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3 Fantastic Tips to Produce a Better Internet Video.

Internet videos have become as popular as watching movies. All you require to make a really good video is a good digital camera or even your mobile phone. Internet readers love visuals and one great video may very well be equal to a thousand words.

However, it can be frustrating to finally upload your video on the Internet only to find that the overall look is amateurish compared to all the slick, professional videos that you frequently view online. How do you improve the quality of video production?

5 Simple Tips to Improve your Video Production

The Tripod

With recording devices (like digital cameras and mobile phones) getting smaller with each new version, it becomes challenging to shoot a steady and clean video. Even if you're trying to keep your

hands as steady as possible, there will tend to be some slight distortion that will throw the focus out of line.

If you're watching a video, it can be intensely annoying to have the camera constantly zoom in and out of focus during the shoot. Investing in a small tripod will help eliminate the problem. You can buy an affordable tripod for as low as $40 without having to blow a big packet. A tripod will help stabilize your hand and improve the quality of focus during the shoot.

Stick to Close Video Shots

You have several different kinds of shots when you shoot a video. These include, close-ups, extreme close-ups, wide and medium shots. The quality of a video can be severely affected when you keep toggling between wide and close-up shots. People watching the video must not feel distracted by other subjects in the background.

For example, if you are videotaping your dog doing somersaults along with your cat, keep your camera trained on the two of them only. Avoid including your grandmother watering plants on the side. A video shot filled with the main subject on screen makes for more interesting viewing. In addition, close-up video shots keep the continuity intact and you will have much less to do during the editing.

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The other basic reason behind preferring close-ups has to do with the pixel range online. You are producing a video for viewing on a 640 pixel screen. Close-up shots work best for this range. Even a medium range shot (which is the preferred one for shooting interviews) will leave out details when uploaded on the Internet.

Hold Audience Interest with a Powerful Opening Shot

Online viewers have a different profile compared to people going to see a movie. They have a remarkably short attention span and will skip over to something more interesting in as little as 10 seconds. To minimize the chance of losing your viewers, make sure your introduction shot is able to sum up your video instantly.

View your entire video and pick the best or most intriguing bit as your opening shot. A stunning opening visual makes a deeper impact on potential viewers and will spur them on to view your entire video.

You can improve your company's branding and image by using the services of companies like P360 Media: Video Production Phoenix to makeover your video to professional standards.

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