Page 1: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek



DOCKET NO: VGOB 97-0318-0571-08


HEARING DATE: January 17, 2017




1.Petitioner and its counsel

Petitioner is CNX Gas Company LLC, PO Box 570, Pounding Mill, VA 24637, (276)596-5075.Petitioner's counsel is Mark A. Swartz, Hillard & Swartz, LLP, 122 Capital Street, Suite 201,Charleston, WV 25301.

2. Relief Sought

1) the disbursement of escrowed funds heretofore deposited with the Board's Escrow Agent,attributable to a portion of Tracts 4B, and 4F, and all of Tract 6, as depicted upon the annexedtable; and (2) authorization to begin paying royalties directly to Robert William Shelton, Jr., HurtMcGuire Land Trust, Martha Guilliams, Sidney Smith, Kenneth Osborne, Mary Keen, ShirleyKeen, Margaret Dye, Nellie Maynard, Tammy Boyd Street, Paul Junior Osborne, Curtis McCoyOsborne, Barbara Joyce Harmon, Marilyn Taylor, Tamatha Bednar, Loretta Rathbone, DonnaBrown, Commonwealth of VA; (3) Dismissal of Coal Owners: Hurt-McGuire Land Trust,Conslidation Coal Company.

3. Legal Authority

Va. Code Ann. g 45.1-361.1et seq., 4 VAC 25-160-140., and relevant Virginia Gas and OilBoard Orders ("Board" ) heretofore promulgated pursuant to law.

4. Type of Well(s)

Coalbed Methane

5. Factual basis for relief requested

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Page 2: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

a. Hurt McGuire Land Trust & Tamatha Bednar have entered into royalty split agreement(s). Saidroyalty split agreement(s) allow the Applicant and Designated Operator to pay royalties directly tothe persons identified in Exhibit EE.b. Robert William Shelton, Jr., Martha Guilliams, Sidney Smith, Kenneth Osborne, Mary Keen,Shirley Keen, Margaret Dye, Nellie Maynard, Tammy Boyd Street, Paul Junior Osborne, CurtisMcCoy Osbourne, Barbara Joyce Harmon, Marilyn Taylor, Loretta Rathbone, Donna Brown,Commonwealth of Virginia, are the gas claimants in Tracts 4B, 4F & 6. As such, is entitled to100% of the CBM royalties now in escrow and as may be hereafter payable. See Va. Code Ann.

g 45.1-361.22:2.A.c. That CNX Gas Company LLC has given the notice(s) required by tJ 45.1-361.22:2.Ato allconflicting claimants identified in the above referenced pooling Order and any supplementalOrders pertaining thereto.d. That none of the conflicting claimants noticed have provided, within 45 days of the notice(s)given as provided in b. above, the Board, its designated agent the Director of the Division of Gasand Oil, the Operator and/or the Applicant evidence of either an agreement regarding theescrowed funds/royalties or a proceeding regarding same.e. That a detailed accounting in accordance with the applicable provisions of tJ 45.1-361.22 issubmitted herewith and identified as Exhibit J.f. That an Exhibit identified as Table 1 is annexed hereto, and it specifies how the disbursement(s) is to be calculated and paid by the escrow agent.g. That Va. Code Ann. ('f 45.1-361.22:2.A.further provides that the Operator shall pay suchroyalties as may hereafter be payable directly to the gas claimant Robert William Shelton, Jr.,Hurt McGuire Land Trust, Martha Guilliams, Sidney Smith, Kenneth Osborne, Mary Keen, ShirleyKeen, Margaret Dye, Nellie Maynard, Tammy Boyd Street, Paul Junior Osborne, Curtis McCoyOsbourne, Barbara Joyce Harmon, Marilyn Taylor, Tamatha Bednar, Loretta Rathbone, DonnaBrown, Commonwealth of Virginia, and not escrow same. See Exhibit EE annexed hereto.

6. Attestation

The foregoing Petition to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief is true and correct.

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Page 3: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek


SEASONS AHD INIFIWCES tD Diag!NEIAS WIIINI 2,500'RADWS OF CSH-W34ACSH-XSSA 8 04 2?t' WSAOWCSN-2330 5 61'31750"W HFSSWONH 2338 5 6?35'S2' 2307.0?CW XSSC 5 45'42'30" W 1S25.7?CSH-X33E 5 51'27'81" W WDL7?OHI"2348 S 5 2'25" W

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de Ha»sa HHAHH» ta»





COSCany CNX Ca6 Ccwcanv LLC Nel I NWSD and Nuober UNIT

Elevotlcn Qucdrang I E4l~RNTAINCaunty BUCHANAN Distr ict GARDEN

This piet ls a new plot ~ I an updated plot: or )finol~gy„...,~c.AML i censed Prclwss i one I Engineer or L icensed Lond Sar~


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Page 4: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek


Tract Iderttfffcgtfen

Consagdagon Caal Company, et el Big Vsfn Tr. 04 (24.52 Acre 'Aact) -CastIsland cnek coal compmtyaconsol Energy. Inc.- Gmd Behw TEer seem LeasedJeweg Smakeham Coal Corporagon -Tiler and Abave Gast LeasedIggbhvut Rasouwesncrth Amadcan avcuuaeas Cmparsthn, at al- GS snd GseCNX Gas ComyarE LLC-OP and Gss Lensed (1fgfPlum Cmekhnbedsnd, otal-CBMCNX Ges Company LLG-CSM leasedCNX Gss Company LLC, et al- Smfscs12.78Acres 15.8750%

ConssWsgon Coal Company, et el fgg Vsh Tr. 8 (25141 Acre Ttactf -Coalhtand Creek Coal GampsnylCansrd Eruugy, In+-Coal Below TEer Sewn teasedJawag~Coal cat poragan- Tger and Above coal Loanedfgghhmd RewnncesfNcrth Amerhum Rssaunms CmpamSon, stat-OS and GaeCNX Gas Campany LLC- GS aad Gss Leased ($2)Phm GmekTImtmrfamL et, el- CBMCNX Gss~LLC-CBM LeasedILBI Acres 4.7525%

Csrhs SEtweg, st al-Surf'acaDewey Rows- Surhoe

HurHNcGuhu Land Ttust (J.yy. Otdcn 152.00Acre Tree/- Feehhmd Cmek Caal GcmpsnpfCansol Enwgy, In@-Goat tudcw Tiller Sewn tensedJaweg~Coal Company- TEer and above Coal LeasedCNX Gss Company LLC- CBM Leased12.05Aams 15.0750%

HurffdcGuhe Land Trust(Lewls OsbomeggfL41 Ans Tract f-Coallshmd Greek Conf GampanpfConsof Energy, lnc. -Cast behw Tiler seam LeavedJewel~Coal Company-Tgsr and shwe Coal LeasedCNX Gas Company LLC-GEM LeasedEWe Davis Hahu- Surhca, OS aml GasCNX Gas Company, I,LC- GS, Gss and CBM Leased'I'!22 Acme 14.0250%

uutatcghfm Land Trust (Lawh Osborne 828A1 Acre TracO- CoalIsland Cmek Coal CnmpsnyfGnnsal Emugy. Ino. -Cad tndow liter Seam LeasedJewel Smahafsss Coal Company-TBsr snd ahws Coal LeasedCNX Gss Company LLG- CBM Leased0am A Shegon- Burhce, OS and GasCNX Gas Company, LIC- GS, Gas and CBM LeasedSJf4 Acme 8 1780%

HurbMcthÃm lend Tmst(Levds Osborne 82IL41 Acre Trad)-Coathhnd Creek Coal CompanyfGonsd Energy, ho-Goal behw Tger Seam LancedJaweg Smokes Ccud Company- Tyler and above Coal LeasedCNX Gas Company LLC- CSM LeasedCwl Davh- Surhce, Og snd GasCNX Ges Company LLC- GS, Gas and CBM Leased5.47Acnm 8,8575%~ title block is rsr general inpwuwtdanel purpasss only snd does not reflect ananalysis of the severance deed snd its effect upon coal bsd nalhsne amnu ship and shauldnot be mlied upon for such purpose."

page 1 ar2March 1,2011

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Page 5: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek


Tract (dani(Scat(on

4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coallsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam LeasedJawek Smaashm Cast Company- TBermrd ebrwu Coal LeasedCNX Gse Company LLC- CBM LeasedDewey Rows- Surtum, ON and GasCNX Qas Company LLC-OIL Qns sml CSM Leased0.75Acres 12187{EN

4K HwbMaGuhe tmul Trust(Lewfsoshame828A1 Awe TracO-OcelIshmd Cmsk Coal Campenyloanmd EnerBy, hm-Cast bchmr Tier Seem LeasedJmrm08mohehrm Cwl Cwnpsny-TBar and shwa Coal LeasedCNX Gas Cmnpsny LLC- CBM LeesmlDewey Rawa- Swee, ON and QrucNx Ges cwnpeny LLc-cal Qss snd csM leased'LS7Ames 22275%

4F. HurbMcQulre Land Trwd (Lmds osborne 828A1 Aare Ttau8- coallshmd Creek Cmd CompsnyICansal Energy, lnc.- Coal brdmr TNler Seam LeasedJewaN Ik-,-'= —Coal Company-l%sr and abase Coal LeeredCNX Qes Company LLC-CBM LeasedOJL Keen fhdm-CSsnd QssCNX Gas Company LLC-OL Qas and CBM Leased (85.8515%)Dewey Rawe- Salaam11JH Ames 14.0075%

4Q. Hurt4dcQuhu Land Trust(Lewis Oebame 820A1 Aam Tlscg-CoalIshmd Creek Coal CumpsnyConsaf Enmgy, ha -Coal brdaw TBar Seam LeasedJeweN~Coal Company- TSsrand above Coal LeasedCNX Qss Compmry LLC-CSM LemmdJobnnte B.Keen, at ux-Swthos, ON snd GnsCNX Gee Company LLC- CXL Qes snd CBM Leased2A2 Awee 8.02Qnh

5. C~~ Casl Company, et sl I00 Vehr Tr. 00 (87.00Aam Tma@- CoalIshmd Creek Coal Campanylommm Ernugy, Ira -Coal Bahur TBer Seem LeasedJmseN Smaksfsm Coal Cmporathm -TNtsr end Ahmre Coal LeasedHgdend Resaumesfnadh Amertoan Reaeucm Corpomdan, et al-ON and GssCNX Gss Company LLC-ON and Qas Leased (1)3)Phrm Creek Tfmbmlend, et el-CBMCNX Qes~LLC CBM LeasedCNX Qss Cumparw LLC, stet-Swee218hams 27000th

IL CanunruwwudNr ofVhghde-FseenceptCoelinPB SeanCmmahds8an Conf Company-P4 Seem0JI1Ames 0.0126%

"This title blacfr is yor general infarastionsl purposes anly and does not reflect ananalysis of the serereace deed aml its effect upon coal bed uethene mmerektp end shauldnat be relied span far such purpose."

