
Health Benefits of Apricot Fruit

ByAllah Dad Khan

Apricot nutrition facts

Full of fragrance and sweet, golden-orange apricots are another summer season delicacies of Asian origin. These much-prized fruits were first brought to the Europe by Greeks, who named them as “golden eggs of the sun."

Botanically, the fruit is closely related to peaches and nectarine; sharing with them in the broaderRosaceae family of fruit-trees in the genus; Prunus. Scientific name: Prunus armenia. Today, some of the chief producing regions of this fruit are Turkey, Iran, Italy, France, Spain, Syria, Greece, and China , Indaia , Afghanistan and Pakistan

Anti cancer

Free radicals in the body are harmful and attack the DNA structure at cellular level causing abnormal growth of cells. Free radicals inhibit the natural course of cell growth and in long term invade the healthy cells and destroy them as well. The production of free radicals is direct result of some molecules’ reaction with oxygen. Antioxidants are essentially body cleansing compounds that control these free radicals

Anti diabetes

Most sweet fruits are not recommended for people suffering with diabetes but there are several fruits that can be safely eaten in this condition. Apricot is one such fruit that is mildly sweet and one serving of it, which is roughly about four apricots, can provide a nutritious fruit option for people with diabetes. 

Anti oxidant

Apricots when ripened naturally are a rich source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are required by the body to aid the body’s natural functioning. Higher the amount of antioxidants in the body,  higher is the rate of elimination of toxins from it. Toxins are harmful substances that accumulate in the intestines and the digestive tract. Anti-oxidants also get rid of free radicals produced naturally in the body on exposure to oxygen. Free radicals if not scavenged regularly, can damage the body on cellular level.  Apricots have the capacity to increase the production of antioxidants.

Apricots for Anemia 

Apricots are good sources of iron and copper and thus its consumption aids in the treatment of anemia. 

Apricots for Asthma

Oil of the apricot fruit is considered beneficial in the treatment of asthma and its related symptoms. Dried apricots are also used in treating cases of asthma as well as of bronchitis and other lung disorders. 

Apricots for Eyes

Being a good source of carotenoids, apricots are believed to be beneficial in age-related eye problems

Apricots for Heart

Apricot fruit is a good source of dietary fiber, which makes it an excellent food that helps in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. Low cholesterol levels keep the heart well-functioning and healthy.

Apricots for Pregnancy

Consumed in moderation both dried and fresh apricots are good for pregnant and lactating women. Dried apricots are considered beneficial in infertility treatments. 

Apricots for Babies

Apricot fruit is an excellent food source for babies. Infants at six months and older can consume both fresh and dried apricots. Best way to feed apricots to babies is by baking them or blanching them. Steaming the fruit is also another good option for apricot consumption for babies. Apricot puree is a food that infants can consume easily and is a very nutritious option for them as it is packed with nutrients that aid in their healthy growth. 

Blood pressure

Fruits like apricots and those belonging to the same family are high in potassium content. Optimum levels of potassium are extremely beneficial to your body. When potassium combines with sodium or salt, it regulates the water levels within and between cells. This water or fluid is called electrolyte and is responsible for carrying neuro-transmissions. Potassium is also required to keep the blood pressure levels stable.

Colds and flu:

  This helps to maintain the immune

system. This strengthens your body’s ability to fight infections such as colds and flu 


 The cellulose and pectin content in apricot is a gentle laxative and are effective in the treatment of constipation. The insoluble cellulose acts as a roughage which helps the bowel movement. The pectin absorbs and retains water, thereby increasing bulk to stools, aiding in smooth bowel movement.


  Apricot seed oil contains high fatty acids,

Vitamin E and A which can be used to moisturize and nourish dry and mature skin. This oil is popularly used in cosmetics like creams, soaps and skin lotions. The oil gets easily absorbed into the skin without leaving any oily residue. Hence, this is also used for massage and as sunbathing oil. You can use this as a base with other aromatherapy oils

Electrolyte content

Proper functioning of the cells requires a good balance of the electrolyte levels in the body. Electrolyte is required for transporting ions and neuro-transmission  from brain to rest of the body and back. It also maintains a stable fluid level which is necessary for proper expansion and contraction of the muscles. Apricots contain healthy level of potassium and restrained quantity of sodium. These are important minerals required by the body to optimize the electrolyte levels in the body.


