  • 1.Why Great Companies Fail to Acquire Customers: 3 MYTH that are holding YOU back

2. Why great businesses fail? 3. SO YOU HAVE AN AMAZING PRODUCT (OR SERVICE) BUT YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE NOT RUSHING TO YOU! WHAT IS GOING ON? 4. LETS START WITH THREE CRITICAL QUESTIONS 5. Question #1: Is Your Value Prop Clear? 6. Unique Value Proposition: A single, clear compelling message that states why you are different and worth buying. - Steve Blank The Four Steps to the Epiphany 7. Question #2: Are you tapping into the Free Channels effectively? 8. By Socialnomics 9. Question # 3: Are you leaving leads on the table? 10. 3 MYTHS THAT ARE HOLDING YOU BACK 11. Myth # 1: Channel Strategy is too complex 12. Tip # 1: IDENTIFY AND MAXIMIZE FREE CHANNELS As a minimum use Twitter, LinkedIn and Video: B2B Companies report up at 53% of their sales on Twitter Adding Video to the website increases conversion by 46% Create YouTube Video in 5 minutes Pay $5-30 on Fiverr 13. Example: Create Simple Videos with Fiverr 14. Tip # 2: GO AFTER LOW HANGING FRUIT Email and Google remarketing campaigns (Google Remarketing, AdRoll) Recent Case Study: - $350 on Google Search/AdWords = 2 purchases - $46 on Google Remarketing = 17 purchases 15. Tip # 3: SEND EMAIL BASED ON WHAT CUSTOMERS DO 16. Myth # 2: Only Big Companies Can Afford Content Strategy 17. Tip # 1: BRAINSTORM 3-5 CUSTOMER PROBLEMS. ADDRESSES THEM CONSISTENTLY 18. Tip # 2: IF YOU HAVE A BLOG, HAVE A STRATEGY Have a purpose focus on main customer problems Do keyword research, use keywords in your blogs Create unique, visually compelling, engaging content 19. Tip # 3: CREATE COMPELLING OFFERS Develop Lead Magnets or Honey Pots Create dedicated Landing Pages Unbounce is a great service for landing page templates 20. Lead Magnet Example c 21. Tip # 4: USE TESTIMONIALS AND CASE STUDIES Social Proof is more important than the price 25% will buy after listening to a video testimony Product Review increases likelihood of buying by 63% 22. Tip # 5: BE STRATEGIC ABOUT WHAT AND WHERE Prominence of a certain element on a page has a direct impact on whether it is deemed credible pdf 23. Myth # 3 User Engagement is Declining 24. Tip # 1 TAKE THE FIRST STEP IN ENGAGING YOUR AUDIENCE Connect with Media, bloggers, thought leaders, partners, customers; Foster relationship (pay it forward) via The Drip Campaign Convert Leads into Customers with occasional Call to Action Use 5 x 5 x 15 Twitter rule daily: 15 minutes to read and/or connect with 5 new people and send 5 original comments/retweets 25. Tip # 2: BALANCE PROMOTION WITH ADDING VALUE From 26. Tip # 3: IF YOU SHARE YOUR MESSAGE MAKE IT SOCIAL VS. 27. 3 Strategies = Single Focus Customer Growth Channel Strategy Content Strategy Engagement Strategy 28. QUESTIONS??? COMMENTS??? Let us know at