PsSs2of2Memb 1,2015

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Page 6: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

VGOB Disbursement

Unit W34


Fractional Net Acreage

Ownershi Ownership


in Tract in Tract



Escrowed Percent of

Acres EscrowedFunds

Agreement Disbursed Disbursed


Table 1

Tracts: A portion of 4B, A portion of 4F, 6

Item Tract Disbursement Table

Total acreage in escrow before disbursement 21.05514





1 4F

2 4F

3 4F

4 4F

5 4F

6 4F

7 4F

8 4F

9 4F

10 4F

11 4F

12 4F

13 4F

14 4F

15 4F

16 4F

17 4F

18 4F

19 4F

20 4F

Tract 4B (total acreage)(Robert William Shelton, Jr)1271 Grimselville Branch Rd Raven VA 24639Tract 4F (total acreage)Martha Guilliams)1911 McVitty Rd Salem VA 24153Sidney Smith>1911 McVitty Rd Salem VA 24153Kenneth Osborne)848 Peyton St Roanoke VA 24019Mary Jane Keen)1077 Longwall Ln Raven VA 24639

Shirley Mae Keen)1 685 Honaker Branch Rd Raven VA 24639

Margie Dye)784 Big Creek Rd Richlands VA 24641

Nellie Maynard)Box 296 Raven VA 24639

Tammy Boyd Street)1 95 Taylor Circle Raven VA 24639

Margie Dye)784 Big Creek Rd Richlands VA

Nellie Maynard)Box 296 Raven VA 24639

Tammy Boyd Street)1 95 Taylor Circle Raven VA 24639Paul Junior Osborne)2869 Sharon Pl Grand Junction CO 81503Curtis McCoy Osborne)PO Box 31 Raven VA 24639Barbara Joyce Harmon>PO Box 174 N. Tazewell VA 24630

Marilyn Taylor)4336 Wardell Dr Pounding Mill VA 24637

Loretta Lynn Rathbone>PO Box 1375 Clyde NC 28721

Donna Sue Brownt¹4 Explorer Dr Waynesville NC 28786

Loretta Lynn Rathbone>PO Box 1375 Clyde NC 28721

Donna Sue Brownt¹4 Explorer Dr Waynesville NC 28786

Tamatha Bednar)932 S. Bunker Hill Rd Colfax NC 27235























3 27001











3 27001





























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Page 7: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

4F Tract 4F (total acreage)21


4F ~Tamatha Bednar)932 S. Bunker Hill Rd Colfax NC 27235


4f (Hurt-McGuire Land Trust)PO Box 1067 Bluefield VA 24605

6 Tract 6 (total acreage)1

(6 (Commonwealth of Virginia)870 Bonham Rd Bristol VA 24201-2002

Wells contributing to the escrow account: PGP W34A W/PL



0.0608[ 50.00/.f0.0729[ 50.00'/of

0.0304I 0.1443'/oI

0.0365[ 0.1732/o[

0 00291 100.00'/oI

0 00291 0 0136'/oI




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Page 8: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-gym34 8-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants that require escrow

Acres in unitPercent of 4 Right

Unit 0.67104%

Division oflnterestin11 East 12 East 13 East

0.1695/ 7.5514% 4.2421%

Tract ¹4A. 11.22acres


(I) HUrt MUGUire Laird TrUst

clo Charles GreenP 0 Box 1067Bluefield, VA 246D5(Lewd Osborne 628 41 Acre Tract)

11.22 acres 14.D25D% D 09411% 0 023/7% I 05908% 0 59495%


Dnreso/ved Heirship

(I) Effie Davis Heirs, Devisees, Successors or Assigns(Heirs Pending Documents/ron)

(al Curbs Wesley Davis (Power of Attorney, dated 5/4/98)12D21 Solon DrweOrlando, FL 32e26

11.22 acres 14.D25D% D 09411% 0 02377% i oseoe/. 0 59495'/

NOTE: There is an Assignment of Lease Bene¹ts o/ Oil, Gas and Coa/seam Gas Lease,dated 6l//05, between Curbs Iffesley Davis and Dewey Rows, whereby thebenefits/royalties under the lease were assigned to Dewey Rows (DB 62D-481)According to email from David A ltrzer de lsd I/I 2/2011 t tris property is not subject to theCivil Action Case ¹CL000138-00 executed August 30, 2005 by plaintiff Dewey Rows.

Tract ¹4B. S.S4 acres


(I) HUrt MUGUire Laird TrUst

clo Charles GreenP 0 Box 1067Bluefield, VA 246D5(Lewd Osborne 628 41 Acre Tract)

6.54 acres 8.175D% D 05486% 0 01386% 0 61733% 0 34679%


(I) Vonda Davis (By Deed of Gdt dated 9/25/02 lo Dora Ann Sbr 6.54 acres 8.175D% D 01386% 0 61733% 0 34679/ 0 34679%

(a) Dora Ann Shelton Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

W9/Affi devi t not received

(a I) Martha Ann SmithPO Box 194Raven, VA 24639

3.27 acres 4.D875 / D 00693% 0 30866% 0 1734D% 0 17340%I/2 of 6 54 acres

Total tract acres 3.2/00Total tract percent 4.08/5%

Tract IMP. 11.91acres


(I) HUrt MUGUire Laird TrUst

clo Charles GreenP 0 Box 1067Bluefield, VA 246D5(Lewd Osborne 628 41 Acre Tract)

11.91 acres 14.8875% D 09990% 0 02523% I 12421% 0 63154%


0 H Keen Heirs, Devisees, Successors or Assigns 11.91 acres 14.8875% D 09990% 0 02523% I 12421% 0 63154%

(3) Mary Elizabeth & Linkous Iff Horn Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(b) Lydia Bell Osborne Deal Blankenship Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

Roya/ty Split Agreemant remains in dispute

(b 7) Ronnie Osborne ***

1738 Honaker Branch RdRaven, VA 24639

0015 acres O.D193% D OOD13% 0 000D3% 0 00146% 0 00082%HT/0 of 11 91 acres

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Page 9: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EUnit W-34

Docket 9 VG0B-9741318-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants that require escrow

Acres in UnitPercent of 4 Right

Unit 0.67104%

Division oflnterestin11 East 12 East 13 East

0.1695/ 7.5514% 4.2421%

(7) James Henry Keen Heirs, Oevisees,Successors or Assigns

(g) Hester Brown Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

W9/ARi devi t not received

(g 21 Michael Ray Brown

NC Prisoii0012 acres D.D152% D ODD10% 0 DODD3% 0 00115% 0 00064%I/980 of 11 91 acres

(k) Hester Brown Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

W9/ARi devi t not received

(k 21 Michael Ray BrownNC Prisoii

0061 acres D.D76D% D ODD51% 0 00013% 0 DD574/ 0 00322%I/196 of 11 91 acres

Total tract acres 0.0884Total tract percent 0.1105%

Tract 94G. 2.42 acies


(I) HUrt McGuire Laird Trustcio Charles GreenP 0 Box 1067Bluefield, VA 246D5(Lawn Osborne 628 41 Acre Tract)

2.42 acres 3.D25D% D 02D30% 0 00513% 0 22843% 0 12832%


W9/ARi devi t not received

(I) Johnnie 8 & Chnstine A Keen, T/E

PO Box 15Pounding Mill, VA 24637

2.42 acres 3.D25D% D 02D30% 0 00513% 0 22843% 0 12832%


Acreage in UnitPercentage of Unit

16 998421 2480%

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Page 10: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB974I318-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

Division of Interest in4 Right 11 East 12 East0.67104% 0.1695'/ 7.5514%

13 East Percent of4.2421% Escrow

Tract ¹4B. 6.54 acres


(1) Hurt McGuire Land Trustryo Charles GreenP.O Box 1067Bluefield, VA 24605(Lewis Osborne 628.41 Acre Tract)


(1) Vonda Davis (By Deed of Gilt dated 9/25/02 lo Dora Ann She¹on)

6 54 acres 8.1750% 0 05486% 0.01386% 0.61733% 0 34679%

6 54 acres 8.1750% 0 05486% 0.01386% 0.61733% 0 34679%

(a) Dora Ann Shelton Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(a 2) Robert William Shelton, Jr1271 Grimsleville Branch Rd

Raven, VA 24639

327 acres 4.0875% 0 02743% 0.00693% 0.30866% 0 17340%1/2 of 6 54 acres


Total tract acres 3.2700Total tract percent 4.0875%

Tract ¹4C. 5.47acres


(1) Hurt McGuire Land Trustryo Charles GreenP.O Box 1067Bluefield, VA 24605(Lewis Osborne 628.41 Acre Tract)


5 47 acres 6.8375% 0 04588% 0.01159% 0.51633% 0 29005% n/a

(1) Carl DavisP.O Box 343Doran, VA 24612

5 47 acres 6.8375% 0 04588% 0.01159% 0.51633% 0 29005% n/a

Tract ¹4D. 9.75acres


(1) Hurt McGuire Land Trustryo Charles GreenP.O Box 1067Bluefield, VA 24605(Lewis Osborne 628.41 Acre Tract)

9 75 acres 12.1875% 0 08178% 0.02066% 0.92033% 0 51701% n/a

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Page 11: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB974I318-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

Division of Interest in4 Right 11 East 12 East0.67104% 0.1695'/ 7.5514%

13 East Percent of4.2421% Escrow


(I ) Dewey RowePO Box 420307Kissimmee, FL 34741

9 75 acres 12.1875% 0 08178% 0.02066% 0.92033% 0 51701% n/a

The CBM ownership was adiudicated to the prevsiirng plaintiff Dewey Rows under Civf ActionCase ¹CL0000138-00 executed August 30, 2005. Royalties are to be pard 100% to the prevaihng planifft.