The high amount of vitamin A (especially when dried) is essential to maintain or improve eyesight. Insufficiency of this vitamin can cause night blindness and impair sight.


 Blend some honey and apricots with some mineral water and drink to cool down fevers. It quenches the thirst and effectively eliminates the waste products from the body.

Good for Eyes

Many studies have shown that consuming apricots is highly beneficial for your ophthalmic health. Consuming two or three servings of apricots in a day has shown to be beneficial in preventing age-related Macular Degeneration. Macular degeneration is a disorder of the eye and is one of the major causes of loss of sight in older people. It also helps in strengthening the optic nerves in your eyes.

Hair health:

Massage your hair by mixing this with other oils like Amla, coconut, and olive to cure a dry and flaky scalp.  It is very good for damaged and chemically treated hair. This will restore the shine of your hair

Healthy for your heart

The high amount of soluble fibers is also beneficial to the heart health. How are the two related? The high fiber content is useful in reducing the LDL or bad cholesterol content in the body, thus lowering your risk of developingcardiovascular diseases. At the same time, it also helps you increase the levels of HDL or good cholesterol. Consuming just half a cup of apricots every day is useful and beneficial to the health of your heart.

Helps you lose weight

The high amount of dietary fiber that the apricot fruit is gifted with is useful for those people who are looking at losing a few kilos. High fiber content improves the digestive and excretory systems in the body and helps improve the rate of metabolism. To add to this wonderful character, apricot also contains extremely low amount of calories.

High Fiber Content

Dried and fresh apricots are one of the best sources of dietary fiber. Though fiber is generally good for the human body, apricots contain a special kind of fiber that is even more beneficial. They contain the rich soluble fiber that dissolves easily in the body, this helps in absorbing essential nutrients. It melts into a gel-like substance and helps in breaking down fatty acids. Once fatty acids are broken down, they help in the excretion of digested food particles and in the easy bowel movement.


Apricot seed oil gets very quickly absorbed into the skin, which is the best property of any massage oil. This also increases the benefits of massage to reduce stress, pain and inflammation. This oil is very mild and non-irritating, and can even be used for children and for infants. Hope you liked the article. Do leave a comment below.


This can be used like a moisturizer for dry areas such as elbows, knees, feet and hands. This will make your skin extra soft and smooth

Night oil:

This oil can give you best results when used as a night moisturizer. Mix it with any other essential oil that suits you and massage gently. Please don’t forget to cleanse and tone your face before doing this!  This will help you to get rid of clogged pores, a shiny nose and will also moisturize dry skin

Non-heme Iron

All the plant items that contain iron contain the type that is called Non-heme iron. Most of the dry fruits contain this type of iron. The specialty of this  iron is that it is not easily absorbed by the body. This way the amount of unabsorbed iron stays for a longer period of time in the body and is more efficient when absorbed slowly. For better absorption, however, one can consume this with any other sources of Vitamin C.


Natural apricot seed oil contains gamma linoleic acid that is useful to firm and tone your skin. This also contains Vitamin A and E to soothe and slow down the aging process. It has nourishing properties and an anti-inflammatory effect to soothe eczema.

Skin benefits

The high level of antioxidants like vitamin A , Vitamin C and phytonutrients that are present in apricots are highly recommended for maintaining skin health. The antioxidants in apricots slow down the process of ageing by facilitating faster cell production which replaces the layer of dead and worn out cells. This renews the skin layers and removes the fine wrinkles giving your skin a taut appearance. Vitamin A also ensures that the skin is free from acne and other such general skin problems.

Strengthens your bones

Apricots are rich in calcium and potassium content. Calcium is required by the body in bone formation and bone development. Lack of calcium leads to a disorder of the bones called Osteoporosis. The high calcium content is thus beneficial in the keeping of bone health and saves you from brittle bones.