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Certificación de tutores de docentes de idiomasTask 3.3

Symptoms of disability:

Talks excessively and has difficulty remaining in a seated position


Impulsivity: tends to interrupt others ADHD

Extremely disorderly or compulsively orderly. OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER

Use of manual means of communication DEAFNESS AND HEARING LOSS

Use of magnifier when reading VISUAL IMPAIRMENT

Inappropriate or minimal social interactions ASPERGER´S SYNDROME

Fails to follow directions and/or finish assignments and tasks


Makes careless mistakes and disregards details in everyday activities and lesson work


conversations almost always revolving around self rather than others ASPERGER´S SYNDROME

lack of social or emotional reciprocity ASPERGER´S SYNDROME

Use of visual assistive technology – Braille Devices ASPERGER´S SYNDROME

Mobility dependence and need of walking assistant PHYSICAL PROBLEMS

Complains of feeling or seeing non-existent movement while reading, writing, or copying. DYSLEXIA

Problems making sounds can be substituted, left off, added or changed.


Problems reading small print VISUAL IMPAIRMENT

Focus on the speaker's lips in communication HEARING LOSS

Trouble with writing or copying; pencil grip is unusual; handwriting varies or is illegible DYSLEXIA

EUROCSYS © 2012 Claudia Schuhbeck