Tract ¹4E. 1.87 acres


(I) Hurt McGuire Land Trustr/o Charles GreenP.O Box 1067Bluefield, VA 24605(Lewis Osborne 628.41 Acre Tract)

1 87 acres 2.3375% 0 01569% 0.00396% 0.17651% 0 09916% n/a


(I ) Dewey RowePO Box 420307Kissimmee, FL 34741

1 87 acres 2.3375% 0 01569% 0.00396% 0.17651% 0 09916% n/a

The CBM ownership was adiudicated to the prevsiirng plaintiff Dewey Rows under Civf ActionCase ¹CL0000138-00 executed August 30, 2005. Royalties are to be pard 100% to the prevaihng planifft.

Tract ¹4F. 11.91 acres


(I) Hurt McGuire Land Trustr/o Charles GreenP.O Box 1067Bluefield, VA 24605(Lewis Osborne 628.41 Acre Tract)

11 91 acres 14.8875% 0 09990% 0.02523% 1.12421% 0 63154% 0.1732% - 50%Royalty Split


0 H Keen Heirs, Devisees, Successors or Assigns 11 91 acres 14.8875% 0 09990% 0.02523% 1.12421% 0 63154%

(I) Stella Keen Clifton Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(a) Jean Davis Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

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Page 12: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I318-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

4 Right0.67104%

Division of Interest in11 East 12 East

0.1695'/ 7.5514%13 East

4.2421%Percent of


(a 1) Valerie Robin Deskins4833 Riverside DriveRaven, VA 24639

0 1701 acres1/70 of 11 91 acres

0.2127% 0 00143% 0.00036% 0.01606% 0 00902%

(a 2) Scotty Byran Davis4871 Riverside Drive

Raven, VA 24639

0 1701 acres1/70 of 11 91 acres

0.2127% 0 00143% 0.00036% 0.01606% 0 00902%

(b) Guster Clifton

1303 John Clifton Road, Apt 2Raven, VA 24639

0 3403 acres1/35 of 11 91 acres

0.4254% 0 00285% 0.00072% 0.03212% 0 01804%

(c) Jerreg Clifton

P.O Box 668Oakwood, VA 24631

0 3403 acres1/35 of 11 91 acres

0.4254% 0 00285% 0.00072% 0.03212% 0 01804%

(d) Delcia Alderson4701 Florist Road NW

Roanoke, VA 24012

0 3403 acres1/35 of 11 91 acres

0.4254% 0 00285% 0.00072% 0.03212% 0 01804%

(e) Andrew Short Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(e 1) Benny Earl Short Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(e I 1) Benjamin Eugene Shortt2717 Bowman Street, NW

Roanoke, VA 24012

0 0851 acres1/140 of 11 91 acres

0.1063% 0 00071% 0.00018% 0.00803% 0 00451%

(e 2) Michael Andrew Shortt1235 Trevino Drive, NERoanoke, VA 24019

0 0851 acres1/140 of 11 91 acres

0.1063% 0 00071% 0.00018% 0.00803% 0 00451%

(e 3) Sharon Kaye Shortt Manning765 Mollys Mountain RoadAmherst, VA 24521

0 0851 acres1/140 of 11 91 acres

0.1063% 0 00071% 0.00018% 0.00803% 0 00451%

(e 4) Sheila Faye Shortt Smith Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(e 4 1) William "Billy" Smith2588 Ravens Croft WayCharlottesville, VA 22911

0 0851 acres 0.1063% 0 00071% 0.00018% 0.00803% 0 00451% n/a1/140 of 11 91 acres

(2) Harve Keen Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

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Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I37 8-0571-08List of Confffcting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

Division of Interest in4 Right 11 East 12 East0.67104% 0.1695'/ 7.5514%

13 East Percent of4.2421% Escrow

(a) Pansy Church2946 Baptist ValleyCedar Bluff, VA 24609

1 7014 acres 2.1268% 0 01427% 0.00360% 0.16060%1/7 of 11 91 acres

0 09022% n/a

(3) Mary Elizabeth & Linkous W. Hom Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(a) Arizona Osborne Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

Represented by WF Mason

(a 1) Martha Gui9iams1911 McVitty RoadSalem, VA 24153

0 0567 acres 0.0709% 0 00048% 0.00012% 0.00535% 0 00301% 0.2694%1/210 of 11 91 acres Court Order

Represented by WF Mason

(a 2) Sidney Smith1911 McVitty RoadSalem, VA 24153

0 0567 acres 0.0709% 0 00048% 0.00012% 0.00535% 0 00301% 0.2694%1/210 of 11 91 acres Court Order

Represented by WF Mason

(a 3) Kenneth Osborne848 Peyton StreetRoanoke, VA 24019

0 0567 acres 0.0709% 0 00048% 0.00012% 0.00535% 0 00301% 0.2694%1/210 of 11 91 acres Court Order

(b) Lydia Bell Osborne Deal Blankenship Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

Represented by WF Mason

(b1) Mary Jane Keen1077 Longwa9 LN

Raven, VA 24639

0 0155 acres 0.0193% 0 00013% 0.00003% 0.00146% 0 00082% 0.0735%1/770 of 11 91 acres Court Order

Represented by WF Mason

(b2) Shirley Mae Keen1685 Honaker Branch RoadRaven, VA 24639

0 0155 acres 0.0193% 0 00013% 0.00003% 0.00146% 0 00082% 0.0735%1/770 of 11 91 acres Court Order

(b 3) Patsy Moore6985 Osborne Mtn RoadRaven, VA 24639

0 0155 acres 0.0193% 0 00013% 0.00003% 0.00146% 0 00082% n/a1/770 of 11 91 acres

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Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB974I378-0571-08List of Confffcting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spfft Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent of 4 RightUnit 0.67104%

Division of Interest in11 East 12 East

0.1695'/ 7.5514%13 East Percent of

4.2421% Escrow

(b4) Brenda Sue JusticePO Box 522Keen Mountain, VA 24624

0 0155 acres 0.0193% 0 00013%1/770 of 11 91 acres

0.00003% 0.00146% 0 00082% n/a

(b 5) James OsborneP.O Box 484Keen Mountain, VA 24624

0 0155 acres 0.0193% 0 00013%1/770 of 11 91 acres

0.00003% 0.00146% 0 00082% n/a

(b 6) Clifford Osborne Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(b 6.1) Phyllis W Osborne1109Moore RdRaven, VA 24639

(b 8) Charles M. Osborne216 Plantation RoadRichlands, VA 24641

0 0155 acres1/770 of 11 91 acres

0 0155 acres1/770 of 11 91 acres

0.0193% 0 00013% 0.00003% 0.00146% 0 00082%

0.0193% 0 00013% 0.00003% 0.00146% 0 00082%

(b 9) Richard OsborneP.O Box 585Keen Mountain, VA 24624

0 0155 acres1/770 of 11 91 acres

0.0193% 0 00013% 0.00003% 0.00146% 0 00082%

(b 10) William Osborne Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(b 10 I) Joyce Lineberry Maeryo Rose MaeP O. Box 172Cooleemee, NC 27014

0 0155 acres 0.0193% 0 00013% 0.00003% 0.00146% 0 00082% n/a1/770 of 11 91 acres

(b 11) John David Osborne Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(b 11 I) Darlene B Osborne1055 Mapleleaf Hollow

Raven, VA 24639

(c) Henry Horn Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

0 0155 acres 0.0193% 0 00013% 0.00003% 0.00146% 0 00082% n/a1/770 of 11 91 acres

(c1) Ivory Hom Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(c.1 I) Margie Dye784 Big Creek RoadRichlands, VA 24641

0 0095 acres 0.0118% 0 00008% 0.00002% 0.00089% 0 00050% n/a1/1260 of 11 91 acres

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Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I37 8-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

