacelli Press. ISBN 9781580933575

Catmull, Edwin E. et al. (2014). Creativity, Inc. : overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration. London: Bantam Press. ISBN 978-0-59307-010-9

VFX1070 Composting 1 or similar

Mappe (første gang 2018 høst).








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Bachelor production VFX3300Bachelor production is the final production on your 3-year bachelor program. In thiscourse you can chose to dive deeper into a specific subject or role and do yourown project, or together in a group of students. Your project has to be approved bythe faculty/advisors. We strongly recommend to do your project in relationship withthe industry. This can be done either during a 2 month long internship, or as aseparate team working with industry as clients or partners.No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.


Studiepoeng 30,0

Nivå Lavere grad

Type emne


Vår 2020

Hvilket år istudieprogrammet

3. studieår

Studiested Steinkjer

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet forsamfunnsvitenskap



Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.


Side 53 av 54

Page 54: 3D art, Animation and VFX - Nord universitet · 'duw $qlpdwlrqdqg9); (ugxlqwhuhvvhuwl ' dqlpdvmrqhoohuylvxhoohhiihnwhuiruiloprjwy"'dylogxsn ghqqhedfkhoruxwgdqqlqjhqinlqqeolnnlenghghwhnqlvnhrjnxqvwqhulvnh

When the students have finished the course they can:


Formulate a good researh question and pitch this for supervisors and (if relevant) external clients.Refer to relevant theory that is adapted to the research question and productionCollaborate with others on a bachelor productionPresent idea, script, storyboard, production plan and cost estimate for your productionDo a market survey on the target group for your bachelor production


Understand profesional production pipelineUnderstand the need for relevant theory for your productionUnderstand production as a methodology for getting answers to your research questionRelate answers from your survey to your research questions

General competence:

Be more reflective Understand the industry standards

Your bachelor production will also include a report on maximum 40 pages (ex attachemnts) which should include a discussion of, and reflectionabout the production. The report should include the following:

project backgroundyour own opinions target audience and market potential for your productionresearch question, how was this designed and demarcated?working methods, both in the studio / fieldwas the technical challenges along the way, and how were these resolved?choices and limitations in relation to genre, technique, effects, music, graphics etc.ethical or copyright problem that production had to take into accountissues related to deadlineif there are more students involved in the production, how was the division of labor, and how did it work?if the production had been implemented again, what should have been done differently?

Synopsis, script, storyboard, production planning and calculation must be attached the report. If you use copyrighted music, please enclose acopy of the form that is filled out to TONO/NCB.

To start this course your need at least 90 ects inside of the bachelor programs "Film and TV Production" or "3D art, animation and VFX" or similar.

Samlet vurdering (første gang 2019 vår).Oral exam, teller 100/100 av karakteren (første gang 2019 vår).

MMT3300 Bachelorproduksjon - 30 studiepoeng.





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