4 Right0.67104%

Division of Interest in11 East 12 East

0.1695'/ 7.5514%13 East

4.2421%Percent of


(c.1 2) Nellie MaynardBox 296Raven, VA 24639

0 0095 acres1/1260 of 11 91 acres

0.0118% 0 00008% 0.00002% 0.00089% 0 00050%

(c.1 3) Tammy Boyd Street195 Taylor CircleRaven, VA 24639

0 0095 acres1/1260 of 11 91 acres

0.0118% 0 00008% 0.00002% 0.00089% 0 00050%

(c.1 4) Patricia Horton

200 Birch StreetRaven, VA 24639

(c.1.5) Danny ElderPO Box 748Raven, VA 24639

0 0095 acres1/1260 of 11 91 acres

0 0095 acres1/1260 of 11 91 acres

0.0118% 0 00008% 0.00002% 0.00089% 0 00050%

0.0118% 0 00008% 0.00002% 0.00089% 0 00050%

(c.1.6) Robert G Elder229 Horlon Crest Drive ¹15Richlands, VA 24641

0 0095 acres1/1260 of 11 91 acres

0.0118% 0 00008% 0.00002% 0.00089% 0 00050%

(c 2) Peery W. Hom Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

Represented by WF Mason v/a Perry Hom

(c.2 I) Margie Dye784 Big Creek RoadRichlands, VA 24641

0 0063 acres 0.0079% 0 00005% 0.00001% 0.00059% 0 00033% 0.0299%1/1890 of 11 91 acres Court Order

Represented by WF Mason v/a Perry Hom

(c.2 2) Nellie Maynard

Box 296Raven, VA 24639

0 0063 acres 0.0079% 0 00005% 0.00001% 0.00059% 0 00033% 0.0299%1/1890 of 11 91 acres Court Order

Represented by WF Mason v/a Perry Hom

(c.2 3) Tammy Boyd Street195 Taylor CircleRaven, VA 24639

(c 3) Larry M. Horn Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

0 0063 acres 0.0079% 0 00005% 0.00001% 0.00059% 0 00033% 0.0299%1/1890 of 11 91 acres Court Order

No Issue - Interest to Srbtrngs

(c.3 I) Margie Dye784 Big Creek RoadRichlands, VA 24641

0 0047 acres 0.0059% 0 00004% 0.00001% 0.00045% 0 00025% n/a1/2520 of 11 91 acres

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Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I37 8-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

4 Right0.67104%

Division of Interest in11 East 12 East

0.1695'/ 7.5514%13 East

4.2421%Percent of


(c.32) Nellie MaynardBox 296Raven, VA 24639

0 0047 acres1/2520 of 11 91 acres

0.0059% 0 00004% 0.00001% 0.00045% 0 00025%

(c.33) Tammy Boyd Street195 Taylor CircleRaven, VA 24639

0 0047 acres1/2520 of 11 91 acres

0.0059% 0 00004% 0.00001% 0.00045% 0 00025%

(c.3 I) Margie Dye784 Big Creek RoadRichlands, VA 24641

0 0189 acres1/630 of 11 91 acres

0.0236% 0 00016% 0.00004% 0.00178% 0 00100%

(c.32) Nellie MaynardBox 296Raven, VA 24639

0 0189 acres1/630 of 11 91 acres

0.0236% 0 00016% 0.00004% 0.00178% 0 00100%

(c.33) Tammy Boyd Street195 Taylor CircleRaven, VA 24639

0 0189 acres1/630 of 11 91 acres

0.0236% 0 00016% 0.00004% 0.00178% 0 00100%

(c.34) Patricia Horlon200 Birch StreetRaven, VA 24639

0 0189 acres1/630 of 11 91 acres

0.0236% 0 00016% 0.00004% 0.00178% 0 00100%

(c.3.5) Peery W Horn Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

Represented by WF Mason v/a Perry Hom

(c3.51) Margie Dye784 Big Creek RoadRichlands, VA 24641

0 0016 acres 0.0020% 0 00001% 0.00000% 0.00015% 0 00008% 0.0075%1/7560 of 11 91 acres Court Order

Represented by WF Mason v/a Perry Hom

(c 3.52) Nellie Maynard

Box 296Raven, VA 24639

Represented by WF Mason v/a Perry Hom

(c 3.5 3) Tammy Boyd Street195 Taylor CircleRaven, VA 24639

0 0016 acres 0.0020% 0 00001% 0.00000% 0.00015% 0 00008% 0.0075%1/7560 of 11 91 acres Court Order

0 0016 acres 0.0020% 0 00001% 0.00000% 0.00015% 0 00008% 0.0075%1/7560 of 11 91 acres Court Order

(d) Thelma Osborne Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

Represented by WF Mason

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Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB974I318-0571-08List of Confffcting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spfft Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

Division of Interest in4 Right 11 East 12 East0.67104% 0.1695'/ 7.5514%

13 East Percent of4.2421% Escrow

(d 1) Paul Junior Osborne2869 Sharon Pl

Grand Junction, CO 81503

0 0567 acres 0.0709% 0 00048% 0.00012% 0.00535%1/210 of 11 91 acres

0 00301% 0.2694%Court Order

Represented by WF ¹fason

(d 2) Curtis McCoy OsborneP O. Box 31Raven, VA 24639

0 0567 acres 0.0709% 0 00048% 0.00012% 0.00535% 0 00301% 0.2694%1/210 of 11 91 acres Court Order

Represented by WF ¹fason

(d 3) Barbara Joyce HermanP O. Box 174North Tazewe9, VA 24630

0 0567 acres1/210 of 11 91 acres

0.0709% 0 00048% 0.00012% 0.00535% 0 00301% 0.2694%Court Order

(e) Joseph P Horne492 Gray Branch RoadCedar Bluff, VA 24609

0 1701 acres1/70 of 11 91 acres

0.2127% 0 00143% 0.00036% 0.01606% 0 00902% n/a

(f) Nancy H Stilweg

140 Rasnake RoadN. Tazeweg, VA 24630

0 1701 acres1/70 of 11 91 acres

0.2127% 0 00143% 0.00036% 0.01606% 0 00902% n/a

(g) Earnest Horn Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(g 1) Mandy Dorothy Horn Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(g 1.a) Balford Daniel Perkins Heirs, Devisees, Successors, or Assigns

(g 1.1) Wesley D Perkins305 Bane Bottom AveCedar Bluff, VA 24609

0 0851 acres 0.1063%1/140 of 11 91 acres

0 00071% 0.00018% 0.00803% 0 00451%

Entitled lo 1/2 of Royalbes by Deed ol Gift dated September 22, 2011 recorded at DS 1101/ PG 230

Tania Yvonne Hess195 Anglewood LaneCedar Bluff, VA 24609

0 0851 acres1/140 of 11 91 acres

0.1063% 0 00071% 0.00018% 0.00803% 0 00451%

(h) Martha E SmithP.O Box 395Max Meadows, VA 24360

0 1701 acres1/70 of 11 91 acres

0.2127% 0 00143% 0.00036% 0.01606% 0 00902%

(i) Sarah K Day905 Valley View DrivePearisburg, VA 24134

0 1701 acres1/70 of 11 91 acres

0.2127% 0 00143% 0.00036% 0.01606% 0 00902%

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Page 18: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I318-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

Division of Interest in4 Right 11 East 12 East0.67104% 0.1695'/ 7.5514%

13 East Percent of4.2421% Escrow

(j) Carl Hom Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

Represented by WF ¹fason

(j I) Marilyn Taylor4336 Wande8 DRPounding Mill, VA 24637

(4) William David Lewis Keen Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

0 1701 acres 0.2127% 0 00143% 0.00036% 0.01606% 0 00902% 0.8081%1/70 of 11 91 acres Court Order

(a) Edward Keen Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(a 1) Nannie Sue Keen2581 Brushfork RdBluefield, WV 2470

0 2127 acres 0.2658% 0 00178% 0.00045% 0.02008% 0 01128% n/4

1/56 of 11 91 acres

(b) Homer Keen1771 Heidelbach School RoadStuart, VA 24171

0 2127 acres 0.2658% 0 00178% 0.00045% 0.02008% 0 01128% n/41/56 of 11 91 acres

(c) Virginia Ball Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(c1) Carol Anita Davis108 Helton St Lot 12Richlands, VA 24641

0 0709 acres1/168 of 11 91 acres

0.0886% 0 00059% 0.00015% 0.00669% 0 00376%

(c2) Richard Ball149 Chestnut StreetFieldale, VA 24089

(c3) Carl Ball1162 Longview Drive

Bassett, VA 24055

0 0709 acres1/168 of 11 91 acres

0 0709 acres1/168 of 11 91 acres

0.0886% 0 00059% 0.00015% 0.00669% 0 00376%

0.0886% 0 00059% 0.00015% 0.00669% 0 00376%

(d) William Albert Keen Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(d 1) Bessie Aline Keen Heirs,Devisees, Successors or Assigns

(d.1 I) Shirley Perry6091 Red Root Ridge Rd.Raven, VA 24639

0 0177 acres 0.0222% 0 00015% 0.00004% 0.00167% 0 00094% n/4

1/672 of 11 91 acres

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Page 19: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I318-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent of 4 RightUnit 0.67104%

Division of Interest in11 East 12 East

0.1695'/ 7.5514%13 East Percent of

4.2421% Escrow

(d.1 2) Barbara Smith6091 Red Root Ridge Rd.Raven, VA 24639

(d.1 3) Joyce Nipper1111Nipper RoadRaven, VA 24639

0 0177 acres 0.0222% 0 00015%1/672 of 11 91 acres

0 0177 acres 0.0222% 0 00015%1/672 of 11 91 acres

0.00004% 0.00167% 0 00094% n/a

0.00004% 0.00167% 0 00094% n/a

(d.1 4) Melvin Catron Heirs, DeviseesSuccessors or Assigns

(d.1 4 I ) Kristy Lynn Catron84 West Maxlow StreetHazel Park, Ml 48030

0 0044 acres1/2688 of 11 91 acres

0.0055% 0 00004% 0.00001% 0.00042% 0 00023%

(d.1 4 2) Alyssa Marie Catron39 East Harry StreetHazel Park, Ml 48030

0 0044 acres1/2688 of 11 91 acres

0.0055% 0 00004% 0.00001% 0.00042% 0 00023%

(d.1 4 3) Emily Edna Dutkiewicz30103 Cagahan Drive

Roseville Ml 48066

(d.1 4 4) Kaitlynn Williams

3542 Hwy 511Corbin, KY 20701

(d 2) Douglas W. Keen8524 W Drew Ct.Homosassa, FL 34447

0 0044 acres1/2688 of 11 91 acres

0 0044 acres1/2688 of 11 91 acres

0 0709 acres1/168 of 11 91 acres

0.0055% 0 00004% 0.00001% 0.00042% 0 00023%

0.0055% 0 00004% 0.00001% 0.00042% 0 00023%

0.0886% 0 00059% 0.00015% 0.00669% 0 00376%

(d 3) Darreg A. Keen8524 W Drew Ct.Homosassa, FL 34447

0 0709 acres1/168 of 11 91 acres

0.0886% 0 00059% 0.00015% 0.00669% 0 00376%

(e) Ligie Mae Cook141 Virginia StreetKingsport, TN 37660

0 2127 acres1/56 of 11 91 acres

0.2658% 0 00178% 0.00045% 0.02008% 0 01128%

(f) Georgia Keen107 Pinewood Acre DrivePowegs Point, NC 27966

0 2127 acres1/56 of 11 91 acres

0.2658% 0 00178% 0.00045% 0.02008% 0 01128%

(g) Bonnie AbsherP.O Box 635Richlands, VA 24641

0 2127 acres1/56 of 11 91 acres

0.2658% 0 00178% 0.00045% 0.02008% 0 01128%

(h) Ruby Stanley Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

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Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I37 8-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

Division of Interest in4 Right 11 East 12 East0.67104% 0.1695'/ 7.5514%

13 East Percent of4.2421% Escrow

(h 1) Ruth Ann Hunt Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(h 1.1) Sandra Hunt Conner Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(h I 1.1) Roger W Conner761 Centerville Rd

Axton, VA 24054

0 0213 acres 0.0266% 0 00018% 0.00005% 0.00201% 0 00113% n/4

1/560 of 11 91 acres

(h I 2) Kimberly Hunt Kidd

128 Susan Drive

Co9insvi8e, VA 24078

0 0213 acres 0.0266% 0 00018% 0.00005% 0.00201% 0 00113% n/41/560 of 11 91 acres

(h 2) Ruby Arlene Gilbert Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(h 2.1) Fred Gilbert Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(h.21 I) Lisa M Rasnake1498 Mundy Town RoadN Tazewe9, VA 24630

0 0425 acres1/280 of 11 91 acres

0.0532% 0 00036% 0.00009% 0.00402% 0 00226%

(h 3) William E Stanley, Jr.326 Grayson StreetMartinsvi9e, VA 24112

(h 4) James H. Stanley25 Raceway Drive

Bassett, VA 24055

0 0425 acres1/280 of 11 91 acres

0 0425 acres1/280 of 11 91 acres

0.0532% 0 00036% 0.00009% 0.00402% 0 00226%

0.0532% 0 00036% 0.00009% 0.00402% 0 00226%

(h 5) Victoria Webb326 Grayson StreetMartinsvi9e, VA 24112

0 0425 acres1/280 of 11 91 acres

0.0532% 0 00036% 0.00009% 0.00402% 0 00226%

(5) Georgie Bell Short Clifton Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(a) Shelby Jean Vandyke Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(a 1) Darre9 VandykePO Box 540Pounding Mill, VA 24637

(a 2) Rite McGlothlin

4815 Red Root RidgeRaven, VA 24639

0 2127 acres 0.2658% 0 00178% 0.00045% 0.02008% 0 01128% n/4

1/56 of 11 91 acres

0 2127 acres 0.2658% 0 00178% 0.00045% 0.02008% 0 01128% n/4

1/56 of 11 91 acres

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Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I318-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent of 4 RightUnit 0.67104%

Division of Interest in11 East 12 East

0.1695'/ 7.5514%13 East Percent of

4.2421% Escrow

(a 3) Gerald VandykeP 0 Box 892Raven, VA 24639

(a 4) Dennis Vandyke (Incarcerated)cyo Rite McGlothlin

4815 Red Root RidgeRaven, VA 24639

0 2127 acres 0.2658% 0 00178%1/56 of 11 91 acres

0 2127 acres 0.2658% 0 00178%1/56 of 11 91 acres

0.00045% 0.02008% 0 01128%

0.00045% 0.02008% 0 01128%

(b) Frances Stella GrossP.O Box 295Richlands, VA 24641

0 8507 acres 1.0634% 0 00714% 0.00180% 0.08030% 0 04511% n/a1/14 of 11 91 acres

(6) Harry Neat Keen Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(a) Larry Roger KeenP.O Box 635Keen Mountain, VA 24639

0 1890 acres1/63 of 11 91 acres

0.2363% 0 00159% 0.00040% 0.01784% 0 01002%

(b) Camrce Keen4777 Hale Creek RoadPilgrims Knob, VA 24634

(c) Phillip KeenP.O Box 215Wylheville, VA 24383

0 1890 acres1/63 of 11 91 acres

0 1890 acres1/63 of 11 91 acres

0.2363% 0 00159% 0.00040% 0.01784% 0 01002%

0.2363% 0 00159% 0.00040% 0.01784% 0 01002%

(d) Eddie KeenPO Box 912Raven, VA 24639

(e) Remus KeenBox 570Doran, VA 24612

0 1890 acres1/63 of 11 91 acres

0 1890 acres1/63 of 11 91 acres

0.2363% 0 00159% 0.00040% 0.01784% 0 01002%

0.2363% 0 00159% 0.00040% 0.01784% 0 01002%

(f) Richard KeenP.O Box 431Oakwood, VA 24624

0 1890 acres1/63 of 11 91 acres

0.2363% 0 00159% 0.00040% 0.01784% 0 01002%

(g) Inez J Acklin332 Mary StreetBristol, VA 24201

(h) Janice Cook2914 Clarke Valley Rd.Swords Creek, VA 24649

0 1890 acres1/63 of 11 91 acres

0 1890 acres1/63 of 11 91 acres

0.2363% 0 00159% 0.00040% 0.01784% 0 01002%

0.2363% 0 00159% 0.00040% 0.01784% 0 01002%

(i) Harry D. Keen Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

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Page 22: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I37 8-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

Division of Interest in4 Right 11 East 12 East0.67104% 0.1695'/ 7.5514%

13 East Percent of4.2421% Escrow

(11) Beautii Honaker Jarvins11205 Basil Road NWBaltimore, OH 43105-9471

0 1890 acres 0.2363% 0 00159% 0.00040% 0.01784%1/63 of 11 91 acres

0 01002% n/a

(7) James Henry Keen Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(a) Dexter Keene102 Painter StreetTazewe9, VA 24651

(b) Dorothy Cliflon

P.O Box 123Springdale, WV 25986

(c) Zelvia KeenDeceased - No heirs - interest back /o siblngs

(a) Dexter Keene102 Painter StreetTazewe9, VA 24651

0 2431 acres 0.3038% 0 00204% 0.00051% 0.02294% 0 01289% n/a1/49 of 11 91 acres

0 2431 acres 0.3038% 0 00204% 0.00051% 0.02294% 0 01289% n/a1/49 of 11 91 acres

0 0243 acres 0.0304% 0 00020% 0.00005% 0.00229% 0 00129% n/a1/490 of 11 91 acres

(b) Dorothy CliflonP.O Box 123Springdale, WV 25986

(d) Junior William Keene Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

0 0243 acres 0.0304% 0 00020% 0.00005% 0.00229% 0 00129% n/a1/490 of 11 91 acres

(d 1) Charles Eddie KeenePO Box 481Mabscott, WV 25871

(d 2) Sandra Gay KeenePO Box 905Mabscott, WV 25871

0 0122 acres1/980 of 11 91 acres

0 0122 acres1/980 of 11 91 acres

0.0152% 0 00010% 0.00003% 0.00115% 0 00064%

0.0152% 0 00010% 0.00003% 0.00115% 0 00064%

(d 3) Rebecca Martinezaddress pendmg

0 0122 acres1/980 of 11 91 acres

0.0152% 0 00010% 0.00003% 0.00115% 0 00064%

(d 4) Duglas Richard Keene10 Cusabo RdSt Helens Island, SC 29920

0 0122 acres1/980 of 11 91 acres

0.0152% 0 00010% 0.00003% 0.00115% 0 00064%

(e) Della Virginia Monk Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(e 1) Connie Stilwe9 Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

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Page 23: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I318-0571-08List of Confffcting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

4 Right0.67104%

Division of Interest in11 East 12 East

0.1695'/ 7.5514%13 East

4.2421%Percent of


(e.1.1) Hope Fennewald1342 Cresswood DrRichlands, VA 24641

0 0023 acres1/5145 of 11 91 acres

0.0029% 0 00002% 0.00000% 0.00022% 0 00012%

(e.1.2) Thomas Stilweg1342 Cresswood Dr

Richlands, VA 24641

0 0023 acres1/5145 of 11 91 acres

0.0029% 0 00002% 0.00000% 0.00022% 0 00012%

(e.1.3) Carlene JusticePO Box 856Oakwood, VA 24631

(e 2) Glenna Street1338 Lynwood DriveLancaster, SC 29720

(e 3) Pamela LooneyBox 1688 Hatrock RoadTazeweg, VA 24651

0 0023 acres1/5145 of 11 91 acres

0 0069 acres1/1715 of 11 91 acres

0 0069 acres1/1715 of 11 91 acres

0.0029% 0 00002% 0.00000% 0.00022% 0 00012%

0.0087% 0 00006% 0.00001% 0.00066% 0 00037%

0.0087% 0 00006% 0.00001% 0.00066% 0 00037%

(e4) ReginaCliftonP O. Box 489Keen Mountain, VA 24624

0 0069 acres1/1715 of 11 91 acres

0.0087% 0 00006% 0.00001% 0.00066% 0 00037%

(e 5) Sybil Oliver4478 Strout RoadRock Hill, SC 29730

0 0069 acres1/1715 of 11 91 acres

0.0087% 0 00006% 0.00001% 0.00066% 0 00037%

(e 6) Lloyd Dana Clifton4632 Brookgreen CircleRock Hill, SC 29730

0 0069 acres1/1715 of 11 91 acres

0.0087% 0 00006% 0.00001% 0.00066% 0 00037%

(e 7) Diana Proffitt

P O. Box 489Keen Mountain, VA 24624

0 0069 acres1/1715 of 11 91 acres

0.0087% 0 00006% 0.00001% 0.00066% 0 00037%

(f) Audrey Law102 Loblolly LaneStafford, VA 22554

0 0486 acres1/245 of 11 91 acres

0.0608% 0 00041% 0.00010% 0.00459% 0 00258%

(g) Hester Brown Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(9 1) Tamatha Bednar932 South Bunker Hill Road

Colfax, NC 27235

0 0122 acres 0.0152% 0 00010% 0.00003% 0.00115% 0 00064% 0.0289% - 50%1/980 of 11 91 acres Royalty Split

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Page 24: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I318-0571-08List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent of 4 RightUnit 0.67104%

Division of Interest in11 East 12 East

0.1695'/ 7.5514%13 East

4.2421%Percent of


(g 3) Loretta Lynn RathboneP 0. Box 1375Clyde, NC 28721

0 0122 acres1/980 of 11 91 acres

0.0152% 0 00010% 0.00003% 0.00115% 0 00064% 0.0577%HB2058

(g 4) Donna Sue Brown

¹4 Explorer Dr

Waynesville, NC 28786

0 0122 acres1/980 of 11 91 acres

0.0152% 0 00010% 0.00003% 0.00115% 0 00064% 0.0577%HB2058

(h) Junior William Keene Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns(Deceased - doc pending)

0 2431 acres1/49 of 11 91 acres

0.3038% 0 00204% 0.00051% 0.02294% 0 01289%

(h 1) Charles Eddie KeenePO Box 481Mabscott, WV 25871

(h 2) Sandra Gay KeenePO Box 905Mabscott, WV 25871

(h 3) Rebecca Martinezaddress pendmg

(h 4) Duglas Richard Keene10 Cusabo RdSt Helens Island, SC 29920

(i) Della Virginia Monk Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(i I) Connie Stilwell Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(i 1.1) Hope Fennewald1342 Cresswood DrRichlands, VA 24641

0 0116 acres1/1029 of 11 91 acres

0.0145% 0 00010% 0.00002% 0.00109% 0 00061%

(i 1.2) Thomas Stilwell

1342 Cresswood Dr

Richlands, VA 24641

0 0116 acres1/1029 of 11 91 acres

0.0145% 0 00010% 0.00002% 0.00109% 0 00061%

(i 1.3) Cadene JusticePO Box 856Oakwood, VA 24631

(i 2) Glenna Street1338 Lynwood Drive

Lancaster, SC 29720

0 0116 acres1/1029 of 11 91 acres

0 0347 acres1/343 of 11 91 acres

0.0145% 0 00010% 0.00002% 0.00109% 0 00061%

0.0434% 0 00029% 0.00007% 0.00328% 0 00184%

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Page 25: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I318-0571-08List of Confffcting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

4 Right0.67104%

Division of Interest in11 East 12 East

0.1695'/ 7.5514%13 East

4.2421%Percent of


(i 3) Pamela LooneyBox 1688 Hatrock RoadTazeweg, VA 24651

0 0347 acres1/343 of 11 91 acres

0.0434% 0 00029% 0.00007% 0.00328% 0 00184%

(i 4) Regina CliftonP O. Box 489Keen Mountain, VA 24624

0 0347 acres1/343 of 11 91 acres

0.0434% 0 00029% 0.00007% 0.00328% 0 00184%

(i 5) Sybil Oliver4478 Strout RoadRock Hill, SC 29730

0 0347 acres1/343 of 11 91 acres

0.0434% 0 00029% 0.00007% 0.00328% 0 00184%

(i 6) Lloyd Dana Clifton

4632 Brookgreen CircleRock Hill, SC 29730

0 0347 acres1/343 of 11 91 acres

0.0434% 0 00029% 0.00007% 0.00328% 0 00184%

(i 7) Diana ProffittP O. Box 489Keen Mountain, VA 24624

(j) Audrey Law102 Loblolly LaneStafford, VA 22554

0 0347 acres1/343 of 11 91 acres

0 2431 acres1/49 of 11 91 acres

0.0434% 0 00029% 0.00007% 0.00328% 0 00184%

0.3038% 0 00204% 0.00051% 0.02294% 0 01289%

(k) Hester Brown Heirs, Devisees,Successors or Assigns

(k I) Tamatha Bednar932 South Bunker Hill Road

Colfax, NC 27235

0 0608 acres1/196 of 11 91 acres

0.0760% 0 00051% 0.00013% 0.00574% 0 00322% 0.1443% - 50%Royalty Split

(k 3) Loretta Lynn RathboneP 0. Box 1375Clyde, NC 28721

0 0608 acres1/196 of 11 91 acres

0.0760% 0 00051% 0.00013% 0.00574% 0 00322% 0.2886%HB2058

(k 4) Donna Sue Brown

¹4 Explorer Dr

Waynesville, NC 28786

0 0608 acres1/196 of 11 91 acres

0.0760% 0 00051% 0.00013% 0.00574% 0 00322% 0.2886%HB2058

Total tract acres 11.8216Totaltract percent 14.7770%

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Page 26: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit EEUnit W-34

Docket ¹VGOB-974I318-0571-08List of Confgcting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Spgt Agreements/Court Orders/HB2058

Acres in Unit

Percent ofUnit

Division of Interest in4 Right 11 East 12 East0.67104% 0.1695'/ 7.5514%

13 East Percent of4.2421% Escrow

Tract ¹8. 0.01acres

Tf.3284% of this tract was not in conflict 8 was placed on pay from first production


(1) Commonwealth of Virginia (Except Coal In P-3 Seam)Department of Transportation870 Bonham RoadBristol, VA 24201-2002

0.01 acres 0.0125% 0 00008% 0.00002% 0.00094% 0 00053% n/s


(1) Commonwealth of Virginia

Commonwealth of Virginia

Department of Transportation870 Bonham RoadBristol, VA 24201

Commonwealth of Virginia

Department of Transportation870 Bonham RoadBristol, VA 24201

0.01 acres 0.0125% 0 00008% 0.00002% 0.00094% 0 00053%

0 007 acres 0.0089% 0 00006% 0.00002% 0.00067% 0 00038% rueof 0 01 acres

0 003 acres 0.0036% 0 00002% 0.00001% 0.00027% 0 00015% 0.0136%of 0 01 acres HB2058

Total tract acres 0.0100Totaltract percent 0.0089%


Acreage in Unit 32.1916Percentage of Unit 40.2359%

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Exhibit JUnit W34 Kxcrow Account Reconcislistion

VGOB 97-0310-0571

CNXDN ltl I t









































8 I I


$10,236 54

$388 34

$477 20

$597 32

$588 64


$1,382 97$1,379 58


$1,437 20

$1,832 63

$1,463 98$2,272 50

$3,504 22

$2,166 51

$1,662 74

$1,690 91$1,447 70

$4 64

$978 94

$756 30

$716 20

$367 16$371 73

$360 40

$417 Bo

$444 75

$370 27

$472 35

$538 54

$581 IS$566 34

$609 65

$622 68

$574 83

$614 58


$772 25

$850 98$784 86

$S49 54

$765 56

$S48 90$S44 32

$749 23

$722 09$667 71

$666 02

$668 46

$720 51

$1,058 29

$865 04

$930 15

$S47 77

$947 74

$972 03

D t




























R y Ity

$5 33

$10,241 87

$3BS 34

$477 20

$597 32

$5BS 64

$801 BB

$1,382 97$1,379 58

$1,437 20

$1,832 63

$1,463 98

$3,736 48

$3,504 22

$1,662 74

$1,690 91$1,447 70

$983 58

$756 30

$716 20

$0 M

$371 73

$360 40

$417 80

$444 75

$370 27

$472 35

$538 54

$581 18$566 34

$609 65

$622 68

$574 83

$614 58

$711 84

$772 25

$850 98

$7S4 86

$849 54

$765 56

$848 90

$844 32

$749 23

$722 09

$667 71$666 02

$668 46

$720 51$1,058 29

$865 04

$930 15$847 77

$947 74

$972 03

$001$21 66

$35 75

$34 93

$51 53

$50 48

$56 31$62 17

$63 78

$5 34

$10,278 87

$10,702 96


$11,863 94

$12,503 06


$14,806 39

$16,249 75

$17,497 33

$19,01351$20,924 11$22,476 63

$24,822 42

$28,405 43

$001$21 66

$35 75

$34 93$51 53

$50 48

$56 31$62 17$63 78

$0 00

$78 98$77 97$SB 54

$16183$78 79

$0 00

$82 01$72 65

$79 36

$0 00

$77 21

$60 32

$54 19$0 00

$47 27

$28 06

$20 94

$23 66

$0 00

$26 87

$22 60

$21 94

$23 37

$22 93$19 68

$21 78

$21 07

$10 51$9 63

$4 98$8 28

$5 75

$8 16$4 98$2 13$190$294$4 60

$3 01$5 65

$4 16$2 53

$6 BB

$6 87

$946$12 62

$26 33

$0 00

$78 98$77 97$88 54

$16183$78 79

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$82 01$72 65

$79 36

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$32,404 93

$34,168 49

$35,695 55

$77 21

$60 32

$54 19$0 00

$47 27

$28 06

$20 94

$23 66

$0 00

$26 87

$22 60

$21 94

$23 37

$22 93$19 68

$21 78

$21 07

$10 51$9 63

$4 98$8 28

$5 75

$8 16$4 98$2 13$190$294$4 60

$3 01$5 65

$4 16$2 53

$6 BB

$6 87

$946$12 62

$26 33

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

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$0 00

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$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$36,756 34

$37,572 96$38,343 35

$38,754 27



$40,000 47

$40,468 BS

$40,839 15

$41,338 37$41,899 51$42,502 63

$43,092 34

$43,724 92

$44,367 28

$44,963 89$45,599 54

$46,321 89$47,103 77

$47,959 73

$48,752 87

$49,608 16$50,381 BS

$51,235 76

$52,082 21

$52,833 34

$53,558 37$54,230 68

$54,899 71$55,573 82

$56,298 49

$57,359 31$58,231 23

$59,168 25

$60,025 48

$60,985 84

$61,984 20

Pg I f4

I tultltCDARSIt FDtltl AdtCSCNGWI u~udRPSO Ttllt d8 8

$001$10,258 21

$10,682 30$11,19443

$11,843 28

$12,482 40

$13,340 59

$14,785 73

$16,229 09

$17,397 57


$20,824 35

$22,376 87

$24,811 20

$28,394 21

$30,560 72

$32,305 47

$34,069 03

$35,596 09

$35,600 73

$36,656 88

$37,473 50

$38,243 89

$38,611 05

$39,030 05

$39,418 51$39,857 25

$40,325 66

$40,695 93

$41,195 15

$41,756 29

$42,359 41

$42,949 12

$43,581 70

$44,224 06

$44,820 67

$45,456 32

$46,178 67

$46,960 55

$47,816 51$48,609 65

$49,464 94

$50,238 66

$51,092 54


$52,690 12

$53,415 15

$54,087 46

$54,756 49

$55,430 60

$56,155 27

$57,216 09

$58,08S 01$59,025 03

$59,882 26

$60,842 62

$61,840 98

$5 33

$20 66

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$99 76

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$11 22

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($30,560 72)

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($35,600 73)

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$143 22

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Exhibit JUnit W34 Escrow Account Reconcisiistion

VGOB 97-0318-0571


CS ID t CI I~9/24/2004







7/25/2007 17600

9/25/2007 2068410/25/2007 2233911/25/2007 24412

12/25/2007 25669I/25/2008 272782/25/2008 289063/25/2008 303794/25/2008 320115/25/2008 336226/25/2008 353137/25/2008 371218/25/2008 388829/25/2008 40717

10/25/2008 4286711/25/2008 4503012/25/2008 47457

I/25/2009 490132/25/2009 523083/25/2009 541604/25/2009 558055/25/2009 57285

6/25/2009 58705

7 I I

$905 08

$870 84

$739 17$783 47

$819 45

$94 99

$2,475 10$144 20

$137 93


$28 22

$237 75

$209 14

$1,488 78

$283 Bo

$276 86

$343 75

$320 25

$351 62

$337 29

$465 70

$470 BB

$505 37

$337 29

$302 15

$267 64

$186 76

$196 16$177 48

$107 03

$96 57

$86 61






















$905 08

$870 84

$739 17$783 47

$819 45

$94 99

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$10 90

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$156 38

$147 78

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00S161 80

$0 00

$28 22

$0 00

$446 89S1,488 78

$283 80

$276 86

$442 81$320 25

$351 62

$337 29

$465 70

$470 BB

$505 37

$337 29

$302 15$267 64

$0 M

$382 92

$177 48

$107 03

$96 57

$86 61

Dt Rylty

$31 30

$38 08

$49 78

$49 BB

$68 45

$77 92

$75 89$99 BB

$106 76

$115 28

$115 28

$129 82

$139 68

$144 03$147 98$160 00

$177 79

$176 49

$183 15$38 04

$48 10$50 Bo

$51 25

$55 83$63 01$64 65

$65 32

$61 75

$59 40

$54 92

$63 44

$58 31$60 87


$59 12

$93 78

$59 16$62 00

$59 45

$50 08

$43 13$38 25

$29 26

$24 47

$24 74

$24 24

$31 49

$28 64

$23 49

$31 44

$12 87Sl 19

($2 22)

$6 11($3 94)

($3 99)

($4 13)

sul tl t CDARBI t

($1 13)(SB 96)

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

($56,020 33)

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$31 30

$38 08

$49 78

$49 BB

$68 45

$77 92

$75 89$99 BB

$106 76

$115 28

$115 28

$129 82

$139 68

$144 03$147 98$160 00

$177 79

$176 49

$183 15$38 04

$48 10$50 Bo

$51 25

$55 83$63 01$63 52

$56 36

$61 75

$59 40

$54 92

$63 44

$58 31$60 87


$59 12

$93 78

$59 16$62 00

$59 45

$50 08

$43 13$38 25

$29 26

$24 47

$24 74

$24 24

$31 49

$28 64

$23 49

$31 44

$12 87Sl 39

-$2 22

$6 11-$394-$3 99-$4 13

$62,920 58

$63,829 50

$64,618 45

$65,451 Bo

$66,339 70

$66,512 61$66,588 50

$66,688 38$66,795 14

$66,910 42

$67,025 70

$67,155 52

$67,295 20

$67,450 13

$67,598 11$67,758 11$67,935 90$68,11239$68,295 54

$68,333 58


$16,597 10$16,652 93

$16,774 42

$16,837 94

$16,894 30$16,956 05


$17,070 37$17,13381$17,192 12

$17,252 99$17,474 48


$17,655 60


$18,223 65


$20,105 76

$20,425 75S20,906 Bl$21,256 32

$21,632 41

$21,994 44

$22,484 38$22,986 75

$23,520 76

$23,881 54

$24,215 13

$24,495 64

$24,496 83

$24,877 53

$25,061 12

$25,164 21

$25,256 79$25,339 27

FDtltt AdtCNC Nowt o~odRPRO Ttllt dR P

$62,777 36

$63,686 28

$64,475 23

$65,308 58

$66,196 48

$66,369 39

$66,445 28

$66,545 16

$66,651 92

$66,767 20

$66,882 48

$67,012 30$67,151 98

$67,296 01$67,443 99

$67,603 99

$67,781 78

$67,958 27

$68,141 42

$68,179 46

$14,682 33

$ 14,877 33

$15,066 51$15,122 34

$15,185 35

$15,248 87

$15,305 23

$15,366 98

$15,426 38

$15,481 30$15,544 74

$15,603 05

$15,663 92

$15,945 10$16,004 22

$16,126 22

$16,423 13

$16,694 27

$18,242 50

$18,576 38

$18,896 37

$19,278 37

$19,627 88

$20,003 97

$20,366 00

$20,855 94

$21,358 31$21,892 32

$22,253 10$22,586 69

$22,867 20

$23,055 15

$23,249 09

$23,432 68

$23,535 77

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Pg 2 14

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Page 29: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit JUnit W34 Kxcrow Account Reconciniintion

VGOB 97-0318-0571


CR ID t CI I~7/25/2009 60153

4/20/2010 751195/19/2010 76870

7/20/2010 80034

9/22/2010 8331710/19/2010 8559611/19/2010 88515

I/20/2011 919152/24/2011 936173/21/2011 95151

5/19/2011 98427

7/19/2011 607

3/20/2012 151234/20/2012 167385/21/2012 183056/20/2012 19543

7 I I

$74 52

$181 12

$30 18

$44 85

$47 85

$26 46

$17 77

$36 01$25 63

$25 30

$40 02

$41 93

$8,015 97$60 BB

$45 30

$37 99

D t











R y Ity

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$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 MS?81 12

$30 18

$0 M

$44 85

$0 M

$47 85

$0 M

$17 77

$0 M

$36 01$25 63

$25 30

$0 M

$40 02

$0 M

$41 93

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$8,015 97

$60 88

$45 30

$37 99

($4 21)

($2 44)

($1 72)

($2 01)

($0 65)

($2 44)

$1 62

$1 68

$1 86

$192$1 78

$1 84

BMI tl t CDARBI t 8

$1 Bs

$1 58

$1 47

$1 37

$1 18

$0 92

$0 93

$0 62

$0 52

$0 39

$0 38

$0 35

$0 35

$0 36

$0 34

$0 35

$0 34

$0 35

$0 39

$0 34

$0 90$0 39

$0 27

$0 24

$0 28

$0 30$0 29

$0 30$0 31$0 30$0 30$0 27

$0 24

$0 19

$0 20

$0 20

$0 20

$0 21

$0 19

$0 26

$0 62

$0 88

$1 26

$1 57

$2 32

$3 05

$3 11$3 69

$3 74

$3 93

$3 83

$3 96

$3 95

$3 85

$3 95

$3 88

$4 10

$4 05

$3 75

$4 Ol

$7 33

$7 60

$7 55

$7 29

$6 39

$5 90

$5 88

$5 27

$4 66

$4 12

$3 73

$3 96

$3 70

$3 81$3 69

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$3 85

$3 72

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-$6 79

$1 36

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-$5 34

$2 50

$0 56

$0 27

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$1 30

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$1 73

$246$3 23

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$302$2 58

$241$1 46

$141-$0 16$1 08

$249$2 61$0 82

$2 63

$2 66

$2 51

S25,409 58

$25,407 14

$25,405 42

$$,747 67

$$,747 02

$8,744 58

$8,743 58

$8,744 56

$8,745 69$8,928 00

$8,959 22

$8,952 43

$8,998 64

$9,000 09$9,049 54

$9,041 65

$9,061 42

$9,056 08

$9,094 59$9,120 78

$9,146 35

$9,147 16$9,188 93


$9,234 34

$9,234 47

$9,236 06

$9,236 77

$9,237 86

$9,239 86

$9,240 42

$9,242 15

$17,260 58

$17,324 69$17,375 18$17,41751$17,422 35

$17,421 08

$17,424 10$17,426 68

$17,429 09$17,430 55


$16,825 84

$16,828 33

$16,830 94


$16,834 39$16,837 05


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(Sl 67)

Dtstt AdtC DC Nowt u~udRydo Ttllt d8 P

$23,781 14

$23,778 70

$23,776 98


$7,118 58

$7,116 14

$7,117 76

$7,118 74


$7,302 18$7,333 40

$7,326 61$7,372 82

$7,374 27

$7,423 72

$7,442 29S7,462 06

$7,456 72

$7,495 23

$7,521 42

$7,546 99

$7,547 80

$7,589 57

$7,590 87

$7,634 98

$7,635 11$7,636 70

$7,637 41$7,638 50

$7,640 50S7,641 06

$7,642 79

$15,661 22

$15,725 33

$15,775 82

$15,818 15

$15,822 99

$15,821 72

$15,824 74

$15,827 32

$15,829 73

$15,831 19

$15,832 60

$15,832 44

$15,226 48

$15,228 97

$15,231 58

$15,232 40

$15,235 03

$15,237 69

$15,240 20


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Pg 3 f4

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Page 30: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

Exhibit JUnit W34 Escrow Account Reconcisiistion

VG(JB 97-0310-0571

CNXDm irl I t

10/5/2016 EM008425910/24/2016 EM0085072

3,423 3423 97

Ca Inc CI I~ I TII10/31/201311/30/201312/31/2013I/31/20142/28/2014

3/31/20144 /3 0/20145/31/20146/30/20147/31/20148/31/20149/30/2014






$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$3,447 31

$0 20

$0 19

$0 20

$0 21

$0 18

$0 20

$0 19

$0 20

$0 19

$0 20

$0 21

$0 20

$0 20

$0 22

$0 39

$0 98

$1 29

$1 65

$1 78

$2 07

$2 02

$2 16

$2 25

$2 29

$2 58

$2 66

$2 75

$041$2 Bo

$295$2 84

$299$2 57

$2 65

$2 70

$2 62

$2 66

$3 S4

$3 62

$3 68

$3 77

$3 45

$3 87

$3 75

$3 98

$3 85

$3 98

$4 OO

$3 78

$3 87

$3 68

$3 14

$2 39

$1 64

$1 71$1 05

$0 78

$0 76

$0 69

$0 29

$1 16

$0 03

$0 04

$1 20

$1 55

$0 48

$0 48

$0 98

$0 50


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($1 40)

($1 40)

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($1 41)

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(SI 41)(SI 41)(SI 41)(SI 41)(SI 41)(SI 41)(SI 41)(SI 41)(SI 41)(SI 41)(SI 41)

$2 64

$241$2 48

$2 58

$2 23

$2 67

$2 54

$2 78

$2 63

$2 77

$2 Bo

$2 57

$2 66

$249$2 12

$1 96$1 52

$195$142$144$1 37

$14451 M

$204$1 20

$1 29

$2 54-$1 00

$1 39

$1 54

$1 43

$1 58

$2 71$1 72

$1 77

$2 19$1 75

S16,S42 20S16,S44 61S16,S47 09S16,S4967

$16,85190$16,854 57

$16,857 11$16,859 89$16,862 52

$16,865 29

$16,868 09$16,870 66

$16,873 32

$16,875 81$16,877 93

$16,879 89$16,88141

$16,883 36$16,884 78

$16,886 22

$16,887 59$16,889 03

$16,890 16$16,892 20


$16,894 69$16,897 23

$16,896 23

$16,897 62

$16,899 16$16,900 59

$16,902 17S16,904 88

$16,906 60

$16,908 37


$20,359 62

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 M

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

$0 00

DIIBAdtc ac nowt nmndRPSO Ttllt d8 8

$15,242 S4

$15,245 25

$15,247 73

$15,250 31$15,252 54

$15,255 21

$15,257 75

$15,260 53

$15,263 16

$15,265 93

$15,268 73

$15,271 30$15,273 96

$15,276 45

$15,278 57

$15,280 53

$15,282 05

$15,284 00

$15,285 42

$15,286 86

$15,288 23

$15,289 67

$15,290 80

$15,292 S4

$15,294 04

$15,295 33

$15,297 87

$15,296 87

$15,298 26

$15,299 80

$15,301 23

$15,302 81$15,305 52

$15,307 24

$15,30901$18,734 54

$18,760 26


$1,599 36

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$1,599 36

$1,599 36

$1,599 36

$1,599 36

(SI,S23 9S)$1,599 36

Total $5.524 18

Total Deposited




Interest & Fees

Grand Total







October 2016 First Bank Ik Trust Balance520,959.62

FB&T Difference 51,599.36

Pg 4 f4

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Page 31: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek

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Page Number 31.

Page 32: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek



Applicant: CNX Gas Company LLCRelief Sought: Disbursement/Dismissal for Unit W34

VGOB: 97-0318-0571-08

I, Anita D. Duty, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say:

l. I am the Pooling Supervisor for CNX Land LLC, and I am authorized to submit thisAffidavit on behalf of the Applicant CNX Gas Company LLC.

2. I affirm that the coal owner(s) in this Unit was properly noticed under Va. Code Ann.45.1-361-22:2. See annexed letter(s) dated October 16. 2015 . See annexed Certificate of Notice andcoal owner notice form letter example.

3. The coal owner(s) Hurt McGuire Land Trust provided evidence of a split agreementpertaining to a portion of this Unit, and consequently, to the extent the split agreement applies, saidowner(s) is not dismissed as a Respondent by reason of being a gas claimant under the split agreement.

However, Hurt McGuire Land Trust should be dismissed as Respondent/coal claimant forfailure to timely provide evidence of a relevant proceeding or agreement with regard to its other coalowner claims.

Ani(a D.dutyPool upervisorfor CNX Land LLC



l2<r prv4 4f, 2016.

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Mycommissionexpires: A,. ar) 71 elf'2P'7 Corrttrtonuualth of t/lrglnia

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Page Number 32.

Page 33: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek



CNX Gas Company LLC

Unit W34, W35, W36, W37 pari of B001SGU2VGOB 97-0318-0571-07, 98-0324-0627-09, 98-0324-0629-02, 98-0324-0632-01Coal dismissal letter

Last Name First NameHurt McGuire Land Trust (Coal Owner)

IW34 IW35 IW36 IW37 I IylAILED I RECEIPT II I ReceivedllIx ]x Ix Ix I 10/13/2015I7015152000035333 I5233 I 10/16/20151

Page Number 33.

Page 34: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek


M Gcmplete Itvema 1,4ttiid Rr AISOiCOInplet'e A al!'Iiiease

item 4 if Restricted'Delivery is.desired. O Auent

~ Print your nalftrf'su rm the reverse ~s~ . ':. E3 AddresveSc that We Cun'leiufdttheiPrirdrtc"ycu g Ivv'c by fpn cf uellvsrv

~ Attach this c'srdito)tli'gf~ck,'of ftuv'mail pidce, P,an).~)v". j).)r

1. Aracie AdCR!8svd tc: ''I'~ri "~~ddt~a -,b- y„.', /]ptc

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if'l!M ~ '~Cl Invi'ved Mall Cl Collect on D'illvay

4 ReshhMPeliveryf IKves Feel D ym

I152D DDD3 5333 5283 L)~g J

" PS Form 3811,July 2013 Pomesuc Return Rsovipf

Page Number 34.

Page 35: 25301. GBBComPany LLC UNIT W34 Tract (dani(Scat(on 4D. Hwt4lcQuhnlandTnua(Lnwtsosbume828A1 Ama Tract)-Coal lsbmd creek cael oeapmoriuaneol Bnannr, Inn-cost bekav Taar seam Leased Jawek


PO Box 570Pounding Mill, VA 24637

Phone: (724) 485-3600


«FNAME» «LNAME»«Attention Line»«Street Address»«City»«State»«Zip»COAL OWNERS

RE: Unit

Miscellaneous Petition for Disbursement from Escrow

Dear Property Owner,

House Bill 2058 was signed by the Governor and became law effective July 1,2015. This new law requires the Virginia Gas and Oil Board to disburse monies placedin escrow because of conflicting claims (between coal owners and oil and gas owners)to coalbed methane gas royalties to the oil and gas owners of the tracts in this Unit.

In aeneral. under this new law escrowed funds are to be caid to oil and aasowners unless the coal owner(sl orovides the operator CNX and the Division of Gasand Oil "with evidence of a oroceedina" fas in a court easel "or an aareement." Thenew law qives coal owners/coal claimants 45 davs from the date vou aet this letter toprovide that evidence.

Enclosed herewith please find a copy of the 45 day Notice of Filing. Please readthe Notice carefully to be sure you understand that you have 45 days to provideevidence to the operator CNX Gas Company LLC at the address above and theDivision of Gas and Oil at PO Draw 159, Lebanon, VA 24266

In order to help us keep our records current and to make sure you receive allcorrespondence and notices promptly, please notify us of any address change at theaddress above.


Enclosure(s)Anita DutyPooling Supervisor

Page Number 35.
